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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Des0520

  1. Des0520

    Unjury- Soup?!?!

    I couldn't do it either. That smell killed me and I tried both the chicken soup and the broth. I did better taking the unflavored powder and adding it to swansons chicken broth. Using the unflavored protein in anything and everything you can think of will help. I got tired of sweet protein shakes so I started making veggie shakes and tossing that in there. After my surgery I lived on protein shakes, jello, and these soups from Whole Foods (blended to liquid) because I didn't figure out the broth trick until about 5 weeks post surgery. You'll get creative with what you can do and you can always get ideas from here
  2. Des0520

    Any Sleevers With Pcos?

    I'm 20 months out with PCOS and for a while things were great but now I'm back to missing cycles. I start fertility treatments soon. Still have problems with hair, but my dr told me that there was a medication I could take if I wanted to. All other issues I had with PCOS are gone though which is awesome.
  3. Des0520

    Oh Texas Heat How I Loathe Thee...

    Your hill reminds me of Hell Hill that people around here think is fun. They actually do monthly runs of the hill for the whole community. I'm in North Texas and that heat kills. 9 pm last night and it was still 98 outside. It isn't much cooler early in the morning. When it's hot like this I toss on my swim suit or some shorts and a shirt and go walk in the pool. They are all about 4 ft deep and always cold. The other thing I do is this dance game my nieces bought me for the Wii, they have a dance til you sweat thing. I don't know what good it does, but it's fun . I know that once mid-Sept hits I can go back to walking and not feel like I'm going to melt.
  4. Des0520

    Carbonated Beverage 10 Weeks Out

    If it helps ibehere, I drink a cup of coffee a day and one cup of tea. Anything else is all water. I wasn't warned against caffeine, but then again I'm learning all kinds of new things I wasn't told every day.
  5. Ok so I am 20 months post op and still scared to eat rice. My doctor really put the fear of rice into me and I haven't touched it. My dr told me it could expand my stomach and basically rip it open. I need to switch up some food and my husband wants rice (he isn't sleeved), but I refuse to make it so I'm not tempted to eat it. Is anyone else afraid of rice? Has anyone been able to eat it?
  6. Des0520

    Anyone Else Afraid Of Rice?

    Thanks you guys. I'm not going to make it a staple in my diet, I just don't want to be paranoid if I happen to have a little or it's on my plate or anything like that. I've seriously been scared to let it even touch my plate for the last 20 months. The times when we've eaten somewhere that has rice I send my plate back if it's on there.
  7. Des0520

    Aspartame And Joint Pain

    That is very interesting and I wonder if it adds to my knee issues. What did you look for when you found those articles? I have no problem cutting it out because I don't like the after taste. I'll let you know if I have any relief when I do.
  8. Des0520

    Carbonated Beverage 10 Weeks Out

    I waited close to a year before trying carbonation and it was painful. I wasn't told never again, but it's not something I like to do. At most I'll take a sip of my husbands once it's all watered down. I drink tea or bottled water with flavor stuff in it. Same thing for straws too is the air. I was warned against chewing gum though which I found funny. It'll be different from everyone, just because a dr says not to doesn't mean people will listen. I'm not sure what the risk is with you be so early post-op.
  9. Des0520

    Gaining Weight Back

    It is absolutely possible to gain weight back. I've had friends that had by-pass done and they weigh more now then when they started. The best advice anyone gave me was that it is a tool, not the ultimate answer. I still have to be responsible and make good choices with food and exercise. I've had weeks where I don't lose any and would start to panic, well now I've been stuck for over 6 months and I don't panic anymore, I just keep on track. I know I'll eventually start dropping again. It's rare for me to get hungry, I mean like once every 3 months, but I do catch myself grazing and it is usually when my husband has stuff I normally wouldn't eat in the house (like chips). I started keeping a water bottle with me and would drink some water any time I got the urge to go grab the chips. I have a friend that uses a rubber band to keep her from grazing.
  10. Ready for the hot Texas summer to end!

  11. This is long over due, but I think it's about time. I'm now almost 5 months post op and I've lost 62 lbs. I think I've hit my first plateau but I think that's because of the working out. I've been doing great and still amazing myself with foods I now like. I'm down 5 sizes which is such a great feeling, I can wear my prom dresses from high school again. I am struggling with hair loss, and I always get in my Protein and take my Vitamins, but I was told it's expected. My husband and I are planning our first vacation ever and after 6 years I think it's time. Little nervous about wearing a swim suit on the beach and flying on a plane, I've avoided that from fear of not fitting in the seat. I'll get some pictures and measurements posted soon.
  12. I'm a slacker and haven't been on in forever :)

  13. Wanted to check in and say hi. I haven't been on in ages, but wanted to see how you are doing. I never thanked you for the good luck wishes, so thank you :)

