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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Theboysmom

  1. Congrats! And Welcome to the Banded World! :D

    Gotta Walk!! And Walk and Walk!!

    It will move and get much better!

    However I will tell you even after 11 months...I still get it!

    And all things crazy noises from your tummy! Kinda interesting in a quiet room!

    Best of Luck!

  2. One more question I'm on day 8 post op and have only lost 3lbs I feel discourage yesterday I had lost 5lbs this morning I was up two! :"(

    You shouldnt be weighing everyday! Your body weight changes day to day! Pick a day and only weigh on that day! As tempted as you may be to step on the scale dont do it! I weigh on Fridays...gives me even more reason to celebrate! And remember wether is 1 lb or 5 lbs...Thats lbs you are not longer carrying around with you! Stay Focus!

    For you that are just beginning I would recommend taking pics along the way and save 1 pair of jeans so you can see how far you can come! I wished I would have done more picture taking so I could see the change! Also measurements too! Just bc the number ont he scale doesnt go down doesnt mean the inches arent melting away!

  3. I go for my first fill October 30 don't know what to expect ...... Do fills hurt?

    Hi! Fills do not hurt! When they stick the needle into the port to me its like getting a shot! They have never had to stick me more than once! Do follow instructions about liquids and pay close attention when you do start to eat food again! Last fill for me was only .5 cc and it made a HUGE difference!

  4. I have been going every 4 to 6 weeks for fills....

    However last appt I did not get a fill as my weight loss was good....6 lbs between visits...currently my band is at 7.2 and is keeping me pretty well in the green zone except when I run several days in a row! Thats my bodies way of saying...I need fuel! :)

  5. Hidy from Texas ladies!

    And YES you have come to the right place!

    I only wished I would have found LBT last yr! I was banded November 21, 2011 and didnt find the website til about a month or so ago!

    I wish you all the best of luck!

    Dont be nervous to ask questions! We talk about everything and help each other with everything!

    My advice! Keep a food jounral, FOLLOW doctors order and CHEW CHEW CHEW!


  6. We all get a liltle discouraged along the way!

    Learning to live with your band is just that! LEARNING! I was banded Nov 21, 2011 and still learning about it and how funny it can be at times!

    Take a day at a time..

    .Follow doctors orders...

    Drink your Water and Exercise and YOU WILL SUCCEED!

    Best of luck!

  7. Hi Theboysmom,

    Thanks for responding and sharing your experience! I'm so happy to hear that you love your band. My son is 10 and he's the reason I'm doing this too. He's so active now and I want to have just as much energy as he does so that we can do more things together.

    My only concern with being a single mom is caring for my son after surgery. I'm wondering if I will need help around the house after surgery. I'm thinking about bringing my mom down for help, but I know she can't stay longer than a week. I just don't know what the recovery time is like or if it's going to be difficult.

    Great idea about the support group! I'm going to definitely ask the surgeon about a support group. I've tole a few of my family members and friends, but they all live so far away. It would be great to have support I can see, lol.

    I would suggest if your mom can come then YES! Have her come and stay the full week! Don’t try and do too much too soon!

    They will tell you that you can have the surgery on a Friday and be back to work on Monday….In my experience not true!

    My mom took me on a Monday and my plan was to stay Monday night and then return to my home on Tuesday (I had the surgery while my boys were with their dad on Thanksgiving break) I didn’t make it home on Tuesday or Wednesday…Not until Later Thursday night did I go back to my home. Now I have had 2 csections so I know pain…but the pain I had was different! Hard to explain. I did have a hernia repaired before the placement of my band and when the nurse called to check on me she said that what was feeling was the weak area that had been repaired. Ugh! It wasn’t fun! I picked up my boys on Sunday afternoon and other than having times when I was just exhausted things were fine after those first 4 days. I am not trying to scare you just to inform you that having someone is a YES YES YES!

    Have a great afternoon!

  8. Hello All,

    I'm new to the site and wanted to introduce myself. I'm Rolanda and I live in Arlington, TX. I'm a single mom working full-time. I became really interested in LapBand surgery this year when I failed at Weight Watchers again. I'm hoping that this surgery can give me a push in the right direction. I'm currently researching doctors and hope to decide on someone by the end of the month. I have a lot of questions and can't wait to get into some of the discussions so I can get a better understanding of what I'm getting into :)

    I guess I should mention that I'm new to Texas and don't have many friends or family to support me on this. For those of you that have been banded, how important is a support system? Also, I would love to talk to other single moms that have gone through this and find out their experiences.

    Good Morning and Welcome to LBT and to Texas!

    I live in Texas...Just a lil south of Housston in a town called Alvin.

    I too am a single mom, I have 2 boys...10 and 5 yrs of age. THEY were my main reason for getting the band for I could be around for them!

    I will tell you and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my band! Its hasnt always been easy but the good out weighs the bad by miles!!

    Ask away and Ill b happy to give you any information/advice that I can!

    As far as support....

