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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mita

  1. Mita

    Colorado anyone??

    If you ever are in the Greeley area you all need to stop by.. we are 50miles North.. Kat Elitches sounds fun. I will have to go to Denver when you do the everyride thing..:cool:
  2. Mita

    October Chat

    Good Morning,, Hope everyone is doing fine... Betty I am so sorry about your DB that is awful - I am glad that no children got hurt.. Eileenie How are you doing? What did the doc say?? Cannot remember - did you see a Chiro? Well cannot stay long since ~ you know!! Sherry - I and an EDI Specialist or rather I reconcile Ag sales on a yearly, Qrtly and Monthly basis. I have 4 big Ag Suppliers, and I trouble shoot sales and when looking at the numbers convert unit of measures right down to the Kernal. Seems we are in the same catagory when it comes to lazy people. Anyhoo gots to get back to work.. Wishing you all a splendid day and hoping everyone is doing good. Laters
  3. Mita

    October Chat

    HI ya all. Just thought I would take a quick break here at work. Cannot do personals since who knows who will walk by. Anyway I will be working every weekend it seems till Jan - I am only going to put in 8 hours for the whole weekend so 4 a day is not bad. Anyway the fish passed away. I felt so bad just watching him struggle to breath. But when I came in the next morning he was gone. Today I feel like leaving and going to the pound see ~ what tiny that I can bring back for the boys.. Oh yeah ~ I need to do the dreaded E thing so I joined Curves ~ workout the stress from work and will stop me from choking the crap out of that gal who is no longer here when I see here. Best of luck to who ever hires her. I will have to read up on everyone for the past couple of days and wishing you all well in your families (pets included), Health and Recovery....See Ya
  4. Mita

    October Chat

    Hi yah all. Just stoped in for just a bit.. Been real busy at work and even though i accomplished alot today considering I have no Idea what the hell I am doing with the new company I got. We are finding out that nothing has been done for the last flippin 4 months. I am so glad she is out of there but at the same time I is pure frustration for me and the other gal. Well gotta get dinner started for the kids and clean some. When I a get pissed off I clean. To bad you are all so far or I would come over and clean & cook.. )
  5. Mita

    October Chat

    Hi ladies, Just hopped over from Ebay. Not much happening in my world today just keeping my head above Water at work ~ since the work load of 3 is down to us 2 and I seem to have gotten the complex of it.. Sunday dad did show up for the kids, we had just finished Breakfast when I noticed a car out side. I told him they were not ready so he had to come back for them. Needless to say he did not keep them till 8pm. Anyway does not hurt me any I love to have them with me. chalio is sick today with a sore throat so I am trying to get him better. Speaking of pets ~ I took my son's betta to work cause he was lonely her and the dang thing went into some kind of convulsions today. I quickly changed his water and when I left he was floating at the bottom of the bowl. He was still breathing but I don't know what I am going to find in the morning. I prayed that he would not suffer and hopefully what ever made him sick he will get better. Well best be off to bed - will have to read up on the posts in the morning.. Nite Nite
  6. Mita

    Ghost Whisperer - Who watches it?

    Penni You have a beautiful home. I cannot wait to see the episode. I watch GW every Friday Night. I think JLH is very Pretty
  7. Mita

    October Chat

    Oh Mandy I as so sorry - Made me cry.. {{{{HUGS))) I said a Prayer for him..
  8. Mita

    October Chat

    Good Morning, That was truly a splendid day for your daughter. Sounded like so much fun ~ I wanted to do it:):plane: Well we did not do much yesterday except to the Dog pound - they had a picture in the paper of a 7yr old Chihuahua but when we got there she was gone - so I will keep checking back. We have a long haired male that lives with my neighbor but I would like one for us. Oh well just not meant to be right now. Dad did not come or call for the kids yesterday since he was out vehicle shopping ~ he sold his car. So see if he calls them or takes them today. Other than that just a lazy day for us. We too have a blood mobile that come to my work place and I usually give there. I really have to remind myself over and over that it is for the good of someone elses life or hello panic attack..:faint: How were your movies Patty? We are having some decent fall weather that I actually went out and racked some leaves. I have some ants that infested my lawn and am trying to deal with them :confused: Well gotta get Cristian his bath and then get me ready for the day.. HI Everyone -
  9. Mita

