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Everything posted by Mita

  1. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hi ya all. Not even going to try personals right now.. Still upset (see below) Girlfriends I need your opinion. I have kept Cristian home all week from School. I have called in each day and notified the teacher and they know why. I get a call yesterday from the assistant to the school health clerk. She leaves a voice mail and ask's 1. If Cristian is doing better? 2. She heard about Cristian having Pnemonia 3. Wants me to sign a health release to get info from Cristians Dr. on how to care for him once he gets back to school - next Tuesday. Ok ~ it all looks good until I get the release via fax that I am to sign. The form has boxes such as Prognosis, treatment, ECT But she check Other and this is what she wrote " To Communicate witht the school registered nurse regarding medical concerns and school. " When I called and asked her what concerns she had she let it slip that there were others on Cristians bus who are sick and they wanted to get info on what to do. Lies I called his teacher and asked her what concerns does she have? She said there is another child in his class that has pnemonia. I call the health nurse back and told her I would get a note from the doc stating what Cristian has and being treated for. Not good enough they want to talk to him direct. I tell her have the head Nurse call me! I talk to the head nurse and she tells me the concern is that on Cristian's bus there are several children sick with pnemonia (Lies?) they want to know if it is contagious or a fluke. Ok ~ why not check the box it belongs to and why a cover up each time I call. Be straight with me! So I told her I am not signing anything I will contact the doc and he will give me the info and I will fax it on. Do you all think I over reacted? Is this customary?? Anyway Doc laughed when he heard what they wanted. But he was kind enough to write down what he has ~how it is being treated ~ and if he was contagious - no. Thanks Chicas 2.
  2. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Good Morning, Just a quickie - Sherry I have been doing Turbo Tax for the last 4 years with no problem. (knock on wood) that is one heck of a nightmare. Hope you can get it all fixed. Turbo Tax Freedom does the Fed at no charge..HUMM Kat ~ I don't blame you for getting fired up - the guy sounds like he needs a good a$$ whipping. How disgusting - no manner or respect what so ever.. Darcy - Sorry to read about your vehicle.. Man O Man they can be such trouble. I am still with out power steering but now the ex says I should just pay to get it fixed rather than buy another one. With all I have put into it this past year the dang thing is almost new under the hood. Irene ~ don't stress ~ I know it is hard not to but Senority and since you are such a hard worker and loving coworker have to count for something. This too shall pass I know if have missed quite a few but have a big meeting here in a bit... BBL>
  3. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Hi there, Yep back at work and Thank you all! Cristian is on the mend and staying out of school today. I want him fully mended. I think he is almost there since he threw a fit this morning trying to get him out of bed and ready to go with his dad. Other than that we are just taking it easy with him. I made a big pot of chicken Soup yesterday but he wanted KFC so of course we went out and got some. All I wanted was him to eat. He did eat soup later that night too so I if his appetite is back that is a good thing. I will have to come back and do personals. Been reading back and I am happy everyone is back home and doing good or on the mend to being healthy and breathing easier.. bbl
  4. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    Update - took Cristian to the Doc today -- Good thing, he has Pnemonia He is on antibiotics for now and we just need to keep doing what I was doing all week. Will post later...
  5. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    TGIF my days have been so messed up since this week. I am staying home with Cristian today plus there is no school for either of them today. I am more or less going to play hookey.. Cristian is doing alot better - no fever last night and he was only up twice and slept through. Not much planned for today going to see and hear how he is when he wakes up. I still have to call to work and let the boss man know I am not coming in.. I also sometime today need to make a run to Ft. Collins and put some money in my account before it goes into OD. Sherry that is such good news on the BP medicine.. For you Texas Gals - stay safe and warm. It was cold here last night and I do mean cold. I put extra blankets on the bed and let the kids sleep in my room. Betty - $500.00 OMG and I complain when it is over $80.00. Cindy - Did you stay in or go after all? Darcy - You make it sound so easy to quilt. I freak when I have to sew a button on. I remember I did 1mile next month I'll do better - K Cassie- Hi there Patty - how are you doing? Any word yet? Irene - you can get back on track tonight.. You always do Mandy - Take advantage of resting. Before you were always on the go go Eileen - I see you!! Is today the day.. OH how right you are-- please no shadow, no shadow... pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Well better get myself ready for the day - Little one is awake and I can hear him coughing again. Darn it
  6. Mita

    TGIF NJ chat!

