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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by TheDuchess

  1. Hey all! I've been on the forums for a long while now - AND I'm finally on the other side of the band!

    When I was approved I took the time to write out a long message on Facebook for my friends to see - I knew there would be worries, and I didn't want to repeat the story multile times, so I put it all out there! I told them of how long I've considered the lap band (since 2009) and what I've had to go through to get it, how I searched every other outlet (checking thyroid, hormones, cortisol levels, cutting certain things from the diet, having a personal trainer, etc.) before settling on this one, I then told everyone how much I needed their support in this, how I needed prayer and positive feedback and consideration if they invite us out to eat over the next few weeks.

    The support absolutely blew me away, with 49 likes on my status and 34 comments all from different people I was in awe of how with me in this my friends were. I am so grateful! After Surgery we received many messages, texts, and calls to see how I was doing and what they could do, if anything, for me. My neighbors brought over a get well card and huge Teddy Bear - lol! What sweet people! My husband took time off to stay home with me. Surgery was Wednesday and we're off today, tomorrow, and then we have the weekend to help recover.

    The surgery went well, the upper body gas was horrendous! I'm a lightweight when it comes to pain meds, so when they gave me the liquid hydrocodone and combined with all the burping I became nauseas and vomitted about 3 times. I now only take a small bit before I lay down to sleep. Been walking, putting heat on my back, and taking beano meltaways and gas-x strips. Today is leagues better than yesterday, mostly discomfort and slight pain.

    Anyway, wanted to share my story! This is just the beginning :D

  2. Those cheats werent too bad. I have a confession... one of my cheats was a juicy bacon cheese burger with the best fries in town. *drool* I felt crappy after but I did it. Also I wasnt able to eat AT ALL (sounds like your allowed to have a salad each day). Anyways your right, they were better cheat choices then what I made. I only had to do the diet for 2 weeks tho. I couldn't imagine doing it for 3 weeks.

    As far as the cucumber vs pickle. I don't think it's the Same thing only because of the salt the pickle might be packing. :)

    You're already banded! That's awesome and makes me feel somewhat better. I cheated tonight :/ Overall I've done so good, but I'm PMSing like mad! (I nearly tore my house apart yesterday, not because of the liquid diet, but because of the pms lol) They did tell me "A bite never hurt anyone" but I had 6 bites, and I've been very good up until tonight. Fussy with myself, but since I know so many people who didn't have to do liquids, or at least got to eat one meal a day, I'm not too terribly worried about it, and I intend to be honest with my surgeon.

    They made it a big deal to become part of a community for support, but in a way it's only made me insanely jealous of the people who didn't have to do liquids, or only had to do partial liquids. All I can think about is how unfair it seems.

    Not to make light of the pre-op diet, there's definitely less stress if you just do as they say :/

  3. I want to be picked up by my Husband - Piggy back rides, swept off my feet, thrown around playfully - I want it all!

    And to look fantastic in photos! A lot of my family photos from generations before me were lost in a fire. So photos are very important to me.

    Can't wait - you better post pics of this GOLD DANCER next year!

  4. Don't ever be sorry for venting - This forum is meant to support one another. Some of us have an easy time, others a more difficult time - you seem to be getting the short end of the stick for sure! :(

    Sorry to hear of all your difficulties, I'll pray that answers are found and healing comes to you. My heart hurts just hearing about all of this - I too wonder if I'll ever feel normal, and I don't even have the band yet! I wonder if weight loss will simply shift my focus to other imperfections I have or if it truly will help me. You've gone through a lot, and I'm sure there's a reason for it, even if you can't see it yet, sweetie.

    Ultimately, we must remember that so much of our process is mental, keep a positive outlook, count your blessings, vent your frustrations, and do what it takes to have a healthy and balanced soul, mind, and body. ^_^

  5. I'm brand new to this group. I have finished all of my insurance requirements and just got put on the high Protein, low cal diet. Band date in the 16th. I'm so scared, I keep thinking maybe I didn't try hard enough with reg diet and exercise.

    You know yourself better than anyone, maybe you didn't try hard enough, but you're going to have a tool from the 16th on out to help you. Today is a new day my friend!

  6. Two things:

    1. This morning I got my pre-op supply of Protein shake from the doctor's office. Ready to go!

    2. This evening I had my final hurrah. I saved all my carbs all day for Japanese hibachi shrimp and scallops. I could only eat about half because my stomach has shrunk a lot in the last month on the low carb diet. I feel stupid for having a last hurrah, but I think if I didn't I would stray sometime else down the road. ...then hubby suggested ice cream (which actually i have been dreaming of for a month) so I had a small. Now that I am home, I am going to have a bunch of Water (to ease some of the salt) and maybe I should start my pre-op diet 2 days early to compensate for the damage? I have to be on 3 weeks of shakes with one salad/protein a day plus 2 fruits (apple/pear/orange). I know I can recover from this meal. I think it's not the worst I've ever done. LOL And, I have been kicking up the exercise this week too. (I never knew I actually liked certain exercise, like biking and classes at the gym!).

    Good luck to those who are getting banded in recent/upcoming days. Please let's keep up this thread and stay together for support.

    This sounds like you actually did pretty good! You're being concious of your decisions, way to go!

  7. I'm fearless. I tell anyone/everyone. My case is somewhat different though. I've lost a good amount on my on prior to the band, and I feel confident about my decision enough to share it with the world be there the chance that they will know someone who is in a situation similar to mine and they could possibly encourage them to take a step in a life-saving/life-altering decision.

    It's none of my business if other people have gotten the surgery, or told people. I would like to say that it doesn't bother me that people lie/omit information on having the WLS, but it somewhat does, I don't like feeling as though someone thinks I'm stupid (a lot of people it easy to tell they've had it), and I definitely do not like to be lied to. I think we should be a proud people, but everyone handles their situations differently, and their story isn't about me.

  8. I'm on military insurance, which requires the 6 months pre-op visits with my surgeon. For the first 4 months I felt so gung-ho, but terribly discouraged when I realized that every visit consisted of my blood pressure being taken, weigh in, and the surgeon talking to me for all of 5 minutes. My steam has run low, I don't feel excited or amped up like I did before, I feel like this is dragging out.

    Any suggestions on how to light that fire again? My tentative date for surgery is September 25th and I don't feel the least bit excited. :/

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