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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by jmont

  1. Hi

    I have had the same thing happen! I have now had two port replacements the first one the Dr said the cord was completely shredded he said with my model the did not not make the cord long enough! Like you I gain weight back when it was broken last October I had my second port replaced there was a small hole near where the port and the cord joins! My Dr said if this happens again he will replace the whole band! I now have my band filled with a think solution not saline! I have been told this helps with any small possible holes!! Good news is since being fixed I have lost 7.5 kg I'm in Australia too so both surgeries did not cost me anything and if I have to go for the third time I will not have to pay either!! I also lose Fluid when I fly so every month I go for a top up after flying but since they have been putting this thicker Fluid in I have not had to do this! I know exactly how you feel but I am a huge supporter of lapband and I would get it fixed time and time again!!! As I know I'm still a fat girl inside and that was proven when my band didn't work I started gaining again!! My fear of being 126kg again out weighs my fear of surgery!! I hope this helps best of luck with your decision

  2. Hi all' date='

    It's been a while since last post.

    I was banded in 2006 so I'm going to make a long story short.

    I have not lost any weight with my band. Some of it's my fault and some of it is because the band didn't work with my anatomy or something is wrong with it. The after care with my first surgeon wasn't that great. I had no fills for many, many months due to insurance issues.

    So...after I moved to a different town a few years ago, I found a great new surgeon who really took me under his wing. Fills every 6 weeks. I started to lose weight Then in December...I started to really work out a lot, weight was starting to slowly drop, then my band just felt like it "opened up." I could eat anything, didn't have to chew, taking in two cups of food under 15 mins. They have tried to fill me and it wasn't tightening. They also felt a lot of resistance and pressure in my port. Now they can't even draw saline OUT and are reluctant to put saline in. It could get too tight and they would have no way of unfilling.

    So after bariums and xrays, all seems fine with the band and pouch. They think it may be the port, the tubing or a leak. Doctor says instead of just replacing the port, let's replace the whole thing with Realize band, especially since the old band doesn't seem to work great for me. He said he has seen it work better for some people who have had issues with the old.

    They have me scheduled for March 1st and I'm really scared and not sure if I should do it.


    I could finally lose this weight if it's my band. I'm starting to get high blood pressure due to my family history and weight.They want me on meds for it.

    I have a hianal hernia they can fix while in there.

    I can't lose weight on my own. I know this, that is why I risked the first surgery. Could I finally get to my goal now??? Maybe?? Perhaps?? That would be awesome and very important to my life.


    I don't do well under anesthesia.It takes me a while to climb out of the fog of it and I get really sick. Back in 2000 I had a surgery that they had trouble waking me up and kept me overnight. So I'm really scared. Really scared.

    Other than not losing weight and having no fills, I have had no issues with my old band. No slips, no issues. It's just kind of sitting there. Maybe I should just leave it alone.

    What if it's my body and this new band doesn't work either? All of the surgery and the risks for nothing.

    Really need some support on this. I'm about ready to cancel, but I go back and forth. My friends and family don't know how to advise me, so I thought you wonderful folks would be the best to bounce this off on.

    Thank you. :)[/quote']

    Wow you could be writing my exact story here!!! I have had my band for 7 years now and in a year lost 55kg and a couple of years in I started to really get into my exercise! I could not work out why I was gaining weight when I was working out so much! The same as you I had a hole in the cord that is attached to port and band in fact it had shredded! My doctor said with my band they did not make the cord long enough so I went back into surgery to have it fixed! I do not do well under anaesthetic either it takes me a while to come out and my blood pressure drops dangerously low! Which is what happen again with this surgery! I got back on track and the two year later I noticed I was starting to gain weight again the checked my band again I had no fill in it at all! So again last October I go back in to have it fixed I tell the dr this time I don't come out of anaesthetic very well so they upped my fluids but I still had to spend the night once again my blood pressure dropping too low! This time there was a small hole near the top where cord joins to port! Once again it's all fixed and I have lost 7.5 kg in 6 weeks plus I'm back to working out hard! They now put a thinker Fluid into my band to block up any sort of leaks!! I have been told if this happens again I will be having the whole banding system replaced! Which I will do! I don't know if you have to pay for your surgery to have this fixed but mine will be fixed at no cost as that is part of my conditions! I would suggest if there is nothing wrong with the band then leave it just have the port fixed and see how you go!! I hope this helps you!! I wish you all the best no matter what decision you make!

