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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by tipsyb

  1. (laughing) I do wish that when people post they put how long they've been banded. Fair or not, I would struggle taking advice from anyone with minimal life experience w/ the band. I always warn people to focus on WHO is giving the advice just as much as the advice being given.

    I see so the comments of newbies are not needed ? Well I'm fourteen months post band, however I have a lifelong addiction to food and an emotional eater which I think makes me an expert in my own journey . I think from day one of my journey post op I still brought a huge amount if knowledge about struggling and living with addiction. The decision to have the band was based on a year long treatment programme in over eater anonymous which led me to make the decision to band. The physical mechanism and the diet advice is the smallest part of why I am here. Looking through the posts I think I have found that the main theme I see is people coping with the psychology of their addiction. So I want to hear their opinions and I want to understand their coping mechanisms and I don't care how long they have had their bands because I hear their struggles and I identify mine in there and it helps me .

  2. all you fellow food addicts' date=' watch out when it comes to slipping back into bad habits. I found myself doing so under unbelievable circumstances. Picture this....I'm a week post op from bilateral hip replacement. The pain is horrific, I can barely move, am on oxycodone round the clock...and find myself snacking on Cookies in the hospital and rehab. I did that for a few days and then stopped being stupid and started to say no to the snack lady. This was a good lesson for me as it let me know that no matter the circumstances, once an addict, always an addict.[/quote']

    You are so right , the acceptance of being an addict to food is a good quarter of the journey. In the last year I have seen myself slip back to habits because I practice "seemingly irrelevant decisions". Each one an addicts behaviour pattern. Well done on recognising yours and well done on fighting the demon. Your a true inspiration.

  3. I have told no one about my surgery' date=' other than the closest people in my life....at first it was awkward because everyone gave compliments and wanted to know how I was doing it....I simply said I don't eat nearly as much as I used to, gave up certain foods and food types entirely, focus on Protein and drink plenty of Water, and go to the gym everyday....all of which is true!!!! Only thing I held back is I used to be incapable of such a lifestyle and it is the band that now forces me to adhere to it now, without a struggle...making it easy and effortless.... That was over 2-1/2 years ago, coming up on 3......now, people who knew me before my surgery take it for granted I have always been skinny and fit...all of this is old news and I am accepted for what I am now....new people I have met over the last few years never knew I was ever fat in the first place...... So I do not have to explain myself to anyone, anymore....I guess that is the ultimate NSV....a successful journey....[/quote']

    Not being able to eat my way through my emotions has saved my life. I understand what you say and agree with you. I'm three quarters of the way through my journey and enjoying my new life it's very different but so rewarding.

  4. You know I have learned over the fourteen months that I have been banded that I do not need to be precious about my decision. I have still three stone to lose , do I think that the band has failed me ? No I don't , do I think I should have had the sleeve , bypass ect no I don't. All of these procedures are because we are primarily addicts who have looked for the quick fix on each occasion. I am facing my daemons for the first time because I have no option. It's making me see life as it is and should be not as it once was through a haze of over eating and self loathing. I'm sure in years to come my band may need changing adjusting taking out. There may be a better intervention. I'm just glad today I'm here , five stone lighter and happy. It's all I need for today.

  5. When you say top of your band does that mean it is completely full? I am 9 in a 10cc and still feel like I need more restriction..Scared. Anyone else in this situation?

    My nurse tells me that even tho the band may be technically at full it us nigh on impossible to tell. There is always natural loss and coupled with fat loss around the band itself. Go with your instinct and with your advice from your team.

  6. I'm way past caring what people think anymore lol, the way I see it is that I am saving my life, diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol ect ect , the side effect is weight loss. I am down to the last three stone and I'm expecting at some stage the " ypu have lost too much now" conversations. These are the issues of others not me. I'm too busy recovering to recover anyone else.

  7. I had a work colleague say in a meeting, oh I heard you had lost weight you have done it before though so what's different this time ? In a roomful of people I replied "a gastric band" one very red face and a round of congratulations!

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