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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Sharpie

  1. Sharpie


    I have had a chopped steak but only ate about 2 oz.. you have to make sure it has moistness.. I had some mushroom soup on it.. I have also eaten sirloin steak but very small pieces and chew, chew , chew.. I do eat fish and chicken (dark meat) more than beef... I doubt I could eat a big mac even if I wanted it...
  2. Sharpie

    Does size matter?

    my Doc said because I am not really big (my staring wt was 198) It would probably be a slower process.. but, that is okay I think I will stay healthier.. so far I have lost 38 lbs (surg date 1/15/13) so it's slow but steady.. yes I also think it's how you eat, exercise, age and genetics... I am older (66) than some and I just started exercise routine so we will see what happens . I am staying in the plan 1 cup of food each meal.. sometimes I eat in between but usually low cal , high protein snacks.. My diabetes is in check, my blood pressure has improved and I have more energy than I have had in years so it's a win, win...
  3. Sharpie

    Do you still eat popcorn?

    I wasn't told not to eat popcorn but it's a carb so, doubt I could eat much...it's not my favorite snack so I don't mind..
  4. Sharpie

    No comorbidity

    From what I understand if your bmi is 40 or higher you should be approved.. but, the guidelines have changed for lapband so I'm not positive... your Dr's office should know .. My Surgeon's office told me I would be approved right away, my bmi was 37 but I had diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
  5. awesome... I thought about how much time I spent eating crap... in the past.. since being banded in January, my outlook on food has changed.. I even have a hard time thinking of something to eat when I grocery shop.. but the great part is that food no longer has a hold on me.. when I get bored I do something like laundry or vacuum.. I also started trying to get some exercise going.. I joined the gym this week and will try to go every day or at least 3 times a week... mostly to use the treadmill and bicycle.. The band is worth it and I hope you have continued success and a longer, healthier life...
  6. Sharpie


    there are tons of band friendly recipes on bandedliving.com they have been computed for calories, fat, protein...all fall in the 10 to 1 ratio for protein...I have tried several and they are good. I even made pancakes one morning with blueberry syrup... made with eggbeaters/banana's and fresh blueberries.. I am sure there are other sights but that is the one I found the most recipes on...
  7. Sharpie

    So down!

    My bmi was below 40 also but my pcp sent my medical records and a letter stating that my co-mordalities indicated that I needed the band...depending on your age and any other medical issues they should approve you. Best of Luck I hope you are successful.
  8. wow look at you in those skinny jeans... you are beautiful. I love to start my day with inspirational posts... thanks for sharing...
  9. Sharpie

    Can't dance

    When I finally said I'm Fat I decided to do something about it.... not a bad word, just honest..
  10. how exciting for you and you can yell all you want to...Disney requires a lot of walking and it takes at least a week to enjoy it.. Good for you and congratulations...
  11. Sharpie

    Governor Chris Christie gets the Lap-Band!

    Carnie Phillips had band over by pass... She is the featured speaker at the weight loss convention in Las Vegas this weekend... I hope the media leaves Gov. Christie alone so he can do this in peace.. They are already speculating about his reasons... Whatever his reasons I commend his decision.
  12. Sharpie

    upcoming NSVs

    I was happy to be able to wrap a towel around myself... happy for your 50 lbs loss... great job.
  13. Sharpie

    Look who got banded!

    I do believe Mr. Christie can handle the press... he will do great...
  14. Sharpie

    Gov. Christie gets Lap Band!!!

    I am anxious to see how he does... It's validating to know he chose the band instead of bypass or sleeve. I hope he's able to get support and is totally successful. He is still young enough to change his future health... I believe he is sincere about losing it for his family and not his career. He will continue to do well politically either way.
  15. Sharpie

    Hallelujah the culprit may have been found!!

    when I had my surgery they prescribed loritab or hydrocordone.. it made me deathly sick... once I stopped taking that I was fine.. I took liquid tylenol when I needed it...good luck and I hope you start feeling better....
  16. Sharpie

    To tattoo or not?

    never been a tatoo fan for myself however if that is what folks want to do to signify their success it's all good.. I'm afraid if I got a butterfly it would turn into a vulture at my age... lol
  17. very nice... the face is usually the first to change.. I lost my chubby cheeks and at least one chin so far.. keep up the good work....
  18. Sharpie

    My old pants!!

    fantastic job... throw those old big clothes out.. you will not need them anymore.. I donated a bunch of my bigger clothes to hospice.. they do a wonderful job of taking care of terminally ill patients.. They provided care for our daughter who passed away from melanoma.. they will sell those clothes and use the funds for their programs...
  19. Sharpie

    Protein Bars

    the cookie dough quest is awesome... however my GNC ran out... I have to make another trip this week to stock up... the muscle milk bars are good too...
  20. Sharpie

    I feel sorry for all you people...

    when I went on Mushie stage refried beans saved my life.. a little dollop of sour cream on top made a full meal for me.. I still like them . I haven't made them from scratch before I just buy them in the can but I am sure yours are way better...
  21. that is great... I know the first time that happened to me I was so happy.. I remember going to the spa with my daughter (birthday present) the robes they give you are not for obese people.. so, I was embarrassed because the robe would not close.. bet this year I will be rocking that robe... lol
  22. awesome... love to see how much people change... it keeps me motivated...
  23. Sharpie

    Surgery was on May 1st!

    It will get better.... you have to get up and move ..about once an hour get up and walk around your house... also it helps to use a pillow or something to support your stomach when you get up.. take your pain meds... the gas will go away but it takes time.. I know I felt the same way about it but trust me you will be so happy when you see the results.. sip liquids often.. you do not want to get dehydrated. focus on yourself healing.. it will take about a week to get semi-normal. Good Luck
  24. Sharpie

    1day post op

    drink, walk , heating pad and take your pain meds... also make sure in a few days if you haven't had a bm take a laxative, milk of mag worked for me.. otherwise get plenty of rest , don't worry about anything else but healing.. it does get better just takes time...
  25. Sharpie

    6 weeks post op pictures

    oh wow there is a big difference... it's amazing what a difference it makes... your waist and hips have shrunk....keep on going.

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