  3. HI there

    Yep I revised to bypass. Yep my insurance covered this' date=' after appealing. I'm very happy I revised and have the crapband out of me. My teeth never ached. My teeth are fine, whew. but I"m mad at some people that are "successful" and looks down on us that are experiencing band failures. We did NOT fail the band. The band just doesn't work for everyone like my surgeon said.[/quote']

    I have been reading through all of the posts! I have had my band for 7 years and I have had my share of ups and downs! By no means has it been the easy way!! I did not get reflux until 3 years in and I totally get what you are saying about throwing up! I lost 121 pounds (55kg) which I was very proud of but then my band started leaking and I started to gain weight! So I got it fixed and got back on track! Low and behold it happens again 2 yrs later and yes again I gained weight it was so frustrating! I guess reading some of the responses parts of what everyone is saying is correct and this forum was set up for people who have had complications! So if you don't like learning about what people are going through it may be better not to enter into this forum! I do agree with the comment that was made this TOOL is not for everyone and all lapband is, is a tool it's not a magic obesity solution you need to work with it! I am please to hear that you have now found a solution that works for you! Don't get me wrong I am a huge supporter of lapband and although I do have some tough days I still would not be without it! I have friends that it has not worked for too so I really get that this is not a one size fits all solution! I hope you dont stop posting your progress! I think we can all learn from each others experiences!

  4. Hey Love.... and seeme... and others... lol

    There are a lot of variables that you need too look at. I think losing slow is a good thing. I was a slow looser and i think that has a lot to do with how much sagging skin you end up with. Along with how much you exercise. And how big you are to start.

    When i started i was at 223 and size 18-20... 5'2". my problems areas were never my arm size or leg size. Mine where my stomach and my breast. This is where i carried my weight. My breast is still my larges area. I started at a 44H and i'm still a 36FF. This past January i went for a consult with my plastic surgian. Even after losing 80lbs i still had and have large breast. I really really really wanted a breast reduction and still do' date=' but i chose to do the Tummy Tuck first. I had a apron from the two c-sections and the weight. It was painful and painful to look at... Painful in the since that in the summer i got a terrible rash and working out. Plus i thought i didn't go through all i have work my ass off in the gym to be left still un happy with my body. So Feb 15 i had a tummy tuck and i could not be happier with the results. My only regret was not doing the breast reduction and lift at the same time. If i had know that it was that pain-less...i would have done both.

    I asked my dr. for a inner thigh lift and arms.... he told me i was crazy that neither needed any work. He said he could tell i worked out and that i did a great job. So that validated to me that exercise is a HUGE part of having less sagging skin.[/quote']

    Hi I agree! My problem areas are my lower body although I tend to gain weight all over I lost 55kg (110 pounds) I am 5'8 I decided to have my tummy done as well and it was the best decision I had made as well I did not have an issue with my breast I went from 18 DD cup to a 14D so lost a lot of back fat! I worked out the whole time too! I would like to get my thighs done but the doctors says if I can avoid it try to! He would no do my arms either as there is a fair bit of muscle there! Being able to look down at my nicely manicured toes and not have to lift my stomach out of the way is amazing! I love my tummy so much and it is a painless surgery in fact have my lapband done was more painful then my tummy tuck! So taking the weight off slower and working out! Is a huge bonus! Every one is so different I will say it took me 5 years after my band before I had my tummy tuck I wanted to be able to maintain my weight! Since having the tummy tuck I have gained some weight which I am now getting a handle on but not one inch on my tummy! You will know what the best thing to do for you is!

