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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Domika03

  1. Domika03


    Congrats, what a great accomplishment!!!
  2. First thing you should do is talk to your Dr's office as they can check you out. We can offer suggestions or pull from our own experiences, but only a medical professional can help you out the right way I have this issue often, and am only 5 weeks post - op. I know I'm not getting enough fluids in per day. Apparently, I'm one of the few that can't seem to drink enough. IDK but it happens. Between that, AND not getting enough Protein in, I get dizzy. Make sure you're getting all your protein in because that is an issue for us. Gotta make sure we're getting our nutrients. Take care of yourself!
  3. Domika03


    Hi, Weight gain / weight loss is such a psychological roller-coaster. It's easy to eat the wrong things. I think we're testing our limits as far as what we can eat & still lose weight with so we grab the quickest thing, which is typically not the healthiest option. As for staying motivated overall, you need to remember why you did this surgery in the first place. Why did you want to have it? What was the final straw that made you say, that's it, I need WLS. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but a sign of strength. Contact your NUT for advice, or find a bariatric dietician that can help you re-focus your energy on eating the right things. I don't think doing something drastic, like going back to week 1, is the best idea, because you'll feel like you're depriving yourself. Call the Dr/ the NUT, and get advice on how to proceed. You need help, and seeing this now, before things gets worse is the best thing you can do. It's not even so much gaining weight back, or not losing any more, but making sure you eat healthy & get the needed nutrition you're body needs. The last thing you want is to suffer for weight related health issues. Good luck sweetie!
  4. You may want to call your NUT for advice here. Are you trying mushy / puree foods? Maybe they're not 'soft' enough for you at this point? I could only have 3 tablespoons of soft foods (like cream of wheat & mashed potatoes) for 2 weeks, but I was able to keep it down. I'm 5 weeks post-op now & can eat 1/2 - cup of food. For some reason, I tend to struggle getting enough daily fluids in. I don't know why, just can't manage to get it all in. Best advice anyone can give you... call your NUT or Dr's office and see what they suggest. It'll get better!!!
  5. Domika03


    I'm sorry to hear about your nausea & regrets. Hopefully, your Dr gave you anti-nausea meds that can help you feel better. You may want to ask your Dr's office about why you're experiencing this. Is it something you're eating that isn't sitting well, are you getting any Protein in (at this stage, it might be way too early to get your protein requirements), are you getting enough fluids (are you sipping or perhaps swallowing too quickly).... ? These are all possible questions, but the only one who can really help you is your surgeon. Please don't have any regrets until you know what's going on. Typically, things really do get better. It's a lifestyle change & it definitely takes some getting used to. I'm 5 weeks post-op & am feeling things out food-wise. Each day is a new adventure on what I can eat or how much. Hang in there & talk to your Dr's office. It'll get better
  6. Domika03

    Recovery time

    I have an office job. Surgery was on a Thursday & was off through the following Friday. I then worked from home the 2nd week. Definitely felt very tired so I probably worked 32-36 hours instead of 40. I highly suggest at least 2 weeks. Take all the help you can get those first few weeks. You're not really in pain as much as you are tired from not getting a lot of nutrition / Protein in. Not much energy!
  7. Domika03


    I took a shower the next morning in the hospital as well. I did bring my own toiletries, but they did provide me with everything I would need.
  8. I would suggest bringing your own Snacks to meetings that might be a little longer & you know might be tempting. Something as simple as a Protein bar, Protein Drink or any drink could keep you satisfied & pre-occupied. Just think about this great journey you've been on, and how well you've done for yourself. Remember, always plan ahead. Great job on the weight loss!
  9. If you're sure it's not gas pain, I would call your surgeon & ask about it. I'm about 5 weeks out & haven't had any pain since the 1st few days. Could be something you ate that didn't sit well. Either way, it's best to just double check.
  10. Domika03