    OMG - I posted in the Jan chat. I too thought it was count down to Friday.. Duh I am going to tell you a little secret and you all tell me what you think. I am going to give back to those that are in dire need and need help. That is my view.. You all remember how I struggled with my Divorce and seen so many lawyers and that all had different views on the matter, Etc. Anyway I am voluntering some of my time to help fill out the paper work for those that are going to file themselves and walk them through the ordeal. Not like my life is boring but I listen to a spanish radio station and some of the callers looking for help are just at thier wits end with no light in sight that I felt bad and called in to help one family and guess what? Yes I got another call this morning. Well I said enough but just thought I would mention it since no one else here knows...Shsss
  7. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning, Well not much to say today.. Crisitan is still sick and puked this morning. Some might ask why am I working but I know that he is in good hands with his Aunt C. I actually did keep him from going to school today so that he can rest and get his strength back. If he is not better tonight, I will for sure stay home tomorrow with him - we will see. I have been giving him Motrin and childrens Musinex.. Other than that just ready to glide into the weekend and get some rest and clean the house. It is a disaster area since my baby boy has been sick. Mandy - Take it easy sometimes recovery is slow and that is a good thing. Irene ~ Yes I did do HOH, but I did do ok with Fed, it is the State I have to pay into. I adjusted my info for this year so that next year I won't freak out. Oh well it could be worse.. I could be like my sis get that big bonus and then have to pay out on it. Chrispy - Girl Bronchitis sucks. That usually takes awhile to get over. Hopefully this round will work for you. Are you also taking Musinex? Well I better go find something to do.. BBL
  8. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    OMG me thinks balance due was not to me, but to them (state ).. Crapola I need to do it again tonight when I get home. Not like I did not do it last night.. sheesh Ok Darcy you ruined the cake.. I will go in search of something. Now come to think of it my top back tooth was throbing last night and it started again.. I hope there is nothing wrong and I just flossed to much.. Oh well Beanie - where do you find the time??? You Rock!
  9. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Kat ~ Prayers and Hugs ~ I am so sorry. Yep the snow from the North started an hour ago and is moving South as planned. I hear Denver is getting more than we our right now, So you be very careful.. I wish we could me up under different circumstances ~ take care and go slow. when we did out trips back when I would take some yogurt in the cooler or snack bars in the glove compartment. Cindy that is beautiful about the quilt. I always wished I had one to cherish the memories of the person or persons that made it. My little one Cristian has one that a freind made for him and I tell you that puppy has been used quite alot. I love it! But it is not my size.. Sherry I did try the Eclair - my friend made it for a pot luck and boy oh boy was that good. She said it was really easy to make. I dare not go there cause I could eat the whole thing by myself. Dianne - I am happy you are taking some down time for yourself. You do not want to overdue it. How is MIL & FIL doing? and of course your hubby.. Irene / Shame on you for starting that food Porn.. I am going to risk it and jump in front of Kat and save her from the choc cake:hungry: . You know what are freinds for .. Right!! Betty - Did you all do the Tamales yourself? I wish I could make them. I remember how but to sit there and slather each one perfect is something I could never do, but I do love to eat them. Actually I just love the outside the masa not the meat part.. how weird huh? Darcy - How is the dreadmil? With my luck I would have flipped right over the front and then where would I be?? Eileeneee - please repost the the egg muffin - I cannot find it.. Is it under the food post? Will have to venture out now that I am curious. Annie - How does it feel to be back?? Mandy ~ how are you doing chica?? Are you getting around? Chrispy - How is the new place working out? Well I am on 2 hours sleep I think maybe less. Cristian is sick again. :sick Yesterday when I picked him up he was running a fever. I doctored him and it would go down then come up again. Last night I would get him up to soak his feet and then it would come down but shot right up again. He cried this morning to go to school, so he went. I will call his aunt here in a minute and see how he is doing. Other than that not much is going on. I finally got my W-2 and if I did it correct I will be getting some back to at least get another car. Wish me luck!! Well better get back to work.. Take care - I am sure I missed alot.. but you know my memory goes more each day...
