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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. I have friends in Greenville and have been there a few times.. nice little town.. I am originally from Ky. but Covington which is across the river from Cincinnati... @Donna, congratulations on your achievement... I love reading about how everyone is doing.
  2. Sharpie

    Todays my day !

    The Lord will be with you and we are all here to help you... You will do great.
  3. Sharpie


    I had a battery of tests.. EKG, bloodwork, chest xray,upper gi, and pulmonary function... but never heard of a EGD? Everyone gets nervous , just remember you are doing something for your health and take it one day at a time... once I decided to get the band , I was ready ... the night before my surgery I did take a sleeping aid so I wouldn't be stressed and tired... it helped.. Good Luck ...
  4. Sharpie

    weight gain

    You should still be in the healing phase ... however you won't feel "full"... just satisfied.. sounds like your head is telling you to continue eating cause you're not stuffed... hopefully when you get a fill it will help... also make sure you eat a lot of protein.. that is what makes you feel satisfied.. the band will not stop you from eating...good luck.
  5. Sharpie

    Lap band fills and Medicare

    my Medicare has paid so far.. I also have a supplement BC/BS so I haven't had to pay anything out of pocket.. I have had one fill since surgery on Jan 15... but to be sure I would check with your financial manager or insurance specialists at your surgeons office.. They usually know all of the rules for Medicare.. don't know how it will work after Obamacare gets started though.
  6. Sharpie

    LBT Banner Ads...WRONG!!!

    I have never seen ads like that on this site... perhaps they are popping up on your computer due to the type of searches you have made... Regardless, lapbandtalk cannot control everything that might tempt us.. TV ads are way more full of food ads .. but we can't stop watching TV or living because we have a eating problem.. Our society is surrounded by food and things pertaining to food.. We also have the most lucrative diet industry in the world.. it's our responsibility to act on our impulses or not...
  7. Sharpie

    Oh crap!!!

    one step at a time, you have your blood sugar under control, now focus on what the goal is.. being scared is natural...it is alot to think about, but you can do this. I was anticipating something horrible but it wasn't nearly as bad as I had thought.. the first days will be trying but if you do what your Dr. tells you, especially drinking and moving you should do great... we will all be keeping you in our prayers..
  8. Sharpie

    Look at my face

    beautfiul smile and face... keep up the good work... you look like you feel wonderful...
  9. Sharpie

    Well is this a sign

    that is good... I will be praying that it is that or lower tomorrow... I hope you get a surgery date soon and can get your weight down and your blood sugar down as well... Take Care..
  10. Sharpie

    Learning how to eat with the band

    My nutritionist said to eat dark meat chicken due to the moistness .. I have eaten some chicken breast but I use broth to make it moist...
  11. Sharpie

    List of NSVs

    wonderful... it's great that you are so positive... I think sometimes we get so wrapped up in the number on the scale we forget there are other great things that can happen.. Best of luck to you in the future.. I think you will be successful as long as you stay positive...
  12. Sharpie

    I really miss diet soda!

    can can- my surgeon said if you accidentally swallowed your gum, it would require surgery to remove it from your stoma .. I don't know if he had anyone do that but I don't want to take any chances.. many people still chew it and I guess they are okay but I pretty much follow my Dr's rules...I didn't go through all of this to end up having problems over some gum or soda...
  13. Sharpie

    I really miss diet soda!

    that is the first thing they told me before surgery.. No soda's no carbonated drinks..fortunately I never was a huge soda fan... I am not sure if all Dr.'s agree about the soda thing or not.. seems they are all different.. some say okay on straws and soda and gum some say no... mine says no to all...
  14. Sharpie

    I hate you diabetes

    I had diabetes too but my sugar was not quite that high.. I did protein drinks.. sugar free, like muscle milk and gnc lean shakes.. are you on insulin or oral medication... ? I will pray that you are able to get your surgery.. my sugar is running less than 100 now and I am off of all meds.. I have only lost 33 lbs but it makes so much difference in the way I am eating. protein , veggies and small amt of carbs.. but nothing with much sugar.. keep us posted.. we are all pulling for you...
  15. I met with my nutritionist prior to being banded... She was the leader at the group meetings I attended before surgery... I now meet with her every time I go to the Surgeon for follow up and fill.. She is so helpful and keeps up with new products and offers great advice...I am very lucky to have her and the rest of the staff at North Florida Bariatrics...
  16. Sharpie

    How do you decide?

