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Everything posted by wvsweetspot

  1. Princess Grammy BB! Your Pictures are great. Congratulations. Hopefully soon my hubby will help me down load some pics. That's for your response. I am a year older, so you're very inspiring to me. Effie Be my friend. Effie
  2. Divas, I have to admit I'm hurting more than I had planned on, but the doc did extensive work on my hernia and my stomach had attached to my lung. No wonder I did not feel well. Anyhow, glad it's over and I'm doing better tonight. One problem I gained 10 lbs of fluid---but that too will pass. I'm still taking the liquid morphine about every 6 hrs. now. I have LOTS of gas---the walking and gasex have help. Trying to establish a schedule and have been drinking 2 oz of protein drink an hour. So, good luck everyone, your day will be soon. God bless. I'll keep intouch. Effie
  3. wvsweetspot

    Why, oh why do old habits die hard?

    John-Smith, Great point on watching our thought process and keep weeding out the negative words that keep us from our goals. New habits are formed in 21 days. So there's hope that eventually those old canbe replaced with healthy habits. And like you said when we fail, which we will from time to time, cause we're are human, we brush ourselves off and keep on going forward and know we are not alone. Effie
  4. Sweetspot here, Third day and I feel some better. drinking 2-4 oz protein drink every hour with decaf coffee, and water. Taking 4 GASEX a day. I think I must be gulping more than sipping, My belly is really distented. I've lost 6 lbs. of the 10 gained from fluid. I have to drink everything room temp. So, if anything that I might be missing is a warm drink.....but that will come. Hope everyone is doing well and keep on keeping on. Effie
  5. wvsweetspot

    I actually feel lighter

    WOW!!! 48 lbs that's great. Congratulations! Effie
  6. wvsweetspot

    Why, oh why do old habits die hard?

    My dear, That's why they're called habits....but hey a few chips is better than a bag.....Use this time as a great learning experience....where could you have intervened? and When? What helps me is always having a protein drink or water with me at all times. Don't be so hard on yourself, stress does a lot of things to us all. I'm so sorry to hear about your father and I just know you have the inner strength to go through the road ahead. You are never alone . We've all in this together. Tomorrow is another day, learn and move on sweetie and God bless you and your family. Effie
  7. My surgery is tomorrow at 8am. Have to leave home at 4am to get there by 6am. I can do this. goodnight and I'll check in after surgery.

  8. wvsweetspot

    No Weight Loss at 5 months post-op

    Meli, Excellent tips. I too have a metabolic problem and am insulin resistent and will be banded tomorrow. I know I will have to follow the rules and especially track my food and measure everything. I am not savy on the commuter so I will be writting everything out by hand. I've resisted doing that, but have quickly learned low carb or not the calories add up fast. I imagine I will always have to follow around 1000 cal a day and especially to maintain at goal. Thank you for giving me a reality check. Thanks again. Best wishes to you....I guess it is a journey and all we can do is take one day at a time. Blessings to all who are willing to take the journey!! Effie
  9. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    shrinking cassie, Glad your're doing so well . Best wishes and congrats. wvsweetspot. My day is the 10th.
  10. wvsweetspot

    How To Preserve A Husband

    I needed to hear this. This is day 7 of my preop and I have been so grouchy to my hubby....Tomorrow is another day....getting a little anxious. Effie
  11. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hi Banjo....u go girl....our day will soon be here....have a good night to all...Effie
  12. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    JBowen- Yummo....avocoda soup...sounds like a piece of liquid heaven. Would you please share your recipe? Thanks Effie
  13. wvsweetspot

    Nerves And Excitement!

    It is interesting the differences in doc plans. I'm on day 6 and I've lost a little over 8lbs. My biggest complaint is I get so tired. I am retired so thank goodness I don't have to go to work, but who knows that just maybe energizing. I keep going over what I'm to eat after.....still can't believe that it is Dec. My motto is "I'M IN IT TO WIN IT"!!!! Effie
  14. wvsweetspot

    Nerves And Excitement!