  10. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hi ya all I am glad Beanie had a such a wonderful 4 day Birthday. Eilieen Happy Belated Anniversary to you... Uneventful weekend. You know the usual cleaning, Laundry and more cleaning. I did make Chicken Alfredo for the 1st time in my life. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee Italian food. I made the Alfredo sauce myself and my family loved it. Next I want to go the healthier route and make the Barley soup but am tempted by the Tamales calling my name. I really want to try the Muffins I am reading about. Is there a reciepe somewhere back? The dog licking makes me laugh. Teq always seems to love licking himself and looking at you while he is doing it. When we first got him and would send him out to do his business we never saw little poops until one day we saw why! Gross -- Anyway better get back to work - I will have to post when I have more time. Oh yeah sinus is better - I used the Musinex for chest and sinus. Thanks
  11. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    :happybday2: :happybday2: :happybday2: FELIZ CUMPLEANOS ~~ Have a Happy Happy Birthday Irene
  12. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning, Well I am going to need some chicken Soup to along with Annie & Sherry. That sinus thing never cleared up and it is back. I am going to call the doc and see if they will just call me something in.. I was also tight as a drum these past days and could not figure out what was going on. Anyway TOM is the culprit but it usually never really does much to restriction but this time it made me PB twice and that was on liquids. I am feeling much better in that sense but how weird that it happened. Work is quite busy and I am trying to organize my files here and get ready for the year to come. I will try to post personals on what I remember since I have been stopping by to read. Cindy - When your done there missy hope on over here. I need help with my closet ~ Now are those cards ones you saved or was sending out? Kat ~ I understand what you mean about your Brother. I had an Uncle (mom's brother) he use to work construction and was on the roof and fell. He broke his legs and hit his head. They had to put pins everywhere in his body to put him together. Once he recoverd he was the meanist person you had ever met. Was never like that before the accident. We were happy to have him alive but I don't know if he was? He passed away years ago from smoke Inhalation but granted he was already dying from his liver..Drinking to much. Annie ~ get better girl.. You all need a break Irene / Eileen - you are both beautiful chicas.. Pretty Eyes Jules ~ Big bucks, we don't have a review till May I believe so who knows if I will get anymore. I do keep asking that is a given. Well if you have not see the news for Greeley, we are going to have a high profile trial. Seems a police officers wife was shot and killed in cold blood by the Sherrifs investigators wife who bore a baby 10 months ago from the police officer. Our little Payton Place - Darcy ~ keep up the good work chica. Gots to go.. BYe
  13. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hi everyone - HUGS cannot post today...
  14. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning, Kat ~ OMG how scary. I hope you and Rick are bouncing back from that episode. How does you knee feel this morning?? Hope it is ok.. You know the tubing sounded fun. I found out that my other sister got a job up in Winter Park and works at a place that you go tubing. I would say I would take the boys up but it is just way to cold for me... BRRR Irene ~ Layoffs are always scary... Right Now in our area of Grly there are alot of compaines laying off.. Scary and Sad Have ton's of fun in NJ and HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY cause knowing me I will be late.. Patty ~ Seems you are going down the right path and that there will be no more bumps in the road. I have not graduated the kids to dishwasher yet. I have them learning the ropes of the vacume. Cindy ~ They got me with those big brown eyes. You don't even want to know how many boxes I ordered. I LOVE COOKIES The plan is to throw them in the freezer as soon as I get them.. Have not thought of what next.. Mandy ~ recieved the package ~ Thank you so much.. How are you doing? Resting and off your foot I hope.. How is Abi?? Darcy ~ I don't even thing we have a Y here. I am going to check into that. I still have not been back to curves. I just enjoy throwing money down the drain. I really need to get into gear and get my booty moving. Well gots to go.. I know I missed some but am thinking about you..Prayers and hugs ...
