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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by 434teresa

  1. 434teresa

    Gallbladder Surgery

    If you cant see your c-section scar I would not worry at all about three or four little cuts. I think the weight loss would be worth the scars if you do happen to be able to see them very badly.........I look at all my lifes scars as a reminder of where I have been and some of them yell at me saying hey you dont want to go back there again, now do you?(bad first husband)
  2. 434teresa

    Gallbladder Surgery

    Piain under the bottom of your ribe cage. It may stay for HOURS go away and come back again and again. Some foods you eat will make the pain even worse! Sometimes I would feel sick after i ate but i was prego with twins mind you. Nothing I would help ease the pain. They do a ultra sound and look at your gallbadder to see if its bad or not. They can do other x-type test also.
  3. 434teresa

    I Feel Alone...

    I dont think you should even be drinking diet soda. Is your tea suager free? then what about the coffee? sounds like you get in to much caffine to me but I could be wrong. You may want to go back and read all the paper work you were gave about your post-op diet. I think some of the things you are trying to eat is what is making you feel sick and not want to eat. Also your NOT suppose to be drinking with your meals, You are suppose to wait at least 30 minutes after you eat. Then at 3 months in I dont think you are suppose to be eating BEEF yet but not real sure on that. I would not think beef jerky would be a good choice even if you could eat beef its really tough, and dry so I think it would be hard on your new smaller stomach.
  4. 434teresa

    Thinking About This!!!

    I dont know what he would think that...if you are in that much pain I would say that you need the thing took out. I had to have mine took out one month to the day after I have my twins. It hurt me so bad when I was prege with them but I could not have the surgery then. I was so happy to have it removed. If your in pain with a bad gallbadder what could happen should not matter as much as what is going on right now.
  5. Sorry to hear that your Dr is being that way. I am doing my 6 months now. Have you been to a seminar with the bariatric dr that you will be useing? If not you want to.. That is how I found out what my insurance requires to have weigh loss surgery. Everytime I called my insurance they did not know much about the requirements at all...I have to do a 6 month diet like you do but I also have to have 2 dr. visits for each of the past 5 years(so require 3 years) showing that I was over weight, then a letter from my family dr saying that I am cleared for the surgery. They said in my seminar that those things was pretty much the same with all the insurances around here. I have other things to do like a nutritional assessment and a psychological assessment which they also require(those things have to be within 6 months before the surgery). Can you change Dr.s? If I could that is what I would do. Your new Dr. could always get all of your records from your old Dr. I dont see how your Dr would even think that you would be able to eat the way someone that has had the surgery done already can for 6 months. I mean the surgery gives you a smaller stomach to fill and helps ad in you eating the smaller amounts of food that you are to eat then.
  6. 434teresa

    Do any of you eat like this?

    The dr that I saw said in his seminar pretty much what your new nutritionist told you. I think it varys from dr & nutritionist from all I have been reading. On thimg also is that you are eating more than a cup of food at a time. He said about a cup of food would be about all we should eat at a time and that is what I have been reading on here and other sites as well. I dont think I would change what you are doing since you have a lost of 2 pounds a week tho. Oh on the nuts I can tell you that nuts will sometimes make acid reflux get worse. If you are having trouble with that maybe that is why you were told that about the nuts.
  7. 434teresa

    Thinking About This!!!

    I would talk to another dr about your gallbadder that is for sure. Did he say your weight was why he would not take out your gallbadder? and did he give a reason why you weight would be a problem in talking it out? I was going to say that putting you to sleep maybe why he did not want to take it out but since he said you may want to have the lap band that must not be why. Are they able to brake the gallstones up with meds? I know sometimes if your gallbadder is not just out right bad and you only have the stones they wont take it out. I would really talk to my family dr and see if he will send you to another surgeon if he/she feels your gallbadder needs to come out.
  8. 434teresa

    Need Fill Doctor Near Nashville Tennessee

    I maybe wrong but I think the Dr that will do your fills is the one you are seeing now.
  9. 434teresa

    How Is The Lap Bank

    You can watch youtube for info also. From what I have saw if you do as your dr.s say, eat right and work out you will lose. I have not had any surgery yet but I hope to do so by the middle of 2013.
  10. 434teresa

    Severe Acid Reflux

    get the head of your bed up 6 inches higher than the foot. i know that sounds crazy but that is what has made a big differenace in my acid reflux. I have not even had surgery yet and the acid reflux scares me about having it done.
  11. 434teresa

    Eating Disorders Uhc Approval

    I wanted to say to that no all Dr.s are the same. The one I am dealing with dont do the bypass anymore were others do.
  12. 434teresa

    Eating Disorders Uhc Approval

    You did not offended me at all. I just wantted to say that having a eating disorder is not something you can "try" out for awhile then just stop. Onice you have a eating disorder its there to battle from now own. Now at the seminar I just went to the Dr said they wont do the surgery on anyone that has a eating disorder. I dont know if that would be you are not for I dont know your story, I mean if a Dr. has told you that you had a such and such eating disorder or not. We have all done something to try to lose weight before that we probly dont care to talk about or dont want other to know about. I would say to to a seminar then see the dr and talk to him/her about it. I have found that insurances dont tell you much about what their policy is when it comes to weight loss surgery. The Dr.s however seem to know and will tell you. Call yours and see whom they have as a bariatric dr and go from there.
  13. 434teresa

