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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by crazycat

  1. Hi Jennie,

    Where the heck have you been girl? We have missed you. Sorry to hear about your band slipping. Jennie mine did too. I had to have Dr. R. remove my old one and put in a new one. I hope you don't wait as long as I did. I want really bad off by the time I finnally went to for surgery.

    I wish you well....please let me know how you are doing.

    Call me Jennie if you still have my cell number.


  2. There is a new study just released by the American

    > > Psychiatric

    > > Association about women and how they feel about their

    > > asses.

    > >

    > >

    > > The results are pretty shocking:

    > >

    > > 1. Only 5% of women surveyed feel their ass is too big.

    > >

    > > 2. 10% of women surveyed feel their ass is too small.

    > >

    > > 3. The remaining 85% say they don't care; they love

    > > him; he's a good man and they would have married him anyway.:biggrin:

  3. Over the years of being married to the man in my life of whom I completely adore; I have noticed all the different names I have given him.

    His real name is Thomas, but every one calls him Tom. I never call him that. I call him Honey, or Babe most of the time. When I want to make my point of view heard by him I call him Thomas. When I'm mad at him I call him an Ass. When I speak of him to other people I call him Tommy. Last but not least....I call him Baloney butt when I want to let him know....I still love him but he needs a shower. Yes ladies....he will answers to them all!


  4. My first band was done in Mexico by Dr. Ortiz. Jan. 2007. I had trouble with it right from the start. It seems it may have been put to low and ended up making a small pouch above the band over time. I have lost 50 lbs but it was not easy. The last year I have had to eat around the band by eating very soft foods; then towards the end nothing was going down....not even Water. This was all with no fill at all at the end. I haven't heard anything at all negative about any of the doctors in the Clinton office. I'm so glad I have Dr. Rohrscheib as my doctor.


  5. Gwenn,

    EZ FIBER doesn't have pysllium in it. Maybe that is why it doesn't get thick when you add it to liquid. The directions calls for 1-2 tbsp up to 3 times a day. I don't use it like that. What I do is just get a large table spoon and put one heaping amount into an eight ounce glass of orange juice; just once a day. You can't see it at all in the juice once you stir it up and you can't taste it all. It will take you a few days to figure out how much you will need to get your self going smoothly. Everyone is different. I used to use those little pink pills. Well those were pretty unpredictable and very uncomfortable. EZ Fiber works in just 2 or 3 hours most times for me.

    I hope this helps,


  6. The best....most friendly one I use is called EZ FIBER. It is non thickening, grit free,tasteless, and sugar free. You can put it in anything, but I always put it in my orange juice in the morning. You never even know you are drinking anything other then your orange juice, it's really great. You can find it at wall-mart for half the price of some of the other name brands.

  7. Hi Kelly,

    I just wanted to say hi and let you know that I haven't forgotten you. How are you doing with your weight loss? I'm doing ok...I've gained maybe two or three pounds since my complete unfill. I plan on starting my small little many fills after I get back from vacation. (I have to wonder if I need them...I'm still throwing up some.)That will be the very end of July. I have been keeping myself very active though. I've been painting the inside of my house, and working in the back yard. We are putting flag stone cement walk ways going here and there , well...just all over the place. I've also been doing a lot of gardening. Every time I have to run to Lowe's for something....I buy more flowers.

    Have a good day,


  8. When my husband and I first got married he was a master gunny in the marine core. We didn't have a lot of money so we always took our lunches to work with us. One day I made him a panty sandwich for lunch. How did I know that a lot of the men under him ( that he was in charge of) would be having lunch with him. Well....everyone thought it was pretty funny and his men always liked me. I guess its because I was always doing things like that to him. One time I even put a pair of black lace panties on our poodle and took her with me when I went to pick him up from the base. I let her run all around his office in them. We are still doing things like this to each other. We have been married 32 years. Well the sex has slowed down some....but the cute things we do to each other hasn't.

    I wish you lots of good sex and lots of happy years together.

  9. I was burping all the time too. I went to my doctor and had an exray taken not because of the burping , but because I was having a lot of trouble eating anything. I was afraid that I had slipped. Well nothing was wrong, but the doctor couldn't get over how big of an air bubble I had in my tummy. He asked me if I burped a lot. I said yes all the time. He gave me a complete unfill. I think it was because of not being able to get food down though, not the burping. He did say that the air bubble would go away on its own. I still burp every time I get food stuck....yes I still get food stuck even with no fill; but at least I can eat food and I usually get to keep it down.

  10. Hi Kelly,

    I went for my x-ray yesterday. The doctor said it was fine. He said the only thing that doesn't look right is I have a very huge pocket of air in it. I said soooo that is why when I sit down to eat a meal I start feeling sick and have to stand up. As soon as I stand up, you can here a large amount of air coming up out of my throat.He thinks that I must be one of those people that swallow a lot of air when I eat and drink. He said that the band looks really good. He said that he never took all the Fluid out last time I saw him....but he was going to this time. I have to go back in for tiny mini fills in one month. I hope this works. So....Monday I'm hitting the gym. The last thing I want to do is gain what weight I have struggled to lose. But Kelly remember when we met for lunch and I could hardly eat anything? I guess it was the gas bubble...and it's all the time. I could understand the big gas bubble if I drink a lot of soda; but I never drink any at all.

