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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Mischievous1

  1. Hey all I can't believe its been 9 MONTHS since I had this little guy? He's such a great baby, and i've lost all but 6 lbs of the weight...without a fill! I do remember when I was first prego and getting unfilled (without fluoro) she didn't get it ALL - she said I had about 1.8 cc's still in there, but at the time it felt like I was unfilled completely.

    I have had some restriction lately due to the heat and obviously a little dehydration. I do know I eat less than I used to before the LAP-BAND®, I also chew better and make way better food choices...I can't seem to get lower than the 206 I am stuck at right now (i'm 5'7" so it's still a little too heavy for where I want to be) so starting this week i'm uppping the exercise - wish me luck...anyway here is a pic of my little band boy!



  2. Hey all i'm here...9 months post baby and almost lost all the baby weight....but i've been back to the gym and kicking butt and still can't lose these last 6 lbs...(I was down to 204 but I bounced back up to 206) so Monday I joined a spinning class...WOW...it REALLY kicked butt, I wasn't sure I was going to be able to walk out of the class room. I waited about 10 minutes and slowly made my way down to the locker room where I locked myself in a stall and cried for about 5 minutes (I dunno why-i'm just crazy I guess) so today I went to the Sports store and bought a pair of biking shorts and guess what? I'm going back to class tomorrow...I HATED it, but I can't have it kicking MY butt now can I? Yes I think I am crazy...any words of encouragement would be GREATLY appreciated!

  3. Hey all you Breastfeeders out there.. I am dying to get a fill because I am wanting to eat everything in sight.. did anyone have any problems with milk supply after getting filled?? I was hoping to wait 3 months because I wanted the milk supply to be good and established before I got a fill.. but I think I am not going to wait because I dont want to gain more weight. I think as long as I keep my Fluid up and can eat at least 1200 cal I think I am ok..

    I have hungry days and then I have not so hungry days, but i'm losing weight while breast feeding (10 lbs in the past 3 weeks) so i'm gonna hold off on a fill because this is adequate weight loss and i'm certain my baby is getting enough nutrition. If I stop losing and start eating too much I may consider it, but for now, i'm holding off...how is your milk supply looking? Have you tried pumping to see how much you are producing?

  4. Hey Guys! Just an update had my 20 week ultrasound today and they told me its a girl!!! she's measurin alittle small but they told me not to worry and they will rescan me in 4 weeks for growth...the doctor told me he has faith that the baby will grow in 4 weeks!! hope everyone is doin well!

    Wow a girl, lately they are rare! When in the hospital it was MOSTLY boy babies born...on my floor alone, I counted 3 girls and over 15 boys born and this was only in the rooms around me! Where are all these boys coming from and who are they going to marry if we don't give them some more girls...LOL

    congrats, I pray all goes well for you this pregnancy. :Yawn:

  5. I guess I will join the group. Im just found out Im pregnant on Friday the 13th. We have been trying for @ 6months so Im pretty excited. I was banded in June 2008 and am down @ 80 lbs. I dont want to gain to much weight and hope that I can keep my fill in for the duration. Im also on progesterone suppositries due to a previous miscarriage before the band. My est due date is July 19th, my 35th birthday. Although Im sure it will be moved because I didnt ovulate until much later in my cycle.

    Good luck to everyone!

    Congrats and welcome!!

  6. Hey all.. sorry for the delay in news.. my son Josiah was born on 10/28/09 after a 5 day labor!! it was insane but I was able to have him vaginally after having a c-section with my first! so it was a great thing! He was 9lbs and 21 inches.. I am doing well and almost healed. and my son is growing!! he gained 10oz in 10 days!!

    I am trying to attach a photo of my daughter and Josiah.. hope it works!

    What a sweet baby! Can he and sis look any MORE alike? Wow, they are soooo cute together. Congrats, you must be so proud.

  7. Any news out there in band land of the babies/mommies that were ready to deliver soon? I'm waiting to hear!!

    It FINALLY happened for me...my C Section was scheduled for this morning at 8am, but I actually went into labor (my Water broke all by itself at 10:30pm on Monday 11/09 at 38 weeks) and they delivered him 11/10 at 2am! I now have a healthy bouncing baby boy. 8 lbs 8 oz and 20" long.

    I'm so happy to not be pregnant anymore! Ihaven't bothered to weigh yet and don't think I will for another 4 weeks (why stress about these things right?)

    Here's a pic of our new little man of the family

    "Devon James"


  8. That's so funny--I had to talk myself out of the chips that DH brought home (crunched up on the sandwich, of course.)

    Strange, strange cravings!

