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Posts posted by steph2012

  1. Google 'Once a Month Cooking'. You may not want to cook for an entire month but you can use some time on your weekend to prepare in advance for the week ahead. While the food is in the crockpot or oven, you have 30 minutes to work out.

    Here is some tough loving... "If you want to do it, you will. If you don't, you will find excuses." Please don't hate me. I'm trying to motivate you, not upset you...

    I really had to push myself to start exercising but now that I have, I'm telling you, the mental high that comes from working out is awesome. It makes you feel so good about yourself!

  2. I have found that I actually love food more now... Now that we have to chew it so much, we extract all the flavor out of it & get to enjoy its taste.

    I had a taco salad today for lunch & I swear, it was AMAZING.

    I do find that I get bored with food but then I go in search of new recipes. I find that I am trying at least one new recipe a week, sometimes even more. I went through a six month stint where I hated chicken. Thank God I'm past that! LOL

  3. This is a follow up thread to the posting recently made by Jamilyne. She asked if there were foods that you missed eating since becoming banded. I thought it was a fun discussion.

    So, as a follow up, are there any foods that you thought you loved but now realize, not so much?

    For me it's hotdogs. Now that we really have to chew, chew, chew our food, you really get the opportunity to extract the flavor from the food. I now think that the actual taste of a hot dog is horrible. I guess pre-banding, I swallowed the hotdog in big chunks and really didn't taste all of the awful fat & byproducts in the hotdog.

    Do you have a food that you use to love that you now see it for what it is?

  4. I can eat almost everything mentioned, though like B52, I've chosen not to eat most of it.

    The thing that I miss the most is a nice juicy blue steak. I have great difficulty with steaks now.

    Honestly, I would also love to be able to enjoy a binge on Chinese food or a big plate of spagetti and meatballs. Spagetti was my FAVORITE meal pre-banding. I have had it since being banded but not in the 'stuff your face until your full' way. LOL

    Yes, Thank God for my band!

  5. Britneygirl, I would love it if you kept us posted on what you find out. I have a friend that's banded and she's been aspirated twice (had fluids removed to see what's in the band) and has had less in her band than she was suppose to - which leads to to believe she has a leak.

    Like someone mentioned before, I'd compare a leaky band to a leaky tire. At some point, wouldn't it just deflate?!

    I don't know if its common but it obviously happens. I'm just wondering what gets done about it.

    Good luck!

  6. It wasn' t until I started the Couch 2 5K Program a couple months ago that I realized the value of a good sports bra. I have a couple that I bought at costco but I find it pulls the boobs together & makes it look like you have one big boob, rather than 2 puppies. Have to take the time to go in search of a better sports bra.

    Funny story. You definitely made me smile. :)

  7. I recently purchased a bunch of Taste of Home cookbooks for $3 each from our local dollar store. They have some beautiful recipes in them. I have marked quite a few to try. The cooks books were likely sold so cheaply because they are from 2011 and 2012 but I didn't care about that.

    If you google the recipes, you can will find them on the internet & then you can see how others rated the recipe & their suggested improvements.

    I'm always looking for new recipes. I find that variety of food is key to sucess in any weight loss program. I also believe that we only get to eat a small quantity of food so it should be full, flavorful, delicious food. If something is mediocre, I don't want it. I only get 1000 - 1200 calories a day - I want them to be yummy calories. :)

  8. I would wait a SHORT period of time just to see if the discomfort you are feeling is because of swelling BUT I would not wait too long.

    Your band should NOT cause you discomfort when eating (if eating properly). If it is, you are too tight. I am speaking from experience. I was the same way. I went a few months thinking it would settle OR I could get through it by chewing more & taking smaller bits. I ended up with a dilated esophagus. You do not want a dilated esophagus! :(

    I would give it 2 weeks & then reassess. Just my opinion.

  9. My band has always been tighter in the morning. I start my day out with a smoothie (Protein powder, milk, greek yogurt, various fruit). By lunch time, it's loosened up & I'm ready to eat more solid/dense Protein. Alternatively, as Cheryl suggested, drinking a hot beverage in the morning should loosen your band as well.

    Wouldn't it be awesome if the reverse were true... tighter in the evenings!?!

  10. I suspect you aren't eating enough & your body has 'gone into starvation/hibernation' mode - it's hanging on to the fat/energy that it has stored. Eating less does not necessarily guarantee weight loss. Sometimes we have to eat more to lose weight. I don't think you are eating enough & should not be considering another fill because of this. Just my opinion...

  11. Maintenance is such an exciting discussion. I'm still 35 lbs away from goal so I've never given this much thought. Before reaching goal, I think you sort of see maintenance as the end. i.e. once I get there it's all done & over with. But that is not really the case, is it?! It's really a new beginning with new challenges & new things to learn.

    Congrats on maintenance! I can't wait to get there myself! :)

  12. I would have thought it to be 'first bite syndrome'. This sometimes happens after the first couple of bites. Theres no way I'd be full after 3 bites but everyone is so different.

    I'm guessing you did the right thing. Besides, if you are hungry in a little while, you can have something to eat. LOL

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