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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Lyoness82

  1. Lyoness82

    10 days post op?

    How far out are you? You should still be drinking shakes. That's where you get the majority of your protein. You need 60-80 grams a day. If you don't get the protein your body will feel like its starving and start to store what you eat. I hate the shakes but I try to get two in a day. You should also be taking a vitamin two times a day.
  2. Lyoness82

    10 days post op?

    I have a protein shake for breakfast, my band is tight in the morning. Lunch sometimes a half sandwich on toasted bread, or a small plate of tortilla chips with cheese and meat under the broiler. I find the crunchier the food the easier for me too break down. I don't eat pasta or rice, and haven't started salads yet. For dinner a small piece of chicken and some type of veggie like carrots or green beans something that's soft.
  3. Lyoness82

    10 days post op?

    On thanksgiving I was 4 weeks out my doc said non carbonated alcohol was fine. Hard boiled eggs are also on my soft foods list. If you drink your protein shakes calories don't matter, you will lose fat and keep muscle. I get about 500-1000 calories a day, just depending on the day but 10 days out I barely ate anything.
  4. Girlfriend, I was you 6 weeks ago. I felt like I lost my best friend, I no longer had food to help me cope with life's stress. I cried too. But trust me it gets way better. You get your energy back, you start trying on clothes you haven't worn in years and when you see the results it's amazing. I don't crave nearly as much as I used to. And you will get to eat against. The first month is the hardest I think. Just stay positive and remember why you got banded. Good luck.
  5. I had mine out I few years before my band, and ya it's a rougher recovery then the band. Give it a couple weeks. And walk just like you did with the band.
  6. Lyoness82

    Crushed medications

    I'm six weeks post op and I take my pills whole. I do however cut my big Motrin pills in half.
  7. That is not normal. Did they give you your pain mess in liquid form? That's important. Also you have to sip, very small. My doctor told me that we wanted NO vomiting. Persistent vomiting can cause the band to slip.
  8. I have been banded since oct. 25th. I have an empty band and have restriction. And can't eat certain foods. Mostly pasta. But I can finish a taco if its crunchy lol. I find the crunchier the foods (that aren't veggies) the more I can eat and the easier it goes down.
  9. Lyoness82

    Why Am I So Tired?

    Heidi we sound like two peas in a pod. After my surgery I had zero energy. I would fold a few clothes and feel like I ran a marathon. I was exhausted all the time. After about a week it started to get better. I also experienced seem depression. Food was my best friend and now I had lost it. When I was stressed or sad I didn't have food to run to. I mourned the loss as my husband would say. It was really great having a go to person. My husband was so great taking care of the kids and housework for me. But now I am 5 weeks and two days post surgery and I feel great. I have way more energy now, and I am o longer depressed. I know that in moderation at some point I will still be ale to have the things I want. I tried Chinese food today and for the first time I puked. It wasnt fun. I forgot to chew chew chew, because I let my self get so hungry. So when you do start to eat make sure you chew chew chew. Think positive as it does get better. I started to feel normal after week two. Good luck.
  10. I am 5 weeks post surgery. I have an empty band. Today the fam ordered Chinese food. So I decided to have a little. I think I was so hungry I didn't pay attention to my chewing. I ended up throwing up. This is the first time I have thrown up since being banded. I'm scared now. What are the chances I made my band slip? I already know I shouldn't have eaten it so no need to tell me that lol.
  11. Lyoness82

