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Posts posted by jbgirl5856

  1. Go Girl You loook amazing!! Quick question are there any tips or pointers you can give me on how you did so awesome!!! Like what are your Snacks what did you eat! If im asking for to much sorry :rolleyes: I just so want to be successful!!

    If you want to check out my 4 month post, I write about what I eat and what I do for exercise in the comments :) I'll put the link below! I hope that helps. Feel free to ask whatever else isn't answered in there.


    Thanks everyone for the supportive comments!! I really appreciate it :)

  2. Hey Everyone!

    I almost forgot to make a "five months out" post! I figured out how to put pictures side by side on my computer and it wasn't until I looked at the pictures side by side that I thought WOW. I barely recognize the person in the pictures five months ago.

    My life has been given back to me. I just turned 23 a couple of weeks ago and am very happy with where I am in life. I started my full-time internship for occupational therapy the day after my birthday and I feel like I have way more confidence than I had in my previous internships. I feel healthy and energized when I go to work. I really think getting this surgery was the best decision I could have made for myself. My weight loss is slowing down, but I am still losing a couple pounds here and there. I would love to get to 130, but I am happy with where I am now too :) Time will tell! I hope everyone else is loving their sleeve as much as I am :) Wishing everyone well!

    Date of Surgery: August 22, 2012

    Height: 5'3

    Starting Weight: 231

    Current Weight: 148

    Down 83 pounds total today!



  3. Hey Jordyn, Thanks for all the information so far... hope you don't mind a couple more questions :) (I am now on the other side 2 weeks out and we have similar starting point/height/age so forgive me but I just want to do everything I can to do things right).

    How often did you start exercising and what were you doing to start? vs. What are you up to now 4 months out?

    Also, do you by chance have a history perhaps by month as to how the weight came off... is it a slow thing meaning couple lbs a week or did you find peaks and valleys?

    Warmest wishes!

    Hi there! Sorry it took me a bit to respond - haven't been on the site in a couple weeks.

    I started exercising a lot in the beginning, trying to get in the habit of it. About 5 days a week. I started my internship full time and I am currently exercising about 3 days a week, but I am on my feet all day at my internship (I'm a little over 5 months out now).

    As far as my weight history...this is kinda a rough estimate.

    Starting: 231

    1 month: 190-200 (I can't exactly remember)

    2 months: 176

    3 months: 166

    4 months: 155

    Currently: 148

    It varied as to how it came off. Obviously you lose the most in the first couple months. My weight loss has slowed down, but I am still losing and see changes in my measurements and how my body looks and feels. I also got stuck at like 200, 190, 180, etc haha it was weird but I swear it happened. Don't stress about the scale though - just keep doing the right things and the results come! Taking measurements helped a lot to motivate me. Hope that helps. Good luck to you :)

  4. Wow! Thanks so much for all the responses! Everyone is very kind :)

    I'll try to answer some of the questions...

    What do I eat on a usual day?

    I have a very hard time eating any bread, rice, Pasta - I basically don't eat that (which I'm sure helps with the weight loss0 Sometimes I miss it, but then i put on a smaller pair of jeans and all is great in the world again ;)

    For Breakfast I usually have an egg with a piece of cheese and some kind of meat OR oatmeal and fruit

    For Snacks, I go for string cheese, hummus and veggies, yogurt, fruit, anything up that alley

    For lunch, I try to get my Protein in through having some kind of chicken dish - whether it be some kind of chicken stir fry or I'll get those lean cuisines or healthy choices and just not eat the rice, noodles, whatever and just eat the chicken and veggies

    For dinner, I pretty much have whatever - I make normal, healthy meals - just way, way smaller amounts

    Honestly, I don't feel like I'm on a diet. I track some days but not all. Basically i just try to put good, nutritious food in my body. If I eat like crap, I feel like crap. if I'm really craving something, I'll serve myself a small portion. I plate all my food and sit down to eat. Oh and when I feel hungry, I always check to make sure it's not just thirst! I can't tell you how many times my body thinks it's hungry but really I just need to drink some Water. DRINKING Water IS SOOOOOO IMPORTANT!!!! As for the Protein shakes, I had them a lot in the beginning but not so much now. I probably have like 3-4 a week. I do make sure I get in a lot of Protein through other foods though.

    Do I exercise?

    Oooo yeah! This is something I highly recommend. I don't have lose skin and I feel that my weight loss looks very natural. I started exercising a couple weeks before surgery and was walking on a treadmill right afterI had the surgery. I've grown to like running quite a bit (started that about 3 weeks post op) and I always do strength and core training. Nothing super fancy - I basically just get my butt to the gym and enjoy my time there. It's awful the first two weeks - I could barely run a half mile at 3.5 miles an hour and now I can pretty easily do two miles at a higher pace.

    What has helped me the most?

    Being honest with myself. Why did I get to the point I did? What are my triggers? You know to do some self discovery before having this. This is not something you just do to get skinny. If you don't just the fundamental problem, I feel the weight will just come back. I'm a much happier person. I went from a very anxious person to a person who just enjoys life. I feel NORMAL and it's a beautiful thing :) Also, surround yourself with people who SUPPORT you. I have been lucky to have wonderful parents, sisters, friends, boyfriend, etc to help me through this process.

