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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ElleG

  1. ElleG

    Progress so far-picture

    Your looking great!!
  2. ElleG


    Awesome news!!!
  3. Awesome story! That is so encouraging!
  4. ElleG

    Food funeral

    Be strong! You will fall in love with other foods healthier foods. Sugar was the hardest for me to shake but I know I can't have it or I will b sick so I don't eat it. Do I think about it, sure do I have cravings, sure but it's a no-no.
  5. Congrats! It will happen for you
  6. That's a great idea! You could b stalled like we get so often but it never hurts to check!
  7. ElleG


  8. Friends accept friends for who and what they r. They support them and have their backs no matter what. I have done things from going with a friend for abortions to helping friends leave abusive mates. I may not agree or not support them going back after we went through this but as a friend I have to just b there. This lady is not your friend, she is jealous and it's best to just let her go. It's sad when u have to do that but a friendship can't b one sided.
  9. So happy for u!!!! Keep us posted on how u do when you get to the other side.
  10. ElleG

    Its official!

    Awesome!! Congrats
  11. ElleG

    So many temptations in the world!

    Your doing awesome! 17 lbs is great so u have it in you, you can do this! Your taste buds will change drastically its a great help. Keep your eye on the prize!
  12. I was off work 6 weeks, I think I needed 8. Lol I was unlucky and had lots of pain after so I was in the hospital a week and in the bed the next 5 weeks. I went to the doc and tried to get up and walk as much as possible but it was rough for me.
  13. ElleG

    7 more hrs til my rny

    Best Wishes! Keep us posted!!
  14. ElleG


    Drink drink drink. Try to keep something in your pouch so u can get ur mind off food. It's head hunger. U will probably get really sick if u try to eat something, not worth it.
  15. ElleG

    So many temptations in the world!

    Somehow I have gotten to the point where I can't stand fast food. It's crappy food that is bad for us. It doesn't bother me but it has become gross to me... i am starting to miss sweets but I know I can't have it so I eat fruit or drink crystal light for my sweet fix. I have a book called eat this, not that try to look for healthier options until u can stop eating it. No one is perfect and this journey will not b easy, but u can do anything u set ur mind to. Best Wishes!
  16. ElleG


    Everything is going to be great! Soon you will start your new life.
  17. ElleG

    surgical clearance

    It really depends on you, your health, your doctor, your insurance co etc. probably blood work, EKG, x rays maybe a sleep study it really depends. Don't be nervous it's a piece of "sugar free" cake. Lol. Best Wishes!
  18. ElleG

    Hi I am 37 years old

    Your doc is going to give u a specific list of approved foods because all of our docs are different and does things differently make sure you follow the your docs orders to the "t". Congrats and Best Wishes!
  19. ElleG

    Are you regular....

    Take stool softeners daily until u get rolling. I have started chewing 2 fiber choice daily. If all else fails take a laxative because it has to come out (lol). Best Wishes
  20. ElleG

    I got my date today!

    Oh okay! I will be praying for u. I'm glad your getting this done so hopefully you can get rid of the diabetes. My mom, dad and brother are diabetic I was lucky I didn't get it. Wishing u the BEST!
  21. Congrats! Enjoy this moment, this is what u said you wanted. See the docs (ob and surgeon) they will help u determine what is safe for u and the baby!!! This is awesome news!!
  22. ElleG


    Awesome! Congrats on the loss
  23. ElleG

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Congrats! Everything will go smoothly u will b starting your new life in a matter of hours

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