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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kca1fan

  1. I am recovering nicely. Everyday is a little better. I am toe touch weight bearing on the left leg for six more weeks. I will be on a walker for the next 4-6 months. I can't wait for incision to heal so I can start going to the Y. I believe Water exercise will be the best and safest way to rehab. I am also recommiting to my low carb eating. I believe that and exercise were the most important part of the success I have already had. Been hovering between 200-210 for 6-8 months now. Time to move on down.

  2. Here is a little nsv I had recently. Hope its not to personal. I was in a scooter vs car accident on March 10th so I am recovering from a pelvis fracture. A couple days ago I was given the go ahead to be able to go to bathroom alone. If you have never been there you have no idea how exciting that is.I am sitting on the toilet and finished my business when I realized I have always been a reach through wiper, arms to short or butt too big. Due to limitations on how I can move there was no way I could. I set and pondered this for a bit. I didn't want to call for help. I finally decided I was going to try reaching around and what do you know my arms must have gained at least 4in in the last couple years. Now the funny part of this is I have been able to do this for awhile because I have been on a plateau for well over 6 months, holding steady at 200-210. I had just never tried. Lol. One of the first things I thought of after the crash, while still laying on the pavement, and keep thinking of is how much harder this whole thing would be 150 pounds ago. Not only on me and my recovery but on the awesome people taking care of me.

  3. I had two great nsvs today. First I went and bought my season pass for Elitch Gardens in Denver. I no longer have to worry if I can fit on the roller coaster. Second was feeling so good I decided to check out the gay bars on Capital Hill trying to find some old friends as the one I use to frequent back in the day is now a 7-11. Well didn't find anyone I knew but I am sure this cute young lesbian was checking me out. That is a first for me.

  4. I got a fill last Wed I was 232 got on scale today and it said 220
    I thought scale was messed up up at Manor so went over to hospital to weigh it said 219 lol. Love Love Love my lap band. First significant loss I have had in awhile. I even called Dr. thinking maybe I was confused about weight and or date I got fill but nope it is true. 12 pounds since May 14th. And yes I am eating enough. Definitely not starving myself.

  5. Hello fellow Bandsters. This is my one year update one day late. I was banded January 21st, 2013. I was 326 pounds. I went to the surgeon today and my official weight is 235. 91 pounds in a year makes me very happy. Not only was it my Bandiverary but I had a job interview and nailed it. I will be starting work Jan 27th or Feb 3rd just waiting for the call. I have been on disability since Jan 2012 and am more then ready to get back in the work force. I am 47 years old and feel I am in better shape then I have been since my late 20's. My journey has been complication free. I wish all banded would have it as easy as I have. That is not to say I haven't had to do the work because I have. I think about everything I eat and I exercise. The biggest change in my diet is I as a rule don't eat bread, potatoes, Pasta or rice. Not to say never but very far and few. As long as I follow the rules I have no problems. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MY BAND. Me Going back to work exactly one year later is proof that 1/21/2013 was the first day of my new life. They told me I was permanently disabled. HA!!!

  6. Hello fellow Bandsters. This is my one year update one day late. I was banded January 21st, 2013. I was 326 pounds. I went to the surgeon today and my official weight is 235. 91 pounds in a year makes me very happy. Not only was it my Bandiverary but I had a job interview and nailed it. I will be starting work Jan 27th or Feb 3rd just waiting for the call. I have been on disability since Jan 2012 and am more then ready to get back in the work force. I am 47 years old and feel I am in better shape then I have been since my late 20's. My journey has been complication free. I wish all banded would have it as easy as I have. That is not to say I haven't had to do the work because I have. I think about everything I eat and I exercise. The biggest change in my diet is I as a rule don't eat bread, potatoes, Pasta or rice. Not to say never but very far and few. As long as I follow the rules I have no problems. I LOVE LOVE LOVE MY BAND

  7. I got stuck on my second or third bite and thought OMG I am done. After 3 trips to the bathroom I decided to try something I had heard and went and got a diet pepsi I took a couple big swallows and up it came. Oh yeah thankfully I had went out to the car as we were at a restaurant. Stuck episode over enjoyed the rest of my meal. I had smoked a turkey while we were gone so had turkey leftovers without all the other yummy things I don't need but would have eaten if they were in the fridge.

  8. I had appointments with my Dr. and my surgeon Thursday One scale said 246 and one said 247. Either way i am one happy girl. After being stuck between 255 and 258 for 2 months I am thrilled. I am a firm believer in what my Dr. told me before I had surgery. She said "when you hit a plateau and you will hit them, you gotta move your butt." I am spending 40+ on gas to go to the Y 3 times a week. Is it worth it? I say hell yes!!!! She also cut my blood pressure pill in half and just called to say all labs came back good. That is 79 pounds since surgery and 99 all together.

  9. I just realized losing weight should cut down on laundry costs. I will be able to fit a lot more size 8 in a load then 28s. What are some other benefits you have noticed or thought of that losing weight will provide. Not including the obvious things like health and happiness. A couple of mine to start off with is, my arms have gotten longer. Ok not really but my reach sure has. I can get dressed a lot faster then I did 80 some pounds ago.

  10. I had two pairs of brand new jeans bought a couple years ago that sat in a drawer because they were too small. I finally pulled them out today and guess what? They are too big!!! I got down on the floor last night to look under the bed for something and popped right back up. I was like wow that was easy. I usually take several minutes getting off the ground. I cut my toenails the other night and realized I can just reach down and cut them no problem. It use to take forever just to get in a position to do that. I love love love my lap band!!!

  11. I was banded January 21,2013. I weighed 346 pounds. Have stage 3 COPD. I was on 2 liters oxygen 24 hrs a day and considered permanently disabled. Smoking a half pack of cigarettes a day. I could not walk, talk, and breathe at the same time. I was taking blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds. I think I was well on my way to an early grave just like my momma. She died at 59 years old. I still don't recall what they sighted as cause of death on her death certificate but it was all related to her being morbidly obese.

    Fast forward to today six months later. I am at 266 pounds, well maybe a few pounds less as I have promised myself to stay off scale for at least a week. Any who, I am feeling better then I have in 15- 20 years. I do Water exercise twice a day for 60 minutes. Last night I started walking two miles a night with my niece. During which we visit almost the entire route. Preparing for a 2 mile fun run to be held at the Farmers day event in my little town the end of September.

    I am off the cholesterol meds and truly believe the others will be next. I quit smoking in Feb. (although I have recently had a dumbass attack and smoked a few but that is done). I still eat anything I want just slower and less. I have only had one food that has given me problems and that is flat bread. I have chosen not to eat bread, potatoes, rice and Pasta. I have actually enjoyed finding new better foods to replace them. Like using zucchini noodles in goulash or a cucumber to hold my tuna salad instead of bread. Would probably be back to work now except I will lose my medical coverage. I am ready to go back to work the end of the year medical coverage or not. I love love love my lap band.

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