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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tracew

  1. Hi Folks -

    I am a senior bander if you will. I was banded almost 12 years ago (January 17, 2004) I was lucky enough to conquer my weight loss goals to some degree....losing over 100 lbs in the first 18 months....but sadly I feel that my journey is coming to an end.

    I seem to be experiencing constant acid reflux and indigestion and I am fearful that it is a result of the aging band. Back in the day when I was banded it wasn't as common as it is now. The doctor that banded me (now since retired) said that the implant had approximately a 10 year lifespan. And this is really my question to everyone today....does anyone actually know the lifespan of the these bands? Is there an opinion out there? I am worried concerned and quite frankly lost...I haven't been to a doctor for my band in literal years....(insert head shaking here)...so I for sure need to get this sorted. Does anyone have any advice? Good, bad or indifferent I am ready to hear it all.

    Thanks for reading


  2. Wow while I read these stories and look at these people I think that I am not alone. I have struggled with the last 20lbs for about 3 years. I am not unhappy with the progress that I have made, but I do wish that I could shed this final 20lbs. When I had the band on way back in 2004, I truly thought that there would eventually be a day when I wasn't on a diet. I now wonder if that will ever be true. I am extremely active and eat quite well, but I can't seem to kick the last 20. Is there a time when you say...hey I am ok, just the way I am. I totally understand about bad days, when you can't seem to keep anything down, but I also know very well those days when everything goes down AOKAY. I suppose, its simply a matter of time, diet and exercise and this too will pass. Nice to see everyone again....

  3. Hey there -

    Interesting that I got this post. I have not talked on this forum for a very long time. I was banded on Jan 17th 2004. Coming up on that everluming 10 year mark. Back in the day of being banded we were told that this would last around 10 years, which seemed like a lifetime back then, now...not so much.

    Nice to read and see how well people are doing....congrats everyone...keep up the amazing work.



  4. Hey there....

    I am 5 weeks out of TT with MR. Did you have MR? If you did that can certainly be part of the swelling. I do still wear the binder and have 6 countem 6 days to go!! I can hardly wait to be able to not wear the binder. The drains I had were taken out in 7 days and I really haven't had much problem since. I did have an open area where the drain was for a few weeks, but really no significant swelling issue. I have certainly heard of the needle reduction being necessary in my preop research. As for the breast lift, I know nothing.....good luck in your recovery. I think that the key is to take it as easy as possible.


  5. Thanks Pam....I paid OOP to and am aswell with the TT on Thursday. Its expensive but I am not sorry for a second for having done it. Good luck and PM me anytime if you like. I have talked many people off the ledge if you will....food ledge that is!! lol...just a joke for those with limited haha...anytime my friend all I hope for anyone is success!! Yessss....good luck!!!


  6. To Mindy and Krista and whomever else I may have offended!

    Yepp you are correct Krista I thought you started the thread. Mindy, eat what you want hun, I know that you all are doing what you feel is right for you! I just wouldn't maybe ask a forum....lol.

    Krista please accept my apology, I didn't mean to attack anyone. I am just passionate about the success that people can gain with this tool. When I see (and its just me) that quantity of food it scares me to think that it won't work long term....and again I apologize for confusing and offending anyone....primarily you.

    Everyone's opinion is qualified and important in this game. I have many experiences that maybe some others have not had yet simply because of the length of time I have been banded. This I am sure everyone understands.

    Again please accept my humbleness and best of luck to you all.

    Power of Positive Thought is how I live my life....POPT

  7. I wish that I had Jachut's experience. I on the other hand had alot of skin left. I am 2 weeks from TT and can hardly wait. My extra skin is more like a human skirt! It hangs larger than any website that I can find. The PS claims that there is between 10 and 18 lbs of skin and flesh to come off during surgery! Thats alot. But there is alot of skin. I can attribute it to weight loss, 3 babies around 11lbs each and 3 csections, for there being no stretch left. But the good news is....its all fixable. I am excited about the whole thing! Good luck everyone POPT!

  8. Well Krista...apparently you didn't want the truth. You wanted someone to caudle you and say yes, yes you will be fine eat like crazy. My band is and will be fine for me. You are newer and better fine for you. Your clinic is a clinic just like mine is. You however seem to be offended by what I have said and for you, you cannot take advice from someone who knows. This will be my last word on the topic. I hope you the best by the look of your ticker you are just starting and you have a long way to go. You will learn during your walk. I remember when my ticker looked the same.....it has not for a VERY long time. As for the 4 months of not eating...miss communicated...I would have died. I ate very regimented, I exercised very hard and I lost alot of weight. I was committed to never overeating again in my life. You did not pick out that I admitted to having faltered and had harder times aswell....I did not intend to attack anyone...I was simply and honestly telling the truth. Sorry it was hard for you to accept. Good luck in your journey. I will never post to you again. POPT

    PS Just so you know...I investigated a little about the bands that they are using now in Canada and the US....yeah same thing! Very old or not...its the same technology! Good luck

