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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mwrarr

  1. I've been: *Reduced calories, tracking on My Fitness Pal (2040) *Protein 1st, Cruciferous Veggies 2nd, Fresh fruit 3rd, carbs sparingly. I'm good during the day, generally. *Avoid straw, was 100% but new job (different kitchen) says if you wanna drink, it has to be covered w/a straw :/ so now I'm about 80-90%. Post-op, I'll get a drs note & the union involved if I have to. *Protein shake for breakfast & pm snack (i use EAS lean 15) *No eating after 9, & have breakfast shake within 1 hr of waking--this was actually really the hardest as I used to be a sleep-eater (NES) *No carbonation...still working on this. After 13 months, I'm 99.5% off the coke zero, but I just transferred my fizzy addiction to seltzer. I fear this may end up being one of those things I'll have to "learn the hard way", post-op. :/ *Sticking to a schedule-for eating, sleeping, exercising, writing
  2. I never thought of shaved ice before! My kids have a snoopy snow cone maker...I'm gonna dig that puppy out today!!
  3. I love this thread. I'm so happy to hear of your success & for all the newbies just starting their journeys. I'll be there myself very soon, and its been such a roller coaster. So nice to see real world results.
  4. mwrarr

    RIP Lappy ;(

    Report it. That's truly BS. & then to come back & pretend to be all humbled?
  5. My surgeon told us that it's not overly common but seen enough in WLS patients that they don't deal with the head hunger/emotional issues & they end up packing their esophagus with food instead of stomach which can cause permanent stretching of the esophagus or even tearing. Sounds like what happened to that guy.
  6. mwrarr

    Want to order protein from online?

    I ordered a sampler of syntrax nectar from Bob's (BJ's??) Bariatrics. It was fairly cheap & arrived quickly. The nectars blend better with juice or water than milk, imho.
  7. I'm not sure exactly how long it is with Aetna, because it's my understanding that plans can vary based on how they are negotiated. My plan is 6 months.
  8. I have Aetna. Denied because my surgeon's office submitted with only 1 year of weight history.
  9. mwrarr


    BANANA-FON!!!!!!!!! ((((( <3 ))))) Girl, you know you are my hero-lady! Your strength & grace amazes & inspires me. I hope I just don't cry at the anesthesiologist, much less have to endure this special brand of hell...bc honestly I'm a huge baby.
  10. Just breathe. ask for something for anxiety once you get there. You'll do great!!
  11. Still waiting... I was denied 11/26/12, appeals sent 1/11/13... :/
  12. I barely slept & now of course I'm parched & can't drink! Lol ugh. This will be my 1st invasive medical procedure... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. 347*294/285/135 (*347HW/294SSW)
  13. helloooo congrats on your surgery & success so far, mommy!! & you, too Abby! wowza! it goes so fast... my case is a mess. I guess the surgeon's office finally sent appeal paperwork Monday but as of today, Aetna still didn't have it. I'm not sure how long mail takes these days but if I haven't heard by next Wed (my next day off), I'm calling Aetna back. I'm beyond frustrated. I gained 15# since thanksgiving, & of course I can't find motivation to do the old tricks to get it off (liquid fasts, starving myself, etc). I've been exercising, but I know how my body is & exercise only makes me strong...but always stops weight loss. I can't lie, at any given moment I'm no less than 10 breaths away from giving up. On a positive note, I got a new job assignment in another part of campus so I now have normal work hours & evenings to spend with my kids.
  14. I'm having a terrible time with this whole process. I started LAST January 24th. Finally got through all their BS(some of it not insurance required) & in November, they jumped the gun & sent to insurance with missing info! This got me denied, of course. It took them 5 weeks to come clean with me about what was done & what needed to be done (I already mostly knew by putting the tidbits together-- I was making weekly calls to ins & coordinator). So now I'm awaiting an appeal answer. This was just an epic fail on the part of my PCP's office, her branch's medical records team, my surgeon's office & bariatric coordinator. Basically everyone who has touched my case has messed it up somehow. I wish I could just give up. I know now how badly I need the assistance of this surgery, though.
  15. Yeay!! :} I'll take any free fingers to be crossed in my honor if you can spare them! :} This is such a ray of sunshine after the week I've had...(work issues, new kitten that can't stay, BF told me he's moving out, etc etc etc) It's really gonna happen, I dare say.... 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com
  16. mwrarr


    Omigosh. Toss him back!! 7 years & THAT'S the best excuse he's got!? Sounds like Peter Pan Syndrome to me. Boy can't sy what it really is. Either that, or he's a giant doucher. I recently read some study that said most couples get engaged between 2y6m & 4y2m...I'm currently at 3y2m...& no engagement but we've talked abt it. Our excuses have to do w/insta-family & baggage, not fatness. If that was the case, I could pull the "u so fat" card on him bc he's been about 50# "happier" since we met. ;} not that I would...I barely noticed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 347*294/284/135 (*347HW/294SSW) | (twitter) @Mwrarr | mwrarr.wordpress.com

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