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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LeeB1946

  1. LeeB1946

    The "green zone"

    10 cc band with 5 cc and I am seeing lime green. one or two more cc's and I think I will be there in the green forest.
  2. LeeB1946

    To the Survivors!

    Mine just started but a friend who had a by pass one month before I had lap band has had hair loss for at least 6 months. Someone I know with a sleve has the same.
  3. 5 months post op and it just started. Karma in my case. Got a little too big for my britches (did not intend to make a joke) and told someone I was not losing my hair. The next day I combed out several clumps. Oh, Karma was just waiting for me to stick my foot in my mouth.
  4. LeeB1946

    Soooo depressed!

    Don't give up. Hopefully, the specialist can do the job and all will be well. Best of luck.
  5. LeeB1946

    Depressed & Eating

    Next time you want to eat and it is not a meal time set the time on your stove for 10 minutes and don't eat until the bell rings. If you still feel like eating set it again for 10 minutes. Don't eat at all during the 10 minutes and then if you try a 3rd time and still want to eat have a light snack. This has worked for me. I suffer from depression and I used to believe that food helped. It didn't!
  6. LeeB1946

    Let's lighten the mood.

    My scares from my lap band are no worse than the scratches I get clearing blackberry bushes out of my yard, but I have a real big one about 8 inches long down my stomach where I was opened 3 times for colon work. Had a ruptured colon and was put on a colostomy bag for 3 months and then opened up again to take off the bag and reconnect the colon and then 2 years later it all herniated and I had to have that mess worked on. The lap band was a piece of cake, if you will excuse the expression.
  7. LeeB1946

    Oh no! Food Stage Confusion!

    Mash tatters have lots of carbs and no protein. Refried beans do have some carb put good for a protein sources. I did have 2 tablespoons of mash potato. I have also used yams, but both are such a bother to peel and cook and mash, but I bet 2 tablespoons once a week would not hurt, but talk to dietitian before adventuring on.
  8. Well, just be honest with people. I let everyone know before I had surgery and told them what to expect. Nobody jumped for joy, but they did not ride me either. I went to breakfast with friends twice when I was on liquids. Took my shaker bottle of protein shake and joined in on the conversation. Nobody cares. Then when I was able to eat real food they often offer to share. I will do that if they are eating something I can eat. My surgery buddy told me to learn to eat vicariously through other people and I have. It's loads of fun until I get judgmental about what they are eating. That is when I keep my mouth shut. Keeps the words in and the food out! Good luck and enjoy your lap band.
  9. LeeB1946

    Idk what to do!!!!

    I used applesauce, non sweetened, after about week 2, but I was still on liquid most of the time. Applesauce and refried beans became a staple when I was on mushie foods. Now, for the, "What did I do?" You are normal. I wondered that into the 2nd week. When I finally got on solid food, and you will, I began to realize what I did and said to myself, "Put on your big boy pants and get with the program!" Well, 5 months out and 64 pounds lighter I am happy I did this, and I am sure you will be too. Good luck and keep up the good work. If your surgeon has support groups to attend make sure you go they help me alot.
  10. LeeB1946

    Frequent air travel with lap band

    My doctors told me do not eat or drink in flight, but on a really long flight what do you do? I flew 3 hours each way and drank part of a shake and felt full on my trip to Tucson, but coming back I did not drink anything and felt full when I got off in Seattle. I saw no difference, but on my trip down I must have tightened up as I did not want to eat and only drnk liquids for the first half day.
  11. My problem was I had to do so many things which I could not get immediate appoints. Cardiology took a total of 6 weeks. Two weeks for 1st appoint and then one month for results. Sleep study and fitting of CPAP, (that is my Hell story) then nearing the end and hoping for a date in December 12 after 3 months of all this my surgeon found a Hiatal Hernia and this was near the Thanksgiving holiday and sent me to surgeon who had to set appointments for tests and finally after New Years 13 I got my final OK from all the doctors. Insurance had approved several months earlier, but then hospital and doctors' schedules I finally got the band on 2 19 13. Almost 5 months and 60 pounds gone. It was worth the wait.
  12. LeeB1946