  5. Lilbrigy' date='

    You will be fine. I was scared to death, but it was not bad at all. The will put a numbing spray on your port and then inject saline. Then you will drink some Water to make sure you can swallow it ok. Let them know how hungry you have been and how long between meals. Your goal shouldn't be to always get fills, but to get to the point where you aren't physically hungry all the time and can be satisfied for several hours at a time. Good luck! Let me know how you do![/quote']

    Great advice!! Just to add to that I find I don't get restriction straight away it usually kicks in the next day for me so when I sip my water after fill I can do it easily the next day is the next day everyone is different! It happen to me recently I walked out of the Dr office feeling good the next day could barely swallow I had to go back 4 days later to get some out! SueBee is so right you have to find your comfort spot they may take a few goes! But keep getting your fills done this will be what makes you successful good luck getting your fills does not hurt either and it's all very quick!

  6. Replying to BandinMi

    I'm not a dr or a nurse lol I have had 5 surgeries C-section' date=' lap band, port replacement, Tummy Tuck and another port replacement! And I had the same thing happen I am so good at looking after my incisions now I barley have any scaring! I just don't want you to get stressed out you have just made an amazing choice to change your life and go forward with your weight loss journey all that swelling will be gone soon[/quote']

  7. I hear ya! If I ever hear someone say that lapband is the easy way out is gonna get popped in the mouth. This is not easy. It's one of the hardest things I've done. I can't wait to feel normal again....

    OMG the amount of times I have heard that over 7 years let me tell you!! There is nothing easy about this at all! it's just a tool it's not the be all and fix all! Because if you do not use it as you are suppose to use it you will fail! I know plenty of fat people with Lap band! Got it done for all the wrong reasons, thinking it was going to be a quick fix!! So I'm with you on that one!

  8. No I'm not a dr or a nurse lol I have had 5 surgeries C-section, lap band, port replacement, Tummy Tuck and another port replacement! And I had the same thing happen I am so good at looking after my incisions now I barley have any scaring! I just don't want you to get stressed out you have just made an amazing choice to change your life and go forward with your weight loss journey all that swelling will be gone soon

  9. So today my steri strips started falling off' date=' tomorrow will be 2 weeks post-op. where my largest incision is at it is red and puffy and has yellowish stuff coming out. I called my drs office because i dont see him until Nov. 5 and the nurse took down a note but has not called back. Anything to be worried about?[/quote']

    Hi! First of all good on you for making the choice to change your life! Keep your wound clean 2 or 3 times a day and clean it off with alcohol rub or witch hazel! Any sort of antiseptic then let it dry off naturally once it's nice and dry put neosporin on it do this every morning and especially before you go to bed every night! You have Fluid build up which is normal you may have a slight infection in which your doctor will give you antibiotics the more the fluid comes out the quicker you will heal! The fluid is your body trying to heal the wound don't be alarmed! It may also have small amounts of blood as well also nothing to worry about! Just keep your wound clean and try to get as much air on it as possible! Another tip is once your wound is fully healed and the scar is red start putting bio oil on it this will help with your scaring and any itching! I think by the time you get to your Dr you will be in good shape! Keep us updated and welcome to your new journey on this path called life!! Well done for jumping on the band wagon!

  10. Hi I have had this happen twice but mine was due to my port breaking I have now had it replaced twice the second time was only 3 weeks ago! I have had my band 7 years and both times it was not working I gained 10kg (22 pounds) the first time I was working out and eating right so I was disappointed to see I was gaining weight this last time really got me down and a bit depressed I cried in the Drs office but it's all fixed now and I'm back on track to getting the weight off I have already lost 3.9kg in two weeks so yes you can start again! You know what to do this time so go get em!! Best of luck

  11. This has happen to me twice now and both times I have gained 10+Kg's the first time my tubing was shredded so I had a new port put in! Took the weight off again now 3 years later its happen again! They found a small hole near my port in the tubing when the Dr check my band to see how much Fluid was in my band there was none! I just had surgery 3 weeks ago and have started back my weight loss journey! The Dr has advised me if it happens again he will be replacing the whole band! I have had my band for 7 yrs and I won't be without it! Also I fly quite a bit for work and I always lose a little fluid I always go for an adjustment after any flying! There is no way that you should not have any restriction unless your band is not working I hope you get some answers soon! Best of luck!