    Threw Up

    At first it was a productive burp. But after that first expulsion, my stomach got a really icky feeling, my mouth watered and I gave one heave, stuff came out from what looked like my actual stomach not my pouch. It wasn't very much as I haven't eaten all day, but it sure wasn't fun. It all started with that painful feeling you get when something is stuck, it feels kinda like you can't breathe. That part is worse then the actual throwing up.
  12. So at my last post op visit last Monday I found out that during surgery my dr. Found I had a hiatal hernia. She repaired it along with the band surgery. I find it odd they didn't tell me after surgery. Anyway I'm one month post op. I've been readin that people with nothing in there band, like myself feel no restriction, but I do. I can't mor e then a yogurt serving, although I can eat most food except fresh produce. Could this be because I also have swelling from the hernia? Does anyone else have an empty band and feel restriction? Anyone else have a hiatal hernia urging surgery?
  13. For the first couple weeks I was depressed, at day five post op I started craving food real bad. I would cry and be depressed I didn't want to get out of bed. I felt like I lost my best friend. When things got stressful at home I didn't have my food to run too. So when the time came that I could eat gain I was so excited! But almost everything I ate didn't taste that great. I was expecting that euphoria that I used to get from indulging, but it was gone. Like the passion in a love affair the light had gone out. I was utterly disappointed. But day father day my dependency for food started to diminish. But now month out I hate my protein shakes, and barely eat at all. I'm maybe getting 500 calories a day and I'm rarely drinking a shake. I'm sorta sad I not enjoy food anymore but I'm happy not to be addicted. Has anyone else experience?
  14. Lyoness82

    How Much Was Your

    I have nothing in my band. I will get my first fill when I feel I'm eating to much. I already feel restriction.
  15. Lyoness82


    The first two weeks suck ass lol. It gets better. I am one month out and life is just about back to normal , minus the fast food everyday lol stay strong day five was the worst day for me. Tiny bites and its bitty sips. Stay diligent.
  16. Lyoness82

    Is Soda Bad Once In A While?

    My dr asked me flat out before my surgery, can u give up soda and carbonation for the rest of your life? Of course I said yes even though I was drinking a six pack a day. I quit cold turkey two days before surgery. I am one month post op and that has been the hardest thing for me so far. I want a soda so bad, but I won't. It's not worth the risk.
  17. I hear ya, I have had a couple andes mints here and there, but how I stop my self from going overboard is thinking, I just spent $1500 out of pocket, went through a surgery. No way did I do all that just to screw it up. You are the only one that can control you. If it helps get all that stuff out of the house. If its not there then you can't east it. You really just have to be strong, get your mind off the cravings. Excercise, go read a book, watch a movie, call a friend. That band is just a tool, it won't work if you don't use it.
  18. Lyoness82

    I Feel Horrible

    Lots of gas, that's what caused most of my discomfort. I couldn't even take a deep breath. You really should be taking in at least 48-60 oz of fluid a day and at least 16-24 of that should be protein, its tedious but you have to take a sip every few min. my doctor said it should take me 12 hours to drink all of that. And take a vitamin. If you don't you're body will start to break down your muscle, you will be weak and can start losing hair and just feeling plain terrible. Commit to a sip every 3-5 min. Good luck!
  19. Lyoness82

    Can I Drink Normal Now?

    I feel you!!! I was banded on the 25th of Oct. sipping was just not quenching my thirst but if I did more then sip it felt real bad, and just not worth it, but now 12 days out and I can take a regular drink, I still yearn to chug though. Hopefully in a couple weeks.
  20. Lyoness82

    Pre Op Diet

    I did not do a pre-op diet. Although I was instructed about a week before to lay off the carbs and do a shake for breakfast and lunch and then protein and veggies for dinner, and the day before surgery no greasy food, soft foods only.
  21. Lyoness82

    Why Does Caffeine..

    I was told no regular coffee until til I was 6 weeks out, not sure why though. Haven't had a soda in awhile, and I really want one!
  22. Lyoness82

    What Vitamins Does Everyone Use?

    I am taking Centrum Chewables, they aren't much for taste but not the worst. I take 2 a day.
  23. Lyoness82


    Hi Cindy and welcome, I am new here also. I was banded on Oct. 25th. Just 9 days ago. My number one concern before I got banded was when I was gonna be able to eat again lol. Each day has gotten better and better. The first week is just liquids, which sounds hard I know, but considering you'll be recovering and only have the ability to take small amounts anyways you don't really pay it any attention. It was around day 5 when I was like I HAVE TO EAT!!! But I waited until my 1 week post op to get the go ahead to move on to mushies. Refried Beans, cottage cheese, sugar free pudding, mashed potatoes. That has been mostly what I have been eating. Each day that passes It feels better. Ive lost 14 lbs already and can't wait to get to my goal. Good luck to you.
  24. Lyoness82

    Newly Banded

    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

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