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Posts posted by aufan

  1. Wow, I love the one about sweating because the ladies at work always joked about me being premenopausal at 36 since I always had a fan on me. Now I'm the one with the heater on when the a/c blowing! LOL

    Love the idea to list these victories when we have a bump in the road!!

    Keep it up cause I know this list will only grow longer as we walk through this journey!!

  2. I couldn't have told you when I was pre op that aftercare would matter as much as it does to me now 5 weeks post op and with fill #1 done today. I live the relationship I have with my Dr and yes the fluoroscopy is done at every fill!

    I also have a good communicative relationship with his nurse who I can email and get a response if I just have a silly question.

    I would tell newbies checking out surgeons for this WLS to 1) choose a dr you can talk with not one that talks at you 2) choose a clinic where you can easily get to for fills or check ups

    All suggestions from a really new Bandster!

  3. Just had my first fill today. He literally said "quick prick" and I felt a stick a little like a steroid shot then nothing as he placed the Fluid in. Then he had me drink the barium Fluid to test my restriction. It was so cool to see the liquid hit the pouch then funnel through a small straw size opening. Crazy!!! And NOOOO hunger at all today. Just sipping Clear liquids for today and tomorrow before full liquids Sunday.

    My doc does the fluoroscopy each time I get a fill. He said I should see a huge drop in weight over the next two months if I follow the rules. Soooo ready for a lighter healthier summer!!

  4. So the first fill experience this morning was really cool! I weighed (down 5 more pounds for a total of 15 since preop) and then went into talk to my dr. Next we walked in to the fluoroscopy room. I laid down, he said "quick stick" and bam fill in! I drank that stuff and we watched it hit the pouch the go through the restricted band about the size of a straw. Crazy!!

    I'm suppose to be on Clear liquids til tomorrow then full liquids two days then mushie then soft with a chew chew chew!!

    What do y'all do after a fill? What's y'all's progression after a full?

  5. I'm 5 weeks post op today and my first feel is tomorrow. I'm not nervous about the procedure just about the swelling afterward. I leave to travel out of town tomorrow evening and I've not traveled with the band much less after a fill. I'm being proactive and planning my liquid days. Sunday will be tough though. It'll be soft/mushie day and I'll be at my MILs house for lunch. It's a big deal for her and I've got to figure out how to get through that meal since she doesn't know (not the best secret keeper) and I really don't need judgement right now. I love my MIL but just can't justify this to her since its my personal choice.

    Anyway hubby will be there to deflect and distract her ;-) Love him!!

    I have some restriction now but can't last 4 hours. Hoping to start off with a couple cc's.

    Yay for progress! Also I want to see what I weigh on his scale!

  6. Hey MFP users, I have a question for y'all! When you log your exercise it adds calories back into your daily count. Do you adjust it somehow so no matter what exercise you do you stay at a certain set calorie count?

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question. I've tracked calories before but never the exercise.

    Thanks a bunch!

  7. Yep, I'm 4 weeks post op and I have very little restriction. But after starting real foods I gained a couple and said NO I'm not going to do this again. So I'm logging EVERYTHING down to the smallest bite in MFP and trying to just eat way smaller portions and not drink with my meals. It's taking constant focus,but is paying off. I come to this app several times a day while at work or on the go to use as a reminder that I can do this and make a healthier life!!

    It's on us to stick it out until we have more restriction and can last longer between meals.


    Keep coming back here for support they are all wonderful support!

  8. Me too!! Banded 3/21 and down 13 lbs according to my scale. I had lost 10 according to my docs scale at 2 wks post and go for a fill next Friday!!

    17lbs is amazing! Another 4 lbs for me and I might be able to fit into an 18, so I look forward to that victory.

    I'm walking my very first 5K this Saturday! Never done this before so I'm a bit nervous. Praying I can make it before everyone leaves LOL!!

    Keep up the great work!! Can't wait to see what the 2 month mark holds for us!!

  9. So I'm trying to eat smaller meals a little sooner between. Thank you for those tips! Like others have said I feel full quicker so I know the band is doing something to help.

    My weight is fairly stable, no big up or down changes. My goal for now is to remain stable until my first fill April 26.

    As for calories my paperwork says 1500 calories but it also says no more than one cup meals three times a day. How do you get 1500 calories into 3 cups unless its pure sugar or carb loaded?? So this is a question for my visit next week.

    As for now I am hanging around 1000-1300 calories per day. I'm making decent food choices focused on Protein and veggies and fruit.

    As I come up on being 4 weeks post op I'm trying not to be discouraged that there hasn't been weight loss since the first days post op. I am relishing in the weight that has come off and enjoying my pants being longer (as I have dropped some weight my pants have become longer and looser)!!

    Any more tips/war stories about your time in BH???

  10. Sorry is that 13 weeks!! If so wow!! Great job!! I can't wait to come off my BP and cholesterol meds!! I'm 3 weeks post op and haven't seen WL since the first few days post op.

