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Everything posted by jaye282

  1. jaye282

    Just had 1st Fill!

    Fills are the easiest part of lapband. The hardest part is discipline.
  2. How come sometimes things get stuck and the next day the exact same thing doesn't? One day it goes down smooth and the next day you have to heave it up lol.
  3. jaye282


    Hey guys. I'm doing MUCH better. I'm trying to get this whole eating thing figured out. Sliders are easier because they go down easy but then getting the band would be in vein. I agree that I haven't slipped. I think the swelling went away so when I was eating my sliders it just kept me hungry. Lapband is difficult. I got the surgery without a huge knowledge base of it, and now I'm left dealing with the side effects of my own ignorance. I love advice on food. Its always welcome! Thank you guys/girls for your help.
  4. jaye282


    Filled a few days ago. Yesterday EVERYTHING got stuck and I felt full fast. Today, NOTHING is getting stuck and I'm eating more. Grr! I have 7.3 in a 10cc band. Does anyone have more then 7.3 in a 10cc. Is that even possible? This is so frustrating!
  5. jaye282


    Is it normal to feel real tight restriction after a fill to where everything gets stuck and then a few days later, while eating the same things, it goes down normal without getting stuck? I noticed today everything is going down smoothe and I can eat more today then I could a few days ago.
  6. jaye282


    What kinds of foods do recommend to me? How many protein shakes should I be drinking in-between?
  7. jaye282


    Right now I'm eating a lot of cottage cheese, pickles, chicken, peanuts, breaded fish (mistake) etc. Honestly, I don't know what to eat. I'm just trying to get through this daily.
  8. jaye282


    @ Chicago bears fan - Bear down!! I'm also a huge Bears fan! Id say you are definitely too tight. Go see you doc. Being too tight can lead to your pouch stretching so id definitely try to figure out what's going on. Things are meant to go down the pouch, not come back up, which leads to stretching. Let me know.
  9. jaye282

    Just had 1st Fill!

    I don't think fills are anything to be freaked out about They aren't painful at all. Getting your blood drawn hurts worse then a fill. To me, it feels creepy lol. I've had 4. I talk with the nurse practitioner through the whole thing about my kids, husband and house, I almost forget I'm having a fill. Seriously, they are no big deal.
  10. jaye282

    2nd fill yesterday no restriction

    I just got my 4th fill yesterday and I'm finally in the green zone. With fill 1, 2 & 3 I was basically able to eat whatever I wanted. Smaller portions with fill 3 and steak was a no go, however, with fill 4 I can only handle a very small amount. I'm already down one pound lol. Hey ill take it! I have a 10cc with a 7.3 fill. Bread and I are parting ways. See ya later carbs!! Im hoping this shelf is off my ass by July! Today I'm 252.
  11. jaye282

    sudden pain

    Randomly my port started hurting. Actually, I don't think its my "port" but its definitely around my port. If it was my actual band, where would I feel the pain? Its not sharp. Kinda dull and always there. Ideas? I love this app!
  12. jaye282

    Crunchy fish

    Ok, I love Long John Silver and Captain D's fish. Its so yummy and Crunchy. But, I'm trying to stay away from eating out. Does anyone know a recipe that will give me the crispness I want? I've been baking it and topping with bread crumbs but its not the same. Any ideas? Can I get the same flavor and crunch from baking it? Recipes please
  13. jaye282

    Any idea how to get over a plateau?

    The best way to get over a plateau is to add more fat to your diet for awhile. When we lose weight our bodies will naturally adjust and thus, a plateau. You need to add more fat for about a week to trick your body, then go back to your normal routine and you'll start to lose again. This is what my personal trainer told me when I used to have endurance and will power lol. It worked like a charm. Don't add so much that you start to gain but if what your doing now isn't working, I promise my advice will.
  14. Ok. I'm a little confused and I just need a little clarity. I'm not sure if I'm at my sweet spot. 6.3cc in a 10.cc band. I eat less but can still eat more then a cup (I was told by my Dr I should only be eating a cup). Question 1: If I can still eat more then a cup of food before I feel satisfied, then is the reason food is getting stuck because I'm not chewing good enough and taking too big of bites? Question 2: was question 1 a dumb question? I would like to know what you veterans are eating morning to night. I am really trying hard to work this lapband and I'm not doing it right. I've researched tons but I work better with first hand information from someone who's been there. I'm feeling full longer but still get hungry frequently. Question 3: If lapband is more for suppressing hunger and not restriction then I'm probably not at my sweet spot am I? For you, how did you know when you hit your sweet spot? Question 4: what foods should I avoid (sliders) and what should I eat more of. I was banded 1-25-13. I'm 5'7 Beginning weight 264 Current weight 255 I would love any and all input! I used to love my first chin so much that I went and got me another one, but now I'm ready for these chins to leave. I need to free this skinny girl inside me. Thank you!
  15. jaye282

    Streched Pouch...