    Mixed feelings

    Interesting topic as I just posted this on my blog tonight, Mission Slimpossible. Went clothes shopping yesterday & for the 1st time in a LONG time, I saw something different in my reflection as I tried on a pair of pants. I took a long, hard look at myself, tilted my head & actually saw myself as "thin." Yes, that's what I said, THIN! I actually fit into size 8 pants. Yes, I said, a size 8. I think my average pant size in high school (31 years ago) was a 10, so I'm fitting into smaller clothes. I was feeling a little brave, and saw a pretty sleeveless little black dress in the fitting room (size Medium) that someone else left behind. I figured, ah, what the hell, I haven't warn a dress in...well, in years so let's try it on. Oh my goodness. Not only did it fit, but it actually looked really nice! I mean, it really looked nice. I came out of the dressing room to show my husband. He winked and said "very nice," proceeded with, "are you OK?" I smiled because I actually had tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with such emotion. I didn't cry but I could feel something deep inside me. It almost felt like a happy confusion because there was no denying that I was no longer overweight. I'm still amazed. After 1 1/2 years on this weight loss journey, I'm finally comfortable & quite happy in my own skin! Ahhhhh..... feels good, damn good!!!
  11. Domika03

    Sex drive

    For some reason, especially when I was struggling with my band, I seemed to have lost my overall sex drive. I didn't crave it. I didn't look for it. I just didn't want it. Needless to say, this didn't sit well with my husband. He felt rejected when it really was "me & not him!" I even went to the Dr thinking that maybe I was starting to go through "the change." I'll be 49 in June, and have some friends that have started going through the change, so it was a possibility I guess. Long story short, my hormone levels were fine & my Dr thought that maybe I was just in a rut. We joked about having another partner (and no, not another female either). Husband chuckled. Anyway, my point is that now that the band is out, and I'm feeling better overall, my sexual appetite is back. I feel normal again. I think about sex from time to time, and I actually want it again. Needless to say, my husband is happy
  12. Domika03

    what kind of gas

    I'm sure everyone is different, but in my case, it wasn't loud or smelly. It was a matter of getting that air out of my stomach post-op. For me, it lasted less than a week. Walking as much as possible helped alleviate the gas.
  13. Domika03

    I said NO chocolates!

    He probably doesn't really understand what you're going through, and it's OK. You can try to talk to him about it, or bring him to a support meeting, if you go to those, so he can learn about it. Of course, there's always the possibility that he just doesn't want to understand. Maybe he is simply afraid that once you lose your weight, he might not be as important to you. You're focus is quite different now, and it's possible that he feels left out. He could also feel threatened. I know it's not easy. My hubby eats everything & anything, and sometimes tells me 'just have a bite." Thankfully, I have no real appetite so it's not much of an issue. But, sometimes I will give into him, and have a bite of something. It appeases him, and satisfies any little craving I might have had. Good luck!
  14. Domika03

    1 month post-op check up

    I had my 1 month post-op check up this morning. I had several questions for my surgeon about my daily food & protein, and here's what I found out: Thankfully, I seem to be healing well Talked about BM's & that I seem to have to add stool softners, and MoM to help me go. Not worried as long as I'm going. Focus on fluids, which continues to be my major weakness OK to have Chai-tea again, yeah!!! I so missed this. It has caffeine in it so I had to stay away. I'm not a coffee drinker so Chai is just fine for me Work my way up to 60 grams of protein per day Work my way up to 800 calories per day, no rush Continue to eat 1/4 - 1/2 cup per meal. Whatever my tummy tells me I can handle. Continue to focus on protein first, but OK to add steamed veggies & fruits Eat only when I'm hungry. It can be 5 small meals or 3 basic meals (breakfast, lunch & dinner) per day I can start eating breakfast type foods. For example, lean turkey crumbles with eggs or oatmeal w/ fruits She suggested I can add new foods but to wait a few days so if something upsets me I'll know what it is OK to start working out, slowly but surely. As we all know, walking is the best exercise but I can start going on my recumbent bike again. OK to add low weights, several reps. Oh, working out in a pool in also good (thought I don't have access to one). I can start taking my vitamins again (Multi vitamin, B complex, Biotin). No worries about adding calcium at this point. But she did order e 50,000 iu's of vitamin D once a week for 12 weeks. I had low Vit D count which I was taking vitamins for. She said this would help get it back up sooner & so mch easier to have it once a week. After that, I can have lower doses to my daily intake 3 month blood work follow up & appointment made Since I had lost a descent amount of weight with the band & a little more with the sleeve, my food goal will pretty much be focused on maintenance more than anything. Wow, maintenance. That sounds great! She said I might lose another 5-10 pounds but doesn't think my body will go for more. I'm good with that IMPORTANT > soreness that I sometimes get on my left side that travels a little to the same area but in my lower back is due to scar tissue hitting on nerve endings. Dr said that area felt a little tougher. She said a body massage focused in that area a few times a day for a weeks and/or heat would help (hot bath, hot tub). Overall, a thumbs up, and I'm quite thankful for that!!
  15. How about a homemade smoothie? That's really the only way I vamp up on my Protein intake, almost all in 1 sitting (though it takes me a while to finish it). Pure Protein vanilla Creme shake 1 scoop of Pure Protein vanilla powder 1 container Dannon Oikos yogurt 1/2 banana cinnamon Splenda Taste great & gives you loads of protein first thing in the morning!!!
  16. Can we make homemade smoothies with strawberries and/or bananas in the mushy phase? I'm 4 weeks post op tomorrow. I thought I read something about strawberries not being allowed until 6 months out or something like that ???
  17. Domika03