  9. Yikes...well let me tell you....I was not at all indicating that she would stretch her pouch, if you had read the entire post I had indicated that I had experienced gain at one point in the last 4 years simply due to choice. We have "satisfied" our appetites for the last years and in my simple opinion....and that is all it is...an opinion, we need to teach ourselves quality not quantity. I didn't have a fill for 4 months and did not eat simply due to the desire to loose the weight. I am not saying anyone is wrong or right. I am not say that there will be stretched pouches, remained obesity, complications or a party in your monkeys cage next week at 6, I am only saying GOOD CHOICES....thats all. We aren't going on if you don't want an honest opinion then that should be stated in the post titling....LIE TO ME PLEASE! I am not going to....I have faught this fight and it is not an easy one! 4 years....let me know when you have been banded 4 years....one of the first 1000 in this province...I have the inside scoop....again.....JUST MY 2 cents.....POPT

  10. WTG Snowbird well said. The thing is we can continue to overeat and overeat and we will never gain the success that we all strive for. I personally have lost over 125 lbs and did so by strictly following the guidelines set forth to me by the surgeon. BUT...I have also faultered and managed to gain from time to time by simply eating the wrong things in the wrong quantities! Want to talk about metabolism sure....BUT if your metabolism was off the charts would we be where we are today. I am now a triathelete and days away from reconstructive surgery. My advise is good and I am not trying to be rude or uncaring. I am trying to give you the facts to make the best of this situation. This band IS A TOOL...and like any tool if we do not work WITH it....it will not work with us.....again just my 2 cents. Keep up the awesome work and I wish I had your metabolism!! Cheers :lol:

  11. Hey there guys....I remember way back when I was banded that the port was sore, my port can get sore from time to time. For instance I caught my port on the countertop one day and gave it a bit of a pull....holy pooo..that was a dooozey! My port is at the to of my ribcage, I have no idea what these people are thinking putting your port so close to your waistline....was this a preop decision? Did you know that this was going to happen? What happens when the fat drops off and you have a bulging port at your pant line?? I am just curious can anyone tell me??? Good luck everyone it will get better before you know it!

  12. Honestly I am SHOCKED to say the least. I have been banded for 4+ years and I have never could have eaten that much in a sitting. I would be terribly unwell had I done this. Maybe I am oldschool considering I have been banded for so long, but I never eat more than maybe at most a cup of anything completely inclusive on my plate. I just couldn't, I am not overly tight, 4 cc in a 10 cc band, but I could not hold onto that much food. Not to alarm, but I would be concerned, I don't honestly think that you should be able to eat that much at this point. Just my 2 cents and thats all it should be taken as.

  13. Hello hello everyone.....long time no chat. I am happy to back in the giant loop we call Lapbandtalk!

    Just a little update, I have booked my TT reconstructive surgery. I have lost 125 lbs and am ready for the big step. I have just read a thread about how close to goal you should be before you do your TT. I am in favour of the thought that if you are comfortable with the weight that you are able to maintain you should do what you need to for yourself. Personally my TT is completely comfort based, I am far to old and too taken to be concerned with what anyone thinks. I do however have an absolutely ENORMOUS pannus and the goal is to have this removed and the tummy reduced.

    I am a runner and I am finding that this giant pannus is a serious issue with my ability to run long distance, I still run, but I think that this will makes worlds of difference in my comfort.

    Quick question.....has anyone experienced a XXXLrg size pannus reduction? And if so can you give me any advice?

    Thanks for any comments or help anyone can provide. Best to all


  14. Thats funny cause I get the same comments...you have 30 more lbs to loose? Really? I am like yeah ya think...lol. :fish: Lower body lift....foooo sure.....other than that....I am not sure I want to go through all that pain. But the tummy for sure. POPT

  15. Yepp girlies....thats exactly what I mean....my guy rocks and he is interested.....the skin and boobs and thighs can all be fixed....its my heart that needs to realize that all the work I have done is a reward...not to my detriment!! you guys are the best....POPT

  16. Yepp I hear ya. My hubby and I are kayakers...bathing suits and gear are a definite part of my life and I dread it. I am sure you look awesome and your hubby is your greatest support, but I am in a new relationship of 9 months. He is the absolute best man alive, but I still think sometimes...what does he really think...you know? He loves me for my heart and my mind he says...I say I am the luckiest woman alive to have him....thanks for the post....POPT

  17. I think I am currently a sugar junkie! I have just recently taken myself off of Chocolate....I am not having headaches or anything like that, but maybe it hasn't been long enough either. Its only been 3 days! lmbo. I too had to reach for the old Choco for comfort or satisfaction....I am on the mend and you can be too....lol. Am I selling something? Lmbo...POPT

  18. Hey guys....

    Just a little about me and then hopefully you will give me your opinions. I was banded in January of 2004. Since then I have managed to lose 125 lbs, run a triathalon and change my eating life forever.

    Here is my quandry! I am struggling with BID...commonly known as Body Image Disorder. When I look in the mirror I see that woman of 125lbs ago. I don't see the new me. I only see what still needs to be done, I see the surgery that I am going to have to go through to fix what I have done. There are times that I think that I haven't done the best thing for myself.

    Don't get me wrong, I am a super up person, I love life, I have friends that I care about and a gorgeous family and partner. But when I look in the mirror I don't see the reward that the people see when you are at the grocery store. When people say OMG you look awesome, I find it hard to believe.

    I had an amazing person say to me one day when I phoned crying about how I look in the mirror. Kids okay? Yes I said. Your honey okay? Yes I said. Mom okay? Yes I said.....Well then what the hell are you doing looking at yourself naked in the mirror. I haven't done that since the kids were born. She really is a pet.

    Bottom line and final question is this....does anyone else feel this way? Thanks for lending and ear....you guys all rock!:)

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