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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tracew

  1. tracew

    Not losing any weight

    Hey there My 2 cents....are you drinking too many calories? If you are drinking alot of high cal supplements you may be drinking your calories in. You are thinking that you aren't eating 1000 calories but are you drinking them? Are you moving...walking, etc? If you aren't and are taking in less than 1000 a day our bodies tend to start to store what we are getting and then stop losing. They turn into survival mode and you won't be losing until you get up and get moving, take in some good calories and get movin, not run a marathon, but shake your bootie a bit, those pounds will start to fly off and you will be like...hey look at me go! POPT Good luck
  2. tracew

    Think Positive List

    Holy crap you guys are hilarious! Well you know what I want.....really? I want to be pretty again. I want to go to the store and not have to buy the plus sizes I want to get in my kayak and not think people are thinking look at the fat chick in the kayak....how does she do it I want to go running in the daytime...I run at night! I want to bike without worrying about what people think of me I want to be proud I want to be sexy I want to wear that tiny dress to my sister's wedding...in September and turn every head in the place....oh yeah....she's my gf! I want to wear a bathing suit I want to be me...proud, wonderful, happy and content with the things that I have chosen. We are beautiful people and we deserve all the things that we have all stated here in this thread....awesome job! POPT.........big time!
  3. tracew


    I have 3 words about those three things...Forget about it!! Well at least thats the way it is for me anyways....like the girls said above...I think it is different for everyone...but I cannot tolerate them at all....best of luck....POPT
  4. tracew

    4th Fill Coming & FRUSTRATED!!

    Hey there girlies...I know the growling feeling you are talking about...oddly enough...I personally use that feeling as reward....its like..ahh I have not eaten too much! Weird I know but its what I do. I used to say...oh my tummy is growling...i must need something to eat! Now its like....cool...not too much in the tummy....just my 2 cents! Good Luck POPT
  5. tracew

    Weight loss slow or fast? Banding on 4/13

    Hey Lee....good for you. The goal of exercise is this....do something that you LOVE to do. If it is an effort to get going at it....it won't last. I know this from experience. I have done many many different types of exercise and the key was to find something that I love to do. Running and biking are the keys for me. I weight lift as well, but the running and biking are what I love to do, you feel so good after you get in from a big run or a 20 km bike ride...its like weeeya! The weight lifting is just such an awesome thing simply because your arms and things getting looking different with such a little bit of effort...keep up the awesome attitude and the positive outlook....you will do great. POPT
  6. tracew

    my port hurts

    I have port pain randomly...sometimes its after high impact aerobics, sometimes after cycling and sometimes lying on the couch watching a movie....lets remember something here....they have wired a port to your ribs! They didn't let lambs lick it there...they have probed your insides....its going to be sore from time to time. My 2 cents...when you experience it...take note...don't do that particular exercise for a while and then try it again. You are very new to the healing process still and you need to give yourself time. This is very close to those abs that we all try so hard to work....be good to yourself....cardio is your friend...weight lifting is your friend...give your tummy some time to heal...again just my 2 cents...POPT
  7. tracew

    911 Per-surgury Panic

    Don't melt hun...that is going to happen soon enough. Honestly you are starting the journey to a new healthier you. Embrace it. Don't be scared, well be scared, but come into it with a healthy...dang I am really going to do this attitude. I say you go girl...good for you..you are going to be great, look great and feel great. Just wait and see, awesome job....keep you chin up. Happy Easter POPT Just the beginning to a great new end!!
  8. tracew

    Chat Room?

    well lets get it together then....if we had a "chat time" we could chat it up!! whatcha think? Trace
  9. can anyone do the challenge? or do you have to have been banded in April?
  10. tracew

    Ummmmmmmm addiction to this site??

    I think any addiction that takes you away from the table....is a good thing. My addiction originally turned to exercise....now I peruse this site. We need to have something to do that keeps us away from the lunch buffet at Pizza Hut!! Happy Easter Everyone! POPT
  11. tracew

    I need a pep talk

    Hey there...I have read the posts and encouraging words that everyone has posted for this lovely lady. I think that the one that rings so true for me is ....you have to be here to enjoy your 401K....I think when you compare the advantage to the 18K that you are spending on your tool, it doesn't compare to the 401K money. This is an investment in your life, retirement will happen no matter what, weightloss needs some coaching. If you are in need of being banded for the best quality of life that you can acquire then I think you should buck up and do it. No more excuses, you are worth 18k and alot more.....in my humble opinion, we do this for ourselves, we do it for our health and our lives, its worth it. BTW I am a single mom, 3 kids and was self pay....I hear your pain.
  12. tracew

    Starr Jones-Reynolds

    I think she looks awful. She too thin now and looks unhealthy. She looks like a bobble head doll...have a look at her.lmbo
  13. tracew

    Are we neagative on Lapbandtalk?

