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Posts posted by steph2012

  1. I can't tell from your description if it's the same as me but I sometimes find if I overeat, I feel a slight discomfort in that same area. Is it possible that you ate too much?

    To me, the discomfort is such that I think I can feel my port inside by body. I don't mean that I can touch it but I 'feel' it or feel like I am aware it is there without touching anything. Is it similiar to this?

  2. Oh the cold! I hate the cold! I have nothing other than my own personal experience but yes, I believe it is from the weight loss. I just passed the 2 Year mark of being banded. I thought my body would be 'climatized' by now but it hasn't. I wear a lot of sweaters & turtlenecks! :)

  3. I was reading another post & it triggered some questions for me with regards to working out. I really wanted to post them on that particular thread but didn't want to hijack the thread as it was about something else. So, I'm really hoping some of the same people will see this post & respond.


    1. Someone referenced that they workout in the morning because they want their body to burn stored fat and not the food they just ate. I workout after dinner, around 7-8 pm. Am I at a disadvantage for working out after a meal? Is there a more optimal time?

    2. Should you eat after working out? Protein for instance. I don't as I am working out in the evening.

    3. How many times (& for how long) should a person work out in week for it to be an effective tool for weight loss? I'm training using the Couch 2 5k app, 3 times a week, 30 minutes each time. I'm in week 3 and honestly, it hasn't had ANY effect on the scales. Maybe it's too early to be judging its effectiveness? I'm thinking I need to add another couple days a week, mix it up and do something different for those 2 days.

    4. How much Water should one add to their daily consumption because of working out? A typical person should drink 8 - 8oz glasses a day. How many would you say you should drink when working out?

    I know some of these answers are "it depends on the individual" but I'd love to get some discussion going around your specifics & what you would suggest to someone else, like me.

  4. I don't know how I missed it but yesterday was my 2-Year Bandiversary.

    It's been quite the ride - loss 80 lbs in Year 1. Became complacent but still managed to lose 15 lbs in Year 2. Planning to finish this weight loss journey & move into maintenance this year! :)

    I wish I had stayed true to the program and had the weight all gone by now BUT this was my journey & I made choices that I can't go back and change now.

    One thing I know for certain is that I love my band & it was the best decision I made for myself.

  5. Two years banded. So, I guess you'd call that a vet. I'm just shy of 100 lbs lost.

    Remember this quote... "A year from now, you'll be glad you were banded today!" (LOL, or in your case, tomorrow).

    I am a self-pay bandster. I forked out a lot of cash ($16K). I would do it again in a heartbeat. My life has changed in a million different ways... and I love it! So will you...

    Good luck tomorrow!

  6. Nana, I have a question for you. I understand why you have to be careful with portion sizes but why Pbing and sliming?

    I've started over so many times. Had the saline removed several years ago prior to major surgeries, and after going through that period of trauma was again well & active. Each morning I started to listen for my band (I named it Cybil) and prayed to find my old "Zone". I revisited my old surgeon and he smiled and said I'd stretched my stoma and said he'd see me in a year. I visited several hours with the bariatric centre's nutritionist and she repeated the same old same old, which I know by rote. I've only gained some of prior loss back . . . . I want my old Lap Band back helping me!

    I am so sorry to hear this! If you have pouch dilation it does not take that long for it to heal, usually the treatment is to empty the band and let it rest for about 6 weeks and then slowly restart filling, some people can get back to the green zone with no issues, but after a pouch dilation you have to be more careful with portion sizes and measure and careful with Pbing and sliming.

    You may want to seek another opinion with another surgeon and see if they can replace your band, if you have the older 4cc bands they were more prone to issues than with the newer bands, but all bands can have the same issues but the older bands were higher pressure which caused more issues.

    Hope you can find answers.

  7. Please, please tell me there are others out there like me...

    Whenever I am hungry, I get really b**chy. I was never like this pre-banding. When I am starting to get hungry, I always give hubby the heads up letting him know I'm getting hungry. But it takes so little time to get from starting to get hungry to hungry & I become a bitch. It's like I HAVE to eat. Maybe I just have 'issues'. LMAO

    Anyway, hubby is use to it by now & knows when I say I am getting hungry that we need to start preparing a meal OR head out to buy one.

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