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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Mischievous1

  1. The beginning of my pregnancy I had tuna sandwich cravies too! IT's so weird, i've never been a big tuna fan and they tell you to avoid tuna as it can contain mercury...but alas...anything in moderation right? The REALLY weird thing was not only did I crave tuna sandwiches, but I wanted crushed potato chips ON the sandwiches. My dad used to make them that way when I was a kid, but i've NEVER eaten them that way-especially as my weight got higher, potato chips were not something I EVER bought at the store...so here I was laying in bed at night thinking about tuna and potato chip sandwiches, so finally one day I went out and bought some, made the dang sandwich, ate it and poof the craving was over and done with and it hasn't come back (thank goodness)... so I say go for it, it will pass if you indulge it. (hopefully) :w00t:
  2. Congrats on the good news! Is this your first??
  3. Congrats! I too had a complete unfill and darnit yes i've gained 50 lbs but have enjoyed myself completely eating for two so have no one to blame but myself....hubby and I decided once he is here (Nov 16th is Csection unless he comes sooner) we are starting back on watching our waists for our kids sake if nothing else! So at least I have him joining me this time....he is a big time feeder too so this is good. Enjoy being pregnant don't worry about your weight you've fought long and hard to get here just relax, be happy and dream about what fun this is going to be.
  4. Yeah those U/S sound preditions are usually a lb off but mine was a little more than that...I had a prediction of a 10 lb baby who came out 8 lbs 4oz...and they were predicting if she went to term she was going to be 13 lbs...she just had the head of a 10 lb baby-she gets that from her daddy!!
  5. OMG that baby is tiny and beautiful! Isn't it funny how some times rules just don't make sense...you were there during delivery, you held her and now you can't see her...dumb, dumb, dumb...I understand precautions but we need to see some common sense used as well...sheesh How exciting for you though! Why did she give birth so early, was there complications? Is the baby doing okay?
  6. I am now 36 weeks and had a crazy Friday night...it started about 3pm, I started with some nausea...so I laid on the couch for a couple of hours and ate very little, drank some Water. About 7pm I started having BH contractions and they were pretty consitent so I timed them, they were approx. 7 min apart...I drank more water and went to bed at 9pm...I decided to ignore them and read a book while lying on my left side to make them go away. I stopped reading after a couple hours and they were still there so decided about midnight to start timing them again...still 7 min apart and they were increasing in intensity. By 3am they were down to 6 min apart and were pretty intense...I was thinking "wow" this is really going to happen and i'm still early. Called the emergency Dr. on call and she said to "make my best judgement" as far as coming in...well they weren't progressing that fast so I figured at that rate I had at least a day to worry about it...about 6am, they started to decrease in intensity and I was able to sleep...well when I woke up at 10am the next day-they were gone! What a crazy night! I haven't had any notable activity since then! Weird huh? Today is my 40th birthday (yeah, not too excited about it) and tomorrow is my 36 week Dr appointment so we'll see if there is any activity down South then...the day after is my husbands, mothers and little sisters birthday and although the baby would be early wouldn't it be great if he was born on that day (Oct 28th)? Our family seems to be prone to October birthdays but this baby isn't due until 11/22 (CSection is scheduled for 11/16) and I had my last baby at 3 weeks early (she was a VERY healthy 8 lb 4 oz baby with a HIGH apgar score, so I think because of my spotty periods, they may have been off on my DD a few weeks) Has anyone checked into their local hospitals H1N1 flu emergency maternity procedures? I just found out our local hospital has some serious rules outlined for newborns right now which include NO ONE under 18 allowed to visit during postpartum recovery and ONLY 2 visitors allowed during the entire recovery period (including the spouse) which I think is great, but i'm going to miss my 5 year old-I won't be able to see her for 4 days! My mom will be watching her so I can't see my mom either because she won't drive her back (they live 100 miles away) until she can leave her safely with us and my step daughters are too young to visit and my girlfriends have young children they can't just leave home, so i'm on my own...it is going to be a LONG stay! Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a healthy delivery (and for our sanity) and we'll keep you all up to date as to what is going on.... -Renee
  7. whoo hoo...lucky you! Jumping jacks, walks, spicy foods...(sex) you can DO it! Keep us posted. We are so excited for you.
  8. Mischievous1

    September 2008 @~206

    I'm almost 5'7"...i'm sure you look GREAT, remember we are our worst critics....also i'm 48 lbs up right now and ready to deliver a baby boy in a couple weeks so not looking so great!! LOL So after this little guy enters the world we're getting back on the band wagon and back to the gym. How long have you been banded?
  9. Mischievous1

    September 2008 @~206

    From the album: Pics

  10. For me until the last two appointments I was measuring at exactly my current week, then two appointments ago I was measuring 2 weeks ahead and then the most current 3 weeks ahead. I haven't put on more than 4 lbs, but I can tell my baby boy has GROWN! He's REALLY stretching and pushing for more room poor guy. When I roll onto my side, he pushes back if I put too much pressure on him...I can tell already he's strong willed!!!! "hey mom, we've gotta share so this is what I want, please don't push the boundaries" LOL
  11. Thanks for the info.... ARGGGHHHH - that's a scream of frustration for you!! I pray your baby comes soon. :w00t: I have something to look forward to this weekend, we are driving to the beach and my family is throwing me another baby shower with extended family, then I have a birthday party to take my daughter to, then a HUGE bizarre of used baby stuff on Sunday (this is going on ALL weekend and i'm told if you attend on Sunday most prices are cut by 50%) so i'm going to pick up the few items i'm still lacking after this last baby shower. I love spending money so this should be fun-hopefully they will have lots of benches for us prego moms to sit on and rest during our browsing. So this will bring me into another week.....ho hum. Thanks for all the support and feedback everyone, I really appreciate it. -Renee
  12. Mischievous1