    Hair loss

    I did too. Try taking Biotin. It helped me after taking it for a few months!!
  18. Domika03

    How and when to stop losing weight?

    I think about that too. My situation is slightly different. I lost 90 pounds with the band before I had complications & had to remove it and replace it with the sleeve. I'm only 4 weeks post op, and now weigh 141 at 5'3. I don't mind going down to 135, but after that my face gets too thin & I look sick. Not sure how much more I might still lose but I've lost about 14 pounds in a month's time, so I"m unsure what to expect. Time will tell.
  19. Domika03

    Thin Eyebrows

    I only had hair loss on my head. Lots of hair left in the shower or when I brushed it. No other hair loss, thank goodness. Hoping to start my Biotin pills again because they seemed to help. That, and increasing my Protein intake will be great!
  20. Domika03

    Gas Pains (end when)

    I'm almost 4 weeks post-op. I'd say my gas pain ended a few days after surgery, 3 or 4. My advice, WALK as much as possible. I walked in my house during recovery, around my DR table, LR table, up the stairs, down the stairs, a few times a day. It helped for sure!
  21. Domika03

    Couple recipe ideas

    I recently discovered quinoa as well. Had it the other night with spinach. Quite the tasty combination! Thanks for sharing!
  22. Domika03

    WTH is wrong with me?

    I'm not sure what's going on with me the last few days... I've taste 'tested' a few items that were not part of my food phase. IDK why, but it's not like they were smart choices. I tried chocolate chip cookies a few times, little bites of some of the dinner I made the family like mild italian sausage yesterday (made the family lasagna (didn't have that), chicken & dumplings today, and I even had a crab cake. Why the hell am I doing this? I don't understand. My stomach has been fine, until now. It feels a little crampy, like I have to go. Of course, in my true constipated form, I can't go. I only go a few times a week, maybe once or twice. And no, it has nothing to do with this because this just started a few days ago. I've always had issues, but moreso now since being sleeved. I feel like my old bad habits are coming back. I'm testing the water or something. Food addiction coming back after almost 1 1/2 years. I don't understand. I'll be 4 weeks post-op this Thursday, and my 1 month follow up is Friday. I can only hope that I'm not hurting my stomach / recovery. Has anyone else dealt with this at all? What the hell is going on? Feeling frustrated & upset with myself......
  23. Hi, I'm almost 4 weeks post-op & was wondering how many calories & Protein everyone gets per day? What do you eat to maintain that? Thanks for your feedback! Fran
  24. Domika03

    OUCH- Dizziness & BAM!

    So, I got up last night, or I guess this morning at 4:30am to use the restroom. I hadn't slept very well. Got up, started walking to the bathroom, and WHOA Nelly! Got so dizzy, so quickly, then BAM, right onto the floor. I didn't even have time to stop myself, right onto my right side. I got up again without a problem, but dang, that hurt. My right hip / butt is a little sore this morning. OUCH! Decided I'm going to seriously focus on drinking today. I'm thinking maybe I was dehydrated & that caused the dizziness. NOTE TO SELF: DUH, drink more fluids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. I'm sorry to hear you haven't received the support you were looking for here. I'm not sure what people might have said to you to feel this bad, but please don't let anyone make you feel like crap. It's just not worth it! We all have a story about our journey, whether we are pre-op or post-op. Our stories are different, some funny, some sad, and some just flat out entertaining. We post in all sorts of places on this forum, depending on what our question / comment is at the time. Please feel free to post wherever you want. We all need support in some way, and most of us enjoy offering support. I'm only 3 weeks post-op, so far from an expert. But, I was banded first & converted to the sleeve. I'm happy to post comments, and updates on my blog. Some people reply, others don't. It's OK either way. I wish you well!

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