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Everything posted by gowalking

  1. gowalking

    losing over 100 lbs has cracked my shell

    Therapy my friend, therapy. I had the same thing happen to me and had no idea how to live life like a normal sized person as I had been overweight and then obese for several years. I'm still dealing with it and truthfully think at times that I will always see myself as a fat girl. I look in the mirror alot. And I take alot of pictures. My sister thinks I've become self absorbed, but it's not that at all. I need confirmation of my new size and photos help alot. Oh and I added a before/after picture so you can see what I've been dealing with. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  2. I can't help you with a recommendation as I am no where near your area...but I can say that you need a supportive PCP immediately. This doctor is wrong wrong wrong about WLS. Telling you to 'eat right and exercise' is the same as having someone tell you to just 'walk away' from the table. That's so NOT helpful and it's more than that. At best, it's condescending and to me, I'd say she is potentially doing you harm by not having your best interests at heart and instead is showing her own ignorance and prejudice. Stupid doctor....
  3. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Honestly...all you can do during such a stressful time is not go totally off the rails. Keep on with the support system(s) you have in place and know that we have your back as much as possible in this virtual world we are in.
  4. I guess I was living in a bubble for a long time as I was so not aware of how many of us live with chronic pain. I still remember when my doctor did that stupid pain scale and I said my pain on one particular visit was 4-5 and he said it looked to him like my pain level was worse based on how I was walking/sitting, etc. I reminded him that pain was subjective and since my highest pain was more than most people could bear, my version of a 4-5 would likely immobilize someone not used to living this way. I do my best to not have it impact my life...or impact it as little as possible. I'm glad this thread is here...to get input and advice and just comfort in knowing I'm not alone in dealing with this.
  5. gowalking

    Not Since High School - NSV

    When I graduated from high school I was a size 13 and thought I was fat. Now 26 years later, I am in a size 14 pants and I couldn't be more thrilled. 99 pounds gone and healthier than I was in high school. just over 2 weeks until I run a 10 mile race! (my first - although last weekend I ran more than 11 miles) Happier and more self confident than ever. I even started teaching again this week. (I left teaching 9 years ago, not related to my weight, but...the time was right and I am now teaching ESL once a week. Can't believe how much I missed it.) I'm not sure I would have had the confidence or energy to try teaching after working a full day if I had even thought about it a year ago. I even interviewed last week on the phone for a more teaching focused position. I am just waiting to hear if I am being asked back for a second interview. Getting the job would mean moving 150+ miles to a small town, albeit near where I graduated from high school, and essentially starting over. The thought thrills me! I've stayed in the job I have now for 4 years, about 2 longer than I should have, because it was safe, but now... Is this all related to my WLS? No, but do I have the confidence and energy to even pursue these big dreams because of the surgery? Yes, most definitely. pam Actually Pam...I'd say that all of this is related to your WLS. It's the source of your newfound confidence and energy and I think all this good stuff can be traced back to the weight loss. I still find it so amazing when I read stories about how people have literally claimed their lives back. And I'm not talking about just the obvious physical aspects. We all know that carrying less weight opens up a whole new world of pushing ourselves physically. It can mean anything from getting out of a wheelchair or off a cane, to running a marathon. But...the stories about reclaiming our lives...that's what is so exciting. Sometimes it's hard. I've seen lots of posts about leaving bad relationships but it takes a strong person to do what is necessary. Losing the weight helps to make us strong. Or like yourself....going for a new position/leaving a position we stayed in because it was safe... Hell...there are dozens and dozens of stories like this and it makes me so proud of the people I've met here. THIS is the goal of WLS. Not what we weigh but what we do to embrace our lives with the extra weight gone. Great story Pam...so inspiring!
  6. Just as an aside...methotrexate did nothing for me and I went off them. Am taking low dose steroids now and honestly, they are not working. I see my rheumatologist next week and will discuss upping the dose, or going off them. I know that I have been indulging more than I should with some food items I need to eat less often, but I also find that even when I eat clean, I can't seem to get those ten pounds off either...so I'm wondering if the meds are making it more difficult for me to get back to that 120-125 range that I'd prefer to be at.
  7. gowalking

    Breaking Up is Fun to Do, Sort of

    It's an odd feeling...no longer 'belonging' to a plus sized store or department. I was just in Avenue with my sister a couple of weeks ago and looking around as she was. I've been out of plus sizes for about three years now so the knee jerk reaction to shop there has gone. But I still looked anyway...and absolutely felt out of place while there. Sorta like feeling out of place in a regular store for all those years I couldn't shop there. Luckily, this feeling was met with relief rather than dread.
  8. gowalking

    Banders #7

    Keep dancing Debbie!
  9. gowalking

    Freaking Out!

