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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jenniferdawn86

  1. 80 lbs wow good for you.. congrats.. :) i have only lost 14.. i was hoping to see more results by now but i am waiting patiently. ya getting a fill on valentines by would blow.. i was going to get one tomorrow but i remembered it was vday so i made it for next thursday. i have to drive 3 hours to get my fills, one way.. i am sick of the drive the cost of it.. hoping this one will be it for quite awhile.. 6-10 lbs a month is awesome.. i can not wait for that. i have been stuck on 14lbs for about a month now. yes people can judge harshly. i wasn't sure if i wanted to tell people or not but i live in a very small town and ppl know everything so i decided i would rather tell ppl then try to hide it because i wanted to be proud of my decision but if i lived in a big city where no one knew me then i wouldn't tell anyone.. i haven't announced it to the world but i have told a lot of ppl.. my good friends and the teachers i work with at school all know.. i decided to get the lap band because for one my parents and family have a lot of health issues that run in the family and they are overweight as well so for health reasons i wanted to get it. i wanted to be happy.. i am sick of being overweight.. sometimes i have back pain and i never used to have it but in the past year i have gained quite a bit.. about 4 years ago i started the Atkins diet and i became obsessed with working out.. i mean that's all i did.. i was running 4 miles with flights of stairs everyday, i was doing zumba, i was lifting weights, i was doing a turbo kick classes that's all i did.. well i have lost 70lbs and i kept it off for years but i was hardcore workout and then i started taking care of my grandma so the times for working out didn't work so i stopped and i slowly gained it all back so i am back to my oringial weight.. i just knew i would never ever get that motivated again and i seriously had to work my ass off to lose all that.. i am not getting any younger and losing weight becomes harder with age and it runs in the family.. my mom got the lapband 5 years ago and has lost 125lbs and kept it off so i got to see her journey with the band. basically it came down too health issues, i hate being overweight, i miss wearing my cute clothes haha ;) i am getting married and don't want to be how i am now in a wedding dress. i knew i would never be able to lose the weight without help so i decided why the hell not.. my dad is also going to get the lapband in 8 months.. he was going to come with me and get it but he had a heart attack so he has to wait a year.

  2. i was throwing up all the time because i was eating to fast and too big of bites. i have gotten that figured out now. i haven't thrown up in quite awhile. i'd take a too big of bite and then i'd be stuck and here it came. i am excited to get my next fill. hopefully i will start seeing some results. i've been the same for over a month now. i just thought it would be a easier process and it'd come off faster than it is. i know it's not going to fall off over night but i figured i'd see more results than i have. i like in oregon and it always rains here so going running is a hit and miss here. i have a elliptical and a weight bench so i try to do those and i also like playing on the wii and xbox.. doing the dancing games and zumba. i also do ab exercises on the floor. i need to get into a routine so i do it more often.

  3. hahaha... i am happy you found a good quality pizza... ;-) I am going for my 3rd fill next thursday. i got my first fill december 11th, my 2nd january 8 and going to have 3rd on the 21st. i am getting tired of going every damn month haha.. i just want to get my fills figured out so i can start my process.. each time i get better and better but i really think i am not at that happy amount yet. i read on here it takes multiple times to get to the right amount. i can hold up to 4cc and on my 1st fill she put in 1.3cc, my 2nd fill she put me up to 2.3cc she added 1 and who knows what she'll do for my next one.. i am hoping we will get it figured out. i have gotten the eating slow and small bites figured out now. i am really trying on eating more healthy.. hence no more pizza.. :-) i read earlier that you are supposed to be eating 3 oz of solids food and be satisfied for 4-5hrs.. that is def not me.. about how much do you eat.. do you measure it out or have you gotten past that phase.. i am a athletic person and i actually working out. i need to get back with it. i was doing my elliptical everyday for 30 min and was losing but i stopped this past week because been super busy and i gained back the 3 lbs i had lost. i am hoping this next fill will help with my limiting eating and keeping me full longer..

