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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by aufan

  1. I was banded last week and I slept with pillows from day one. I tucked one under my belly and between my legs. I felt more uncomfortable on my back. By the third day I was able to do it on my left side too. Now the getting out of bed was another story, LOL!!

    Try several positions and I hope one works for a good nights sleep for you!!

  2. I was banded 3/21 and have been doing really well. Went back to work Monday and mostly feel good. I have no appetite though. I have to force myself to drink even a little broth. I'm drinking Water. I know I'm healing and that is part of the process, but its been almost a week since surgery and I can't say I've eaten much. I'm functioning ok except I'm pretty much physically drained by 6 or so in the evening. That is getting up at 4:45am for work.

    My post op appt is next week, but I was curious if anyone else experienced very little consumption during the first week or two? My husband says he's amazed I'm still walking with as little as I've had to eat this week. Guess this is the new normal?!?!?


  3. Oh God bless you flrosie, brazilangirl, and Ginger!! I pray you ladies get to feeling better real soon. Today I'm back at work and have had my moments of nausea but it passed and I am here at my lunch sipping on broth. My incisions are itchy now. I've had to wear a slip with my clothes to keep them from snagging on the sites.

    I chose not to tell my boss and coworkers what I did and today they knew I was out Two days last week. My boss even called me in to see if I was doing ok. Part of me wants to shout it out and the other just wants to quietly do my thing. Still not sure what I'll say when the weight loss is noticeable and someone asks me how. Maybe I will maybe I won't, I'll wait til that happens ;-)

    Rest up and get better soon y'all!!

  4. I have that every now and again. Kinda like a half hiccup to me. I try to stand and stretch my mid section with some deep breaths if it doesn't go away right away. I feel great for the most part but just not eating much at all. That is not good I know, so I'm consciously trying to get somethings down.

    Keep up the good work and in a week or two this will all be distant memories LOL!!!

  5. Today has been a great day as far as physical ability. No pain outside pulling when I cough or get up. Now stamina is another thing, I guess the limited intake of calories is affecting that. I just can't seem to force these shakes down.

    Any other suggestions on liquids. I'm allowed any liquids but have only had broths and shakes.< /p>

  6. Yesterday was tough as I couldn't get my meds down without cutting it into pieces. sleeping on and off yesterday made last night hard to sleep. Today I'm off the meds just taking ibuprofen and staying awake. Mainly sore at the incisions. I haven't eaten much only got thru a bowl of broth since yesterday. Found I don't like muscle milk bluck :-( about to try pure Protein Shake.

    For those who are where I was two days ago (pre-op) I will say yes there is pain, but its bearable. Have help there with u if at all possible. Someone to fetch and assist you will be valuable getting thru that first day.

    Ahhhh I'm now a Bandster!!

  7. Ok so I have been on my pre-op diet since last Thursday. My focus has been on eating Atkins style these last few days. Great news I'm down 10 lbs from my Diet counseling with my Bariatric nurse or 8 from the outpatient surgery pre-op testing last Friday!!!!

    Now that I am three days away, I am trying to shop for post op diet (2 days clear and 2 weeks liquids).

    My Bariatric Nurse gave me some ideas, but I'd love to hear some of your fave Clear Liquids (iced teas, juice) and other non clear liquids besides Protein Shakes. Just looking for variety :-)

    Thanks for all the help through response and just reading others' threads!!!

    Sooooooooooo EXCITED!!!!

  8. I am so excited now! I met with my WLS Dr and his Bariatric Nurse yesterday to go over the pre and post op diets. We marked my starting weight, took before photos and talked about the band. I have read everyone has a different diet per their Docs preference, and this is just me sharing my docs orders.

    Pre-Op Diet

    Atkins style with high Protein, low sugar, and low carb foods only. Begin practicing the no drinking with meals and small well-chewed bites.

    Weeks 1 & 2

    liquid diet "anything that I drink through a straw" but be conscious of high calorie drinks like choc milk and juices that will slow/stop weight loss. Small sips with Water as a top priority. WALK. WALK. WALK

    Weeks 3 & 4

    pureed foods light yogurt or blended foods. Focus on Proteins as much as possible. WALK. WALK. WALK.

    Weeks 5 & 6

    Soft, well chewed foods with the PVC balance. Proteins first followed by veggies followed by carbs. Focus on not drinking 20 mins before and after meals, chewing well, and WALK. WALK. WALK!!!

  9. Just received my BCBS approval and my date is MARCH 21st, 2013!!! I'm nervous about the surgery and pain, but just trying to expect the worst and hope for the best!! Right now I am cutting out my Diet Coke and weaning myself off drinking while eating. I meet with the Bariatric nurse next week to discuss the specifics.

    Soooooo excited!!!!!!!

  10. Thank y'all for the encouragement. The office called BCBS and the insurance lady said Ooooopppps our bad they pre approval has been rerouted back for review. Back to our regularly scheduled program of waiting. LOL!! But its not a no so I'm happy to wait!

  11. My WLS doctors office submitted for pre approval for lap band last week. Saturday I received a letter saying it was denied. It stated I lacked documentation of per and post - operative nutritional assessment and counseling. My WLS doctor sent me to a nutritional class back at the end of Nov.

    Anyone else have nutrition counseling? I have a call into the dr but just waiting on a call back.


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