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Posts posted by jbgirl5856

  1. I was sleeved on 9/4 I can't seem to be on my side without pain. How far out were you when you were laying on your sides?

    I was three days out but I wasn't sleeping on my side I was more so laying on my side for five minutes and then switching. It sounds weird but the thing that helped the most was being on my knees with a pillow tucked under my stomach and kind of going into a ball haha. My mom who is a nurse recommended me doing that and I thought it would hurt but it actually felt a lot better. Just do what you can tolerate though. It gets better!

  2. As I've read from a lot of people, I had been having the hardest time with my Protein Drinks. I dread them and plug my nose to drink them. Normally I would just chug it down but we all know that's not possible! I had tried whey Protein in chocolate and Peanut Butter and strawberry along with nectar Roadside Lemonade. I liked these before surgery but only mixing them with four ounces f Fluid is so gross. Luckily I'm up to six ounces

    I finally made one I liked.

    1/2 cup vanilla carbmaster yogurt

    1/4 cup skim milk

    1 scoop of vanilla whey protein

    All together it's 33 grams of protein, 7 grams of sugar, 12.5 carbs, 3 grams of fat, and 200 calories

    The numbers seem high but I only have to drink two to reach my minimum of 60 grams of protein

    Excited to move on to the next stage!

  3. When does the gas pain stop? I know mine is supposed to be worse because of the internal bleeding but sheesh.....I ended up in the ER last night because the pain was mimicking a stroke! Is anyone feeling better yet? I'm literally unable to be with my family and can't care for my son at six days out!

    My gas pain hurt bad night 2 post op...and a little bit on post op day 3 but it stopped after that. I walked a lot and constantly changed positions in bed. Putting a pillow under your stomach and sitting in a crouching position is soothing for it to. I know it's different for everyone!

    I'm sorry that you are having so much pain. Wishing you the best.

  4. I had surgery yesterday. I am absolutely miserable! My stomach spasms evertime i drink and I'm so nauseated. And I'm already sick of this drain. It helps seeing y'all feeling better. I've never felt so bad.

    It gets better every day! I am six days post op. Right after I had the surgery I was miserable and totally out of it. I was not expecting to feel that type of pain - but the next day I was up and walking. You have to walk!! It makes things sooooo much better. Set an alarm for every two hours (every hour if you can handle it) and walk. I'm assuming your hooked up to IVs so don't stress out about drinking. You have plenty of fluids going in to you. I stayed two nights at the hospital and maybe had 6 sips of Water and apple juice lol It's normal!!

    Just know that when you wake up tomorrow you will feel a little better. I didn't have a drain, so I can't speak to that. Just keep looking forward and thinking about the big picture. You can do it!

  5. Glad to see people in the same spot! I think I will continue pain meds through the night and stop them tomorrow. No need to risk a bad night's sleep for me since I still have some pain today. Overall today has been good though! My follow up appointment is next Thursday. I will follow all of you on your journeys :) Good luck to everyone!

  6. Okay...I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Yesterday was a little rough for me. I've been walking lots and lots but still had bad gas pain. Last night I felt it in my shoulders and I was freaking out

    After walking more and taking pain meds I slept through the night quite well. I changed sleeping positions a lot going from laying on my right side to left side to back. It helped a lot

    Today I woke up feeling a little nauseous but took some zofran. I think today will be a good day. I'm keeping a positive attitude. I was 212 when I had surgery and 220 when I got home yesterday from the hospital. I'm 215 today so that Water weight is leaving. Honestly at this point I couldn't care less about my weight! I'm following doctors orders and i know it will be worth it in the end. I'm looking forward to days to come. Hope everyone else who had surgery this week is recovering well! I'm really enjoying following this forum :)

  7. What a difference 36 hours can make! It look like I am headed home this afternoon. I have been feeling a lot of nausea but I've been taking zofran and it is making me better. I feel so much less bloated today. Yesterday I felt like my stomach was permanently stuck out and it was uncomfortable. I've been walking almost every hour and using my spirometer a lot and I know it has helped. I've had a great nursing staff and had a private room that has been great

    Overall I have had a good hospital experience. I will admit I was not expecting the pain I felt the first night and I am so glad that was only a night

    My only annoying experience was when I arrived to the hospital and had lab work right away before surgery The nurse looked at my birthday and shook her head and said "You are way too young for this. You havent even had children yet" and then gave me some pity hug. Not a fan of that...a little judgmental on her part!

    I'm 22 and so glad I did it now. I feel that my recovery has been going very well. Excited to see what's to come (and to sleep in a real bed!)

  8. I'm wrapping up day one post ops and I agree with you. I was freaking out last night! I was so out of it I couldn't even keep my eyes open and I swear I thought I would never move again lpl. Today is much better! I keep thinking that the worst is over and it's only getting better. Been doing lots of walking but can hardly eat my clear liquid trays. Have had a fair share of ice chips though! Good luck to you :)

  9. Well I'm in the hospital one day post op. I was out of it yesterday and was really exhausted. I woke up at four am and have had nurses coming in and out. I was feeling a lot of pain and nausea but it's under control with pain medication now

    I've been walking! Can only go up from here!!

  10. The day has come!!! I have to be at the hospital at 2:30 and will be sleeved at 4!!!

    I had to take antibiotics yesterday - neomycin and erythromycin. It was awful. I was prescribed zofran to help with nausea but it did help. Erythromycin is not fun!! I got very sick from them and I don't get sick often!

    On a good note I weighed in at 212 today! That's 16 pounds lost during pre-op dieting. I didn't cheat and I am so glad!

    Good luck to everyone else getting sleeved today! Hoping for a healthy recovery!!!!

  11. I'm having my surgery at 4pm tomorrow!!! I'm really proud of sticking to my preop diet. This quote has gotten me through temptation these last couple weeks

    You can suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret!

    I had to remember that when camping with friends this past weekend. Everyone indulged in food and I stayed on track. Hoping I can continue. Good luck to everyone else having surgery this week! Down 14 pounds (231 to 217) during preop diet :)

  12. So I'm doing my pre-op diet. It's 5 days of a <1000 cal (low carb, high protein) and 3 days of Clear liquids. I'm honestly not minding the <1000 cal diet - it actually makes me feel in control. Logging my food has been great - my hospital provided me with a log but I decided to buy one on Amazon. It's called DietMinder and I love it!

    Here is the thing that is killing me - No Diet Coke!!! I have a serious migrane in the front of my head. Basically my mom is addicted to the stuff and I grew up drinking it all the time. I'm only 22 - but this is a horrible habit of mine. I've gone 3 days without it and I'm proud of myself for that - but when will the headache go away!! I'm sure other people went through this :)

    I'm looking forward to being Diet Coke free without the side effects!

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