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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by AngelaLou99

  1. I had my surgery in August 2012, and I considered myself to be a pretty experienced Bander. I never had any vomiting, sliming, or PBing until TODAY!!

    I ate my normal morning snack of Jack Link's beef Jerky. For some reason, I started burping and felt funny. I'm glad no one else was in the office at the time because they probably would have thought I was choking or something!! I got up and started walking around. No relief. I eventually found my way to the bathroom just in time! It was instant relief!! But it was scary because I didn't know what was happening since I had never had that experience before!!

    It just goes to show how things change at any time with the band. I chewed, chewed, chewed, and chewed, but for whatever reason the jerky didn't sit well with me today. So it will be mashed potatoes for dinner!! Now I know what it feels like, and I don't want to go through that again!!

  2. I'm almost a year out from getting my band. I'm FINALLY in a good Green Zone. I'm glad to finally get there because I was almost starting to wonder if my band had a leak or something! It was fill after fill and I seemed to be hungry quite often.

    My journey has been wonderful and without any problems and I've lost 105 pounds so far. (Lots more to go to get to the goal I set for myself!) But now, I seemed to have lost interest in food!! I'm sure it's a good problem to have, but is this normal? I can eat anything and don't have any issues, but I don't really have much of an appetite or desire lately for food. I do make sure I get in my Protein and I have been exercising more to get the scale moving again as I did hit a plateau.

    So is this just a phase I'm going through right now?

  3. Of what I'm calling an Emotional Roller Coaster. I'm almost down 100 pounds. I got through the winter and spring clothing wise. Now that its warning up, I don't have many casual summer clothes after having to get rid of all the old stuff. Which is great, but, now I have to replace some key wardrobe basics to get me through the summer.

    I used to be one who LOVED to shop, but now I somewhat dread it because it's now frustrating. I either have to take the time to figure out what size I need by trying on, or guess at it and take it home to see if it works or not and go back to the store. I used to be able to go to the size I needed an go. Not so much anymore!

    While I am happy about my success, and ecstatic that I am wearing 8-10 size smaller than this time last year (and I AM NOT GOING BACK) it's just sometimes surreal looking at the new me.

    Has anyone felt like this? How do you deal with it?

  4. The topic of this thread wasn't supposed to be about me. But I will say this: IF I ever have any problems, I will know that it will be 99.9% my own fault because of a choice that I made!!

    Now I get and understand why people don't like or are hesitant about getting on here. I have learned a lot from others on this site. Wow........

    Anyway, my husband may be making an appointment today to get in and get some Fluid removed from his band. Thanks for the support, and stay tuned!!

  5. You say you NEVER got stuck??? And he is ALWAYS getting stuck? Hmmmmmmm......

    The truth is somewhere in between me thinks.....

    Yes, that is correct, and I repeat that I've NEVER been stuck on any food, PBed, or have vomited. I eat whatever foods I choose, and I weigh and measure everything I put in my mouth. I'm not perfect, but I follow all the rules. Obviously, what I am doing has worked for me and I've been very successful so far in my journey.

    Not everyone has problems, and I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who hasn't had any. Sorry if you do, but we all know what we're supposed to do. It's up to each person to make their own choices and decisions.

  6. Thank You all for the comments.

    I'm done. Last night he was talking about getting his band removed because he can't eat right. Again I told him that he needs to make an appointment and get some Fluid removed!!! You're eating slider foods because you are in the Red Zone and you are only hurting yourself!!

    I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing. I just knew he was going to be successful especially since we were doing this together, and it is something he really wanted to do and needed to do for his health. I prepare the proper meals, and if he chooses not to eat them, it's not my fault. It hurts me to see him like this and to feel like he's giving up, but I'm out of it. This is a battle that he is going to have to figure out on his own. The solution is simple... make an appointment!!

  7. Both my husband and I are banded. Since December, we are on the same schedule with our appointments. When he got his fill in January, he started having trouble with food; getting stuck, PBing, and even some vomiting. Obviously too tight. He talked about getting some Fluid taken out, but didn't and decided to tough it out.

    So we had appointments a couple of weeks ago, and what does he do? Gets another fill!! I wanted to rat on him about his troubles, but I didn't. Now, he really has problems with solid foods. He's eating slider foods and not following the rules.

    I've reminded him about the consequences of being in the Red Zone and have encouraged him to go get a small unfill. He seems to not care. We both have had great success so far with 80+ pounds lost each in 6 months. I have had zero problems at all. No stuck episodes, PBing or vomiting.

    I hate to see him like this. I've done all that I can do, but the ball is in his court right now. I don't want all of his success and hard work to be in vain and he have a slip or even revert back to his old eating habits. I don't know what else to do.

  8. After my last fill, I finally felt that elusive feeling of restriction. Well, that feeling only lasted a few days. Is that normal to have restriction and then it goes away? It only heightens my suspicion that I may have a small hole or leak somewhere, possibly in the tubing. (Which could be possible as I have been stuck in the wrong place for a fill previously!) I have been loosing, as I have lost 65 pounds since my surgery in August.

    I have 8ccs in a 14cc band. How much does it take? I know everyone is different, but I had no idea it takes this much Fluid to get to the Green Zone.

  9. Can you explain how you feel differant? I think I am there just wondering how you feel! Thanks :)

    Thanks for all the well wishes!

    To answer the question on how it feels different (others feel free to chime in because I'm sure everyone is different) is a little hard to explain. I was eating my Breakfast this morning, and I just happened to realize that I had enough. I wasn't full or overstuffed, but knew it was time to stop. And I didn't eat it all either. Also, for once I wasn't looking forward to having my mid-morning snack. In fact, my appetite has been way down as compared to where it was before this fill. I'm now going 4+ hours before eating again.

