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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by shelly513

  1. Just so u know... u can add me on facebook.. IM NEVER ON here anymore.. my name is shellys sleevedlife.

    I just decided enough was enough. I didn't come this far to fail myself. So I went back to precooked and prepacking all my meals. Protein first. Allowed myself a sweet at night.. such as a nature valley Protein Bar.. or Quest bar. I allow fat girl Sundays which is 1 day I eat what I want and that helps me stay on track during the rest of the week

  2. Wow. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that people are still reading this post. Even tho I wrote it a couple months ago. I am now 17 months post op. I had a big gain last month due to stress and just eating whatever but I'm back on the horse. The struggles the further u get post op are real! !!! Here are my newest side by sides



  3. Thanks everyone.. Yes yes yes.. I had a TON of hairloss. I was lucky I had very thick hair. I lost alot between months 3-10... by the handful. I always got in all my Protein.. Vitamins.. Water.. Biotin. It's either gonna fall out or it isnt. Since I had such drastic weightloss I wasn't that fortunate.. BUT no one could tell but me

    I haven't had plastics... I have a saggy belly. Very saggy but with the right pose and pants no one can tell much

  4. wow....you look awesome. im just curious if you can tell us how you were able to adapt to your new way of eating after surgery? i mean, how did you turn off that voice in your head that was always telling you to eat? was it the surgery that makes it so easy in the beginning? if we cant stick to diets that great now before the sleeve, what makes us think we can do it afterwards?

    The voices are still there.. they ALWAYS will be. The surgery did make it easier in the beginning. .. ur very limited for awile what u can eat. Now since I'm further out it is purely will power.

  5. It's been a long time since I've been on here so hete I go...

    This has been the most amazing journey over the last year. I have started to live again and love again.

    I was a food addict. I still am but im in recovery... I ALWAYS will be.when I was 353lbs I would wake up and think about food. I would eat and eat and eat. I reached the point that I could barely tie my own shoes bc i could barely bend over. I had to roll off of my couch to get up.. I could barely wipe my own ass. I was always uncomfortable.

    Miserable.. I was completely miserable.

    When I would pull thru the drive thru I would act like I was ordering for 2 bc i was ordering so much food. When I was cashing out at the convenient store I was act like I was buying all that chips and candy for my kids.. not me.

    Embarrassed. .. that's what I was.

    I would constantly compare myself to everyone... I would look at other women and actually be mad at her bc she looked better than me.. she had a better body than me.. my man probably wanted her bc i was so fat and ugly.

    Ashamed is what I had become.

    Finally I decided after years of dieting enough was enough.... I had the gastric sleeve 02/26/2013.BEST DECISION I MADE.

    It's now been a year and here are my stats. 32 years old and 5-7'.I was 353 and now I'm 183lbs. Went from a bmi of 55.5 to 28.7. I wore a size 26 pants and now I'm in 10/12.

    Over the last year I have stayed active. For the first 6 months I was VERY strict.on what I ate. Now I'm more lenient. I eat every 3 hours making Protein #1. That isn't hard for me bc I'm a hard core carnivore. As far as exercise I life weights 2xs a week at home.. 2 10 lb weights.. I walk 3 miles 4xs a week also. I've never busted my ass at the gym and







    I just continue to do what works best for me.




  6. Im going to say the same to you ad I told another person. Not everyone is going to support you. That's just all there is to it and I think a lot of it has.to do with they don't understand. A lot of times people think are fat by choice.. and yes maybe it started that way but it almost becomes and illness and an obsession To the normal person they dont get it. Its not like we are crackheads searching for crack.... our food is our drug and its something that we will die without. Its a necessity of life. So with all that maybe you need to explain to her that this is something you need and want and that reguardless your going to do it with or without her support.

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