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Posts posted by sueoco

  1. That is fantastic news well done. I'm also so glad you continue to visit and update on this site. I'm almost at 12mths with blood test next week and really do miss some of those that I learnt so much from while deciding to have this surgery. Once again well done, fingers crossed mine will come back ok.

    Thx ausmith. There are not many of us old timers on here.I guess everyone gets back to living there new lives after all the excitement of losing the weight. Are you going to the get the Wonder Sleeves Down Under get together at The Argyle Rocks on the 10th Oct?

  2. <p>Hi Everyone,</p> <p> </p> <p>An old timer returning for a visit. And thought I would share my story with the newbies, so good to see new people supporting each other. I know this site and the people on it helped me massively in the first few years.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am now almost 3 years out from my sleeve surgery. I consider myself a success story. I am maintaining my weight, have been through 2 plastic surgeries and am booked for another one (in Oct, the research for this brings me back here for a bit).</p> <p> </p> <p>My life has changed significantly, I am more confident in myself, in front of people, are having more success in my role. I am now dating a great guy who thinks I am amazing and loves me for who I am. He knows my past, and doesn't see anything wrong with even how I looked before (I do tho.. obviously). My nephews don't even recognise old pictures of me, they will never know the old me, I run around with them. I exercise, not as excessively as I originally did but still regularly.</p> <p> </p> <p>I eat pretty well, most people don't recognise I had the surgery. Breakfast and lunch is pretty similar to most people, can eat yoghurt and cereal for breaksfast and a sandwich at lunch (normal size one). I find the main meals are where people will notice the quantity I eat, but rarely. I can eat around 100gms of meat and then some veg and carbs etc.</p> <p> </p> <p>I have recovered from my first round of plastics (extended Tummy Tuck and arm lift), had a bit of a shocker of a recovery, and experienced one of the associated risks. But am getting ready for a 3rd surgery for a fluer de lis tummy tuck to remove more additional skin. This will finish my journey.</p> <p> </p> <p>I have put back on some weight, around 5kgs. I am okay with that as a fair bit of that has gone back in my breasts, which don't feel like pancakes as much now and a bit more on my face, which I felt got a bit gaunt. I currently sit between a size 10/12 (pants) and size 12/14 top (mainly cause of my boobs and generally wide shoulders).</p> <p> </p> <p>Life has its ups and downs but now I feel a bit more comfortable in myself in handling them.</p> <p>A new profile picture has been updated</p>

    Hi Aussiegirl! Great to see you on here and to hear that life is going so well! I must say you are looking smokin' in your profile photo! I have not been on for ages so have a lot of catching up to do! For those of you who don't know me, I had my op 2 years ago on the 18 July. I reached below my goal in twelve months which took me to around 60 kg. I have mantained that for over 12 months but have just recently found that I can eat a lot more and I am now around 62-63kg. I can't say I am totally comfortable about putting on weight as the old fears rear their ugly head - but I know I have to be realistic. I am 167cm so I am well within the healthy weight range and like Aussiegirl I was looking a bit too thin. It is so easy to become a bit obsessive after this long journey. I was on the low end of obese so loose skin has not been an issue and at 52 who cares! Unfortunately I am one of the people that will be on Nexium for the rest of my life. Other than that, I have no issues - I can literally eat anything I want to now but still limited to about 1-11/2 cups in one go. I also. have my hunger back and really feel totally normal now. The hunger is nowhere as bad as pre-op and is easily satisfied. Well, I hope that gives people who are just starting out what the future will be like. It's great!

  3. I second everything that everyone has said! I am 2 years out and at my goal (I have maintained for the last year) - food tastes normal again, my hair has grown back (actually it grew back ages ago) and I eat out all the time! I can manage entree (Australian size not American size which is much bigger!) and I can eat anything (and believe me, I do!).

    Life is good so just give it time. It is such early days for you and it will change weekly, monthly and even yearly! All the best!

  4. <p>Hello everyone, I had the gastric sleeve done 10 days ago. I have already gone through the periods of regret and wishing somehow I could turn time back and do away with the whole idea. I have had days that I am as sick as a dog, too. I have spent a lot of time on Google searching for anything hope that an alternative can be done to this. I have even looked into stomach transplant surgery. I hope I'm not discouraging anyone out there, but I personally am going through that regret stage. The good thing is that I can already see my weight coming off. I also think that my sleeve is a little bigger than they all say since I drink 2 Protein shakes daily, and they are 11 ounces each; I can drink one with no problem in about 5 minutes. I rejoiced when I read that these damn sleeves do actually stretch over time. I hope mine stretches enough that I can someday go to a restaurant and order a regular (not large) meal again, or have a regular dinner with my family.... this is really the only thing that tortures me right now. I can deal with eating small meals on a daily basis, but to have an occasional dinner out with my friends, or family is priceless to me. Does anyone have any information regarding this matter?, or am I only doing wishful thinking. Thank you...</p>