    Good luck on your preop. What is a sugar busters diet. I 'm ending day 6 preop of all protein liquid meal replacements. I have surg the 10th. Effie
  15. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Hey Startingover, I hear you about the hungry and it is not all head hunger. This is my 5th preop day and I too am getting hungry so I thought I would try 2 gummy fiber chewies and boy did that help. I felt a little gasy and some bloat, so tomorrow I'll probably cut down to 1. But for now bloat is better than HUNGRY;) Then after surg. I'll probably wait until by stomach heals before I go back on the fiber. Of course I will check with by doc first. You don't have too many more days. I know you can do it. I try not to dwell on the number of days---just one day at a time---and the time has a way of going by. Best of luck of your journey and prayers to you! Effie
  16. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Tara-U, Have u met with the dietician? Every Doctor is different with their set of rules/standards, but seems like most do the preop protein shakes. I have surg Dec 10th, so I'm very new here as well. But these folks seem great, so I think your at the right place. Do u have another md appt. before surg? If not I would be calling him or staff with questions. You're among us December bandersters so welcome.....good luck! Effie
  17. wvsweetspot

    6 More Days!!!

    Mama2girls, I'll be praying for u as well on the 6th.....mine is the 10th.....what ever we call this preop phase it is the beginning of the rest of our lives, if we follow the rules. Best of luck. Congrat on the 8lbs. That does help to keep us motivated. Effie
  18. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    Sheilam123, I'll be praying for you on the 7th. Best wishes and good luck on your journey! Effie
  19. wvsweetspot

    December Bandwagon Supporters

    If you're looking for the cheapest healthiest way , I drink walmart brand meal replacements times 4 (only 10 grams of protein each) and then l protein drink a day with at least 20 grams of protein. I'm not allowed any solid food. I keep my calories under 1000, and my protein at least 60 grams. I also drink at least 96 oz. liquid (water and decaf) and usually 55 oz. of protein liiquid. I am older and know if I do not get the protein grams a day I will lose muscle mass. That is not what I want and anyway I do not want to go into surgery sick or dehydrated. The head hungry has been difficult at times, but then I get busy---always have a water bottle handy. Before you try anything on your own I would check and get the ok from your doctor and or nutritionist. If they understand your finances at this time, they probably will be glad to work with you. Regardless what ever you chose to take, it is the up most of importance to have a plan and all your suplplies ready before preop time. You want to set yourself up for success not failure. Good luck on your journey. Stay positive. You will succeed!!! Effie ps my surg. is Dec 10th and this is day 4 on my preop and I'm doing ok.
  20. wvsweetspot

    I Am Officially A Bandster

    Congrats, You sound great!!! I'll be walking & sipping on the 10th of Dec .....God speed on your journey. Take care. Effie
  21. wvsweetspot

    Ending The Year With A New Me!

    Hey guys, I'm nearing the end of day 2 on my preop diet. I've been baking cookie bars for my church's bake sale and fixed my hubby a nice meal.....did fine with the help of vicks save under my nose. I could not smell the goodies. I think I had an out of body experience when I go look but not smell ! Anyhow it helped me. Might help one of you as well. Nite nite .....Effie
  22. wvsweetspot

    Help !

    make sure you are writing down everthing that you have eaten today---any triggers that come to mind. I'm so sorry that you have had such a difficult day, but tomorrow is another day, start fresh drinking Water, getting in all your Protein first, journel, and spend sometime doing some pre planning for what you will be eating for a day. Good luck. Effie---You are not alone!!!
  23. Jennybee, Your an inspiration and what a gift you've given yourself.....You but in the hard work, had a few challenges, and came out a winner. You're the pic that we all want on our frig! CONGRATULATIONS. You will be the bell of the ball. I don't imagine your hubby will take his eyes off you. Blessings to you and yours. Effie
  24. Carolyn, Great job getting back on track. Our success will never be in a straight line---but rather a process. It's all about the journey and taking care of ourselves. Congrats and rem. to reward yourself for each milestone. We are bigger than the stress we feel each day. Keep on keeping on! Effie
  25. wvsweetspot

    How Long Did It Take You?

    5 months, but it could have been sooner. My insurance cleared surg. right away, but I had to wait for my turn in the OR.

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