    I think the mayo clinic says 12 oz of light tuna (6 of albacore) a week is ok. I figure a single sandwich a week is well within the guidlines. :tongue2:

    Good job! I know isn't that the weirdest craving? It's really kind of gross when you think about the fat/salt/grease...gag

  9. I have been sick since I found out I was pregnant...I have been on Zofran because my nausea is so bad and I have no urge to eat. Nothing ever sounds good and every smell bothers me...I have headaches daily and have no energy....and I am 7 weeks now but have had this alll since 4 weeks....lol...also sore boobs....This is a rough pregnancy for me...The last one, my morning sickness was nothing like this time....

    Has your Dr. recommended B6 supplements? I had nauseau and nothing sounded good, the B6 increased my appetite (which by the way is NOT a problem anymore LOL)

  10. Hey pregnant ladies! I'm here to join the club! I'm 9 weeks pregnant, due in June.

    I had an unexpectedly early unfill in the hospital a couple weeks ago after my gall bladder acted up. I'm glad I got the unfill--lots of throwing up that week-- but now I'm feeling the hunger creep back in. I've been pretty nauseated, so that has kept the cravings down a bit, but the hunger is creeping in.

    Funny, the things I crave aren't the empty calorie foods. I crave sandwiches. LOL I'm trying to steer clear of deli meat and minimize the tuna like I'm supposed to, but the tuna sandwich on whole wheat bread I had for lunch was about the best thing I've tasted in forever.

    The beginning of my pregnancy I had tuna sandwich cravies too! IT's so weird, i've never been a big tuna fan and they tell you to avoid tuna as it can contain mercury...but alas...anything in moderation right? The REALLY weird thing was not only did I crave tuna sandwiches, but I wanted crushed potato chips ON the sandwiches. My dad used to make them that way when I was a kid, but i've NEVER eaten them that way-especially as my weight got higher, potato chips were not something I EVER bought at the store...so here I was laying in bed at night thinking about tuna and potato chip sandwiches, so finally one day I went out and bought some, made the dang sandwich, ate it and poof the craving was over and done with and it hasn't come back (thank goodness)... so I say go for it, it will pass if you indulge it. (hopefully) :w00t:

  11. Hi Everyone,

    Congrats to all those babies being born.

    I'm 18 weeks 6 days with my second however first pregnancy with my band. Things going OK. Have had all Fluid out as have possible minor slip but my doc is extremely confident we can make it to the end without surgery. I an Aussie so my weight measurements are in KG's sorry!! but have lost 7kg since falling pregnant - I think thats about 15 pounds although since having the Fluid out I've gained 1.5kg (3-4 pounds). All good, still a lot less than my first pregnancy.

    I look foward to hearing everyones experiences. :)

    Congrats and welcome!!

  12. I have had the lap band since February, 2006. I went from 225-155 lbs but now I am back up to 185lbs...so depressing...But I have been trying to conceive for almost three years now and after trying several things(Clomid, fertilitt pills, and ovulation monitors) I just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant! I am so excited....my EDD is 6/26/2010. I am going in to the doctors to get completely unfilled because my morning sickness has been unbearable....

    Congrats! I too had a complete unfill and darnit yes i've gained 50 lbs but have enjoyed myself completely eating for two so have no one to blame but myself....hubby and I decided once he is here (Nov 16th is Csection unless he comes sooner) we are starting back on watching our waists for our kids sake if nothing else! So at least I have him joining me this time....he is a big time feeder too so this is good.

    Enjoy being pregnant don't worry about your weight you've fought long and hard to get here just relax, be happy and dream about what fun this is going to be.

  13. ShinyhappyMommy, hi there! Congrats on the baby! Aren't you a Dr Mel patient as well? I am.

    Mischievous, wow that must have been crazy to have all that activity and then nothing! I had a similar experience, but it was about 4 days before I was due, so I was psyched! It led nowhere and I ended up getting induced 10 days later...oh well. I had very little BH contractions during my pregnancy or any activity down there at all...just that one time.

    A good friend just had a C section this past Saturday because they thought her little girl was 9 lbs, but she came out around 8 lbs, 1 oz, decent size baby, but not huge. I think the docs have a tendancy to overestimate, as they did the same thing with our son. At least they didn't talk me into a c section! I would have been dismayed. In terms of hospital protocall for the flu, they said the same thing to us when we arrived to see her little one. NOBODY under 18, we had to sign a little waiver at the nurses station promising no flu symptoms or contact with sick people, and wash our hands in front of the nurses. My friend (the new mom) told me they said the same thing about only 2 visitors, but it didn't appear the hospital was enforcing that too much, at one point there were 4 or 5 of us visiting her at once....so maybe you'll get lucky and can see more than 1 or 2 peeps.