    My brother is a marathon runner and I know the dedication and discipline it takes to do this. I am in awe of you because not only did you lose the weight, but that you went on to take up this challenge of running a marathon...again, amazing. I'm not worthy, I'm not worthy...
  10. gowalking


    The best!!
  11. gowalking

    I need advice about my ex-girlfriend.

    My dear girl...haven't you had enough of her bullsh*t already? The hardest thing to do sometimes is move on. You know that's what you need to do. Please don't take this the wrong way, but I have several friends who are lesbians and I've seen this type of behavior with many of them in that they seem to not be able to end a relationship when that is the logical step. It's always 'let's stay in touch' and I don't get that. This woman was a huge part of your life...you loved her and likely still do. Doesn't mean you should be involved with her though. Think seriously of cutting all contact. In my opinion, that is the step you need to take before being able to move forward. Wishing you all the best...
  12. gowalking

    New here and I have no I'd what I'm doing.

    Welcome friend! See...you just made one.
  13. gowalking

    Approved and SCARED

    There are two types of bariatric patients. Those who are chomping at the bit to get the surgery and get going, and those who have fear, cold feet, buyers remorse... however you want to put it. All I can say being on the other side for coming up to four years banded in January, is.....do it man! All the nonsense with timing, appointments, family stuff, personal stuff, whatever...is just that. Nonsense. Don't procrastinate my friend. Jump into the deep end. Believe me...you will be in such a better place a year from now. Why delay that? And so you know...I went into this kicking and screaming. I would have done anything to avoid it but my back was against the wall as I was heading towards a wheelchair full time. This is me just over a year ago and the before pic was easily 50 lbs. less than I was day of surgery. So..not only no wheelchair in that picture, but here I was riding a friggin' bike in preparation for a trip to London...which included a ton of walking. So believe me when I say that the grin you see is 'gen-you-wine' happiness. Time for you to have your happiness too. Good luck!!
  14. You do know my dear, that you've already hit your goal, right? That picture of the smiling woman wearing regular sized clothes is the epitome of success. Congrats once more.
  15. Well...I don't know that I should be grateful and/or proud, but it's still my best ever someone noticing my weight loss story. Here goes: I was out of work for about three months due to several health issues surrounding my bi-lateral hip replacement back in October 2013. When I was back in the office, I was taking cabs to and from the train station to work as I was still on a cane and still getting my strength and mobility back. The majority of the cabbies are from India and other Asian countries and as such, English is not their first language and the nuances are often lost on them. With that in mind, I could only say thank you when a cabbie who knew me well, commented on my weight loss by loudly and happily saying 'You not fat anymore!'
  16. gowalking

    When do you delete your online dating profile?

    Apologizing in advance for the length of this post but here goes my 'deleting my online profile' story: So...I met a guy on Zoosk in the spring of 2015. No attraction on my part, and every time we went out, I said to myself that I would end it. Problem was...I really enjoyed spending time with him. Eventually we did become a couple and I hid my profile rather than delete it. Glad I did because after nine months of dating, he blindsided me and dumped me. We were not in love and I'm fairly certain in time, the relationship would have limped along till one of us made the move to end it. But because I wasn't prepared, it hit me like a ton of bricks and brought up all kinds of rejection issues for me and well.....you ladies know how this part goes...what did I do wrong?, why was I not good enough?, yada yada yada. What I did know when the relationship was over, was that I wanted to be with someone so crying hysterically, I resubscribed back onto Zoosk and JDate, which I had also shut down but not deleted my profile from. To my complete surprise, I met a man on JDate in June and we have been having a great time together. This relationship is nothing like with the other guy. This new one and I have so much in common and we enjoy talking about all kinds of things and doing so many of the same things. I wrote on another thread that he might be the lid to my pot and so far, it's going gangbusters. I know he deleted his profile from both Match and JDate a few weeks ago and knew that I had not. It wasn't that I was dating anyone else...I just wasn't ready to shut it down again. Last night I went onto Zoosk because I was getting email notifications from them and on a whim, went onto the site. Just for the heck of it, I looked up former boyfriend's profile...which he had not reactivated when I first went back onto Zoosk..and sure enough, he popped up this time. I looked at his profile..his new profile by the way...and the updated pictures on it. And that's when I knew...time to shut down my profile. It's not that I don't hope he finds someone...I'm not that petty. I just know more than ever now, that he's my past, and it's time to focus on my future..and with this new man in particular. Now...if I could just figure out how I managed to send old boyfriend a friggin' friend request on FB, it would be great. I swear I have no idea how I did that, but I did. I can't unfriend him now...not after sending that request...even by accident. Oh..and why he accepted that request is beyond me. But if I'm lucky, he'll see the pictures of me and the new guy, and delete me from his feed...
  17. ...and this is how grownups resolve misunderstandings. Thank you.
  18. gowalking