    Well...anyway, I'm so glad to know that I don't have a slipped band.

    How are you doing?

    Talk to you later,


  11. One time for our anniversary I surprised my husband when he came home from work with a can of intimation whipped cream and a couple of cherry's.

    I put a bath sheet on the bed and layed down on it and put a triangle and one cherry over my VJJ. Then I put a large amount of whipped cream on top of each boob, and cherry for each nipple. ( You can make your self appear much bigger ) We usually have a lot of fun in the shower after he has had his fill of desert.

    Make sure you use intimation whipped cream. The real stuff will make a mess...it slides in your arm pits.

  12. Finally lost a pound! Whew! Was starting to think I was done losing, but guess not! Terry, did you have your x-ray? R U OK?

    Hi Kelly,

    Hey!!! good for you....losing a pound. It's funny how the body is. You go from not losing anything in a while , then it starts up again....like the rest is over so we start losing again.

    I go in for my x-ray this coming Monday afternoon. I will tell you Tuesday what they think is going on.

    I'm going to go pick up my Mom in Ohio this Saturday. She will be here for a week, staying with my Aunt.


    P.S. Michelle....You sound kind of Star Struck Honey!

  13. I think that cheap fake flowers are the best. I love it when they fade from the sunlight, get dirtier and dirtier and are still sadly blooming in January. Fake birds, flamingoes if you can get 'em, will add to the charm. These gardens are often the most interesting and are a lovely thing to plant if you live in a conventional neighbourhood.

    Ok you non gardeners...Your making me smile!

    I think Green has a good point! If your going to go fake, go really cheap with the fake flowers, and add the flamingoes for the charm. Just don't over do it with all the STUFF from the 99 cent store. We have some homes here in the mid west where I live that look like they bought out the store! Ok...My Mom is one of them. Its really hard to keep your eyes on the road while driving by. I'm surprised I haven't ran off the road; from looking...going Oh my word what was that person thinking!

    Happy gardening.:thumbup:

  14. My husband had to go to the hospital the other day for the old rotor rooter thing up the you know what. He was laying there waiting for the nurses to come in to get him for the procedure and he asked me if women had to have these done too. I said....no! Only men have to have them....because they have prostrates and women don't. He laid there for a little bit thinking about what I had just said, then he goes....well at least men don't have pap smears. ok....It was hard to keep a straight face....but I'm always teasing him.

    Five minutes later here come the two nurses to get him. One says to me...when is the last time you have had one? Well...I got this funny look on my face, and then she goes...You haven't had one have you? I then told her what I just told my husband. Well I thought they both were going to wet their pants. The look on their faces was priceless but the look on my husband's was priceless too. It's not my fault...they told me to talk to him to keep his mind off of the pending procedure about to happen.:thumbup:

  15. Tapshoes,

    It sounds like you will have a lot of dirt on your hands this summer. What part of the USA do you live in? Can you grow peonies? If you have a big slop....are you thinking about maybe a Water fall going into a pond? I'm just thinking....with all the room you have it would be beautiful. If you would like me to tell you how to make chicken Topiarys let me know.


  16. Hi all,

    Well....spring is finally here. I myself love to garden. It's a great way to burn off some calories. I was looking out into my back yard this morning and what did see.....My bunny topiary that I started last spring really is in need of a trimming big time. He is looking more like a helicopter then a bunny. I also have 3 chicken topiaries. They are looking more like bears with chicken butts, I guess they will need a nip tuck here and there too. I just love Spring....the iris seem to bloom over night and then right behind them the peonies come to life. I think the birds love spring as well...They really are singing a lot.

  17. I'm so glad this thread was posted! I moved from California 4 years ago and I still haven't meet anyone to be friends with. My world is enjoying life with my husband who has always been my very best friend. I desperately want to make friends with some other women. I'm going to put an ad in the local paper start up a Bunko group.

  18. Hi Kelly,

    I forgot to tell what the doctor said the other day. He wants me to come for an ex-ray. He said what I have going on isn't normal. I'm not sure that I even had much Fluid to take out. It sure hasn't helped much. I'll be going in for the ex-ray before long....in a week or so. I hate drinking that stuff for the ex-rays....yuck!


  19. Every body is different. Some people are very tight and some people aren't. Every one has a different level of tightness that they want in order to lose weight. I myself can only eat solids in the evenings and only 3 or 4 bites. I quit because it will hurt; not because I'm full. I really don't ever feel hungry and if I do...just drinking Water will make me feel satisfied for a while. I have been banded for about a year and a half now. The last six months have been the best weight loss for me. It took me a while to learn not to eat around the band. I also look at food differently now. I work out also at a gym. That is very important. I was just spinning my wheels and getting no where until I started working out. I also use a free site call Fit Day. It has been a big help for me.

    Hope this helps,


  20. Hi Carol,

    It sounds like you are doing well. I was the same as you right after surgery. Very tired and lots of gas pains. The first week is the worst. I ended up not being able to make the trip to see my Mom after all. I came down with the flue. It was just as well....one of her employee's lost their Mother so she ended up having to work in her place.Then she got sick herself. We are now planing on getting together in June sometime.

    Glad to here you are doing well,



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