    What has my experience been?

    I've honestly had the best experience. I'm 22 and did not have cormobidities - but I did have a BMI over 40. I loved my surgeon and the facility I had it at (Dr. Zeni at St. Mary's Hospital in Livonia, MI). The pre-op diet was so hard for me, but I stuck to it - didn't cheat once and felt so proud of myself. Anyone who is pre-op, that's my advice. DON"T CHEAT ON PRE-OP!! I did not have any complications. I followed my doctor's orders. My quote that I've posted several times on here is "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret." It sums my feelings through this process. Every choice you make matters. Don't overwhelm yourself with huge goals. Just start by saying "Hey, I'm going to make a healthy choice for Breakfast today" or "I'm going to the gym today." Slowly these choices become habits.

    Thanks so much for the responses. Feel free to message or ask any other questions. This forum has helped me a lot. Good luck everyone!

  5. Wow girl you look GREAT!! Im 5 days post op!!! I haven't had any complications. I go Tuesday for my week follow up. Have you been exerizing any? What have done if so?

    Thank you! Congrats on being 5 days post op. I do work out a lot. 4-5x a week and I do a variety of things. I do a 30 minute circuit, core strengthening exercises, and cardio. I started working out right away! :)

  6. I agree with everyone else!

    Look - you're not a failure. This surgery is hard!! The pre-op diet was the absolute hardest part for me and it makes you begin to think that you can't do this surgery and that this surgery won't work for you. Don't feel that way. Remember what your ultimate goal is. It sounds like you feel very guilty right now and guilt is a horrible feeling to have! When you have the urge to cheat again, think about that guilt and think about the pride you can have instead. This will work for you and you will do great. Just get back on track! You can do it!!! My favorite quote that got me through those days was "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret." Good luck to you!

  7. So I'm about 3 months post-op :) On Thursday, I had my 3 month appointment and my doctor was excited about my progress! I've truthfully been so lucky with this surgery and have not had any complications. I have no regrets and really feel like this surgery has changed my life! Time to conquer the holidays!

    Surgery date: 8/22/12

    Starting weight: 231

    Current weight: 165

    Height: 5'3

    Age: 22

    The first two pictures are before pictures and the other four are from these past 2 weeks.







  8. Hi Everyone!

    So this morning I ran my first 5k! The turkey trot at my university :) I was so proud of myself for running it. I definitely almost bailed on it last night...luckily I have friends that wouldn't let that happen! When I crossed the finish line I just thought about the week before surgery when I went to the gym, got on the treadmill, and was unable to go more than 1/4 of a mile without wheezing and feeling like I was dying! lol Working out has become a part of my daily routine and it is by far my favorite part of the surgery. I used to not believe people when they said they loved working out. I was convinced they were lying and I kind of hated them for it!! It's very petty, but when you're overweight and miserable you tend to knock down other people for being healthy. The quote "Insecurity is an ugly thing. It makes you hate people you don't even know" was very true in my pre-sleeve life. As a 22 year old girl in college, I had a bitterness inside me that affected my personality! I would get annoyed at my friends who went shopping, got ready for the night, worked out, etc. I was simply jealous.

    I feel like a much happier person. I am wayyyyy less anxious and feel laid back, healthy, and strong! I no longer feel constant guilt about my decisions I make on a daily basis. Whenever I don't want to get up and work out, I just think to myself - Will I feel proud of sleeping in 2 more hours or Will i feel proud for getting up and working out? What decision will make me happiest in the long run? I have to consistently remind myself of this to stay motivated.

    I work out 4-5 days a week for about an hour and a half. I had some people ask what my workout routine was in my last post so I posted a general outline at the end of this post. I also will post a couple of unflattering before pictures and some current pictures from the 5k and this past weekend.

    The biggest advice I have is to not be intimidated of working out. I am not great at working out. The first couple weeks of working out were absolutely miserable. I could not run 1/2 a mile and I threw up half way through the 30 minute circuit every time. I also had zero core strength! I have a friend that I go to the gym with and I just had to get over feeling embarrassed in front of her. I now feel comfortable going to the gym and it is something I enjoy - I just had to get over those first couple of weeks!

    What do you guys do for a workout routine? I have lots of room for improvement!

    Good luck to all of you and I hope everyone is enjoying getting ready for the holiday season! I busted out the Christmas decorations last night ;) I apologize for the lengthiness of my posts - I'm a talkative girl :)


    General Workout Routine


    -5 minute cardio warmup (eliptical, treadmill, bike)

    -30 Minute Circuit (12 reps on the chest press, pull down, row, shoulder press, biceps curl, triceps extension, leg press, leg extension, leg curl, ab machine and step exercises for 1 minute in between - 20 stations total)

    -30 Minute Core Strengthening (I switch these up a lot....these were so hard at first but I can see the difference in my stomach!)

