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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ElleG

  1. Congrats! This new life is awesome!!! See u on the other side.
  2. ElleG

    I wont be around :(

    Hang in there Mami life happens to us all u can overcome this. We're praying for u and ur quick return!!! (HUGS)
  3. ElleG

    Krispy Kreme

    I know u want this change but how bad??? When u are strong enough to walk away from the doughnuts and don't look back your ready. You will not b able to eat like that initially post op but the cravings and head hunger remains. Then there will come a time when u can eat it, what will u choose??? Start taking baby steps in the other direction, we want success for u. This is major surgery a true second chance at life. I know u want that more than food run towards that. We r all here to support u and need u to support us. We all get weak!
  4. ElleG


    Welcome! That is soooo shocking, but I'm glad it happened. You will need your doc during this journey and the other guy would not have been available. Wishing u the best!!!
  5. ElleG

    What motivates you?

    To live life and stop feeling like I'm chasing it. This feeling is soooo good I just don't want to ever loose it.
  6. ElleG

    Advice needed

    Please talk to your doc. The vitamins r a must so they have to figure something out. I also have some that can be mixed in a drink they look like crystal light but u can drink them. Ask your doc first.
  7. ElleG

    Today is the day;)

    Congrats! Keep us posted on how you do!
  8. I agree with everyone. I cried too, but food grossed me out so I didn't miss it. I stayed in the bed a lot resting watching tv and sleeping I had a lot of pain. Walk as much as possible it really helps with the gas. Best Wishes
  9. ElleG


    They will put you out in the operating room.
  10. ElleG

    BAD day

    Praying for u! (HUGS)
  11. ElleG


    Walk as much as u can and gas X helps too. Hang in there, it gets better!
  12. Good Look!!! See you on the other side!
  13. ElleG


    Congrats! I can't wait to get there!!
  14. ElleG

    left out :(

    It will get better, u will b eating food soon! Hang in there
  15. ElleG

    I'm approved!

    Welcome & Congrats!
  16. ElleG


    I use all of them, everyday so I hope they are ok . I have a cabinet full of favors I love em
  17. ElleG

    Dry Mouth

    My mouth was really dry after surgery too. It was weird. I sleep with a large ice water on the night stand so I'm drinking all night as I flip over (lol) it will get better your body goes through so many changes
  18. You lost 60 pounds! That is awesome. Don't b so hard on yourself. My tummy hangs too allow your body time to do what it's gonna do in the mean time I wear spanx all the time to keep everything smooth and tight. hang in there
  19. It's hard to get a lot of things in, in the beginning. Take it slow but keep trying the protein is VERY important. Best Wishes and Congrats!
  20. 3/26/13 I was 4 months post op and I'm down 50lbs. This is an amazing feeling. I love seeing the changes my body is making. I LOVE getting dressed to go out, it's so fun now and it use to b such a drag. I love this new life, I pray I am able to hold on to this feeling forever!
  21. ElleG

    do you drink milk?

    No (cow) milk since surgey. I do unsweetened almond milk
  22. ElleG

    For vets..please comment

    Absolutely! Don't b so hard on yourself. You didn't gain overnight and you will not loose overnight. Your using the tool correctly so trust it, trust yourself and celebrate how far u have come don't worry about how far u have to go!
  23. I would talk to the doc. It really depends on you, your progress and health. Best Wishes!
  24. I agree. The info has to remain confidential. If not I would talk to an attorney. Share what u want to share or don't share at all. Some people r so judgmental and discouraging. Best Wishes!

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