  15. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Hello everyone Well it is snowing again - go figure I am hoping against all odds for a snow day tomorrow. But ususally we are die hards and the place will be open. If they close the schools then I guess I might take a sick day.. Can you tell how lazy I am getting. It is way to cold to venture out. I took the boys to see A night at the Museum. We loved it. I was not going to do anything this weekend cause I was flat broke but my sis came over and handed me some money for the movies. I have to tell you I was surprised and more overwhelmed because when I picked it up where she placed it down it was a total of $100.00. it made me cry. Anyway I am already shedding tears again. I also took them out to lunch afterwards so needless to say we had a great day. Now they are just bouncing off the walls waiting for their dad. I believe Annie had asked did he not wreck a vehicle before this one. Yes for the past 3 years he has had some kind of accident. Yesterday he showed up with an Explorer and here I am with my little Red that is just getting along. Oh well ~ life is grand:) Well I hope Patty had a great time at Disneyland - I am so jealous that you are just a skip away. Cassie I am glad that your band is getting along with you. It is a new feeling when your pouch says it is full and your stomach is for more. Well I would like to do more personals but I need to get the engergized bunnies dressed.. BBL
  16. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Great news Mandy ~ I am glad everything went well and you are resting.. Patty ~ {HUGS} Hang in there:girl_hug: still working and just counting down the hours till I can go home and veg out. Not to mention sleep in ~ I always say that and then I am up at the crack of dawn.
  17. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning, Cindy ~ glad everything worked out for you.. Yep I am afraid of doing the surg thing cause it is not a sure cure. Kat - what is going on over in the 4 corners?? Mandy - Prayers that everthing works out good for you today.. Speedy recovery.. Annie ~ At least you will for sure both get better with meds. Dianne ~ {{HUGS}}} Irene ~ I am glad that they have someone to help you, but in my book I would not have hired her. Hopefully she will be an assest to you. Darcy ~ I must have missed missy. I did not know you fell ~ I am so sorry. I hope that you are ok. Sherry ~ you must have a HUGE office to hear an echo. Jules ~ how are you all doing? I know I missed some of you ~ sorry my short term memory is not good at all. Well not much to report on my end. Cristians appt went well. I was so happy he is finally on the graph. His Wt is at 3% and his HT is at 5% - his over all physical went great. I am very happy where he is at.. Thank God for all the exceptional people - Physical / Speech Therapist that worked with him since he was 6 months. I cannot be more grateful. We are going to have a very relaxing weekend - yes more snow and broke. I will just do the norm and clean house and watch movies. well better get my work done. You all take care
  18. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning Everyone.. It is flippin cold today.. The wind is a blowing all the snow into the streets again and not to mention just going through my body.. BRRRRR Today I work half a day so that I can take Cristian for his physical and then run around and do errands. To bad we all don't live close enough to drop by for coffee. On the ball - now is the ball big enough to use for work? I seen somewhere that instead of a chair you can sit on a ball. I just don't want to pay alot of money. I will try anything to help with my lower back. I think that is what causes the other problem. I will have to check on EBay. Patty ~ how are you doing? Did you find anything else out? Jules ~ Good for you and the Misses. Chrispy ~ How is the new place??? Cindy ~ was thinking of you this am when I seen all the christimas decorations up around the neighbor hood. Sherry ~ your office and place at home sound so serene.. Maybe I should do something like that with my cube.. Kat ~ Did you all get anymore snow? Are you in the path for this weekends? I am so done with it. I had to move the car out of the driveway to get the trash to the street. I was slippin and slidin Irene ~ where are you??? Eileen ~ we know where you are!! Does that man know that you have priorities ~ and him keeping you away is not one of them. Darcy ~ The energizer - I think I had one of those thingys that attached to my side to count the steps ~ I will have to look for it.. Other than that still no exercise.. Betty ~ I'm glad you did not have to go out.. Better to stay inside where it is nice and warm. Dianne ~ Is the Pbing from stress or you just ate wrong?? HUGS so sorrry... Mandy ~ One day.. what time do you go in tomorrow? I know I missed some of you lovlies but have to get some stuff done before I head out today... Take care...