    You will eventually be able to eat a normal meal but you won't be able to eat large amounts. It will be different but you will be able to eat all foods again and your taste will return to normal. You will be able to enjoy your family meals with out the fear of putting on weight because you will be one of the lucky ones that doesn't have to eat much to feel satisfied! I am two years out and have maintained my goal weight for a year. I can eat anything (and I do!). I don't have any guilt about what I eat anymore! I can't eat the huge quantities that I used to eat - which is great because the Portion Control is what keeps my weight down.

    It is very early days for you and things will change so much over the months and years. When you start to get the compliments and be able to buy those trendy outfits - it will all be worth it. I haven't mentioned how you will be able to move! and how people will treat you differently! It is liberating! Any side effect I have (too much stomach acid and constipation) is nothing compared to what I have gained - believe it - you attitude to food will change and you will reach a place of happiness - you are going through a process at them moment both physically and emotionally so be patient with yourself. All the best!

  5. I'm only 2 weeks out, so I know I'm "new".... and I reasearched the hell out of this surgery for nearly a year. Talked to 2 friends who had it done, and they too were all talking about how it was the best thing they ever did. I had a co-worker, who had major complications with his, and 3 months after he told me it was the best decision he made, despite those scary parts. So, with all that behind me, I put my fear away, told that nagging voice to shut up and had surgery. I had surgery because I'm 35 and is/was 113 pounds over weight with PCOS. I was told that I was walking down an very unhealthy road very quickly because of my PCOS. I was told that if I didn't lose weight, I would more than likely develop uterine cancer. I weighed how I felt about scary surgery and chemotherapy being a possibility. I went with the surgery. I totally still regret the surgery. I wish I had waited longer. But, I didn't. I'm focusing on my little victories as this process happens. I'm down 32 pounds. I just started the puree stage today. What I really want is a simple smoked turkey sandwich. I have confronted my food relationships. I was not really an abusive eater, I had a medical issue that caused my metabolism to stop functioning correctly. I'm just looking forward to a few months from now, when I can eat real food again, and maybe have some smoked turkey.

    You will be able to eat a smoked turkey sandwich again - I am two years on the 18 July and can eat anything I want now - just small quantities - please don't feel you are never going to eat the things that you enjoy ever again as this is still very early days for you - good luck and take care

    Just realised how old your post is - you are probably eating loads of turkey sandwiches by now!

  6. I have literally seen hundreds of people now that are sooooo happy that they have done this. They believe that the VSG is the best thing that has ever happened to them and they seem to be so happy. And to tell you the truth that is what helped me make the decision to do this in the first place. Everyone seemed so happy they did it...every single doctor I spoke to thought it was a great idea and the whole thing was posed as a truly positive experience. Oh sure I knew there might be some side effects, but those were gonna be rare, and probably wouldn't happen to me cause I was actually pretty healthy before the surgery. Everyone I spoke to thought it was a great idea, and I was totally envisioning a skinny, healthy and happy me. I am not happy! I am four weeks out and I have heartburn everyday and throw up almost every day. I absolutely hate the Protein shakes, and even the fact that I have to force myself to get in all this Protein everyday when I can barely eat! And if I don't I'm ggnna lose my hair :0( The Vitamins make me puke, and I have absolutely no energyI I don't have a problem with getting in my liquids though, because Water is the only thing I actually want. Frankly I would drink Water all day long and never eat again, if I didn't know it could kill me, lol...which is totally contrary to the fact that I get depressed and angry when I watch other people eat, knowing that I cannot even come close to what they are eating, and that I don't even enjoy food anymore. (Crying as I write) When I eat with my family, I force down 3 or 4 bites (that don't even taste good) and they still eat for 10 minutes...and in that time I run through a whole host of emotions and have even left the table crying a couple of times now. I have lost 34 pounds already, but I feel like, 'at what cost'. I feel sooooo unhealthy and unhappy, that I really wish I hadn't gotten this surgery done - but it's too late - I can't take it back - so how do I cope? I just don't know what to do...I am miserable. Everyone keeps telling me that it will get better - but when? Am I alone in these regretful feelings I have? When did you guys feel 'normal' again? And how do you stay positive? Please help!