    I hope this helps you out. Believe me, You'll know when you're there!! Best wishes to you!!!

  10. I have a 14cc band and yesterday I received a 2cc fill which brought me up to 8ccs. For the first time, even after loosing 72 pounds, I am finally feeling restriction!!!!

    I LOVE the feeling and while I kept myself in check (and still will), I'm finally getting the feeling I've only read or heard about. I'm excited about my future success and getting to where I want to be on this journey!!

  11. Hi there! I TOTALLY understand where you are coming from!! I was like that too. Everyone was seeing my loss, but I wasn't. My clothes were fitting differently, but every time I looked in the mirror, I saw the same old me.

    I truly believe that it takes a while for the brain to catch up with the body. I was banded in August 2012 and now down 67 pounds (and counting) and I'm just starting to realize and finally see my weight loss myself. We can be the hardest on ourselves.

    Keep up the good work, and when you see it yourself, treat yourself to a little retail therapy, like a new outfit or article of clothing! That's what I did!! You will be amazed, and it will be motivation to keep going!! Good Luck and much success to you on this journey!!

  12. Believe it or not, I find myself not getting in enough food and nutrients on the weekends!! During the week, I'm on a schedule and there are no issues getting everything in for the day.

    Because I sleep later and don't have a structured schedule on weekends, it throws me off. I actually forget to eat sometimes!! But when I do, it's not junk. Its appropriate food. Also, on weekends we used to go out to eat and we're not doing that anymore.

    Does anyone else find themselves with this problem or have any suggestions? Anything would be greatly appreciated, and I'm going to try to do better next weekend!! (I did get some Premier Protein shakes to put in mix! 30g of protein!)

  13. I did it for religious reasons (my Church was doing it) 3 years ago. I wasn't banded then, and it was tough, but I lost weight while on it.

    Now that I'm banded, I'm pretty sure I could do it again because I tell people that since I survived the 2 week pre-op diet, then I can do anything!!! LOL

    My only concern about doing the Daniel Fast post-op would be getting enough Protein in on a daily basis. Beans and such has lots of protein, but the small amount you are able to eat would not be enough. And also, daily is not allowed. So just be careful if you do it.

  14. If you don't know where your port is, please make sure you find out where it for future reference.

    Today, I went in for my 3rd fill. (The Nurse Practicioners do them at my office). I laid back on the table, she numbed me up, and we were just talking and it was over. I drank the Water to make sure it stayed down, and I went on my merry way.

    I made a couple of stops along the way home, and I happened to look at my stomach, and I was shocked to see that my band aid was NOT where my port is!! I knew that my port was not in the 'normal' location because my surgeon told me that mine is epigastric because I had a lot of scar tissue.

    I immediately called the office and they told me to come back. Luckily, I live close to the office!

    What she thought was my port was actually my incision, and she mistook it as my port because it was hard and got Fluid out of it because it had a cyst!!!

    She drew the fluid out of the cyst and put fluid into the correct location of my port.

    Now, I'm worried and a little paranoid about future fills...it really makes me wonder if they're getting the right spot! What if they put a hole in my tubing or somehow damage my band? Will I have to get surgery again to correct a mistake that was made?

    So, know your port!! If I didn't know, I may have been wondering why I didn't loose any weight!!! Next time,I will also check things out before I leave the office!

  15. For those of you that are in your Green Zone: How much weight were you loosing between fills?

    I was banded on August 22, 2012 and I have 5ccs in a 14cc band after 2 fills. While I have lost a total of 47 pounds since my journey began in July (16 pre-op & 31 post-op), I lost 9 pounds between my first and second fill. I see the Doctor every 4 weeks right now.

    I know (and they tell me) that I'm right on track with the 1-2 pounds per week, but I thought it would be more, especially at the beginning.

    I know everyone is different and i was just curious to see where others were between fills. Thanks!!

  16. I believe that you feel this way because you have a new and life-altering relationship with food. It's a new way of life and eating, and you want to make sure that what you eat is the right choice.

    I totally understand how you feel. I was banded on 8/22, and my relationship with food has changed. I look at food differently now. I don't eat the way I used to, and I don't eat things I used to either. It almost makes me ill to look back at how I much I used to eat. Sometimes I think I my be too hard on myself as I measure, weigh, and track everything that I eat, but I know it will all pay off in the long run.

    So Celebrate and appreciate your new relationship with food!!!

  17. Also, I gave my husband 3 choices:

    1. He could eat what I eat.

    2. He could cook his own food.

    3. Go out and get his food, and eat it there and not bring it home!

    I wasn't sure which option he would choose, but I knew it wasn't going to be #2! LOL!! But he's made the right choice and he is reaping the benefits and getting himself prepared for his upcoming Lap-Band surgery.

  18. I have lost 36 pounds (16 pre-op and 20 post-op. While I am happy (I think that's the most weight I've lost at once ever!), I'm just frustrated because my clothes are fitting looser, I don't think I could fit into the next size down. I have a large frame and a body shape that hard to see the results of loosing 36 pounds. For some, that would equal to a couple of sizes down. For me, not so much.

    It's not really about the size of the clothes, but what fits and looks good on MY body. Even at my goal weight, I'll probably still wear a 14, which is way better than 26!! Maybe at 50 pounds, I'll try a smaller size and see what happens.

  19. My office says nothing to eat or drink 2 hours before the appointment, and no meat, breads, or Pasta 24 hours afterwards.

    You should check with your Doctor's office.

    By the way, the first fill is not as bad as you think it may he! I was so nervous when I got mine a couple of weeks ago, and it turned out to be no big deal.

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