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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Debbie3sons

  1. Well just thin of it this way there goes a couple ore lbs just for the prep lol I hate the prep having to drinking that much for the cleanse but at least you'll now the results and remeber you chose the band to be more healthy and I am glad he is cracing joes so laugh with him remember it taes of calories and you use muscles to smile so don't frown cause I thin it doesn't take that many so hope things go well.
  2. Debbie3sons

    Profile photo question

    Click on the profile pic and there should be arrows and keep turning till you can rotate it coming from someone's pic is not upright lol
  3. Hey Donna we r giving those virtual hugs as you can see you have the support from your fellow bandsters on here and if you really have to emotionally eat how bout getting those fruits or veggies and snack on those instead of what we used to go to for comfort also I know I like y little mozzarella cheese balls the ones that are not marinated so just try to keep those healthy choices that you have made to change your life ,you have came so far and you are a real help to all of us please stay healthy and I am sorry to hear the news , I know my cousins wife they are in their fourty's and she has been battling breast cancer for over a year now and she is a Teacher and a real good person but she is fighting , as we battle our demon wich is bad unhealthy food so please just do the cheese ,veggies of fruit ,thankyou stay positive and healthy.
  4. Sept,Oct. 2013 Bandsters how many lbs so far?

  5. Why is it taking so long for 3 more to hit 1ndrland I wonder lol

  6. Debbie3sons

    Lost 90lbs with 20 more to go

    Again you didn't do it for them , hopefully U did it for u & ur health & they r probally jelous so say how much u lost and be proud of where u have gotten & at the things u can do now I just recently told someone that when I hit my goal I will have lost a total of 145 lbs I did this for my health & my self it took me 2 yrs. to think about my desicison so just remeber whay and how far you came so stay positive and keep the postive, let the negative go out with the weight l if u know what I mean lol
  7. Debbie3sons


    I know a lot of us band side & stomache sleepers slept on a recliner or put a lot of pillows behind u & take 1 or 2 away slowly till ur ccomfy also take the pain meds it helps & it will make it eaiser to get up.
  8. Debbie3sons

    10cc's in 11cc band

    Wow I thought it was just something wrong with me cause I came to a stall after having 4 or5 fills and I am at 10 1/2 cc"s n a 14 cc band I have lost 69 lbs but have stayed there for 2 months so now I know I am not the only one thankyou very much
  9. Debbie3sons


    We're still chatting on the Lapband site I just click on the little icon on the bottom left corner and decide if I want to chat there or not , also a lot of us are doing well since we have been banded in 2012 I see u did pretty well I have to go back to my surgeon the 14th of AUGUST i HAVE LOST 69 LBS IT'S ALOST A YEAR IN SEPT. THOUGHT i WOULD LOSE ORE BUT OF COURSE THERE HAVE BEEN CHANGES IN MY WORK SCEDULE AND LIFE SO i AM HAPPY BUT i AM STILL LOSING SO i AM GOOD AND i DO HIT THE LIKE POST BUUTON A LOT LOL.
  10. Debbie3sons

    How long is surgery?

    My Doc said it was a hr and he did fix y hiatal hernia then they woke e up 30 in after , my mother had waited till she knew I was awake not alert just awake then I stayed one night in the hospital and she came and picked me up , but the surgery took a hour of course the initial waiting at the hospital for them to get me ready was about a half hour then they rolled me in gave me the med to put me to sleep was abot 10 in and that was it so it goes pretty quick .
  11. Debbie3sons

    one year and one month pic

    Good for you , but you need smaller clothes to show off what you have lost I can tell the pants are baggie on you it's hard for us to get out of are nomral over sized clothes lol now that we have lost and maintained are weight , or just take the up a little and then you will still be able to wear them comfortable , I knew I had to get smaller shirts when 1 of my regular custoers told me my work shirt was swallowing me lol but it felt good tho.
  12. Debbie3sons

    I don't understand the why

    Who cares what other people think I did this fr me cause I couldn't walk or get on some rides and I was not happy ,also my health was going down my thyroid problems came back I had no energy and was almost sleeping my life away so when I was awake I would eat and eat and snack and eat , and I was getting sick a lot so now I can walk I have more energy and haven't been sick since Nov. of 2012 and I was banded in Sept so I didn't do it for any body not even my children I did it for my self so I could feel better about my self , npw y children have noticed cause we do more things together even if it is walking ,cooking or just going to the mall , now they ask me if I'm ready to go instead of me asking them or telling them I will just wait on one of the benches or at the food courts lol so I am happy now but I did it for my self , cause I am happy no matter what I am just more happy and more healthy now.
  13. Debbie3sons

    water after being banded

    I know like it sees you can't get enough water but just remeber it is only a couple or few das before you can drink a full 8 oz. of water also I kept ice in a glass and took y eds so I slept the first 3 days after being banded , then if I was awake I could get my sips in every 15 minutes or I could just suck on the ice also when they say you can have liquids I ate the sugar free popsickles like crazy so that helped keep me hydrated till I could acually start drinking a full 8 oz of water, I am alost a year out and now I drink a lot of water., since us bandsters aren't suppose to have anything carbonated cause I heard it could mess up the band so I stay away from anything carbonated .
  14. Debbie3sons

    From 400+ to ONDERELAND!

    WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it only took you 18 months I am almost a year so I hope I am starting to look as good as you on my weight loss in a few months , people do comment that I look like I have lost a lot of weight but I a slowly seeing it I do know though when I try on a pair of pants and I put on a pair of xl shorts and they fit or a xl shirt and it fit so I see it in apparel but not when I look in the mirror yet but I can tell in my clothes.
  15. It is the band so One of my sons is really in to music so when he hears the belching or other noises coming from my body like gurgling or growlng and other noises (gas) then I tell him that the band is talking lol and that I can't help it cause it is random.
  16. Nope I also do it all the time after I eat or drink everybody knows it so their used to it lol I think the air needs to get out from our band as I know I don' t get heart burn or gerd any more so it' s o k.
  17. Debbie3sons

    IMG 20130707 222453

    From the album: Untitled Album

  18. Debbie3sons

    IMG 20130508 150128

    From the album: Untitled Album

  19. Debbie3sons

    IMG 20130707 222435

    From the album: Untitled Album

    I still don' t see the thin woman yet ' where is she ughhh! ?
  20. Debbie3sons

    Drinking Water

    also I don't drink with my meals I will wait and only take a small sip if I need to after bout 15 min but I will drink 30 -60 min after tho .
  21. Debbie3sons

    Drinking Water

    I am almost a yr. banded and I love water I drink almost a gallon a day if I am doing something on my days off if I am at work tho I have to wait for lunch then I drink 3 8 oz wich is 24 oz of water so water is REALLY good and no it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the band if u can't keep water down theen there's something wrong.
  22. Debbie3sons

    Drinking Water

    yes just make sure it's not carbonated , lots of water is good and keeps you full longer I used to hate water now I can't seem to get enough of the stuff , if you are eating tho make sure and drink a few glasses before u start to eat a hour or two before and wait 30-60 jn after u eat so u don't get the stuck episodes or feel like u going to vomit , sorry but this has happened to me and if u really need something to drink while or doing ur eating then only take small sips and not big ones either , hope this helped with ur question.

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