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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by corgimom

  1. Saw my endo dr Monday and asked her about it and she said, yes, it's hormones. She suggested that if things really get nutty (my word, not hers!) to maybe go on a low-dose birth control pill for a few months just to get things balanced. I'm going to give it one more month. And thanks Lap Band Evangelist for the idea about the clarsonic. I may try that. :)

  2. Has anyone else had breakouts during weight loss? I have never had a problem with my skin and all of a sudden I am having breakouts like crazy. I haven't changed anything, so the only thing I can figure is that it is related to hormone fluctuations.

  3. I am more of a sugar addict than a carb addict but I do love rice especially in sushi. I have been banded for a month so I have not tried it again yet. Anyway, I agree with others that suggest My Fitness Pal. This so far has been a life saver for me. I can see how many calories I have eaten but also plan accordingly with working out. Yesterday there was a bake sale where I work for charity and by adjusting my work out I was able to have a small treat but still stay under my calorie count and get all my Protein in. Having to take the small bites really helped too. But carbs, sugar, etc is like everything else-depends on servings and keeping your servings under control. And it's hard especially when you think about going out to eat where they serve one person's dinner on a platter rather than a plate. So I measure everything now and record it which is honestly a pain in the butt, however it helps me a lot and has made me think twice about eating something when I saw what it would do to my calorie count for the day. I still want a big slice of cake but now I might have 1/2 of what I would have eaten before band and increase my workout or lower my portion for dinner. That and I have had one 'stuck' episode and I will avoid eating bread, Pasta or rice if it's going to cause that. Ouch!!

  4. First off, congrats to you on taking the bull by the horns and doing what is right for you. That is the most important thing. I can understand a little of where you are coming from as I too, had a friend that clearly did not approve. She is Ms. Health and Fitness and has never had a weight problem in her life. So anyway, I just explained to her that it was a personal decision and what I and my doctors felt was best for me and that the surgery and band is a TOOL just like weight watchers, nutrisystem, etc. I still don't get that she really understands but the day of my surgery she brought me flowers and has voiced support. Maybe if you explain to her that her words are hurtful and that you are doing what is best for your health? Maybe if you bring the fact that what she has said is hurtful/makes you angry/doesn't help maybe she will take a second look. I'm sorry she is making things difficult for you especially at a time when you need all the support you can get. Good luck to you!!

  5. Name, real or screen~ Tanya

    Goal weight for October 29th~280

    Weight on October 1st~290


    Dietary goal for October~

    Exercise goal for October~

    Personal goal for October~

    Date banded~9/24/2012

    Total weight loss since banding/pre op diet~14 pounds

    What is your favorite Halloween Activity?~ We have a big blow out party every year and giving candy to the kids. I love seeing all of their costumes, although in my neighborhood we get mobbed with kids!! Last year we bought almost 20 pounds of candy and still ran out!!

  6. When I have left the house I take Protein and Water with me. I took a smaller bottle of ensure and a small bottle of water. I have left the house twice since surgery and for no longer than 3 hours and it's worked pretty well. But yes, I feel like I am doing nothing but drinking all day. I meet with the nutrionist this coming Friday and hopefully this will change a little but 3 weeks is the max I have to do this. I normally have water with me anyway, so that part is not so hard, but yes, it is a pain in the butt.

  7. My nutrionist actually suggested I get a baby spoon or shrimp fork to eat with, take eraser size bites, put the fork down between bites and wait one minute after I swallow to take another bite. I'm sure we all got pretty much the same instructions. I haven't actually gotten to eat food yet (banded on Monday the 24th) but I personally will do my best not to go against my doctor's orders because this was a long road to get the surgery, it was very expensive and for me at least-not doing what my doctors' have told me to for years is what got me to the point I needed WLS.

  8. Last night my hubby, who was a sailor, was looking over my incisions and said that my doctor had put my port in the wrong place. Considering my husband does not have a background in surgery or bariatrics this puzzled me. I asked him why he thought my port was in the wrong place and he pointed out that it was put in the starboard side. So my port is not on port, but starboard. I really need to get him a hobby......

  9. I was banded Monday too!! My doc has me sipping 2 oz of Protein Shake for 15 minutes every hour followed by 2 oz Fluid every 15 minutes. I can tell today when it is about time for another 'shot' of Protein. I'm drinking out of shot glasses which is funny for me since I've never been a big drinker. Anyway, after an hour I feel a little hungry, drink my 2 ozs and then I'm fine. I seem to be able to drink a little more than the 2 oz of fluid but this morning I gulped without thinking about it and WOW did that hurt!!

  10. I thought keeping track of everything you ate was so you were accountable? My job/insurance had me go through 6 months of very intense nutritional counseling as well as nutrition assessments and psychological assessments. (Where I work has the strictest rules for WLS in NC according to my doctor, who works at the same place) Every person I had to meet with stressed the importance of writing down everything you put in your mouth. If you don't, how will you know what behaviours to change, what is working and how to adjust when you hit a plateau? I don't look at it as restriction vs control-it's both. I can be restricted all I want but if I choose to go out and drink a bunch of milkshakes all the restriction in the world isn't really going to help. The band is simply a tool to help me make the right decisions.

  11. I had my surgery Monday 9/24/12. I got to the hospital at 5:45AM and they took me straight back, into a gown and started the IV. My hand was numbed for the IV and I must say I really appreciated that!! They allowed my husband to come back with me and then my parents once I had the IV. I got the shot of Lovenox in my stomach. I had several nurses, anesthesiologist, the surgeon, another surgeon all came in and everyone asked me why I was there. I was wheeled into the OR about 6:30 or so and moved onto the table. They put the mask on me and I was out like a light. I woke up in recovery and felt fine-just really really thirsty. The problems started when I tried to sit up. I had a pretty bad reaction to the anesthesia and was sick for the next 12 hours. I basically dry-heaved unless I was knocked out. The staff tried a lot of different things but nothing really helped until the meds got out of my system. It was supposed to be outpatient, but I ended up staying the night in the hosptial. By about 9 that night I started feeling better and could walk without issues. I went home the next day around 10 and have been doing pretty well ever since. My biggest advice is that if you feel like you might get sick from the anesethesia ask for something before they sedate you. I feel pretty good 3 days post op and have been walking, drinking my Protein and doing little things around the house.

  12. My mother has been the worst for me. I was in a size 16 and she asked me if I needed 2 seats on an airplane. Of course I got the 'you're so pretty, if you would only lose weight' which was followed a few years later by 'you used to have a pretty face, but you don't even have that anymore.' She started telling me I was fat when I was 5 so needless to say she gave me a complex about weight and food in general. Thankfully my hubby is wonderful and supportive and has told me getting surgery is my choice and he loves me no matter what. I am just glad my hubby is more supportive than my mother! :wub:

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