  12. Brisbane' date=' lovely place.

    7 years. Nice.. Are you happy with it? Have you lost a lot of weight?[/quote']

    Hi I'm very happy I managed to lose 55kgs it took me a year to get the weight off, I will be honest and let you know I have had to have my port changed twice the first time it broke the tubing was shredded the Dr said with my band the tubing was not very long so he replaced my port and tubing I also gained 10kgs when this happen! The second time it happen I have only just had surgery again 3 weeks ago to replace port again as there was a hole in the tubbing I was upset as I had gain 11kgs and I took advantage of my band not working! It's fixed again now I have lost 3.9kgs in a week and I'm working my way back to my goal weight! The Dr has said if it happens again I will be getting a whole new band! And I would do that in a heartbeat! My band is part of me! I use it for what it was design for as a "tool" it's not a quick fix I am always working on my weight the band helps me stay on track! I say I'm always the fat girl living in a smaller body and I proved that when my band broke I gained weight very quickly! Having a band has saved me!! I guess you can say I'm very happy!!

  13. I have had things stuck from time to time I find drinking some soda does the trick something to do with the bubbles help dislodge anything stuck! Also I had to go to a nutritionist before I got my band and I was told drink 15mins before your meal as it clears the pathway then don't drink again until 20 mins after your meal! If you drink while you eat it's like a blocked drain! For some it pushes the food down to quickly and allows you to eat more remember it takes 20mins for your stomach to tell your brain it's full so take your time when you are eating!! This little tool will increase your weight loss! I hope this helps

  14. Mines itch to....But I thought maybe it was the glue that they close me with. My 88yr old grandma said that means they are healing. Might be something to that. Lol

    Your grandmother is right as the incision heals the skin gets tighter I used bio oil as soon as my incision had completely healed it was fantastic but a plastics doctor says it doesn't matter what you use as long as you use some type of moisturiser this will help with scaring as well!

  15. Donna, you are doing so well! It took me a year to reach my goal weight so slow is better! I live in Australia and we have very high rates of divorce with lapband patients 75% which is high! I think it has to do with the confidence you gain through this process and then you realise you have been living with an enabler!! If you are large when you get married then you lose weight our partners don't know how to handle it! I have been married 23 yrs and my husband has stuck by me through it all! He knows when I'm having my bad band days, he knows when I need an adjustment because I'm eating way too much! I love that he supports me! I know you will also find happiness again as you are already on the right path!! Your doing a great job keep it up! Relax and enjoy your journey! Because you are worth it!

  16. I find this topic extremely interesting as I am a recruiter! I have been a recruiter for 24yrs both in US and Australia! I use to weigh 129kg (283 pounds) and I have never not been able to get a job due to my size nor did I not get people a job due to their size! It's always been about skills and personality! I will say I use to think there were times I could not progress due to my size but it was all in my head! I was my own worse enemy! Also living in America taught me how to dress as a professional woman and to be confident with who I am no matter what size you are! The only real discrimination I felt was on the train no one would sit next to me mainly due to there not being enough room in the seat! I now enjoy being this size and I'm still in the same career my weight has not held me back either way!!

  17. Not everyone needs plastic surgery it does depend on your age and your skin and how much weight you lose I have had my band for 7 years and I had my tummy done and I love it! It took me over 5 years to make the decision to have it done but I'm glad I did! Good luck with your surgery it will be the best decision you will make!

  18. So what is everyone doing for their pre-op diet? It sounds like different docs advise different routines' date=' but most boil down to Protein Drinks, low/no sugar and carbs, and about 800-1200 cal. per day.

    I think I will need to write myself out a schedule. I seem to do well in the day, but mess us in the evening at home. Ugh! Better planning needs to be done on my part![/quote']

    I am finding this site so interesting I have had my band for 7 years now and my pre op food was Opti fast shakes for two weeks prior to surgery the reason the Drs ask you to do this is to help get rid of some of the fat around your liver it makes it easier to do the surgery! I found the two weeks prior hard it was so much better after the surgery this will be the best decision you will ever make!! Truly life changing in so many ways! I wish you luck for your pending surgery it will be an amazing journey you are about to take!

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