    Doesn't God work in mysterious ways? Glad to hear it went well.
  13. LeeB1946

    July 3 rd surgery

    Just pack lightly as you will come home the next day, usually! Hope yesterday went well and I bet today you don't feel all that well, but this too shall pass. The gas was the worst part for me as I could not lie down for 3 nights. Slept in my chair in the living room. Best of luck.
  14. It is a real struggle to say on the pre op diet. I lost about 10 pounds with it. I lost a total of 16 pounds pre op and found out at my last visit for my 100 day check up that my doctor does not count that as weight loss toward my goal. Only weight lost after surgery counts. What a bummer, but if that is so, I only have to lose a total of 91 pounds to get to my goal and not 107. They only count weight lost from the day of surgery and I was down from 258 to 241 on surgery day so my goal of 150 was only 91 pounds away if I use the doctor's count.
  15. Do what the doctor says. Walk as much as you can after surgery to get rid of the gas, Don't over do it. Follow what the doctor says to drink after surgery and get ready for a life altering adventure. I'm 5 months out and 60 pounds lighter. It's worth it.
  16. LeeB1946

    Insurance HELL!

    Best of luck on that ins thing. I had my insurance say they would not preapprove, but go ahead and have the surgery and then they would "see" if it was covered. I chickened out and waited 5 more years before having the surgery with my new insurance.
  17. Naked fish, I love that. I was never much of a fast food person. Taco Time now and then for a Taco salad, but no MCD's, etc. I am 5 months out with 2 fills and 5cc total. Had 2 and surgery, 2 at first fill and 1. Hunger still gets me a bit, but getting better. My broiler and over are getting some use as I stay away from fried as much as possible. Best of luck on your journey. Walking helps me alot to forget about the food and eating.
  18. Take the food plan your doctor gave you for post op eating. I told myself I would learn to eat vicariously through others and it worked. Still does today when I have to be in places where others are eating. I sometimes get a little self righteous and judge what others are eating. Should not do that as it is not good for my other program. Happy 4th.
  19. I have started to use it to track food too. I need to reset the calorie counter. I noticed it says I should eat 165 grams of carbo a day. No, way could I do that and not gain weight.
  20. LeeB1946

    Realize Band Vs Lapband

    My doctor uses the Lap Band, but does have a model of the Realize band in his office. I noticed one difference is the "inner tube" (for lack of better name) where the liquid is put is one solid piece on the Realize where it is 4 small compartments on the Lap Band. Also, I think the Realize is a bit wider on the outside ring.
  21. My dietician said Fitness Pal is good for logging food, but not too good for calorie counting for us. I have to work at it today as I am bad at food logging and I need to do that. I may not be getting enough calories as yesterday I counted only 600 and that is not enough to lose weight.
  22. LeeB1946

    SOooooo excited!!!

    I put on my "big boy pants" and said I had to do it. I got a lot of support from my OA groups and I have a partner in surgery. She had by pass one month before I had the band so we talk on the phone almost daily and we see each other a OA two times per week. Go to your support groups sponsored by your doctor and do the work they tell you to do. You will be sore for a few weeks, and after it all clears up you will be able to work with the band and the restrictions and not even know you are doing it. Best of luck.
  23. 5 months post op and she gurgles. It is Audrey (my band's name) saying "Feed me, Feed me!" Then after a few ounces she says , "stop feeding me!" I think it may be they noise we will hear for some time.
  24. LeeB1946

    Don't Be Like Me...

    Nothing tastes as good as restriction feels. Oh, no, one more bloody weight loss saying! I too can eat what ever I want and in some pretty good sizeable amounts. I have had 2 fills post surgery with 2cc at surgery for a total of 5cc and sort of looking at lime green zone. Oh, were is the forest green? Getting back on the wagon asap is the best thing you can do. If I have a day of too much food, I start the next day on protein shakes and that helps get me back on track.
  25. I am a gum swallor so my dr said no gum. I suck a tic tac to relieve the oral craving. I was told it could have to be surgically removed if it got stuck. UKKKKKKKK!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