    -20 Minute Arms or Legs (I pick one or the other - consist of squats, leg lifts, or free weight arm exercises)

    -15-30 Minute Cardio

    -Cool Down and Stretch


    Age: 22

    Height: 5'3

    Date of Surgery: August 22nd, 2012

    Starting Weight: 231

    Current Weight: 169

    Total loss: 62 pounds

    Goal Weight: 130


    1) Before Side Shot

    2) Before Front Shot

    3) Doing the corn maze with my boyfriend's family

    4) About to go to school!

    5) HAD TO POST THIS - I have always thought that pea coats are so cute and could never get them to fit me - soooo happy that they now do lol

    6) Night out with friends

    7) My bridesmaids dress for my friend's wedding in March - still a little snug but a big improvement from what it looked like before!

    8) Finished with the 5k!!









  9. Wow!! In 2 months' date=' you look great! I pray for results like yours! My big day is 11/28!

    Please keep posting pictures, it gives us all inspiration!

    How tall are you if you don't mind me asking?


    Thanks and good luck on your surgery! I'm 5'3....short!! I'm doing a 5k this weekend so after i will try to post more pictures and write a post about it :)

  10. thank you for sharing Jordyn, I feel the same way as you felt, I was sad when i went shopping and i was sad after, the only cloths that I could get at a decent price where ugly. your story gave me the kick I needed tonight

    You're welcome. Hang in there and just be prepared for it not to be easy. Five days after surgery I started crying for no reason at all. I literally mourned food and it sounds ridiculous, but food really had a hold on me. I ate when I was happy, sad, stressed, bored, angry, etc. I notice that I am more emotional than I was before surgery - you just kinda feel what you are feeling instead of coping with it with food. Fight through the hard days and the good days will be worth.

    Totally know what you're saying about the clothes. I have three beautiful younger sisters and it really sucked when we would all go shopping and nothing looked good on or even fit. I couldn't help but smile this weekend when I came home from school and me and my sisters all got ready in the bathroom and I felt normal again! Good luck to you :)

  11. OMG! You look amazing! I am 5-5 and 233 and my goal right now is 175 and you made it there in 2 months! I am in awe of you!

    Please what is your exercise routine and eating habits? I want to e just like you;) you are my inspiration! My surgery is nov 14

    Thanks so much everyone...it's been a journey and I've loved having this forum here to see where other people are at.

    Right after surgery - I made sure to start walking and slowly increased how far I was walking. At about 3 weeks post-op I started jogging quite a bit, just in intervals (jog 3 min, walk 2 min, etc) and have increased it. I do a circuit training at planet fitness and do a lot of core exercises (sit ups, planks, supermans, leg lifts, etc). I also do free weight exercises and squats. I try to rotate arms and legs when I go. Considering I was basically sedentary before, any movement is good!!!

    As far as eating, I always have an egg or oatmeal for Breakfast. My other meals consist of chicken, veggies, Soups, Protein bars, etc. If I have a chocolate craving, I have a hershey kiss or something small like that. food used to give me such anxiety and I feel like that is completely gone. I don't live to eat anymore!! I actually have gotten into doing makeup as a hobby. I've replaced eating with working out and making myself feel good by getting ready and doing fun makeup looks!

    Sorry to ramble!!

    Biggest recommendation is to NOT cheat on pre-op!!! Seriously, don't do it. The quote that got me through was "Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret." I feel that before I chose this surgery, every night I laid down and regretted all my choices I made that day (eating, not working out, not getting ready, feeling depressed). I don't want to go back to that feeling. I was 231 on 7/19 at consultation and 216 on 8/22 at surgery day. That got me in the right mind set and gave me a head start on weight loss. I do not feel like I am on a diet - I feel like a normal 22 year old girl (even though I have given up drinking completely for now ;))

    Good luck to everyone with upcoming surgery and thanks for all the very nice compliments. Can't wait to read about everyone's stories.

  12. Hey Everyone,

    I am a 22 yr old college student and was sleeved on August 22nd. I am a little over 2 months post op right now. I am loving my sleeve!

    I had a great recovery right from the start and am down 55 pounds right now. My starting weight was 231 and I am currently at 176. I can pretty much tolerate any kinds of foods - but just very, very small portions of food!

    The first picture is me at my consultation appointment on July 19th and the other one is a wedding from the summer. The next one is from this past weekend at a bridal shower.

    I have had stalls, but haven't freaked out about them. I lost 12 pounds my first week and then nothing for 3 more weeks. It kinda sucked but then it all started dropping!! I work out 4-5 times a week with friends - cardio, weights, circuits, etc. I just keep doing what I am supposed to knowing that it has to eventually come off! My doctor's goal for me is 130 which I can't even fathom. We will see!!!

    I'm feeling way more confident and am so glad that getting dressed is no longer such a depressing activity. I have more energy and just feel happy.

    I hope everyone else is doing great. Hang in there new sleevers!






  13. I'm having similar problems...not so much with heartburn but with nausea. I have been doing really well but I started my period yesterday and it's been a hellish two days! I tried to drink my Protein Shake yesterday and threw up and have thrown up each thing I've eaten today and got sick walking on the treadmill at the gym. I haven't had any problems so far until now. I'm also 3 weeks out. I blame the period! And I miss my ibuprofen lol. Hoping the nausea will be gone tomorrow.

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