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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by babykins529

  1. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters Unite

    Dang that is aggressive. Make sure to follow your bodys instincts too though if you feel like something isn't right or your too tight.
  2. babykins529

    Doc not willing 2/c me

    The referral will go something like this: Disharge paperwork: patient was seen in the ED, please see your bariatric surgeon for follow up. That is what the ED doc will do. I code for the ED (I say ED 'emergency department' cuz thats what its referred to now I guess instead of 'room') so I see it on bariatric patients discharge paperwork. I don't think anyone is being rude, just more concerened. If I have an issue and its band related, I have to go to the ED in the hospital that banded me. I have to pass 3 other large hospitalals because they aren't trained in dealing with bariatrics. Its not a part of their training. One day it should be.
  3. It was 4am, and super cold outside (like it usually is in the winter...) and I woke right up when the alarm went off. I wasn't allowed to shower that morning, but I had to wipe my abdomen with this weird sticky wipes..gross. We had to take our 6 year old daughter with us because our babysitter caught the flu at the last minute. She had to miss school that day because no one was going to be home to get her up and ready. Her and I had packed a bag of her toys, and made sure the DS and iPad were fully charged to keep her occupied. 4:30am, we were off. Stopped by to pick up my best friend who wanted to see me off before she had to go to work. We arrived at the hospital at 5:30am on the dot. Checked in and waited. They called me back and took two tries to get the IV started. I knew this would happen and warned them when they called to do my pre-op registration. I still have the bruise over two weeks later from the first failed try. The next two hours went by super quick. The surgeon showed up and made sure I didn't have any last minute questions. The anesthesia team came in and asked me a million more questions and then gave me some meds to help me relax. Not that I really needed it. This was going to be my 8th surgery, 6th one on my abdomen. They wheeled me in to the OR, and it is all a blur after that. Woke up in recovery with some pain and nausea. They had given me a 72 hour nausea patch prior because I knew I get nauseated after anesthesia. It hurt to take a deep breath, and I asked for pain meds. The only pain I had in my abdomen was from the port. The pain in my chest was from gas as was the pain in my left shoulder. I knew this would happen as well thanks to this forum. I kep falling asleep, and every time I did, I de-sated so they kept waking me up and put me on oxygen. Once I finally got my pain under control and started breathing okay (about a few hours) they moved me to short stay. The whole time I was in recovery, this guy came in and had surgery on his leg, but kept complaining about his stomach hurting, and was cussing up a storm. I asked them to give him pain meds so he would shut up lol. They did, and they he was quiet. After resting in short stay, they wanted me to try taking deep breaths and using this device (can't remember the name of it) but it's to help prevent pneumonia. It hurt SO bad to do that, but I kept trying. They also set a 15 min timer, and I was in charge of re-setting it, and every time, I had to take a cap full of water. My pain came back, and they gave me liquid lortab, man that stuff was nasty! I asked for pills after that. Then it was time to go to the bathroom. I felt like I had to go, so they slowly helped me sit up which was painful. Then I slowly walked to the bathroom. Only I couldn't go. Turned the water on and everything. So after a bit, I walked back to my bed. Sat for another hour and tried it again. This time my nurse gave me a cup full of warm water, and told me to pour it over my private area and that might help to stimulate me to go. Sure enough, it worked! Felt much better after that. My daughter came back to visit me not long after I was moved to short stay. She did so good the whole time! She was asking the nurse all these questions about mommy. When it was time to go, she asked if she could watch them take out my IV and then help wheel me to the car. The nurse thought my daughter was very caring and had a great time showing her everything she asked. She has always been fascinated with the body and health. I see health care in her future like her mama! At 1:30pm, it was time to go home. I was very excited to get home and rest. The drive home was fine. I like about an hour from the hospital. That was my day. I'd do it all over again in a heart beat.
  4. babykins529

    My surgery day (01/30/13)

    I took two weeks off from work. I think two weeks was good for me. I have a very sedentary job. I literally sit at my desk for 7 hours out of 8. I'm a coder and have production to meet. The other hour is my 30 min lunch and two 15 min breaks. If I have to go to the bathroom, I better hurry. So no, I don't get to walk unless its on break or my lunch which is why I stand for a lot of those hours. I found that out the hard way when the pain in my shoulder brought me near to tears by the end of my work day first day back. But I learned and had only one tiny tinge of pain and then I moved till it went away. But this is me. I went to my support group last night where only half of us had gas pains. And some took only a week off some took 4. It all depends on you and your surgeon.
  5. babykins529

    My surgery day (01/30/13)

    You're welcome. The pain was manageable the next day. It hurt to get out of bed. Mostly at the port site. I got up and walked every couple hours. Stayed on top of my pain and anti nausea meds. Those helped. Set my alarm on my phone for every 4 hours. My husband helped bring me broth water and juice. If I was down stairs, I made it all. By day 5 I was painting the trim for my daughter's room remodel so it does get better. The gas pains would come and go. I sipped water but really just tried to sip anything. I wasnt worried about how much just that I had something to keep me hydrated. I couldn't lay on my right side for a week since thats my port side but I'm laying on it now and writing this. I still get gas pain in my shoulder if I sit too long like at work. So I stand at my desk and I've had no pain.
  6. babykins529

    Seriously Embarrassed !

