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Posts posted by TakeTwo

  1. I'm 8weeks and I've had wine on three occasions. I asked my surgeon and Nutritionist prior and they said it was okay after week 5 (I know!)

    I love my red wine but like the previous person stated its not worth it if you experience slow weight loss. So that's why I too keep it to just occasions. Now I will say that it did nothing for me. Pre op I heard that you get a buzz quicker and does not last very long. I got NOTHING. I keep it to one glass perhaps two only if my calories allow me for that day and I've met my Protein.< /p>

    Yeah.. check with your surgeon.

  2. @LBM - You are right about not having enough Protein and adding cheese and egg. But I also selected shrimp and crabmeat. For me I make sure to get at least 35gm of protein (with shake) during Breakfast. Then between two Snacks and dinner I'm getting in at least 25gms. so it doesn't hurt to have spinach salad for lunch you will at least get in 10gm. like I said if you add shrimp/chicken/tuna etc and eggs. what works for me is getting that protein in my shake in the morning. The rest I do through regular meals.

  3. For me... I'm 7 weeks post op. And I just had salad for lunch. I've always preferred spinach salad for the nutritional value and I find that its easier to take in than iceberg. Plus I'm learning to take smaller bites. I even had cucumbers in it. Yesterday I went out to eat, I got crabmeat/shrimp spinach salad from a place from Salata with fat free mango dressing. Well I only was able to eat a quarter of it and today I had it for lunch and the rest I had to throw away. Can't do leftovers twice :)

    It really depends on the person and what your surgeon recommends. My surgeon cleard me to eat all foods at week 6.

  4. I noticed some days my restriction is a lot more than other days. My food choices of course Protein first ( about 90gm/day) and carbs I try to keep under 40gm. So for the most part I think I'm doing good. However how come the same food I can eat today with ease can sometimes be a bit difficult on other days. I find some days I'm a lot fuller even though I've hardly eaten anything than the days I eat alot more. Now I'm not talking slider foods or bad choice. The same daily menu on one day (good choices) much easier on one but not on another. Does this happen to anyone and if so can one explain the science behind that. Just curious.

  5. Hey girlie!

    I completely understand. For the longest prior to surgery I was in size 16/18 (mostly 18) even though I lost about 50ibs and kept it off for years. It took me losing another 30Ibs before I could firmly say I was a size 16 in the bottoms and 14 on dresses. I know that's strange. Sometimes these things are hard to explain its just the way God made us and we're all different. On the day of surgery I was squeezing into my old size 14 pants as I had lost during pre op. Today 7 weeks post op and 19Ibs down, I am firmly in a size 14 (whether its a dress or pants). I know it will take a while before I see size 12. I too am 5'7 and I'm hoping to reach a goal of 145/150. One thing I would say that has helped tremendously is the total body wieght training class I do at my gym. Especially when it comes to my thigh area. I also do a bunch of pilates/ toning exercises on a YT channel called FitnessBlender. I love that channel!! I understand you feeling you might bulk up as I initially feared that when it came to my thighs, but I'm quite proud of how toned they've become.

  6. Wow! 1200cals thats impressive. Is this with your HRM? I'm already doing the elliptical, kickboxing, spinning, and Total body class at the gym (weights) on various days. I noticed that there are a few post opers that do not workout as much or hardly ever and yet lose. You've given me something to think about when it comes to upping my calories. Thanks!

  7. My recent posts talked about my slow loss starting from week 2. At the time I was barely eating 300cals but by week 3 I was eating about 500-600cals. All through this time my NUT insisted that my slow weight loss was because I am not eating enough. By week 4 I was eating a little over 800cals. Again my weight loss was a pound a week. On Monday I emailed my NUT my MFP food and exercise diary for the previous week. When I spoke with her she again insisted that I need to eat 1000calories. I have to note that I've worked out almost every day and my HRM showed i burned about 3100cals for last week. So Monday began the challenge to increase my calories which i did. What's shocking is that I was able to up my calories without much problems. I read on here that people are not getting hungry until month 4, 5 etc.

    This is not the same with me, I do get hungry. The only difference is that very little gets me full (about 2 to 4oz depending on if its dense protein) but in another hour to two then I feel okay to eat, but I don't. I wait at least three hours to eat again. I do find that the more I workout the more my appetite comes. I will give this higher calorie range a shot and if that does not work I have to back out to 800cals or less. Folks are there any of you that have eaten that much so early on?