  19. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning Ladies - Eileenee ~ Peek a Boo ~ tell Boss man enough already - go home... Cindy ~ the ex is the one who ususally looks at the car and he smelled it yesterday. He says that when they fixed it (waterpump and timeing belt) they did not do it correctly. He actually wanted to take it back to them but because I signed a waiver to take as is and not come back on them ~ So now I have to deal with it. He says cause it is so cold that is why it is making that noise. I think we were below 0 again last night. I am so glad that you did not have to go and do just one day. You think they would have told you that along time ago.. Some people have to much time on their hands and must wave thier stick!. So what did you decide? Cut outs or actual little bitty eggs for your tree??? Jules ~ what can I say?? I just make jokes about it but it is a pain. Kat ~ at this point I am willing to try anything. Last year I bought some Hem-relief on line. So far it has worked or actually I take it at the first inckling. I have some friends here that have had the surgery and they tell me not to even go that route. Oh well this too shall pass:) Well another day ~ so exciting to be here. Not much happening in my world, still chilly outside. Cannot wait for the warm up.. Please groundhog see your shadow!!! I see where Texas is getting snow ~ do you always? Well I guess I had better get to work ~ talk to you all later. Oh yeah Mandy 1 more day to go and it will all be better... How are you doing? Darcy ~ I would say I would join BUT part of me is saying Oh no your not. I still need to figure it out on what I can do and get back to you...
  20. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Dianne I am so sorry - Is it not just the medication? My prayers are with you all.. That is just so sad.. I was hoping she was doing better... Hi Annie ~ day off ~ I wish. Get better.. I am feeling alot better since the meds actually worked. I would say that I would ride some kind of bike but I am having major issues with my hiney right. My chair booty is giving grief. For those that don't know. Ever since Cristian was born I started to get hemmroids. Lovely I know.. Anyway they cause me grief from time to time and they just don't go away. I ususally have to go in and stick my rear in the air so that they can numb and then drain.. I know TMI.. Well better go -- time to go home.. See ya all take care...
  21. Mita

    blue cross blue shield

    I have BCBS of Neb ~ they covered it when I had the band put in but will not cover or maintain it now. They suck
  22. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    I am jeaolus of you Sherry - I have to minimize my screen so know one can tell where I am at.. Jules ~ I actually thought, dang why in the world would anyone stay on for so long? Even the best padded seat is gonna hurt sometime. I am even afraid to venture outside for lunch ~ Brrr ~ your Brave Kat. Well guess who did not have full coverage?? Now he is out of a vehicle.. I really feel bad for him but you know he brought it all on himself. Anyway sitting here eating half cooked popcorn for lunch and then I will do my protien drink in about an hour. yummy ~ NOT Kat ~ that is way to much contraptions to have in one vehicle. OMG My little boy says that "Little Red" is not going to last much longer. I tell you too I have built up muscle trying to turn with no power steering. OH yeah new noise in the motor too - sounds like a belt.