  4. i am in your boat. i was banded november 2nd and had my first fill december 11th then my 2nd fill january 8th. going for my 3rd next week. i used to get stuck all the time. i would take a regular size bite of food and eat too fast and it would get stuck right in my chest. about a minute later i would throw up. it was happening all the time. i now eat very slow and take small bites. i no longer get stuck and throw up. i had to tell my brain that i had to chew 20 times before i swallowed. and i always wanted that one last bite. well that one last bite would make me throw up. when you start to feel it, you will know to stop. however my problem is i feel i have no restriction now that i eat slow and small bites. after reading all the comments i didn't know that you were only supposed to eat a cup of food and have it last 4 hours. i can eat 2 chicken strips slowly but i still get hungry after a few hours. i have learned i can basically eat whatever i want i just have to eat it slow with small bites and chew very well. i am hoping with my next fill i will have the satisfied feeling. i eat way more than one cup of food per setting. reasoning why i am frusterated with not seeing much results. how much weight have you lost so far..

  5. thank you everyone. sorry takes me so long to respond. i am new on here and still trying to figure it out. i typically use my phone but it's way easier on a computer. i am both. for example the other night i ate 2 pieces of pizzas with no problem. i took small bites and ate slow but i ate it no problem at all. When i wake up in morning i am hungry and ready to eat. i am still learning to prepare my food and plan ahead but i will eat a scrammabled egg and a piece of ham for breakfast(7:30am) and by 9:00am i ready for a snack and i'll have a Fiber bar. for lunch it depends but another example i can eat 2 full chicken strips and and i still snack a few hours later. after i get off work at 3:30 i am hungry and have a fiber bar then i get home around 4:30 and i am starving and i have dinner. the other night i had mashed potatoes and gravy with 4 pieces of chicken chunks. today i was out of town and had 2 pieces of french toast for Breakfast with a sausage link. i am working on eating more heathly but these are some examples of me being very surprised i can eat these things and still be hungry a few hours later. no i do not have nutritionist, i am a single girl with no insurance. money is tight so i just talk to the people in my town because several have gotten the lap band and my mom got it 5 years ago. She can nowhere eat what i am eating. she takes a few bites of her food and is full. i am still eating like i used to but just way slower with lots of chewing.. i bought a scale to start weighing out my food so i know exactly how much i am eating. i am learning new things all the time on what to do and what NOT to do..

  6. I got the Lap Band in November. I've had two fills so far and I can still eat a large amount of food.. How much food are you supposed to be eating?? I am wondering if I need another fill.. I know everybody loses at a different pace but how much did you guys lose in the first 3 months?

  7. I read that link up above .. I didn't realize you ate to satisfy not the full sensation.. I still have a lot to learn.. I don't know how to edit my profile.. I am on my phone.. Can i do it thru here or do i need to hop on my laptop??

  8. Ya i am still learning about the band.. I always have to remind myself to eat slow.. I know that's why i throw up a lot but when i eat slow and small bites then i can actually eat a big portion.. For example i had 2 pieces of pizza the other day and i was surprised i could eat it. i normally eat healthy but was out of town an we got pizza.. I figured i would be full after a piece or less..

  9. I can have up to 4cc's .. My first fill i got 1.3 and was not restricted at all. i went back a month later and i have 2.3 cc's .. Its been about a month now and i still am having issues. at times i eat a few bites and get stuck and i puke it up. depending on the food i can still eat a a decent amount and not fill full.. I stop eating because i get stuck and want to throw it up.. I am wondering if this is normal.. How much can somebody eat and feel full.. My mom has the band and feels full after 3 bites. I never get the full sensation.. I always get stuck.. Do i need another fill to get the full sensation??

  10. I am 26 and got banded in November .. I am very happy with my decision .. I lost weight on the.atkins diet but it all came back.. I decided i am not getting any younger and with my family history i wanted to make a change now. I.didn't want to.wait till all the health issues came. i.knew i would never get motivated and stay motivated .. Weight has always been a issue.. Making my decision was easy because my mom got banded 5 yrs ago and i know several ppl who have .. Its very successful .. Good luck with your decision .. Best thing i ever did..

  11. I have taken 4 pregnancy tests and all came back negative. that's when i started looking into things and i found this app. i wasn't sure what was going on but found other people had altered cycles so i am not as worried now.. Thank you for the help!! :-) i am about to get my first fill so really wanted to make sure i was't pregnant first or just from the surgery messing things up.

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