    Good luck!

    Yeah those U/S sound preditions are usually a lb off but mine was a little more than that...I had a prediction of a 10 lb baby who came out 8 lbs 4oz...and they were predicting if she went to term she was going to be 13 lbs...she just had the head of a 10 lb baby-she gets that from her daddy!!

  14. I was present for my sisters c-section (went into the operation with her) and got to hold the baby at 33 weeks and only 1 pound 8 ounces. The pictures shows me with the baby right after delivery.

    The next day I was not alowed to visit since the baby was a preemie. It was strictly limited to the mother and father in the NICU. They are clamping down on visitation in order to minimize the risk.

    Good luck with your delivery.

    OMG that baby is tiny and beautiful! Isn't it funny how some times rules just don't make sense...you were there during delivery, you held her and now you can't see her...dumb, dumb, dumb...I understand precautions but we need to see some common sense used as well...sheesh

    How exciting for you though!

    Why did she give birth so early, was there complications? Is the baby doing okay?

  15. today is my due date and I am 50% effaced and dialated to a 1 with a soft cervix.. truely hoping this baby comes soon!

    I am now 36 weeks and had a crazy Friday night...it started about 3pm, I started with some nausea...so I laid on the couch for a couple of hours and ate very little, drank some Water. About 7pm I started having BH contractions and they were pretty consitent so I timed them, they were approx. 7 min apart...I drank more Water and went to bed at 9pm...I decided to ignore them and read a book while lying on my left side to make them go away. I stopped reading after a couple hours and they were still there so decided about midnight to start timing them again...still 7 min apart and they were increasing in intensity.

    By 3am they were down to 6 min apart and were pretty intense...I was thinking "wow" this is really going to happen and i'm still early. Called the emergency Dr. on call and she said to "make my best judgement" as far as coming in...well they weren't progressing that fast so I figured at that rate I had at least a day to worry about it...about 6am, they started to decrease in intensity and I was able to sleep...well when I woke up at 10am the next day-they were gone! What a crazy night! I haven't had any notable activity since then!

    Weird huh? Today is my 40th birthday (yeah, not too excited about it) and tomorrow is my 36 week Dr appointment so we'll see if there is any activity down South then...the day after is my husbands, mothers and little sisters birthday and although the baby would be early wouldn't it be great if he was born on that day (Oct 28th)? Our family seems to be prone to October birthdays but this baby isn't due until 11/22 (CSection is scheduled for 11/16) and I had my last baby at 3 weeks early (she was a VERY healthy 8 lb 4 oz baby with a HIGH apgar score, so I think because of my spotty periods, they may have been off on my DD a few weeks)

    Has anyone checked into their local hospitals H1N1 flu emergency maternity procedures? I just found out our local hospital has some serious rules outlined for newborns right now which include NO ONE under 18 allowed to visit during postpartum recovery and ONLY 2 visitors allowed during the entire recovery period (including the spouse) which I think is great, but i'm going to miss my 5 year old-I won't be able to see her for 4 days! My mom will be watching her so I can't see my mom either because she won't drive her back (they live 100 miles away) until she can leave her safely with us and my step daughters are too young to visit and my girlfriends have young children they can't just leave home, so i'm on my own...it is going to be a LONG stay!

    Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers for a healthy delivery (and for our sanity) and we'll keep you all up to date as to what is going on....


  16. I still have 22 lbs to lose before I'm at pre-pregnancy weight. Sigh...i have been bad all week too, so who knows if I've gained? Probably. Just dealing with hunger sucks. I know I need a fill, but I am not wanting to be tighter than I am right now! Lately I don't eat large meals, but I notice I get growly tummy after breastfeeding. It's food choices, pure and simple. Cravings for the naughty foods are worse at night, so I will try to work harder at that.

    The main reason they measure your tummy is simple, for easy, quick checks of growth. Your tummy measurement should match your week, so 37 cm should mean you're 37 wks along. However, the measurements are not as accurate if you weren't slender to start with, so don't worry too much about it. One of my pregnant friends has measured very large since about 24 wks, always measuring about 5 wks ahead. This has prompted several sonograms. Her last tummy measurement was done when she was 36 wks, however it showed her at 41 wks...she has not had a healthy pregnancy. WAY too much weight gain, fatty, salty foods, etc has resulted in gallstones and gestational diabetes. Her docs aren't too happy with her, as she was obese to start with. So basically, the tummy measurement is a good diagnostic tool to determine if other tests should be done. They estimate her baby girl at over 9 lbs right now, and she isn't due until Halloween...so it's looking like a C section might be the only option. I love her to death, just hope she's getting nutritional food for the baby. Even if the veggies are drenched in ranch, I wish she was eating more of them.