  23. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    Good Morning Gals It has already been a busy morning ~ nothing like having to start the car when the temp is below 0. BRRRR I took the kids to the sitter this am and the dang thing smelled like it was burning something in the motor.. I just pray it last till I can afford to get something else. I am not betting on getting much if anything from income tax since I claimed all year. The ex called this am to say he could not pick up the kids to take them to the sitter cause he wrecked his car. He is fine but again no vehicle and he has no money. Oh well that is the life he chose. Other than that just contemplating how I can get some exercise in ~ I am feeeling guilty.. Did you all hear about the gentlemen who rode his stationary bike for more than 80 hours??? Ok Jules what do you think??? Mandy ~ 2 1/2 more days.. I hope you are doing well. Cindy ~ how did the meeting go?? Eileeen - I hope that storm passes you by.. Snow is not as bad as all that Ice that has blanketed the Northeast.. Stay Safe and warm.. Betty ~ Anything you make sounds delcioius
  24. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    OMG LOL ~ I just about fell off my chair from that last statement from Cindy.. Well the firecrackers sure would take care of the 4th of July for sure.. I mean I have seen those Easter Trees - you could hang little eggs on the branches.. LOL Nope I never spoke to him before. Never even worked in the same place - he was on one side of the wall and I on another. Oh well some people Cindy ~ They just cannot live with out You Kat ~ Speaking of Dentist I need to make us appt's. I am glad that everything worked out and the especially the little one is cooperative
  25. Mita

    January Chat/New Jersey Style

    hellooooooooooooooooooooooooo What a weekend - I have been doing nothing but Laundry all weekend. We did venture out Sat and Sunday but like Kat and Betty I wanted to stay in and be warm. We got snow again on Sunday - it was about a inch I think but the worse of it is the bitter cold. I have my furnance at about 70 during the day. I ventured out to the Arc on Sat to pay my house payment in Ft. Collins and found me the prettiest coat - well I love my long red one too. But this is suede and only for $5.00 and a couple of sweaters marked down. Then on Sunday it was church for us. I got my feelings hurt there of all places. There was this man who sat behind us with his friend and I knew him from the Lamb plant when I worked there over 8 years ago. Anyway when your suppose to greet the other people he pulled his hand away and would not greet me. I do not ever remember doing anything to him that would warrent that. Anyway he did greet my children but quickly turned away. I in turn acted like he was not there. I mean for the life of me we are in church!!! - if you don't like me and you seen me then don't sit by me.. OH well Other than that just the same ole thing ~ work ~ home and work. oh yeah went off slim fast and went back to the GNC protien drinks. I wanted to try the Adkins but not enough dinero this week. Kat ~ glad that your dad's appt went well. Dianne ~ sorry to hear about you MIL ~ hopefully doing the medication thing will work. Good you are close by. Patty ~ I am so sorry from the bottom of my heart. This to shall pass. Here is praying that Sherry can get the network / team together that will help you go forward and get it done.. Cindy ~ Sounds like your family is really enjoying being pampered. I know I would. I like Darcy Love breakfast ~ yummy Darcy ~ you are a dynamo ~ I need an energy pill. I tell you I will do laundry but won't do the dishes. If i do the dishes then I won't do the laundry. I am becoming very lazy these days. And the E word ~ still have not done it. Irene / I love those TV shows too. I can sit and watch house hunters all day if I could. Eileenee commando - now who had the snakes.That is what I remember when I hear that word?? Chrispy ~ you have alot of great ideas for revenge. I would personally throw a dead rat on his door step.. Jules ~ hope you are doing better from the PB. Irene / You are doing so awesome on the exercise that your making me feel guilty. Maybe once the snow clears from the sidewalk I can start walking again. I have such big plans in my mind but to actually get the bod to do them is another thing. I am just plain getting lazy.. So Sherry are you saying that the old ones don't fit or you cannot find a style you like?? My problem is I want them to tuck and lift.. Do they exsist? humm Betty - so what did you make?? Inquirying minds want to know. I made tacos mid day yesterday.. Went well with the chocolate cupcakes I bought at the church bake sale. Well better call the ex since he took the kids today. No School Well lovlies I have to get to work - I see Sherry and Irene are here - Cyber wave

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