    hi IDidIt - I am really sorry that you are feeling so low. I can tell you that you are not alone. I remember after weeks of Protein Shakes (which I hated and haven't touched since) on the pre op and post op recovery, I finally had my first spoon of food - scrambled egg - and I could hardly swallow a teaspoon full! I remember freaking out thinking that this was the way the rest of life was going to be and I was going to starve to death!! Plus it just didn't taste good! I can reassure you that after two years, things do return to a new normal. Your taste will return to normal and you will be able to enjoy food again. The down side is that you won't be able to eat a lot at one time - but you will forget what that was like and enjoy eating small amounts regularly rather than huge feasts. It is completely normal to miss the way you used to eat - I still miss a huge plate of Pasta. If you can, get an appointment with a nutritionist or dietician that is familiar with clients who have had weight loss surgery - they will be able to provide you with some other options of getting protein other than protein shakes.From my experience, you might be experience nausea and sickness because you actually aren't eating enough. Try and consume small amounts of good but eat at least 5 times a day. Very few people escape Hair loss and it does grow back so please don't worry - it is only for about 3 months. Also make some enquiries about medication for your heartburn as that can be managed. I am at goal weight now - the up sides are great - no more fatty liver disease, no more elevated sugars, no more sore knees. I can shop anywhere for clothes, my feet are a size smaller and I can move! The down sides are I still have to take meds for heartburn/reflux, I have to take osmolax (miralax) everyday. The ups outweigh the downs. I hope all gets better for you as each day passes - good luck and keep looking forward!

    I just realised how old your post was - you are probably well over your initial regrets and living a happy life - all the best - I hope this post has helped other people that are having doubts and regrets!

  7. <p>Hi All,</p> <p>Another Aussie here. 3 and a half weeks post-op. Everything's going very well. Lost 30kg so far (7 weeks), and still dropping 2-3kg a week. Had a great experience with my surgical team, if anyone is looking for a surgeon in Sydney I couldn't recommend Circle of Care in Baulkham Hills (Dr Roy Brancatisano) more highly. The only issue I have atm is getting up to my nitritionist's goal of 1000 calories a day - I'm managing about 7-800, Any tips on this?</p> <p>By the way, the stats to the left are a bit misleading, not accurate at all.</p> <p>Rgds to all.</p> <p>Tim</p>

    Hi Tim - I also had my surgery through circle of care - Dr Roy Brancastisano - I too had a great experience! I am two years on the 18th of July and reached below my goal weight after about a year and have been maintaining at around 60kg (I'm 167cm) for the last year. I have been thrilled with the results and have not found it difficult to maintain so far - I do fluctuate between 59-62kg depending on what kind of week I have had.

    Your weight loss is great - one way you can boost calories is boost any milky drinks by adding additional milk powder - also good for the Calcium. Another is to eat a bit more regularly - you are probably already doing that. Also high calorie nutritious foods like avocado, nuts and cheese - these are some of the things I ate although the cheese is not great if you have cholesterol issues. Obviously what you are doing is working for the weight loss!

  8. I probably lost about 1-1.5 kgs a week. I was pretty happy with that. Like Kelli said, it all ads up and as the weeks turn into months, you will start to see the results in your clothes and in the compliments you will receive. Enjoy that because it will make you feel great! I too was lucky and didn't have any stalls but after talking to lots of people on this thread, I have accepted that everyone is different and has different challenges so try and focus on your positives. You will soon start to see the changes and it will make you see your achievements so far. Good luck.

  9. Yes - totally normal. I have heard a lot of people talking about stalling 3 weeks out from the op. I have the theory - which has absolutely no medical basis what so ever! I think your body suddenly realises that is isn't going to get any more calories per day so this is it's last ditch effort to hold onto weight. It can't hold on forever so the weight will start to move again so don't get discouraged and make sure you keep your Protein and fluids up and eat your small amounts regularly. As for the bruising after the op - it is the blood thinners they give you in hospital to stop clotting that gives you the really bad bruising.

  10. Hi everyone - It has been a while since I have checked in and it is great to see some new names and to still see some old ones - Lissa, Kelli, Misty ... sorry if I have missed others.

    I am coming up to two years and had my annual visit to my surgeon last week. I am pleased to say that I am still maintaining around 60kg - I have been as low as 58 but as high as 61 (start weight 103kg - 167cm tall). I must admit that I was a bit disappointed that I was 2kg heavier than I was last time I weighed in at the surgeons but I think I was a being a bit neurotic! I keep thinking that is the best dream I have ever had and I am going to wake up and find it isn't real!

    I don't always make the best choices when it comes to food and my commitment to exercise has been minimal (at best!). I guess the operation didn't promise to make me a perfect human being!

    The things I love about my life now are:

    People seeing me ( I am not invisible anymore)

    I want to see people and meet new people!

