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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TheDuchess

  1. I've known multiple people who have had some sort of WLS and only chose to eat the same foods, just smaller portions. Initially they lost, but then turned around and put so much of it back on again because they didn't make permanent changes to their plan. I know this probably isn't what you want to hear, but that combined with taking in calories through drinks can really discount what the band is supposed to help.

    Additionally - if you've been doing it for awhile and start calorie counting, but nothing happens, you might want to ask your doctors to look at your hormones or cortisol levels and your thyroid - birth control even. It took a long time to figure out that my body survives on a much lower calorie count than what's considered average.

    It short it could be something else, but I would start logging calories first to bring to your doctor and then discuss afterward what other things might be hindering your weight loss.

  2. I've had to deal with a lot of depression in my life, and while I'm not banded I think I can relate in some of the thoughts you're having. I worry about these things also - favorite foods - or wanting to finish my meals, that sort of thing. We give too much power to food, we can allow it to dictate our emotions far too much.

    When it comes to depression I believe a lot of what's going on is when we don't feel like we are in control, and in this instance you're focusing on the things you feel you're not in control of - but you are! This isn't the sleeve or the bypass, this is the band! It is your tool, and I think it'd be best if you took control of your weight loss, or you'll forever feel as though you're being screwed out of all the things that make you happy, as well as being robbed of this personal victory.

    I'll pray for you to be able to find peace and proper focus in this - this is your life, and at 21 it's just beginning! You set the mood for it, take control <3

  3. The Bariatric Advantage ones taste icky to me. As a bandster, you don't have to worry about malabsorbtion in the same way that someone with a bypass or sleeve would, so you may not need something as potent as a bariatric supplement. (They can also be pricey.)

    Centrum makes an orange flavored chewable, and a liquid, but I personally don't care for the flavor or the gritty texture. I'm currently taking Viactive, which is a chocolate chew. It's 20 calories, but I don't mind it so much because it tastes more like a candy than a Vitamin, and it's only about $7 for a 60 day supply.

    I'm sure there are better ones out there, but it works for me, and I don't have to worry about a pill getting stuck.

    Where do you buy that at? - The chocolate chew -

  4. What the topic says!

    Did you go off of a pant / dress size?

    A specific weight or BMI?

    Or an ability goal point?

    (to get off of meds / walk up stairs without breathing heavy / shop at a certain store)

    Did some of us not have a goal in mind at all, just to lose weight and do what we can?

    I'm just curious how others came to their decision on goal setting...

  5. So here I'm at work. I feel not really good. I had that pressure in my stomach that conbine with some stress back to work, is starting to hurt. And also, I'm super cold! I'm glaf I brought a blanket with me, prayers will be apreciate it! I'm not having a good day :(

    Sorry to hear that darling. Praying God gives you strength to get through the day. Keep your attitude positive - You've been given a new life that people are desperate for! :D

  6. Definitely small bites and breaks between bites. I eat with a teaspoon or oyster fork at home and at work, which helps

    I love this idea! Since I feel that this is my biggest struggle I think I'll try this also.

    I stopped going into the kitchen when I come home in the evening. I go to my room instead, or now that it's nice I go outside and spend time in the yard with the family.

    Love how you think outside of the box!

  7. My first habit I've changed is drinking while I'm eating - which has been very difficult since I have a method (Bite, bite, drink) and I've had to break it. I always wash it down with Water.

    The habit I'm having the most difficulty with is chewing more, and eating slowly. I'm worried it'll be a habit that will stand in the way once I get the lapband.

  8. Changing companies might be a blessing in disguise, maybe you can change PCP's also! I've heard of people needing to gain weight since their bmi was under, do what you need to do if you KNOW this is what you want. Be patient and trust God for the best!

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