  8. Yes shakes will be your best bet which unfortunately you don't like. Try different brands to see what will work for you. Although I have whey Gourmet (peanut butter chocolate) and Jay Robb, I tend to use the ready to drink shakes by Pure Protein with 35gm of protein. The rest of the days I work on eating my protein. Since you can only eat 1/4 then you might want to try two shakes a day. But eventually (according to my NUT) you will really need to work on eating you protein. Examples you mentioned are all a staple for me. Since you don't like it, then try Turkey sausage, ground turkey, deli meat turkey, tuna, baked fish (I use orange roughy), sauteed shrimp etc. I suggest you check out "the world according to eggface" blog site. She has really good recipes. Even right here on the forum under "Food and Nutrition" I've seen quite a few receipes. With time you'll be able to eat more.

  9. Well tomorrow I will be 5 weeks post op. My starting bmi was 35.7 weighing in on surgery day at 228ibs. Dress size 14 and pant size 16. I lost 8ibs during my pre-op diet. 1st week post op I lost 11ibs, second week about 1.8Ibs. Every week since then I've lost about a pound a week. I've ALWAYS worked out prior to surgery. I started walking immediately post op and by week 4 I was back to the gym doing my minimum 45min elliptical or group class spinning. Calorie intake has been 700 to 850. My NUT has WARNED me severely that I need to eat AT LEAST 1000cals since I am burning a lot with my workouts. So this week my goal is to up my calories to 1000. For some of us low BMI peeps (especially those that work out) it might just be that in addition to us losing slower since we have less to loose, we may also be eating too few calories.

  10. I got the Mirena also. I got it a week to my surgery. I have to say that I'm still debating on whether to keep it or switch to a copper IUD, since the Mirena has hormones in them. The reason I say this is because on July 3rd (last day of my period) it was inserted at my obgyn's office. By July 14th, 4 days after my surgery and 11days after the last day of my cycle I got my period AGAIN! What was different this time was that it lasted a good 2.5weeks! I called my surgeon and as suspected he said it has nothing to do with my VSG surgery. Then I called my Obgyn and sure enough the said it was normal. I was so glad when it was over. Fastward to 2 days ago I started to have tender and sore breast almost like when I was pregnant. Well that scared the crap out of me and I got a home pregnancy test yesterday, thankfully it showed up negative. I've since then searched online and found that this is also common with the Mirena. And will likely go away but not sure how long. I'm pretty sure all this has to do with the hormones. Not to mention that from the second week after my surgery I've lost about a pound a week. Now this maybe the normal 3-week stall but I'm thinking the Mirena might have something to do with it. just my two cents.

  11. I was one person that did not feel comfortable putting myself out there. But I was sincerely inspired by a lot of YT videos. So I decided to have my own channel. It really helps for me to see the changes I'm going through plus I can look back and see how far I've come. I'm only 4 weeks post op and I'm lookng forward to seeing the videos I'm doing now when i'm a year out.

  12. Lately I've been getting really bad Migraine headaches. Today will be the third time in about a week and half. Pre op I don't typically get headaches and not one this bad (It just feels like my head's about to explode). The good thing is that it never really last for long if I'm unable to get to tylenol. I've been trying to pinpoint when its happening and what could cause it but I'm unable to figure it out. I am 4 weeks post op and all my fluids, Protein, and exercise are on par. So I was curious has anyone experienced this? I know this sounds crazy and probably unrelated. Thank you

  13. pre op I worked out almost everyday at the gym. I did everything from spinning classes, total body (weights), kickboxing and elliptical. Post op - I started walking from day one. I am now 4 weeks post op and was clear to hit the gym earlier this week. I have already done spinning, elliptical and yesterday Total body weight training class. I was able to lift 5 and 8 pound weights with no problems.

  14. Hi there!

    So now I'm 4 weeks post op and I miss having oatmeal. prior to surgery I would take oatmeal at least 4 times a week. Kept me warm and full :)

    I know I can still have oatmeal but thats about 27gm of carbs! I'm trying to keep my carbs within 40gm/per day. How do you all handle this?

    Any substitues or do you still take oatmeal but limit carbs for the rest of the day? Plus how many grams of carbs are you trying to stay under per day? just curious.


  15. I love the bumble bee tuna chili spicy thai. I usually take it just on its own. I am 4 weeks post op and trying to avoid as much as possible carbs, my first thought was crackers but I realize those are so easy to take in and could become a slider food. So what do you take with your tuna? And if it is crackers which do you suggest?

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