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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AmySays

  1. Hello friends! I haven't been on in awhile, I've been pretty busy! My surgery was 12/12/12 and so far I've lost 38lbs. I had my 2nd fill earlier this week and I'm at 4.4ccs now. I'm working hard at the gym 5-6 days a week (2 days aqua Zumba, 2 days land Zumba + strength training), 1day dedicated strength training, 1day H2O/water calisthenics).

    I can cross my legs, I can hold a notepad on my lap & write... and I'm wearing pants that button & zip (I've been in elastic waists for 2+ years)!! There are so many little things that have made this all worth it. I'm averaging 10lbs lost a month & have a ways to go, but, so far so good! So glad I made this life-changing decision!

  2. Moo, yes, I get hiccups (somewhat painful since I'm still healing) if I drink or eat too fast. Many people also say that hiccups are a sign to stop eating. My first episode was after eating a 1/4C of applesauce. I just ate it too quickly & didn't stick to "band-size" bites. It's a learning experience. We'll get there!

  3. I'm 14 days post op & had my pity party yesterday. It was just a mini-party though. I was sitting there (with very uncomfortable port pain) and broke down. I simply whispered, "I'm sorry..." and my husband asked what I was talking about. I told him I was sorry I let myself get this way - to the extreme of needing surgery. He just looked at me with a kind smile & said, "it's a fresh start." And I realized, he is so right! It's a fresh start for us all. I'm sure I'll probably go through a few more moments like that, but I'll get through it. We all will. :)

  4. Rhonda, you were just banded on the 10th... don't get discouraged. I think these feelings are normal, sweetie. You'll get through this and come out on the other side so much healthier, just give it time. Take it one day at a time & try not to get overwhelmed. We just went through a MAJOR surgery, there has to be a MAJOR healing period. Each day will get a little better.


  5. The nurse that took care of me in recovery was good, but there was another one there that I was glad I didn't have! She just kept barking orders at the poor patient she was with. I was up walking back & forth and I was so tempted to hobble over & give her a piece of my mind! No one needs to be yelled at when coming out of anesthesia! Especially by the person who is supposed to caring for them. She was on Dr. Hollis' service, so I think I might say something when I go in. I just hate to think of other people being treated like that.

  6. question for everyone im 3 days post op and i hurt in my chest kinda feel like im weezing cant cough any thing up should nni be worried

    Smiley, I think this is probably normal. I had my surgery yesterday and feel like I have a ton of mucus in my throat. It hurts too bad to cough so there's really no place I can make it go. Let me know if yours clears up in the next couple of days. I'd like something to look forward to, lol.

  7. I THOUGHT I was on a preop diet from the pamphlets my doc gave me. Been on it about a week and realized today at pre op, it was for BYPASS patients only!! I just have to have clear liquids 24hrs before. But it was good practice for after surgery.

    Oh my, LOL... maybe I should go back and re-read my info as well, haha... too late now, I guess! My pre-op diet wasn't as bad as some of the others I've seen. At least I got to eat actual food for dinner (3-4g lean Protein, 1C green veggies, 1C fruit). A lot of people are on 100% liquids! I'm praying that I'm just not hungry for real food this first week post-band and I'm happy with my Protein Shakes & broth, lol! I think I'm all ready for tomorrow morning. I just heard the washer finish, so I'm putting my comfy pants in the dryer and heading to bed!

    I'll try to check in tomorrow night. :)

    I just wanted to say thank you to you all for your support. You have been amazing little cheerleaders & I'm SO glad I found this site and this GROUP of terrific people. :)

  8. I am just putting this out there to see how those who observe feel about getting banded during the holiday season. I have had a lot of people say to me "What a horrible time of year to have the surgery." I purposely did the surgery before the first of the year for the simple reason that I need to make a lifestyle change, and that includes holidays. I am actually pretty excited that I will not spend one more holiday season stuffed like a turkey for two months straight. Any thoughts?

    I'll say I agree. I purposely scheduled mine when I did. It allowed me to still eat a normal Thanksgiving dinner before I started the pre-op diet. Christmas dinner has never been a huge deal for us... we open gifts on Christmas Eve (except for Santa - he doesn't come until that night so kids have to wait for morning) so everyone is more focused on that, then getting to church for the midnight candlelight service. My mom is the only one in my family who knows I'm doing this & she's arranging it where I'll end up sitting at the kids' table. None of them will notice how I'm eating, LOL. I'll start the new year off with my pretty little "belt" on, ready to kick some poundage boo-tay. :)

  9. I'm not banded yet (2 more days!!), but I've read (on this site) several times to remember that the first month you are in recovery mode and any weight loss it just a bonus. Don't feel too bad about the scale not moving quickly. Give it a couple of weeks. :)

    As for the wine, most 5oz glasses have 80-100 calories, depending on the type. Personally, I'd rather eat my calories than drink them, but an occasional glass would be alright. I actually don't think I'll miss it that much. I haven't had any during my pre-op diet & I've been a-ok. :)

  10. I cheated on my pre op diet yesterday. I had some beer and my xmas party and a small plate of Pasta. I have been beating myself up all day over this. I'm worried that I may have ruined my day, which is Friday. If I can't keep on a goal during pre op am afraid temptations will doom me in the future.

    Don't beat yourself up too bad, Nancy. I was reading a blog called "The Dandy Bandy" and she talks about what she eats and when she makes mistakes. It really helped me to remember that we didn't learn to over-eat and make unhealthy choices overnight, this is going to be a learning experience as well. The Band will be there to help with that *gentle* or *not-so-gentle* reminder when we over-do it or eat something that doesn't agree with the Band. And remember, the Band will not prevent us from eating anything that we want to. So, if anyone is thinking, "oh, I have to eat that because I'll never be able to again" you can stop thinking that way right now. :) What the Band WILL do is allow us to eat a smaller portion than we did before. It will allow a few bites of that yummy pasta instead of the full plate. And we will be SATISFIED with those few bites for a couple of reasons. Our Band will help us feel satiated AND we will chew our food so slowly and really get to savor the taste.

    Will we still make mistakes? Abso-freaking-lutely!

    Will we learn from them immediately instead of 20lbs later? Without a doubt!!

    Big hugs from another Houston Bandster. :)

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