    October Chat

    Oh chrispy ~ is the area hot to the touch or just draining? is the drainage a certain color? I really pray it is not an infection and just normal drainage. If that makes any sense,. like what is normal right? Kat ~ I am so happy that your Rick is on his way to recovery. May he continue to heal and that area get stronger each and every day.. Blessings Well just was checking around on Ebay my one stop shopping. I wonder if there is a Ebay hot line for compulsive buyer.. I really need to quit ~
  10. Mita

    October Chat

    Hi Cindy ~ so i take it, he is off the hook.. Yummy Eileen I am so sorry for you - rest and take care Well update ~ yes we had the meeting ~ yes I am given the part he talked to me about ~ along with it came extra duties. We just down sized in the Dept and the gal I would always grip about - slacker, wanderer, Gum clacking drive me nuts is no longer here. I am sad that she was let go but in a way relieved that those of us that actually work hard ( I know - I'm on line) but do not know when I will do a full book post.. well gotta work..
  11. Mita

    October Chat

    Hello Hello ~ figured it was high time I came and did some postings. I love to lurk through out the day but it is hard to post when I have this huge screen and are cube walls are short so anyone walking by or sitting behind me can see what I am up too.. My boss is already here so I need to hurry along. Kat ~ Praying that everything keeps getting better for Rick. I cannot even imagine what you are all going through. My heart just breaks for you all. {{{{HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS}}} Thanks to your friend Michelle on keeping us updated.. Mandy & Patty ~ I am so jealous! I have never in my life been to Disneyland or Disney World. I would love to take my kids and make those memories with them. Maybe one day when I go visit my Brother in Escondido I will go for sure. And of course meeting the CA Bandsters that would be over the top for me. Patty Crossing & Praying that everything comes together this time around. Chrispy - hi Mandy ~ I love the pics ~ Oreo is just to cute as well as the wee one. Irene / Beanie How are you girl? Sorry you did not get the position. Big Loss to your boss the Loser. My boss has pulled me aside to say that he is offering me a different position and Yada yada but I never see a change. I think he gets bored and wants to see what reaction I will give him. Like I really care! Eileen ~ I am so sorry about your back!! How are you doing today??? Any better?? I bent over last night to pick up something off the floor and lo and behold there went the hip when I tried to straighten up. Thank God after awhile it went back into place. How is your brother & niece doing? They are both in my prayers My brother is going through his seperation. And now he found out that all the time he was living with his ex she was getting a SS for the children. Now the state wants the money back and his ex is saying he never supported the kids. It is such a mess and to top it off they found drug paraphanilla in her house. Now she has a federal charge against her. I tell my brother as much as he wants to be nice to her and do the whole thing civil ~ sometimes you have to fight through the lawyers to protect yourself and the kids. Sad Huh? By the way when will you get your results from the ultrasound? Betty ~ Hi Chica - How are you doing - How is that foot? Cindy ~ Here Here I agree with you. I keep saying I will post later but later comes and something always comes up that keeps me from sitting and posting. I am really surprised at all the ongoing Training you teachers get.. My hat off to you.. I myself learn something new everyday and not because I want to. My boss somedays hops over and watches how I am researching a problem then offers to show me a more complex way of getting the results. Somedays he seems like Michael from " The Office". I usually find my own short cuts:) Dianne {{Hugs}} are you doing better? There are different seasons that trigger my thinking or just picking up the phone to call my Grandma/Mom. It was 20 yrs in July and Nov 2nd would have been her BD. Sherry ~ congrats on the new position ~ Pat ~ Hi ~ what's the word??? How is you son and the little one doing? Veggie ~ WOO HOO Conrats on getting your date set.. Darcy ~ are you riding around in that new vehicle and not enough time to post? I wish I could get a different or newer car but I cannot afford an extra payment right now. I just need to save some cold hard cash and shoot for next year.. Who knows? How is studing going? See ya in here:D Nates Mom ~ Hi Ira ~ How is the wife doing? hope I have not missed anyone ~ trying to hurry ~ posting on and off. Well not to much is going on in my neck of the woods. The boys and I are doing great. I had teacher conferance for both last night and each got good reviews. Both need to cut down on being chatter boxes but if that is the worst then I can deal with that. I am still kinds home schooling them at night and it is paying off. I get alot of support and info from a friend here thathool that her husband home schooled their five sons. The Oldest now attends Baylor and the remaining have entered public school this year. Lets see ~ I went to go give blood at the request of the blood donation center. I seem to have B RH positve which is not all that common so they say. Anyway when she checked my iron I was a 34 so they would not let me donate untill I brought it up. That is a first for me cause I do not feel under the weather or tired. I started taking chewable vitamins and trying to take in more red meat. It is hard for me to eat alot since my restriction is more so with my sinus problems. On another note I have finally met my deductable on my ins and they are now paying 80/20 so my 260.00 nexium is on 53.00 and then with the 30.00 I get from the maker I can finally afford to take 2 pills a day. I am still single and not looking just enjoying my time as mom and working for my children. Well chicas not much to post, But I know that I have made a book here today.. Love you all and Hugs toooooooo
  12. Mita