    Oh I did too! One time, at my heaviest, I almost got stuck. I went to get out of the booth, and I coudn't move. I had to try to wiggle my way out. Luckily it was in the back and no one saw me, but my husband was there and that is bad enough.
  7. babykins529

    Movie Theatre Success

    I've gone twice since surgery (01/30/13) and I had a great time! It was weird to hear everyone else making a bunch of noise with their snacks, and for like the first time, I didn't have any so it was more aparent to me. I was still a wee bit sore at the time, and medicated. I am excited to go again and see if I fit in the seats better. It was starting to get to the point where I was going to have to put the arm rests up...but I don't have to worry about that ever again!
  8. babykins529

    Chloe's Rock Star Bday ~ Aug. 2012

    That is such a cute picture!
  9. babykins529


    Beautiful picture.
  10. babykins529

    1 year, -63lbs

    Congratulations! Lookin good!
  11. babykins529

    2 Months pre op

    Simply wonderful! Great progress!
  12. babykins529

    Post Op Day 2

    Gas pain that is trapped from the CO2 they put in your abdomen to inflate it so they can see what they are doing better. I'm 2 weeks post op today and have to sit at my desk for 7 hours out of 8 and the pain in my left shoulder from the gas is insane right now! Im trying EVERYTHING that worked for me in the past but nothing is helping. Still hours away from going home.
  13. babykins529

    1 month PO tummy tuck & breast reduction/lift

    Lookin good girl!
  14. babykins529


    Awe you two are cute :-)
  15. babykins529


  16. babykins529

    being a bridesmaid, dont want to look like this ever again!!

    Babygirl, I've been a bridemaids TWICE when I was big, and I feel your pain. The first, for my lil sisters wedding on the beach, and then for my bestfriend's wedding in Vegas. Never again!
  17. babykins529


    EAT MORE FIBER! Or take a fiber gummy with a probiotic yummy. Thats what I do and it works great. If you become dependent on laxatives, your body will lose the normal sensation to go and you will have to retrain your colon when to know its time to go.
  18. babykins529


    I agree with Sia. Sounds like you are too tight. You need to be able to eat food and not have to force it through.
  19. babykins529

    January 2013 Bandsters!

    Banded 1/30 and will be getting my first fill on 2/25. I am not struggling with my diet. I'm not hungry so I might not even get a fill. I guess we will see when I go in. I'm still losing about a pound every other day or so. That time of the month is ending so I might lose more.
  20. babykins529

    4 days post op

    If you eat or drink and then lay down or even recline, that could cause reflux/heartburn. There are many possibilities. Are you on liquids? If anything call your doctor.
  21. babykins529

    May 5th 2012 020

  22. babykins529

    Food Question

    You're fine.
  23. babykins529


    I hate asking for help too. If I need something done, I do it myself. But trust me when I say, asking for a little bit of help here and there is okay. My husband would bring me my meds and the clear liquids. But when I was down stairs, I did it myself. That is a good compromise. After a couple days, he only brought them to me in the morning since thats when it hurt the worst for me since I hadnt taken my meds in 8 hours and getting out of bed was very painful for me. I'm 10 days post op and painting the trim for my 6 year old daughters remolded room. On the floor scooting the whole way! Trust me, if you've had c-sections, this isn't too much different from those. I've had two so I know. I was up walking around an hour after both. You can do this. I know you can.
  24. babykins529


    Yes, it does hurt. But you need to let the nurses in recovery know if your nauseated or in pain. It will hurt mostly where your port is since A) that will be that largest incision they stitch it into the abdominal muscle. There might be gas pains from the air they fill your abdomen with to see better. That will mostly likely be in your shoulder. It might hurt to take a deep breath but you need to fight through that so you don't get pneumonia. They might have you breath with a device...I was barely able to do it but I tried. Stay on top of your meds. Don't be a hero. This is a time for healing. You need to rest, but also get up and walk around a little because it will help with gas pains, help lower the risk of blood clots and pneumonia. Plus it helps your muscles stretch. It might hurt getting up from a bed. I rolled off my bed for days. Some sleep in recliners. The pain doesn't last for long so before you know it, you'll have more energy and start to feel like you. Follow your surgeon's orders and don't hesitate to call them for questions. I've had 8 surgeries, 6 of which were abdominal. I will keep you in my thoughts. You can always message me. My door is always open.
  25. babykins529


    The days will go by super fast. I made mine for 3 weeks out due to work, and the time FLEW by!! I still can't believe I'm banded. Most days I don't feel any different, and then I'll lean on the washer, or twist wrong and my port reminds me it's there. Congratulations!

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