    I told my immediate family, my best friend and the love of my life only! That was my personal decision and still to this day I havent shared with my others. Not that I am ashamed of my band I just feel it was a personal decision and some things I just simply keep to myself. Its all up to you who you tell! I hate to here that you are in Texas alone however I am sure that your surgereons office will have a support group or do a search some local hospitals meet once a month!

    Best of Luck!

  9. The Band isnt magic...The weight just dont come off by itsself! The band is only a tool! With your commitment it can be your best friend!

    I suggest go get a fill and stay on track with your appointments. If your doctor gets on you then he just does! I think we all feel a lil down on ourselves at times when we dont get to that spot on the scale. Its not all about a number! Its about being healthy and active! I dont recall you mentioning about exercising...Its a must too sweety! Dont make a rush decision on something that you worked for hard to get! Take some time and really think! I dont know how long you have been a member of this board but its the best thing EVER! The people here are so supportive and there is a TON on information!

    Like someone else mentioned in an early post if things are coming back up you are eating too fast or taking too big of bites! You have to learn a whole new way of eating...and YOU have to listen to your body and your band!

    Its possible! Dont give up!

    Start over tomorrow!

    I believe YOU can DO IT!

    Best of luck!

  10. I was banded March 2, 2012. My starting weight was 201 and I'm down to 146. I was wearing 16-18 clothes (some bigger) now I'm wearing a 6 or 8 Every one is always saying to me "you look so small!" or "dang you're getting tiny" but when I look in the mirror most days I still see the same 201lb woman in 16s and 18s. I don't know if that will ever go away. I think it inhibits me from really enjoying the fact that I've gone down that many sizes. It really bothers me when people tell me I'm getting too small or that I don't need to lose any more weight of course it's usually my mother and sisters telling me that and they are all over weight. Unfortunately right now I'm dealing with a band slippage :( I've been on liquids for a week and go back to the dr in the morning to see if it moved back into place. My biggest fear is that they will take it out if it doesn't go back :(

    OH so sorry to hear about your slippage! Yikes! Take care of yourself and I wished you the best of luck tomorrow at the doctor!!

    I have had the same thing told to me..."I think you have lost enough weight" "If you lose anymore your going to look sick" Its a constant battle within my our head to remind myself...Its my body...My life....They never told me..."wow! You sure what gained alot of weight" I understand people are concerned but sometimes I wished they would just shut it!

    Again I hope everything goes okay tomorrow!

  11. HI yall!

    I have asked the same question...I thought I was a little crazy! I have been told that eventually your brain does catch up but not sure when! I was banded Nov 21, 2011 and have lost 69 lbs. 260 to 191 and can wear a anywhere from a 8 to a 12.

    Ive been heavy my whole life and the whole thing when people say "Look at you Skinny Minne" I wanna look around and see who they are talking about! Weird!

  12. Dehydration period can make you feel TERRIBLE!! I've learn that over the past 10 months! The Gatorade deal works great for me when Water just isnt cutting it! Actually Poweraide Zero GRAPE is my best Friend! Keep trying different things til you can figure out what your body likes! Dont give up!!

    Also, for me if i dont drink enough Water it effects my band! REALLY BAD! Dehydration means food gets stuck!

    Good luck and I hope you get to feeling better soon!

  13. Its a pain/discomfort that is so difficult to describe unless you have been there! I think no matter how careful you are its going to happen and when it does YOU WILL KNOW exactly what it wont go down means! :blink:

    For me its like a 50 lb weight is sitting on my chest! It happens to me if I wait to long to eat, if Im really hungry or too busy not watching my bites! I have always been a eat at your desk at the office kinda girl! NO MORE! Its too easy to not pay attention to what your body is telling you and before you know it you have eaten too much or your food wont go down! No fun!

    and the yucky slime stuff! thats a whole different ballgame! its horrible!

    I dont think anyone likes throwing up but for me...If its stuck and Ive tried everything...its coming up sometimes without warning! BLAH! :(

    Good Luck on your journey!

  14. Hidy yall!

    Doctor appt Oct 26th...

    We decided not to adjust my band this time around....Last visit was 4 weeks prior and I lost 6 lbs between visits.....Currently band at 7.2...I told the nurse that I had started to fall out of the green zone within the last couple of days...We talked and she suggested with my weight lose and activity level and I give my body more fuel to burn off as I run.....Next appt is scheduled for 3 weeks to revisit fill......Kinda having seconds thought! as I am SO very hungry today! Not my head hungry my belly talking hungry!

    I have a 10CC band....

    I meant to ask her what is the max full they will place?

    Anyone have any idea??

  15. I am currently doing C25K as well...

    I did Week 7 Day 2 last night! :D

    For everyone that is just beginning and you may have your doubts if you will be able to run those 30 mins at the end of the program you are going to be amazed at yourself! Follow the plan...Take a day of rest! If you struggle on a day and cant complete it....simply repeat it! Just keep moving forward!

    I will be doing Dirty Girl Mud Run here in Texas on October 13th and absolutely cant wait!!

    I did struggle with week 3 and I look back now and wonder why....Still havent figured that out...Maybe my body thought I had flipped my lid or something! haha!!

    I wish you all great success with the program! :D

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