    I'm Banded!

    seems like a good start to me. I hope to some day be posting my I have been banded thread,it will be awhile tho. Keep up the good work.. Oh Red Robins is not that good to me....I keep hearing a saying that I heard one time. " Nothing taste as good as beening thin feels".
  14. 434teresa

    Gallbladder Surgery

    Gallbadder surgery is nothing now days. I had mine out in 2006 a month to the day after have a C-section for my twins. They make 3 tiny cuts and that is it. I cant hardly tell where my 3 cuts are anymore. Now the C-section is another story. Oh and trust me if you gallbadder becomes bad a few little scares will be the last thing you will worry about. A bad gallbadder can cause some major pain, turst me.
  15. 434teresa

    Oh Plz Tell Me.....

    I am sorry you feel said that your scale did not tell you what you wanted it to. I am a lot like you. I dont have the band yet but it scares me that I may still not lose because like you I can walk my "butt" off even now and the scale wont move. I feel that is you stay away from the scale and only weigh on your Dr.s visits you may feel better about what you are doing. I would also like to say that maybe you need to let up on your walking a little. I have saw post that would say they were working out like you but not loseing until they add more calories to what they were eathing.....I would at least talk to your Dr about it and see what he/she has to say about all the walking and you calories intake.
  16. Yep no one is making anyone come into your threads and read what you have to say. They are not making them read any post on any threads either all they have to do skip over them..
  17. 434teresa

    Eating Disorders Uhc Approval

    I maybe wrong but I dont feel you can TRY different types of eating disorders. You either have a eating disorder or not. Just because you make yourself sick for a week or so to lose weight dont mean it a disorder, its something you are making yourself do meaning to. I think for it to be a disorder you would eat and get sick even if you did not want to do, you just cant help yourself, it just something you have to do not matter how much you tell your self that you are not going to.....Mkaing yourself do things like that is not a disorder until it to the point where you have no control over doing it or not anymore.
  18. 434teresa

    Baby Food After Surgery?

    I can tell you from trying baby food most of them dont taste very good at all. I would try them when my twins were little to get them to eat them but that did not work because i always made a bad face not meaning to. I know blending meat dont sound good because of the way it will look but I dont think blending it will change the taste, only the looks.
  19. 434teresa

    Drum Roll....please

    What a great sunday it has to be for you. That is a lot of hard work. Let me tell you what that would look like. I have 5 year old twins(almost 6) together they weigh about 90 pounds. So to get a ideal of what you have lost off your body think of them. Way to go!
  20. 434teresa

    Unsupportive Wife

    I know how you feel. My hubby is close to the same way. He dont want me to have any weight loss surgery either. He dont have a weigh problem and dont understand what its like. I know that he will support me when I have it done tho for that is just the tpye of person he is.
  21. 434teresa

    Baby Food After Surgery?

    I am not sure but I think you need something with protein instead of with none. I am only learning the ends and outs still, tho.
  22. I will think of you tommorrow.. Be so happy when I am the one doing a post like yours.
  23. 434teresa

    Getting This Thing Out Of Me!!!

    I have to say that I feel its more that YOU are not ready then it is the band. I have been reading up on weight loss surgery for about a year now and I found that many people are not clear that its not a quik fix to their weight problem. They hear people say that they have to work out and follow the dr.s orders but it just dont sink in. Those people just see the pictures of someone that has went from 280 to 140 in a year or two and think if I have this weight loss surgery my problems are over with my weight...I know because years ago I was one of those people that would say things like "well she should have lost 200 pounds she had the bypass done". After the past year of reading and watching youtube I now know that is not the case. Its a lot of HARD work you just dont have to battle being hungry so as much as without the surgery plus its a little easier to keep it off. I kind of see it as: I will be getting a new little stomach, that I have to care for not to over eat and make it large again to where I eat 4,000 calories a day in order to fill it up so it wont be hungry...its more or less a new start on fulling up the right way
  24. 434teresa

    Second Consultation!

    You can do the sleeve. Its not as bad on your nutrition levels as the bypass. I was told that the lap band can put more perssure on the "band" that keeps the acid down in your stomach if the "band" of muscles are already to week. There is another name for the band of muscles but I cant think of it right now. I guess it depends on how bad your acid reflux is as to if the lab band is a good choice for you or not. Mine is bad I take 4 different pills a day to keep mine under control.. my ph test for acid reflux was 8 point something out of 10 with 10 being the highest. I have talked to several about this and so far it seems the sleeve maybe the best for me. I have two other dr.s to talk to about this but one has said the sleeve...then there is the bariatric dr that needs to weighin on the matter also. I am some ways from having anything done yet tho.

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