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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mwrarr

  1. From your lips to Aetnas ears!! ;} Ty!!!! 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  2. THANK YOU!!! 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  3. mwrarr

    Pre Op..some Concerns

    I hear ya about "nervous"!! Haha 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  4. mwrarr

    Pre Op..some Concerns

    If I can chime in...idk if there is research or real evidence if this or not, but...whenever I've done a diet before, my body always fights me the 1st month or two (or 3....lol) but if I stay consistent, after the 2-3 month hump, the weight really starts moving. My sister also was over 400lb when she had her RNY & the 1st month lost 8#, by 2nd month, only 25# down....now she's 3 years out & 240# lighter. (& had a baby in the middle!) I'm sure that could be the issue with your client too....take heart. You'll know exactly what to do... :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  5. THANK YOU! :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  6. CONGRATS!!! :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  7. I just found out mine was submitted this morning!! I'm so excited/nervous/anxious.... I hope.... 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  8. mwrarr

    Why Do I Hate The Word "hubby" So Much?

    I can't stand "hubby" either. Sounds like "chubby" too much. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  9. mwrarr

    Updated Pic

    Sessy lady! I love the blonde hair, too. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  10. I googled VSG surgery procedure & got a couple of search hits. I'll try to find the one I was talking about & post it. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  11. I finally saw my surgeon again last Friday, and after reviewing all the info from my referral appts and talking with me, he agreed to do the sleeve (instead of RNY)! I'm so excited. :} When I 1st started coming to this site, I was in desperate need of info bc I needed to know if this thing (VSG) was worth fighting for. I still wasn't sure he'd agree due to his concerns abt my prior GERD history. He seemed excited that I chose it, though (& that my tummy showed no active signs of GERD, etc). When I told him I've been watching videos of the surgery, his face lit up & he asked me if I'd watch a video of my surgery if they made one, & then if I'd be willing to let them use the video for future patients & doctors, trainings, info, etc. I said HEEEECK YEAHRRR! lol It just feels so good to be real finally. He said that he doesn't see any reason why I can't be sleeved in December. :} **exhale** 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  12. We do it 2 ways... My favourite way is: 1. Spray a muffin pan with non-stick spray. 2. Cut the tops off your whole garlics so that the cut shows a clear cross-cut of each clove. It will look like a bundle of tubes (sorta) 3. Pull off the really loose outer flaky layers. 4. Place one head per cup in the pan. 5. Lightly spray each head w/non-stick spray & sprinkle with seasonings (salt, pepper, Rosemary, etc) 6. Bake at 275-300 for abt 15 min. They are done when you see some of the cloves pop out of their spots. Not all will. The other way is: 1. Peel & separate all the heads/cloves. 2. Spray a baking sheet w/non-stick spray. 3. Spread the naked cloves on the sheet. 4. Lightly spray with non-stick spray & season. 5. Bake at 275-300 for abt 15 min. The cloves will brown a little. You might want to keep an eye on them the 1st time you make them. The cloves will be really squishy when they're done. :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  13. I'm a slave... I have daily morning WI's since 2008. I have been logging them for "data" since May 2011. Since then, I have only missed 30 WI's. It doesn't affect me--it's not like I'm using this information to alter my behaviour...but if I don't do it I get really antsy. I was/am hoping that w/surgery I will finally have a reason/excuse to not weigh every day. But as this process goes on, I'm realizing that I may not be able to stop. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  14. mwrarr

    Why Protein?

    Protein has a direct link to lowering insulin & insulin resistance. High protein diets have also been linked to weight loss of belly fat, along with increased memory, stamina, body self-repair, etc etc etc.... I'd guess that's at least a partial reason why. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  15. Omigosh!!! Roasted garlic is sooo good! I recently made it at home for the 1st time & ate like 4 cloves by themselves!! Lol used the rest like butter...spread much easier than I was expecting. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  16. Thanks! I'm excited, but definitely aware of the issues... Yesterday I had this weird feeling of "ahhhhhh...." followed up with "omg kid, you gots no dern idear what's coming..." haha 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  17. Thank you, thank you!! The YouTube videos definitely helped my decision making. Before that, I was completely freaked out abt losing my stomach forever. :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  18. I totally freaked myself out over my EGD!! they did a conscious sedation for me, but basically I was OUUUUUUT. the only thing after was my throat felt like I swallowed too much popcorn at once. Not really sore, but not really normal... & fine by the next day. Anesthesia totally freaks me out. I'm trying not to think too much abt it or else I may talk myself right out of surg! ;} haha 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  19. mwrarr

    Stop Telling People!

    This is why I don't want to tell my BF's family. He's uber private, & while I'm normally not SO private (though fairly tight lipped w/strangers, work & those previously proven unworthy of personal info), for this particular event, I've been super quiet--protective maybe. But his mom is very gossipy within their family. And I don't even know anyone except his parents & sister in their family. I'm sure it wouldn't be a judgment issue, but more a "now every body who doesn't even know Sam's business OR his GF now knows HER business". & I just don't think strangers deserve to know. If we were married maybe I'd feel differently. Idk 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  20. My ninja has upside down cups like a bullet. Most of the time I just have to rinse the residue out & swish a little soapy Water around. Never had anything get crusted on. The big cup is definitely big but not at all hard to clean or take apart. 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  21. mwrarr

    Hey Ladies Im 212 Now Pics Attach

    Congrats!! You look fabu!! 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  22. I have a Ninja Pulse. It came with a large upright pitcher & 3 "bullet" style single cups. I LOVE IT. Soooo easy to clean & nothing sticks to the inside of the cups, even if I forget to rinse them out before they hit the sink. I use the single cups way more than the pitcher. It turns ice to snow. Great product. On another note, a standard blender blade component will fit on a mason jar. Unscrew the blades, fill the jar with your ingredients & leave about 1-2" of room at the top. Screw the blades on the jar, flip 'er over & put it on the blender & go to town like normal. Voila! Single serve, easy to clean... :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  23. mwrarr


    I'm pre-op but plan to juice veggies after. I got the ok from my NUT & surg already. They said as long as I wasn't having any physical/medical issues after, & could get my Protein in, then there shouldn't be any problem with using low starch veggie's juices to blend (instead of milk, for example). 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  24. It's a baby formula holder. I have one, too. Great idea. I got mine at Target for under 4 bucks. It has 3 separated compartments for holding scoops of powder, with a flip snap opening on the lid so you can just dump the powder from one compartment at a time. Such a diet saver! :} 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