    I have a question....what is "the other site" or are we allowed to say? This forum is what we as a group make of it. It can be fun and full of life, or it can be a sad, full of trial and tribulation place to be....i think all around its pretty good most of the time. I have only been here a short while and have gotten to know a few...it fun, informative and I left a locally run site to come here because it wasn't as fun. Just my humble opinion..... POPT Tracey
  14. tracew

    Pain in my abdomen right side

    I am BIG TIME with Melissa....I betcha its the old Gallbladder! Once you start to lose the weight that old Gallbladder gets all ticked off and starts kickin up a fuss! Believe me I contend with it on an extremely regular basis. I really should get the darn thing out...but I am just waiting it out. I have learned to kinda wait it out from time to time and in the bad times I go to the doc....see the GP I say.....Its the "Gall".....lol POPT Tracey
  15. Well well well....in my humble opinion....yepp I say this alot! I think that restriction or no you have to realize that you are working with the "tool" provided. I was banded in Jan and didn't have my first fill until May. I had lost about 40lbs maybe more I don't remember now, by then. I stuck to my guns essentially. I thought darn it I have done this and I am going to succeed. In my opinion you will always be able to eat beyond your band. There are tonnes of things that will always go in....you have to set your mind to say...NO! I am going to make this work for me and I am not going to eat this! I used the hunger that you are probably experiencing as a reward,,,odd I realize, but I knew if my tummy was growling it didn't have too much food in it and I was succeeding. Alot of people will likely disagree with this comment...but hey I have lost 125lbs and have kept it off for 3+ years, I have ran a triathalon and created a new thinner life for me...so I think whatever it takes. Good Luck...go get em! Just my 2cents. POPT and the odd tummy growl!! grrrrrr Tracey
  16. tracew

    LapBand vs. Gastric Bypass?

    I think that the choice is a personal one. GB is somewhat more complicated surgery wise, but the Lapband has complications sometimes too. Both are only tools to be used with diet and exercise, so the choice is...what can you live with? The band is fairly easily reversable...and from what I understand GB is too now. GB is readily covered by most insurances, LB isn't as much. I would weigh every option good, bad and ugly and make an informed decision. I personally was banded 3+ years ago and wouldn't go back for the world. Good Luck POPT Tracey
  17. I told tonnes of people, and like some of the people on this site, have regretted it. I have a gorgeous hubby is 110% supportive and he came into the picture post op. Everyone in this tiny town knows...I have been told...."I took the easy way out!"....well you try shelling out $15000 and see how easy it was! lol. None the less 125 lbs is worth it! My sweetie found out by googling my name! I hadn 't told him about the weight loss because we had just started to see each other. I had been in a triathalon and the newspaper had interviewed me about the weight loss and the article was online. He kissed me and said he was proud of me....the ONLY person that ever did...I have been with him everyday since! Sappy eh? He's my awesome love. POPT Tracey
  18. Here's the thing....I too was self pay. I paid 15000 for the procedure and unlimited consultation and fills forever! I can even have my band relocated if the sternum becomes too close....they will even replace the band if it were to fail. I don't get what you guys are going through at all! My doc in Ontario included it all in the original cost. It may not be this way now I suppose, but it sure was when I was banded, good luck everyone. POPT Tracey
  19. tracew

    Scared to Death

    ....In my humble opinion.....I am an old bandster.....I was banded in 04.....you guys....ALL....need to relax....and here is why! 1 - You will be able to eat those naughty foods sometimes, in moderation. 2 - You are in the very early stages of being banded and still need to learn to work with the tool that you have been offered. 3 - It is exactly that A TOOL...you can eat around the band...(believe me I know) but you will be more successful and happier if you learn not to. 4 - Don't be so hard on yourselves. If you are even an ounce lighter than you were before....its a start. Keep up the awesome work everyone! POPT Tracey
  20. tracew

    Fave comfort food?

    Are we intentionally punishing ourselves here? We can't eat these things....can we? I know I can't .... 5 minutes on the lips.....5 miles in my running shoes....seriously........but just FYI....Rolo Ice Cream here....I would marry it! LOL Tracey
  21. tracew

    Two weeks of what??

    Yepper hun....2 and 2 and 2 for those weeks of liquid, full fluids and mush. Butcha know what? Its nothing. I did it for about 8 and probably closer to 9 cause it just became such an easy way to eat and a nice habit. The loss was awesome and you weren't hungry. Good luck to you in June. POPT Tracey
  22. tracew


    Oh they will get real old by the time you have anything that you could consider food let me tell ya! I was banded Jan/04 and have been through the ropes! If you have any questions that I can answer I would be happy to. As for the pain...I think its the gas from being under, its pretty common and I find that alot of people say it goes in a couple of days. Get walking around and it will go away that much faster. Good Luck POPT Tracey
  23. tracew

    losing weight means losing boobs?!

    Well the only thing that I want to say about this is.....when they get caught in your zipper.....watch out! After nursing 3 kids and loosing 125 lbs...my boobs are well....lets say...long! But the cup is no different....lmbo
  24. Awesome, awesome I did my first triathalon last summer. I am hoping to do about 4 this season.I was banded January of 2004. Good for you. I totally agree with the get moving thought. If we sit and think that this is going to be a miracle cure, we are completely wrong. Its hard work a dedication to the whole thing. I say awesome...good for you. POPT Tracey
  25. Hey there all you Bandsters! I am consulting with a PS about a Beltline Lipectomy. Has anyone heard of the procedure? I have a friend (guy) who has had it done. The thought of the beltline lipectomy is that it conquers loose legs and the abdominal issue in one surgery. Has anyone any thoughts on the procedure? Heard of it? Had it done? Thanks POPT Tracey

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