  14. I seem to get the hiccups often. Not always a fit of them, sometimes just one or two. It doesn't seem to be tied to when I'm eating or drinking. The last ones were half an hour after I drank anything. Anyone have any ideas how to reduce or stop this?
  15. Ok so I'm on regular food finally I am trying new things and learning. I luckily still haven't had a problem with keeping anything down. Eggs were almost an issue, but I stopped eating. I have this really super annoying craving for popcorn. What is the rule on that? Is it allowed? My dietician is on vacation and if it's allowed I'm going to make me one of those single serve packs
  16. I am attending a halloween party on Saturday and we were asked to bring some type of alcoholic beverage. I'm a few days away from a month out so I wouldn't even consider drinking but it makes me wonder about upcoming holiday parties and I am wondering if it will ever be ok to drink. I prefer wine but my doctor has not said anything about alcoholic beverage restrictions. Does anyone know the general rule behind this?
  17. Des0520

    Not wanting to eat

    I'm having the same problem and I'm 3 weeks out. Its like I get in one or the other. If I concentrate on my protein then I get it all in but not my fluids. If I concentrate on fluids then I get them all, but not the protein. And most days when i get all the protein in I'm not eating anything else. I've figured out that i'm getting in less than 500 calories a day and thats if I get in 2 protein shakes. I'm trying to figure out how to find a balance. I wish I could offer advice, but I am feeling lost too.
  18. I'm in the same boat. I've lost 20 since my surgery and this week it's been nada. I weigh on Monday's and my dr appointment was today and the scale only showed about a half a pound. I get in 80+ protein a day, I'm sitll on liquids, I get up to 64 oz of water a day. I thought maybe it was the soups I was eating. I was told that my body is used to the weight and because I dropped it so fast my body is adjusting before letting go of more. He told me not to worry about the nutritional value in the soups I am eating because I am eating the healthy request campbell soups and that when I hit soft mushies I will need to worry about my intake at that point. I even asked a friend that had bypass done a long time ago and she said the same thing happened to her about 3 weeks out and that she would drink a little grapefruit juice. Don't know the point of that but I might try it. Good news is the scale isn't going up!
  19. Des0520

    I fainted in my closet

    I almost fainted about a week post op. I had been up doing a lot of walking and moving and then took a shower. I talked to my doctor about it at my first post op and he said that it was probably because of the low amount of calories I was taking in and my my body not used to it. Since it was an isolated incident I should be fine. The only thing I can't think is you said you'd only had water and no food. I'm still on full liquids and am learning what foods will work for me. I'm not sure what you've tried, but one of my favorites has been watery cream of wheat or oatmeal. I have learned that yogurt is a no go and I still cannot do super cold food. I hope that things get better for you. I agree with everyone else and think you talk to your doctor.
  20. Des0520

    Drain Removal

    It didn't hurt at all. It felt like a suction cup being removed by my stomach and a little weird feeling when it made its way out but no pain!! Other than that the visit was fast and easy and he was pleased with how I am doing. Thank you again for all the help
  21. Did having the drain removed post op hurt? I get mine taken out tomorrow and it's sore as it is, probably from all the moving around it has received. I'm a little worried and appreciate any expectations that can be offered.
  22. Des0520

    Drain Removal

    I do have stiching in it because I can see it. The nurses in the hospital dropped the pouch to it a few times so maybe it pulled it out a little. Thank you for the heads up though Appointment in about an hour. But thanks to everyone here I'm not as worried.
  23. Des0520

    Drain Removal

    Whew! Either way that isn't bad. Thank you for helping me feel more at ease. I'm hoping for feeling nothing since I'm still kind of numb to the touch around it.
  24. Just got home today from my surgery. I was sleeved on Monday and other than the 4 hour delay it went great. I went in so hungry and still have yet to get hungry. The gas pains have not been bad but the soreness is bad. How long should I expect to be sore? Did anyone else pull their pain ball thing out at home? Did it hurt? And one last question, did anyone else have problems eating cold stuff like the popsicles?
  25. Des0520

    Just got home

    LOL my ball didn't have a name. But it was this wonderful thing that went into my tummy and delivered meds directly to the area. My husband pulled it out and I felt nothing except for the tape. OMG no one warns you about the tape. It's like getting a wax with cold wax very very slowly. I'm doing so much better today. Thank you to everyone for their warm wishes. I still have pain where my main incision is and if i try to bend certain ways or twist it pulls and hurts. Same thing if I try and get up the wrong way. I know that'll get better. I'm taking my pain meds at night because I've caught myself twisting in my sleep. Other than that it's rare that I take them during the day. I just want to get this drain out and be done with my constant shoulder bag. I'm still having problems with cold stuff which is frustrating. I tried warming it up in my mouth first but that didn't seem to help. I've been walking tons which has been nice. I handled my husband eating in front of me for the first time pretty well. The thought of eating all that food (it was a pb&j sandwich) made me sick lol. I do miss chewing gum though. I understand that it is dangerous if you swallow it but I have swallowed gum in like 16 years.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