    May 2007 Banders

    So similar to Bypass you are going to have to watch your vitamin intake for the rest of your life? Why is that when you still have a good portion of your original stomach and are not bypassing any vital organs? (sorry i'm not at all educated on how this procedure works) I'm REALLY curious to see how your new VSG lifestyle compares to that of your lap-band lifestyle...please keep us posted so those with slippage issues can compare and make an informed decision by hearing about it first hand from someone they know and have shared similar experiences with. Thanks Manatee!!! -Renee
  13. Mischievous1

    May 2007 Banders

    I dunno about you, but I think I would BRAG that not only did I kick CANCER's BUTT but that I gained 25 lbs in the process! That's awesome! Most people get so sickly and have difficulty keeping weight on with all the chemicals they are exposed to, good for YOU!!!! YOU ROCK.
  14. Weight update: I have gained a TOTAL of 49.4 lbs this pregnancy so far....12 of those pounds I gained before I went in for my first intake appointment (because I had my lapband loosened and ate like there was NO tomorrow) so they are only counting 37 lbs gained on this pregnancy. My weight gain has slowed alot these past few weeks (less than a lb a week now) as the baby is getting bigger and i'm finally eating less...LOL How have the rest of you fared and how hard (for those of you with previous band babies) was it to take off afterwards??
  15. Does anyone on here know why they measure our stomachs? What is the signifigance of the measurement as opposed to WHEN we deliver? I could ask my doctor, but hate to call her with questions 'just because' and I always forget to ask these 'just because' questions when I actually have her in the exam room... Thanks. Renee
  16. I've been a little crampy too, nothing big though. I went in for my 34 week checkup yesterday, they said my stomach measured at 37 weeks...don't know if that means anything or not... I did have my other child AT 37 weeks though so i'm praying the good Lord brings this child to us (happy & healthy of course) at 37 weeks as well, which means that is only 3 weeks away (which STILL feels like a lifetime away)!!:eek:
  17. shrinknme-You are 38 WEEKS! I am sooo jealous! I am so ready to have this baby! Any signs that labor is close yet? Have you had the "lightening" feeling yet where the baby drops? Keep us posted, you are sooo close!!!
  18. Thank the good Lord I didn't have to have an internal U/S for my first one (on either child)...I did later as my pregnancy progressed on child #1 as I had a bad placement of my placenta and they wanted to watch it as well as some type of cyst?, but on this child (knock on wood) I haven't had to have any internal U/S...it usually depends on several factors: the mother, the fetus, placement of the placenta etc on whether they will subject you to this type of U/S...in all fairness if it's BEST for baby, I know we would all do it, but I was NOT a big fan....during one of mine, my rear is facing the door. The wand is still....in....the technician leaves to get a doctor to come "look" and I was feeling quite exposed and uncomfortable with my pants around my ankles and the door opening/closing/people coming in and out....I never used that particular technician again. Good luck and remember, it's messy , it's ugly but it's WORTH it!
  19. My band being tight was my FIRST symptom - the tests even showed negative, but I just KNEW. Goodluck!! Keep us posted.
  20. I think this second picture is so cute...for such a NEW baby we sure are a show off!! I love it!
  21. Girl you are getting soooo close...I really envy you right now...I'M SO DONE BEING PREGNANT! My knees hurt, my back hurts, I can't stop pee'ing, my crotch hurts and i'm tired of being sweaty....TMI-I KNOW I'M A WHINER BUT I NEEDED TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST! How are you? Keep us posted, I want pics as soon as your bundle of joy arrives!! I'm planning on taking my laptop to the hospital with me to give me something to do when laying there for 3 days. Bye for now, Renee
  22. I'm just checking in the first time for over a week and ...girl...you have been through alot! Thank you for sharing your story, I will be SURE to tell the docs I NEED something to keep me from throwing up if AT ALL possible! I seriously have not been worried about it at all, but you gave us all a reality check here. I am so glad you are able to get some liquids down again and now that you can drink water, you will flush all that excess liquid out and be lighter than you were-i'm sure of it! Hold on, be strong, love your baby and keep us up to date!! -Renee
  23. Mischievous1

    Can't believe he went THERE...

    I'm agreeing with the other ladies, your husband now needs to know...who knows what can come out of this and if he's kept in the dark, it could reduce his trust in YOU...I wouldn't take that chance. His friend Doug knows him well - get his advice on HOW to tell your DH...he may even do it for you AWAY from the home one evening to be sure your DH has time to "cool" before coming home and close to this creep....but again remember the #1 thing you need is his love and his support and you don't want him to not trust you, especially when you are the victim here, not the perpetrator. We are all pulling for you girl...hang in there.
  24. Everyone does things differently, I know I was having the dry heaves, nausea, not being able to eat etc. so I said "forget it" and had everything taken out (at least ALL they could get out - it was less than they put in, so not sure ALL did come out) so I could focus on the pregnancy and NOt my weight, my band or any other outside distractions...so far i've gained 32 lbs (the doctor says I have only gained 20 lbs and they say that's great-what they don't seem to realize is that in the 4-5 weeks BEFORE my intake appointment I put on 12 lbs!!!! Yes it's true, when you first get some taken out you will put on some weight) but as long as I get a healthy and hopefully chubby baby out of the process it will be worth EVERY pound in gold. (I have to keep telling myself that because there are days I do get a LITTLE worried)

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