    Great work and keep sharing the NSV. I know so many like me are inspired to keep working towards our goals!

  11. Hi fellow March bandsters!! Banded 3/21/13. It's encouraging to hear all the success y'all are having. I wish I could say the same, but at least I've lost some. I'm down10 according to my dr's scale and timing of weigh ins. According to my scale I lost about 15 but have gained 4 this week. I've had a few off days where MFP was seeing not the best choices in foods, but I'm being honest and accountable to myself.

    I had company over and made them my homemade pancakes. Instead of stopping at one (even though it isn't a good choice at 1) I went back for a second but didn't finish it. I didn't NEED a second one but got it because I enjoyed the food. I get so mad that I keep reverting to the food and eating habits that have put me 100 pounds overweight!! Ugggghhhh!

    So sorry for my pity party! I know this will work now if I just follow the rules! Just frustrated with my food choices!!

    Can't wait to share in all y'all's success over the coming months!!!

  12. I was just banded on 3-21-13. I lost 18lbs on my own from Jan- March and have lost 12 lbs since surgery. No weight loss for 2 weeks but my body is changing! Dont mind the funny face on last pic!

    Sent from my iPhone using LapBandTalk

    Wow you are doing great! I wish I would have taken pics like you are doing. I was also banded 3/21/13. I'm down around 10 pounds but I'm struggling to pay attention to my true hunger vs my need to munch. Today is much better that Mon/Tues/Wed. I'm not hungry today and feel a renewed determination to succeed even in this pre-filled phase.

    Keep in touch! You inspire me to keep it going strong since we were banded the same day!

    Continued success!!!!

  13. Yesterday' date=' my food day wasn't planned very well. I had to be at a client most of the day, and figured a Protein shake would cover me until dinner. By the time I got home I was famished! I ended up having close to 1200 calories for the day, which felt like a lot. Only being 18 days out, I like to keep the intake between 800-1000. But I had to REMIND myself that 1200 calories is still a weight loss number. I just didn't like the out of control feeling I had when eating. Like nothing was going to fill me up. Thank God for the plication![/quote']

    I know the feeling. I had that feeling Mon/Tues/Wed this week, like I want food all day but not necessarily tummy growling hungry! Felt soooo out of control and really messed up. I can look back now and know it wasn't true hunger. I'm about 3 pounds up and am trying to refocus and listen to my body.

    Trying not to get frustrated because it will get better since I'm just three weeks post op today. I'm focusing on small bites, Protein and only a cup at each meal. I can do this!

  14. I was banded 3/21 and just started mushies/soft foods last Thursday. I am really feeling hunger more often. I am following the rules (1 cup of food for three meals with Protein first) and of course with no restriction I'm starving an hour or two later. I'm also having headaches.

    Just curious from those who are months down the road, how are you getting through this time?



    Thanks a bunch!

  15. I was banded 3/21 and I have that shoulder pain that is on top of my shoulder and feels like it right under that top muscle. I take a few deep breaths and it seems to subside. My greatest pain is in the middle of my back around my spine. It is band related because I feel it more after eating. It's like if you poked me under my sternum straight thru to my back that's where it hurts. Not a big deal and I'm using that as a sign to stop too. Between that and the half hiccup I do I can already feel my soft stop. Oh and this happens even with drinking, so I now know not to suck down a glass of water! ???ƒ

  16. I slept on my non port side from the first night til about night 4 or 5 when I could sleep on either side. Used a pillow between my legs and in front of me.

    miss had a great description of what it took to get in and out of bed :-)

    My advice is try several positions until you can rest comfortably. My hubby was told not to baby me too much so that made me move more which made me feel better sooner.

    All the best ???¤

  17. Is the nutritionist appt. part of the approval process. Will this have to happen before my paperwork is sent in?

    It was for me. I had to have the paperwork from my complete nutrition eval, psych eval, physical therapy, and doc supervised diet for 3 months before it could be submitted for pre approval.

    Stick with it!! It's certainly worth the time!!

  18. So you all were right, my appetite has returned. I feel like my stomach is trying to twist every time it growls. My issue now is absolutely nothing tastes palatable. broth has been my go to food for the last week and now I feel sick after a sip or two. I have tried so many different Protein shakes, Protein powder and drink supplements in hopes to get something else on the menu. I'm suppose to move to mushies Thursday. I am so ready!!

    I've heard several say scrambled eggs were a big part of mushies. What else did y'all eat in this phase???

    Thanks for letting me vent :)

  19. Hope you soon get some relief astott626' date=' , got my band on Tues(3/26) and have been pretty lucky with the gas pains. Have a pain today in the middle of my back which has been the worst of it. Struggling with the blues for some reason. Thinking its a combination of this miserable winter that will not end and the after effects of the anesthesia. Anxious to get to a real scale and see if I have any more off.Was down 19 from the preop diet. Best of luck!![/quote']

    I have the pain in the middle of my back too. It's got to have something to do with my band.

    Wishing for a turn towards sunnier days for you!!

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