    I am very sorry you have taken the defensive on this thread.. I don't think this group tries to hide anything from anyone who ask for advice.. I attended seminars and spoke with people who had been banded for years before I made my decision. sometimes peoples expectations are not what their reality becomes. I knew going in that I would be eating small pieces and slower, I knew going in that I might not be able to eat certain foods.. apparently you did not know or expect that.. As far as talking to professionals I think anything pertaining to the surgery and post op recommendations should be discussed with them. I don't think they are all interested in just selling us on a lapband. I am not interested in having a piss ing contest with anyone on here so, I am going to refrain from responding on this thread .. I am sorry for you and sorry you are so bitter.. I hope your future experience will be more successful.
  17. Sharpie

    How do you decide?

    Tess, I can tell you that my diabetes is under control. I am no longer on my oral medication.. I did not have lapband to "get thinner" but to get healthy... At 66 years old I have no visions of strutting around in a bikini.. the point is if you are concerned about your health, present or future, take control now. Best of luck to you on your journey...
  18. Sharpie

    How do you decide?

    I was not trying to be presumptuous or anything... I did not see anything in your post that indicated you had sought medical help.. I think your statement said you had been miserable for a month..You did not say I asked my Dr. about this or I have called him about this.. I don't think everyone has the same experience and I hope you truly get yours under control. If I had read your post before my surgery I would be feeling very scared... It's unfair to put that kind of fear into anyone who is already having a hard time deciding what to do. My advice to her would be go to seminars and discuss with other lapband patients and hopefully draw some conclusions that way.. She might need to speak to her surgeon or professionals in bariatrics before deciding...We are not Dr;s and ...opinions are like navels ... everyone has one
  19. Sharpie

    How do you decide?

    Regarding the post from someone about being miserable.. if I had that many problems for a month I would contact my Dr. I had my surgery on Jan 15, 2013.. I had about a week of some gas pains in my shoulder which I used a heating pad and moving to alleviate.. the other issues you are having are probably not typical... It's not a piece of cake (excuse the pun) but it's by far better than having your limbs amputated from diabetes or having heart disease from being too fat... I made my choice and have not regretted it... I still believe from my experience with others in my support group who had rny and sleeve that I made the best choice... Nothing anyone says should deter you from doing what is the best solution to your weight problem... Good Luck and let us know how you are doing.
  20. Sharpie

    How do you decide?

    as all the others have stated, it's a personal decision. I don't know how old you are and how long you have had a weight issue.. but, I had tried every diet and weight loss gimmick ever invented.. I lost and gained weight for 25 years..I never thought I was obese,, but when I got to the point of having to go on medication for diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, I knew I had to do something. This is the first time I actually feel I will be successful with losing weight and getting healthy.. I do not feel deprived,, I have a lot of energy and am looking forward to getting a new lease on life.. I am 66 and have grandchildren . I want to be able to take them places and do things with them instead of sitting on the sidelines because I am too fat to move... It has not been an easy journey and I am not at my goal . You must do your homework, make sure you are ready for this life changing event.
  21. It depends on if you have any other health issues.. I barely got approved @ 5' and 198 lbs. but because I had diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure I was approved.. you will have to talk to your primary care dr.
  22. Sharpie

    Advice on Dr Kuri

    Sometimes no matter how you try to save people from themselves they are hell bent to proceed towards disaster... I had a dear friend who decided to have his surgery in Mexico.. he has since died from various complications related to the surgery.. spent darn near a year in and out of ICU.. I wouldn't go anywhere near Mexico.. I have been there and no matter how they dress it up with their 4 star hotels, it's a dirty country and no regulation... and it is a dangerous country... we were robbed there the first day .. the police are a joke .. they are all very corrupt.. so, this Dr. is probably selling defective bands because he doesn't care about his patients.. My opinion is mine alone and no matter what we all say she is determined to go.. I pray all turns out well but I'm not confident that it will...
  23. Sharpie

    Why you have to eat protein first

    excellent post.. good explanation of why we focus on protein...
  24. Sharpie

    At my goal

    Great Job and congratulations.. I hope I have the same results.. but, I am happy and glad I made the decision to have my band... I have lost 33 lbs since Jan 15 and am amazed every day how I feel.. I have had a small fill 1.8 cc . I have confidence that I will get to my goal and will be able to maintain my weight in the future...
  25. Sharpie

    Gas pain, incision problem and scared.

    heating pad on your shoulder for gas helped me.. also I got up and walked around the house each hour.. use a pillow to hold your stomach when getting up.. as cg says call your Doc about what to eat or drink.. it's important right now to heal not to lose weight... my incision was a little painful but I did not have any issues like yours... again your Dr. should be notified of any changes... in a week you will feel like a new person.. I promise...

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