    If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. We can't talk ourselves out of what we behaved ourselves into so why try. We go fat for a reason. Eating the wrong foods in quantities we're ashamed of. The answer is simple but its such a hard task- change. You have to change what your eating. Insanity = doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
  16. jaye282

    Streched Pouch...

    Your only at 4cc? What size band do you have? Unless its a 4cc band I doubt your too tight. I have yet to read on here that someone was too tight at 4cc with a 10 or 14cc band. If your not eating correctly then your probably not chewing correctly either, thus regurgitating your food. I currently have 4.5cc and I still need another fill or two. I know everyone is different but...
  17. jaye282

    Streched Pouch...

    No, its not stretched. Your not in the green zone yet. By your next fill you'll start feeling restriction and less hungry. If your pouch was stretched you'd have symptoms. Its common. I'm in the same boat.
  18. jaye282

    Missed Port during Fill...

    Did you call?
  19. jaye282

    Missed Port during Fill...

    Yea, because if you think about it, RIGHT after a fill you get a little restriction due to inflammation, that lasts at least a couple days. I think they'll fix it for you. That sucks.
  20. jaye282

    Missed Port during Fill...

    Yea, you need to call! She clearly missed. They should fix it for you since you paid for a service and they didn't provide it. I bet they'll get you in same day you call (or next). Let us know the results.
  21. Look. I'm not up for lapband opinion debate. I gave my opinion. I stand corrected. I do know this. I've been on here for a few months now and several members have told me to watch what I post for everyone to read because of rude comments. I was told to get a mentor and only discuss personal issues with them. Goes to show I'm not the only one who feels this way. You can't arbitrarily give someone positive feedback and slam them negative reinforcement. He was asking how to not feel hungry and if what he was feeling was normal. I read some really great feedback with links to back it up. That's how it should be.
  22. I understand the "scared straight" approach. But some of the responses were not warranted. Everyone is great at offering positive feedback for weight loss. How about positive reinforcement for someone who is fresh from surgery and in need of help. To say he's not taking it serious or "why did you even have this done", not appropriate
  23. Oh and for the record, I think some of you people are extremely rude. He was searching for help. Not a butt chewing. Geesh. Don't you people remember what it was like when you over ate or couldn't control your hunger?
  24. Hi Nathan! I was banded the same day as you! First off, I think some of the veteran bandsters, god bless em, are missing the point. Point is your not feeling full. Now, if you could control your hunger then you probably wouldn't have needed the band, right? So for some to say that your not taking this serious is a totally unfair statement because if those veterans could control their hunger then they wouldn't be banded either. Yes, its a tool. A tool only effective when its filled. If it was effective before the fill then we wouldn't need fills to feel restriction. Your not filled and god bless you your hungry! You are gonna feel this way until you have a fill point blank! I lost 17 pounds the first 7 days. Now I'm on solids because I was super weak and tired. My hunger is back! The way I control, and this is what my Dr said to do, is protein shakes in-between meals. 3 meals & 3 protein shakes. Drink lots of water. Just try your best. There is no perfect solution before the fill. Just remember lapband is different for everyone. Not everyone adjusts the same way. Its easier for some and harder for the rest of us. Do your best everyday. That's all you can do. Good luck to you! I'm in the same boat!
  25. I got banded on 1-25-13. 6 days ago and I'm beginning to wonder if I made a mistake. It seems like there was this huge explosive lead-up, up to the surgery with the Dr, nurses and everyone else involved and a big blow off now that the surgery is done. I was sent home with a piece of paper telling me what and when to eat, never saw my surgeon after surgery and the only conversation my husband had with him was "surgery went well. She had a hernia. I took it out". Today is the best I've felt. I am, however, having problems burping and passing gas. Called the weight loss center and someone who could hardly speak English answered and chalked it up to me being nauseous. Yea....I'm not nauseous. But I said thank you and hung up. This is a horrible experience. I've had 4 surgeries this past year. Recovered from all of them with minimal pain meds. I'm struggling with lapband. I feel like I was duped as to how id feel post surgery. And now I'm beginning to wonder what happens if I lose my insurance? Self pay? Yea right. I read a story of a woman stuck with her lapband because her Dr moved and no other surgeon would touch her. What if something bad happens and I no longer have insurance? Idk. I'm considering having it removed if this is what I can expect in the future. I'm miserable.

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