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Posts posted by devichan

  1. Just wanted to share that this morning, I weighed in at 221.5 (down from 309 in December, 265 June 3). This is equal to the smallest weight I've been since I was 19, and I turn 42 in two weeks. By my birthday, I'll be back to my teen-level weight again.

    I am doing so well! I don't mind the 1-2 lb/week average dropping. I feel like it's healthy for me and I'm so very happy. I have energy and skin tone. I am starting with a bit of the hair loss, but I was braced for that and it's no worse than it was 12 weeks out from my childrens' births. (I've actually had worse Hair loss from regular diets.)

    I CAN eat anything, but I'm being very choosy with my foods. I've discovered a love for sweet and savory tuna. I'm also eating more seafood, which is great because I've always loved that.

    I've even celebrated by getting a new pair of glasses, my first in years. They're a lot like my 80s glasses. Pics in my gallery!

  2. The surgery was fine, actually. Not painless, but I didn't experience much pain at all. I was off the pain meds by three days out and working from work at 9 days. (Don't tell my doc.) My knees don't even feel like the same joints I had two months ago, there's such a big difference. I have only needed to take Tylenol one time for knee pain since the surgery, and I had been a 6-Advil-A-Day habit. NO regrets.

  3. Holly,

    I'm so glad you updated.

    I've been debating posting this, but I'm in a polyamorous relationship and I have been since 1993. It sounds like you two are finally getting to the Successful Poly Mantra: Communicate, communicate, communicate. If you need someone to talk to about multipartner issues who has been there and made it work, please feel free to PM me. If you think that was a side effect of other issues and you're fundamentally monogamous, you can still PM me and I'll listen.

    I wish you the best and healthiest outcome for everyone concerned!!

  4. Tuesday was my 5-week appointment. I'm healing beautifully and have permission to do weights and start ab exercise next week. I wore size 22 shorts this last weekend and my 28s are literally falling off me. :D And best of all, the thing I most wanted, the thing that makes all the numbers irrelevant, is my knees. I haven't needed to take any pain meds for them since the surgery.

    That's what I wanted: to be able to walk pain-free. I'm hoping that even with the arthritis being aggravated during the winter that in six months I'll be small enough to make meds irrelevant or at least not an everyday thing there too!

  5. I haven't tested how much I can have yet... after an ounce of food, I start burping and I feel... not full, but done? It's like a switch inside me tells me "That's enough" and I don't want to push that. I've never felt the chest pressure some talk about. Maybe I could eat more, but... dunno, I don't like being sick so I'm motivated to take it easy?

  6. So as everyone gets to one month out, howbout we post how we're doing?

    I'm down 26lbs, back to working full-time and even OT, just started soft foods (mmmm, salmon today!), my belly skin is almost healed, I'm walking daily, and I feel great! I have to say that I expected to be having more buyer's remorse than I am, because I was so iffy about my own expected post-surgery emotional state. This weekend I'm going to a SF/Fantasy con and can't wait... I might be able to dress up next year!

    How're other people as you reach your month out?

  7. Oh! Important thing: This is a really good reason not to compare yourself to others! Some people count pre-op liquid in their weight counts, and I have zero issue with that - they dropped it, it counts! But if someone says they dropped 35 in the first month and they're counting it, and you dropped 20 in the first month and you didn't have it to count, the situations are not at all the same... and you don't know who had pre-op liquid and who didn't. So remember: After surgery, comparisons are useless! :)

  8. My BMI was high and I didn't have to do it. I had dropped 10% as required, and my doc doesn't require it of most of her patients, since we're going to be on liquid for three weeks after. She feels the 10% helps get the liver fat out of the way. She does require liquids the day before surgery, but that just makes sense. I think I had more reserves going into the surgery from eating food up until the day before, but follow your doctor's orders regardless! :)

  9. Of the 6 doctors I interviewed before deciding, one had a single fatality: a 600-lb man with a LOT of complications going in. He had operated on other folks of the same weight who thrived after, but I guess it was that one gentleman's time to go. The rest of the doctors had not had any fatalities..

  10. Oh, Bredred... I'm so sorry to hear of your family's troubles! Please accept my warmest wishes for your daughter's healing and the best outcome possible for everyone else in your family.

    Have you talked to a professional about this? There are people who work with people who have similar issues, and who can help you work your way through these perfectly-valid feelings. I don't know how you feel, but I can sure understand how you got there, and hope you'll consider talking this out with a pro.

    In the meantime, if you're a hugger and would welcome it, you have hugs from me. If you don't want them for whatever reason, please know I'm thinking of you.

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