    Bananas are NOT a low carb food

    Hi Babbs! Glad to see you posting. BTW...per this thread, I know bananas are not the best choice, but every once in a while with my Cereal...bananas are good.
  19. Just another before and after pic to inspire my bariatric pals wherever they may be on their journey. I don't like to dwell on what was but I can't help but think what my granddaughter and I missed out on because of how my size interfered. I try to make up for it with my grandson by staying healthy and doing as much as possible with him.
  20. gowalking

    20140831 192132

    From the album: photos

  21. gowalking

    20140831 192132

    thank you yes..that's me. I went from the biggest girl in the room to the smallest...LOL.
  22. Great idea...to have a regain forum. At my lowest, I was 113 lbs. I'm now at 133. I didn't ever expect to stay at 113 but I do want to be between 120-125. So I'm approximately 10 lbs. more than I'd like. My clothes still fit but some are tight. I don't want to wear tight clothes unless they are tight in the right areas. I REFUSE to buy larger sizes. I just won't go there again and have my closet look like a clothing store...with items in every size. So, each and every day, I vow to eat clean. Some days I do...and some I don't. I don't consider myself a bad person if I gained...but I adjust if I have seen the scale go in the wrong direction. Most important, is I remember that I'm mobile and normal sized and can do pretty much anything I want. That was not always the case. I remember that I can catch up to my toddler grandson as he runs around, and can also hang with my teenaged granddaughter while she plays softball and volleyball. Was a time I was unable to fly to see her because of the weight. Point is...I live my life and it's not based on the number on the scale. If I can't get it to go down..I head back to the doctor for an additional fill. I also reign in what I know are bad choices and start anew. Sorry for not focusing more on the specifics of weight gain....but I also wanted to note where the focus should be..or at least where I think the focus should be.
  23. gowalking

    I Love Tim Gunn

    Yeah, yeah!! I read this article yesterday and also wanted to post it. I had a feeling someone would. So insightful of how the fashion industry hates fat women. We all know it...but to hear it out loud (so to speak) gives credit to what we've been dealing with for so long. The designers would rather lose a potentially huge money making market than have their clothes worn by larger sized women. They are OK with less than perfect sized women..as long as they are not fat women. BTW..ever seen a model up close? I have. I live in Manhattan and see these models out and about all the time...especially during Fashion Week. They are horrible thin..and taller than the majority of women. Yes..they stand out...but not in a good way. This is the standard by which the fashion industry judges women's bodies. No wonder we hate ourselves.
  24. Well...it finally happened. I had to leave the table and go to the ladies room to bring up food. I've been a little stuck on several occasions recently, but have always been able to wait it out and let the food go down on it's own. Tonight...no such luck. I was actually at Yankee Stadium in the Jim Beam Lounge with my boyfriend..and totally off topic, loved watching the Mets beat the Yankees tonight. He said the best thing to eat at the stadium was the steak sandwich. He knows I'm banded and suggested we share a sandwich and some ribs. So we sit down and he tells me to try the sandwich first. It was delicious. I was talking and not paying attention as I should...took a second bite...and knew I was in trouble. I started to hiccup and then had trouble breathing. I took a sip of Water and rather than it helping the food get through, I knew I was stuck. He could see I was having trouble so he quieted down to let me focus. I excused myself to go to the ladies room and not a moment too soon. I got into the bathroom stall, bent over the toilet, and up came the steak. I felt better right away and even nibbled on the ribs once I got back to the table. I didn't want him to worry about whether or not I could eat 'normally' so I was glad that I could continue having dinner even though I stayed away from the sandwich just to play it safe. I don't think he even thought twice about it once he saw I was OK. I even had a little ice cream later on. So now I feel like I've experienced all aspects of being banded....and the thing I feared the most has come to pass, and I got through it.
  25. Sweetie...here's what I did to lose the weight. I kept track of every single thing that went in my mouth via the myfitnesspal app...and I followed a basic WW type of plan...3 oz Protein, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/4 cup carbs. That and some exercise...not tons, but enough to keep me moving. Hope that helps some.

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