    Abe is 10 weeks old and doing great, smiling and laughing constantly! He is in the 75th percentile for height, so he will hopefully be tall, and 50th percentile for weight, so he's gaining perfectly.

    How are all of you out there? Excited for the new babies to arrive soon!

    For me until the last two appointments I was measuring at exactly my current week, then two appointments ago I was measuring 2 weeks ahead and then the most current 3 weeks ahead. I haven't put on more than 4 lbs, but I can tell my baby boy has GROWN! He's REALLY stretching and pushing for more room poor guy. When I roll onto my side, he pushes back if I put too much pressure on him...I can tell already he's strong willed!!!! "hey mom, we've gotta share so this is what I want, please don't push the boundaries" LOL

  17. They are measuring your fundis height (the top of your uterus) its not that big of deal.. and it doesnt really say anything about when the baby is coming. Some women have a jump in fundal height at like 30-34 wks.. and some women just grow slowly and consistantly.. I always had a burst of growth and then it slowed down.. it all depends on how your baby grows and they are all different :wink2:

    sometime a high fundal height can tell the size of the baby.. like if your child will be large or small.. sometimes it can just be how you carry (high or low) and sometimes it can alert the doctor that their is too much amniotic fluid.. but that is usually not the case :eek:

    hope that helps..

    I am still sitting here PREGNANT and trying to be paitent.. :scared2:

    Thanks for the info....

    ARGGGHHHH - that's a scream of frustration for you!! I pray your baby comes soon. :w00t:

    I have something to look forward to this weekend, we are driving to the beach and my family is throwing me another baby shower with extended family, then I have a birthday party to take my daughter to, then a HUGE bizarre of used baby stuff on Sunday (this is going on ALL weekend and i'm told if you attend on Sunday most prices are cut by 50%) so i'm going to pick up the few items i'm still lacking after this last baby shower. I love spending money so this should be fun-hopefully they will have lots of benches for us prego moms to sit on and rest during our browsing.

    So this will bring me into another week.....ho hum.

    Thanks for all the support and feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.


  18. Getting closer

    Yesterday I had the pre-op meetings with the surgeon, nurse, hospital, nutritionist and at least one person that I had no idea what their role might be.

    I've gone through this before, so there wasn't a whole lot new. I was interested in the differences in digestion time between gastric banding and the sleeve. It turns out to be significant, as the band still has a complete stomach and the sleeve does not. This difference means that Vitamin supplements and Calcium supplements are more vital to sleeve patients than band patients.

    In running through the paperwork it turned out that my initial labs were never ordered. The hospital decided to add them to the mandatory pre-op labs. This ended up requiring 13 tubes of blood from my sad little vein. I desperately needed some food after that!

    So all is set, and a week from now at 7:00 AM I get to have my 7th medical procedure in 2.5 years. Huzzah!

    So similar to Bypass you are going to have to watch your vitamin intake for the rest of your life? Why is that when you still have a good portion of your original stomach and are not bypassing any vital organs? (sorry i'm not at all educated on how this procedure works)

    I'm REALLY curious to see how your new VSG lifestyle compares to that of your lap-band lifestyle...please keep us posted so those with slippage issues can compare and make an informed decision by hearing about it first hand from someone they know and have shared similar experiences with.

    Thanks Manatee!!!


  19. "Where is everyone else?? Has everyone just went and gotten all skinny on us and quit following lapbandtalk?"

    Hey All.........I'm back, finally after being off here for a while! Great to see how everyone has been doing. I haven't changed my ticker yet- down 100lbs!!!! Took a while- did get a complete un-fill last year due to cancer treatments and needing better nutrition. Gained about 25 lbs! I went kind of food crazy (obviously that's why I need the band)!! Kicked the cancer, got a fill, lost the 25lbs I gained plus some and feeling great. Next step- Tummy Tuck and reduction!

    I dunno about you, but I think I would BRAG that not only did I kick CANCER's BUTT but that I gained 25 lbs in the process! That's awesome! Most people get so sickly and have difficulty keeping weight on with all the chemicals they are exposed to, good for YOU!!!! YOU ROCK.:)

  20. Weight update:

    I have gained a TOTAL of 49.4 lbs this pregnancy so far....12 of those pounds I gained before I went in for my first intake appointment (because I had my lapband loosened and ate like there was NO tomorrow) so they are only counting 37 lbs gained on this pregnancy.

    My weight gain has slowed alot these past few weeks (less than a lb a week now) as the baby is getting bigger and i'm finally eating less...LOL

    How have the rest of you fared and how hard (for those of you with previous band babies) was it to take off afterwards??

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