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Everything posted by Pana'sNewStart

  1. Pana'sNewStart

    December 2012 --- Band Buddies Unite!

    Hi all! I was banded on 12/21 and feeling ok. I really need to up my water intake. The gas is bad, but walking around the house has helped. Yesterday all i had to eat was a protein shake, 1/2 cup of sf jello, a popsicle, and some beef broth. I sipped water/juice all day. Me and my hubby went shopping yesterday and I way overdid it. I'm learning the trick is to listen to my body and stop when i should. It's weird not feeling hungry when i think i should. My goal for today is more walking around the house and lots more fluid intake. Im getting a scale today so i can track my weight loss. Everyone have a very merry Christmas!!
  2. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hi Annie, thank you for sharing your story. Im glad everything worked out for you in Mexico. Are you planning on finding a local doc in the states to handle your after care and fills? Im post op day 3 and still quite uncomfortable when i bend. Ive been mostly laying down and walking throughout the day. I tire very easy so i let my body tell me to relax. Ive been sipping water, broth, jello and protein shakes when my body feels hungry. Overall, I'm doing ok
  3. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    I was banded yesterday and determined to go home that so i walked, walked, walked. It really does help. The worst part for me is getting up or laying down. That hurts!! Once im up or laying down, im fine. Now I'm sipping water, eating jello with a baby spoon and just relaxing. We did it guys, we're here! Our new life is just around the corner!!
  4. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hey guys. Im in recovery waiting to see the surgeon later. the only pain im having is prob gas, right around the incisions. Ow ow
  5. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Im here at the hospital, waiting to get checked in. I can't believe the day is finally here! See you on the flip side.
  6. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    I'm so excited for you!! That's awesome news! My day's tomorrow too
  7. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    I'm going on Friday morning and this pre-op diet sucks! I'm glad I only have to do 3 days so I know I can do it. My body is not liking this liquid diet though. My moods are everywhere and I feel like a crazed person! It's all so worth it though. And when it's all over, I won't care a single bit. Best of luck to all the bandsters that are today and tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you.
  8. Pana'sNewStart

    New here!

    I also have PCOS and am really confident and hopeful that losing weight will fix the PCOS and me and my husband will be able to conceive! And also because I want to be healthy and be able to play with the little blessings. I've had anesthesia several times with no complications. I know it's scary, but know that you'll be monitored very closely just in case!
  9. Pana'sNewStart


    That's really exciting! I all but jumped up and down when the ins. told me I was approved! I went around and told my close coworkers and they cried with me!! I'm getting banded on the 21st and know that I have an amazing support system on the forum and at work
  10. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Good luck to all who today is the big day!! My day's on Friday so keep posting on how you're doing.
  11. Pana'sNewStart


    Humus, huh? I've never tried humus, but I know a lot of people who love it. What do you like to put it on for a healthy snack? I'm getting banded on the 21st and looking for mushie ideas after the first week of shakes and broth. thanks!
  12. Pana'sNewStart

    Weight loss and PCOS?

    Oh and taking the meds helped me feel more energetic and better overall, not so much weight loss though. Thyroid issues work against weight loss and overall health.
  13. Pana'sNewStart

    Weight loss and PCOS?

    Hi Honk, A few years ago, my gyn noticed that I had gained a lot of weight and tested me for thyroid problems. I have low thyroid and take meds everyday. I was also diagnosed with PCOS and could not get pregnant. They kinda go hand in hand. My fertility specialist told me that losing weight may take care of both issues or I could always have PCOS. Ask your doc to do a blood test and find out if your thyroid is an issue.
  14. Pana'sNewStart

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    My date is Dec. 21st!! It just hit me that I am a December bandster!!
  15. Hi guys, I got everything in line and my surgery is scheduled for 2 weeks from now. It doesn't seem real yet. Im so afraid of eating the wrong foods and not losing a pound!! How did you change your eating habits? How did the band help? I've been looking up all kinds of recipes here and online. I want to make this work so bad!! Thanks
  16. Pana'sNewStart


    Just found out today that I'm approved for the band!! Once the surgeon gets the letter, surgery will be scheduled!! I'm so overwhelmed with emotion
  17. Pana'sNewStart

    Soooo... Who's Losing Weight Without Exercising?

    Hi all, I have loved reading all the different responses! It seems like its different for everyone. I'm very much looking forward to seeing what works for me... once I get insurance approval of course!! Thank you so much for all the great feedback!
  18. I was all ready to be approved and then the insurance denied me because I didn''t have a PT evaluation. So I got that a week ago and finally today it was sent to the insurance appeals department. Is there any type of standard time appeals take? Even in general? Hopefully not too long because I really want to have my surgery before January, because that's the busiest month at work and I need to be there. This has been such an emotional roller coaster for me. We went through 3 years of infertility and waiting and going through this reminds me of all that stress. Please pray for a speedy approvals. Thanks, Pana
  19. Pana'sNewStart

    Soooo... Who's Losing Weight Without Exercising?

    I can see how you'll lose weight without excercise, but you have to wiser with your food choices, right? I haven't been approved for my band yet, but I've been on here a lot lately. The food seems to be lots of protein first, veggies, and a little starch, like a total of a cup of food at time? Have you guys heard of anyone eating like crap and still losing? Is that even possible? I'm genuinly curious
  20. Pana'sNewStart

    I Got Approved!!!%

    Really really awesome!!
  21. Pana'sNewStart

    Awaiting Appeals Decision - How Long?

    Thanks! PT is Physical Therapy evaluation. The insurance company wants to make sure I have basic mobility. This is the last step of approval...
  22. Whoo hoo!! Congratulations! That's such a wonderful story You should totally post a pic of your new self!!
  23. Pana'sNewStart

    Physical Therapy Evaluation?!

    Hey guys, thanks for your kind words of encouragement. I was able to get a PT appointment for tomorrow. I asked the Physical Therapist if this was something they were used to and she yes, that almost all insurances are now requiring a PT evaluation to make sure you have full mobility, can walk, and will be able to do some type of exercise after being banded. I was able to go to the same hospital to do the eval that my surgeon's in so I'm hoping this will cut down on the time it takes to get the report back to the dr. so they can resubmit everything to the insurance. I'm really hoping to have an approval by the end of Nov... Waiting. That's the hardest part of this whole process.
  24. After weeks of waiting on pins and needles to hear back from the insurance company, I get a call today from my doctor's office and the insurance is requiring a physical therapy evaluation? I've never heard of this. I was right there, too... So, now I have to go to another doctor appointment and start the ins. approval waiting all over again. I'm so incredibly frustrated. I know if I get approved, I won't care what I had to go through, but right now, I'm incredibly discouraged
  25. Pana'sNewStart

    One Year And 50 Pounds Ago....

    What a nice story to read! I'm just now starting mine. I'm in the insurance approval stage and reading all these wonderful success stories makes me want it even more!! Keep up the great work

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