    October Chat

    OMG I did not see the post on where Rick got sick only the one on Kat's DD. I so sorry Kat ~ my prayers are with you Both. (((HUGS))))
  13. Mita

    October Chat

    Happy October Chicas & Chico (Ira) Been lurking when I can. I am missing a lot!! Be back Laters
  14. Mita

    September's Chat

    Eileen sending prayers out to Olivia and all.. Will post soon.. :confused:
  15. Mita


    My Heart goes out to you. Divorce is never easy. Mine was final In Aug, I too felt like I had settled for the way of life HE was a customed too. After 11yrs I felt that it was better to end it for my boys and of course me. I think my family took it harder than we did. I hope everything works out for you and your boys. That was a lot of time vested for you both.. Best Wishes
  16. Mita

    September's Chat

    Good Morning Chicas - Will post soon..
  17. Mita

    No more adjustments

    Wow Alex I too can get really restricted if my allergies kick in. I use a nose spray and if I miss a couple days I can really tell. Since I have been using it everyday I am finally able to sleep on my tummy with out he reflux. Also since I do not have any saline in my band due to something totally different I can tell I do have the band even with no fill if that makes sense. Good Luck to you:)
  18. Mita

    September's Chat

    OMG LMAO ~ I laughed so hard I cried.. That is too funny Darcy Acutually if I had not heard all the hype I would have picked it up to watch myself..
  19. Mita

    Lap-Band Removal????

    Hi Emo ~ first of all Welcome. I am so sorry for the pain you are in. If you try the Search button on top you might find others that have gone or are going through something similar. I belong to another site as well as LBT and on the other site there is a Gal name Nikki and she went throught what you are going through. She finally had to have the band removed for the Chronic Pain. Here is the link www.wlsforum.org -Good Luck in finding an answer and becoming pain free.
  20. Mita

    I am married!!!

    Congratulations Cannot wait to see your pics!
  21. Mita

    September's Chat

    Stopped in to say Hi -- Be back Later (printed off the posts)
  22. Mita

    September's Chat

    Just stopped in for a bit. HELLO I feel alot better - Thanks ~ Cristian does too.. I am upset I have not gotten my flag yet, they said not till Monday or Tuesday.. Humm should have went and got it myself..Oh well Other than that not to Happy I got on the scale last night and I was at 180.00 !$@$%#.. Got on this Morning and it was at 176.00 I am slowly gaining. I cannot believe it!!!! I walk every night and every other night I do the stationary bike.. Did not help matters this morning (ate junk food).. Well gots to go.. talk to you all soon Kat you need a new name ~~ Dynamo:)
  23. Mita

    September's Chat

    Just stopping by. Will post soon.. Been under the weather - Cristian had to share whatever he had with me. Work is busy as always!! I tried to post several times and I am hoping this works but either it lets me or it does not and I lose all my stuff. Every year our town sells the flags from the Healing field for our Soldiers that have given their lives. Every Year I say I want one but never go out of my routine to buy one. Well I am Happy to say this Year I bought one of those beautiful flags and will fly it proudly in my front yard. It is the least I can do show my Pride...
  24. Mita

    Child support

    I get $650.00 a month dropped down from $750.00 and that is for 2 children. I went to our state website and calculated it as well as my attorney doing it himself. Child care is a factor and who carries the insurance also comes into play. Good Luck
  25. My Heart Goes out to all these Familes that continue to still struggle each and everyday. They are not forgotten! Blessings to all out Servicemen and Women

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
