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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Courtnin

  1. Courtnin


    Thank you thank you! Ahh such an amazing feeling! I still can't get over how 'weird' my arms and elbows are feeling and by weird I mean boney Getting the lap band is the best choice I've ever made
  2. Courtnin


    Thank you for the responses! I think I was in a bit of a panic because the scale didnt budge an inch.. But I am happy to say I took your advice, increased my calories and switched up my excersise and was able to lose another 4 lbs, glad to have the ball rolling! Just curious, you hear a lot of 'muscle weighs more then fat'... Is it possible from the excersise that I'm building the muscle an maybe that's why the scale didnt move for awhile?
  3. Courtnin

    I don't belong here

    I had the lap band surgery, so far I have lost 55lbs in 5 weeks. I think it can depend on your body and also what you put in it for your weight loss results. The band is working amazingly for me, but I also work very hard at it. Congrats on your success!
  4. Courtnin

    how to deal with judgement

    I'm 23 and was banded shortly after my 23rd birthday, and it has been the biggest blessing I could receive. I've been over weight for all of my teen and adult years, I don't want to carry that on thru the rest of my life. It's a wonderful thing your doing for yourself, don't let anyone talk you out of it.. But at the same time make sure it is your own decision. I personally have only told my immediate family and the friends I spend most of my time with.. I don't want to hear negative thoughts during this journey. Most of them are very supportive of it, at first a couple of my friends made a few comments I didn't enjoy. Now I'm 7 weeks post op, down 55lbs and I honestly can't remember the last time I was this happy. People are going to judge always, whether we're over weight or had WLS. But I rather be healthy and happy in my body while they judge me Good luck with your journey!
  5. Courtnin

    Weight loss since surgery

    I was banded Nov.16/2012 Down 54lbs, I haven't had any fills yet.. But rarely ever feel hungry.
  6. Courtnin


    I find I gurgle a lot too, mostly when I'm in bed. Sometimes it even wakes me up. :S
  7. Courtnin

    Saskatoon and area

    You know what! One of my close girlfriends just moved out there, so I might be making a trip in the spring! There isn't any support groups in Kelowna, that I'm aware of atleast. I had my surgery in mid Nov, and I've been fairly private about it (except on here and with my fam) I wasn't aware of how common the band actually was in Canada until I made a trip to the ER! Hope your doing great! And thanks Tom, that's a great idea!
  8. Courtnin

    Saskatoon and area

    I'm not from Sask, but I am a fellow Canadian. From Kelowna BC.
  9. Just wondering if anyone has difficulties with lettuce for salads and stuff? I'm just moving back onto raw vegetables and I am insanely paranoid about having anymore issues.
  10. Courtnin

    Trouble with lettuce?

    I guess I won't know until I try. I'm really hoping that I can, I know eggs are deffinately a problem for me. Thanks ladies!
  11. Courtnin

    Trouble with lettuce?

    Oooh good Today is my first time eatting again after a stuck episode, I've only had liquids for 2 weeks. Sooo I'm super paranoid about everything. Had some tuna and all seems well
  12. Has anyone ever become lactose intolerant after the band? I'm 4.5 weeks post op now and the past couple weeks I seem to vomit up anything with a trace of dairy in it. I've never been sensitive to it before.
  13. Courtnin

    what are sine good things for liquid diet

    During my liquid stage I drank a lot of ensure the kind w/ extra protein in it. It's great has lots of vitamins.
  14. Courtnin

    I fell off the wagon...

    45lbs is a great start! Congratulations on your SUCCESS so far, it was a slip up.. But you recognized it, now time to correct it. I would make sure to go for a nice long walk or some sort of activity and get right back on track next meal!
  15. Courtnin


    I am 4 weeks post op and the emotional side is hitting me now. I cry watching the news for goodness sakes! Literally, anything will make me cry, if someone takes a tone.. I burst into tears. I never used to be like this, but my body and my life has under gone a HUGE change these past 6 weeks.. So I can understand anyone being emotional :-)
  16. Courtnin

    40 lbs. down so no fills yet. . .

    I'm actually quite terrified of getting a fill lol. I'm almost 4 weeks post op and down just shy of 40lbs. I feel like my body has had so many changes that I'm not sure I could tolerate another any time soon. I don't feel any hunger really, and eat like my doctor instructed me too. So I guess I'm kind of leaning towards only have one if I REALLY need it.
  17. I'm 3.5 weeks post op, and ever since last Friday when ever I drink anything no matter how small of a sip/temp/water/protein shake anything! It goes down and gurgles back up and then back down again. I just spoke with my surgeon, who I can't see because he is 8 hours away from where I live and he thinks I might be stuck on egg yolk. So he put me on liquids for another two weeks to see if it will pass. I don't really have any pain, just discomfort. Wandering if anyone has had similar experience?
  18. Courtnin

    Stuck on egg?

    I had no idea! I was actually eatting eggs quite often too! I kind of feel like an idiot for not knowing, I was actually stunned when he told me it was the eggs. He said the yolk turns into a powder and it gets sticky? Who knows. On my surgeons website, they have a big list of foods to eat and to avoid. So the things that are on there to eat like whole wheat bread, whole wheat Pasta, mashed potatoes, and EGGS. I told him I was just following the guide that was posted on the site, and what the NUT referred me too. And then today he told me to avoid all the sorts of foods so I don't get stuck. It's becoming frustrating, but I guess it's the 'learning' part of the journey. I wish I just didnt have to find out the hard way.
  19. Courtnin

    Stuck on egg?

    Thanks everyone! I really hope it doesn't take two weeks! What does it feel like to everyone to feel 'stuck'? It was a poach egg that I ate, and then all of a sudden I was coughing and tons of saliva came up but not really any food. It's such a horrible feeling! And I don't even have anything in my band.. I'm honestly terrified to get a fill. I'm thankful that I'm not having any hunger pangs at all. But I'm so teary it's rediculous. I'm supposed to go back to work next Monday but I don't think I can.
  20. Just wandering, if crushing meds is a life time thing after the band or not?
  21. Courtnin

    Hey Everyone!

    It's horrifying what being over weight can do to the human body, but now is a great time to be positive and put an end to it now. As you lose weight I am sure many of your health issues will begin to resolve them selves. It's great that your doing this at such a young age, you have your entire life ahead of you
  22. Courtnin

    Hey Everyone!

    Congratulations on beginning your journey. I'm 23 and just had my surgery 3 weeks ago today, and I think it's the best decision I have made this far in my life. Wishing you the best of luck with everything
  23. Courtnin

    Crushed medications

    Thanks everyone! I'm three weeks post-op, but having a lot of pain in my muscles and joints so I take Tylenol 3 when I absolutely can't handle it anymore and gravol for nausea. I've been crushing all my pills up until tonight and mixing with applesauce or sf pudding and it just makes me gag it's horrible. Tonight I cut them up in 4's just to be safe but seemed to go down fine. I never want to have crushed meds again lol! Worst part is I administer meds to seniors on a regular basis and often we have to crush with apple sauce, I've learnt even more compassion, that's for sure! Thanks again everyone
  24. Congratulations on your success this far! I was also banded Nov 16th and I am down 30lbs, feels amazing Keep up the great work!
  25. I'm not sure if its something everyone has (kind of think it is) but I had a breathing tube during surgery. My throat was a little sore after surgery for a couple hours, but nothing major.

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