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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Angie4b1g

  1. Angie4b1g

    Considering Lap Band in Mexico: Feedback?

    Keep in mind that if you have surgery in Mexico, you'll have to pay for the fills you get locally (which can run into the hundreds of dollars each!). I've also heard it's not easy to get local doctors to fill Mexico patients, so make sure you've found one before you have the surgery.
  2. Angie4b1g

    List your lapband confessions here.

    McDonalds does not agree with me. Tried an Egg McMuffin the other morning because I was on the road and starving... I ate about half of it, but it was NOT pleasant going down. Yesterday the kids had nuggets and fries, so I tried to have a few of those. About 3 nuggets and 6-8 fries - again with the hurt. I love me some McD, but not enough to be in pain for it!! Guess it's time for us to go our separate ways. McD probably accounts for at least half of my excess weight. LOL
  3. Angie4b1g


    Weighing less than my husband is definitely high up on my goal list! Congrats to you! What a great NSV!
  4. Angie4b1g

    Birth Control

    I have a Mirena IUD and it's the best thing I ever bought. I don't really have periods (light light spotting - like a pantyliner is all I need), and it lasts for 5 years. I love it!!!
  5. Angie4b1g

    What a birthday gift ! I've lost 100 LBS

    Wow and in just 6 months! Amazing! Happy Birthday to you!!!
  6. Angie4b1g

    All you people do is complain...

    I'm happy to be a part of the great big dysfunctional family here. :biggrin:
  7. Angie4b1g

    Pre-op diet- kill me now!

    You can do it! It's such a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things. It gets easier after about the 4th day, too, once you've broken the carb addiction. Those first few days, I was about to eat one of my children, but it got easier once the withdrawals passed. :biggrin:
  8. I'm not sure how accurate a representation you'd get polling the folks here. You'd have to think that most of those who got them removed wouldn't still be hanging around here, in addition to the disproportionate amount of posters that are newly banded and haven't had as much time with the band. I can't say for sure, but I'd have to think there's more chance of problems at the 3 year mark than the 3 week mark, know what I mean?
  9. They say any positive is a positive. I had one that was even lighter than that, and she's 8 years old now, so don't count it out!! I retested 2 days later and it was positive before I pulled my pants back up. LOL
  10. Angie4b1g


    I can eat bread ok, but just about anything at McDonalds gets stuck. Fries, egg mcmuffin, chicken nuggets... all of it. But I ate a soft dinner roll on Easter with no problems. So, I guess it's pretty individual!
  11. Angie4b1g

    Video Blog... I'm an Advertisement!

    OMG you are just too cute!! Love it!!
  12. I think this might be a fun and informational exercise. Let's see how many calories/fat is in your typical PRE-band meal. I bet you'll be shocked, and then I bet you'll say "no wonder I was fat!". lol My weakness was McDonald's fries, so I always made sure I got the super size meal. My only saving grace was that I'm not a soda drinker, so I got unsweetened tea. But, here's mine: Big Mac: 560 cal/30 g fat/3 g fiber/47 g carbs SS Fries: 610 cal/29 g fat/7 g fiber/77 g carbs Total: 1170 cal / 59 g fat / 10 g Fiber / 124 g carbs I got the info at Dotti's Weight Loss Zone
  13. Angie4b1g

    All you people do is complain...

    Um... k. I would have much rather had the truth when I was getting ready to go into surgery instead of some sugar coated version by someone farting rainbows. I knew exactly what to expect, I knew that I could have X pain and Y discomfort and I was prepared. If no one ever complained about what went wrong, I definitely wouldn't have had a realistic expectation of what the surgery was going to be, and how freaked out would I have been when something hurt or didn't feel right? No thanks! I'll take the truth, even if it's not what I want to hear!
  14. Angie4b1g

    Considering Lap Band in Mexico: Feedback?

    Everything went great, definitely no regrets. I'm on a regular diet now, so I eat mostly what I ate before, just a lot less of it!
  15. Angie4b1g

    Considering Lap Band in Mexico: Feedback?

    2 years of fills are included in the initial price, so I don't pay anything! I went down once 4 weeks post op, and am going again another 3 weeks after that (next week).
  16. Angie4b1g

    How many reach goal

    I've often wondered about that 50-60% of excess weight statistic. Does that mean 50% of the weight over normal BMI, or over what the dr's goal for them was, or did they set their own goal, or what. And, did these people all get regular fills, or are the people that get the band and never get a single fill included in that statistic as well? I think we need a more comprehensive study.
  17. Angie4b1g

    Considering Lap Band in Mexico: Feedback?

    I'm also in Cleveland and I had my surgery done in Cincinnati. If you're considering Mexico for the price, remember you have to figure in the cost of airfare and hotel every time you go! I went to Dr Curry and it was just under $13k for everything. Slightly more than Mexico, but no flying, and he was highly recommended. There's also a Dr in Colorado that does it for under $10k. I drive back to Cincy for my fills, too, we could carpool! lol
  18. Angie4b1g

    NSV for Me!

    No wonder we're so tired all the time, right? Who wouldn't be carrying a 10 year old around all day!! Congrats to you!
  19. Not that I know of - unless they put it in and out while I was knocked out.
  20. Angie4b1g

    List your lapband confessions here.

    Well, we obviously all have eating problems or we wouldn't be here in the first place. It's nice to have a place to confess these sins without people being appalled. We won't talk about how much chocolate I've eaten today. We're having Easter Bunny for dinner tonight, I think.
  21. Angie4b1g

    List your lapband confessions here.

    But Becca!!!!!!!! You're halfway there!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could almost hate you right now. :wub:
  22. Angie4b1g

    Scrapbooking/journaling your adventure?

    I'm a big scrapbooker, but I haven't considered doing my weight loss. Maybe I should. I could do it digitally and then print them out for an album. Hrm.
  23. Angie4b1g

    Changing Goal Weight

    I made mine 100lbs less than where I started so I could say I lost 100lbs. LOL My WW goal range was 135-153. I originally set my goal for 160. But then changed it to 156. So still 3 pounds more than WW thinks I should aim for, but within normal BMI range.
  24. Angie4b1g

    Ugh I need a fill!

    My choices are definitely not what one would call "good". LOL
  25. Angie4b1g

    Ugh I need a fill!

    I've just had the one, about a week and half ago. Next one is in another week and a half. I haven't been eating more OFTEN than I should, just more at one time. Ugh.

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