    My increased confidence

    My new calmness

    My new wardrobe

    My new agility

    How food just doesn't mean that much to me anymore

    The weight off my shoulders (figuratively and literally!)

    My knees aren't sore anymore

    I don't snore (as much!)

    I feel younger

    I feel more feminine

    I am healthier

    The funny adjustments that I went through during the journey :

    Not being able to see that I had lost weight when I looked in the mirror

    The shock of feeling my bones under my skin

    The thrill of being able to cross my legs and how my limbs felt very long

    The seat on a plane feeling really roomy

    Not being recognised

    The down side (nothing I would ever trade for my weightloss!):

    Still have to take Nexium

    Still on an Iron supplement (but I think this is more stage of life related rather than weight loss related)

    The hair loss ( but that does grow back)

    The extra wrinkles and a bit of loose skin (I am very lucky that this is minimal)

  11. Thanks @@ausmith my dr says he has never had anyone ask if breastfeeding is possible and said he doesn't think it will be a problem! I have read that it is possible but it will be hard. I am stashing milk like a mad woman however I plan to feed him when my mother brings him to hospital the next day. (Pending anathestist approval) He will be 9 mths when I have surgery so if worst comes to worst he has a couple of months milk supply to use. On another note. Day 2 of opti sux big time.. Feel like crap and keep thinking about everything I cant eat! Don't know how some of you did it for more than 2 weeks!! Oh well only 12 to go!!!

    Yes - I did the prep diet for nearly 4 weeks - it was hell but I just kept my eye on the prize and crossed each day off the calendar. The great thing is after the op at least you don't have the hunger and food starts to mean something different - just fuel. That doesn't last as hunger eventually returns ( although not nearly as intense and easily satisfied) and now nearly 2 years later I can eat anything and still love my food - even sushi!

  12. Hi Lou - this is a great place to get support. I had my op in July 2012 - I started at 103kg size 20-22 on top and 20 on the bottom, I am now around 60kg size 8-10 on the bottom and a 12 on top. I too was really scared and found the pre-op diet hell and the post op shakes awful but it is all a distant memory now and I just love my new unbelievable life. My advise is don't get too excited when you are losing weight and buy a lot of new clothes as I did this and ended up with great colthes that were too big for me! Good luck and hope you can connect with someone in your area. I am in Sydney so if you are ever down here I am happy to meet up.

  13. <p>Hello fellow Sleevers!</p> <p> </p> <p>Long time no see...or type :)</p> <p> </p> <p>I am sorry I have been so quiet but I have been keeping up with the posts via email (mostly at work lol) and it sounds like things are going well.</p> <p> </p> <p>Welcome to all of the new sleevers! and those about to hit the "losers bench". It's an amazing journey, difficult and challenging but absolutely worth it!</p> <p> </p> <p>A quick update - I started at 173kg, I now weigh 78kg I am 176cm tall. I was sleeved in September 2012 on the Gold Coast. I had a leak. I had many subsequent surgeries and a 10 week ICU/ Surgical Ward admission to Tweed Hospital and was discharged towards the end of November 2012. I hadn't lost much weight during this period as they had me fed via drip during this time at 1800 CAL per day.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am now about 18 months post surgery and had a meeting with my surgeon, the first one since my discharge from hospital in November 2012. It was hilarious :) She absolutely didn't recognise me. I wasn't aware but in the appointment, she was expecting me to have lost about 70% of the excess weight (which would have put me at about 100kg or so still), so to say she was surprised was an understatement :)</p> <p> </p> <p>It was nice to hear her tell me that I don't need (medically) to lose any more weight now. She knows I would like to lose another 10 kg (I always seem to have another 10 kg to lose lol - but this time I will stick with this goal!!). She is happy as long as my blood tests show I am healthy for me to lose the additional weight. She has even offered to do a "no gap" Tummy Tuck thingy for me in 12 months should I want it. Now given my leak, I am a bit reluctant to go under the knife unless I have to but I will see how I feel in 12 months.</p> <p> </p> <p>I am actually going to be in Sydney for a conference on 29th and 30th of April and was hoping that perhaps some of the Sydney sleevers might want to meet? The conference is in the CBD and it would be lovely to go out for dinner and meet up with you guys! I had the great pleasure of meeting Sue and Susan on my last trip and it would be so lovely to see you both again and anyone else who can make it!</p> <p> </p> <p>I hope you are all well and can't wait to talk with you (hopefully in person) soon!</p> <p> </p> <p>Cheers, Liss</p> <p> </p> <p>PS Here are my before and after shots :) That is me in the white dress...</p> <p> </p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p></p> <p> </p> <p> </p>

    Great to hear from you Lissa - you are just looking fantastic! I would definitely love to catch up when you are in town!

  14. Hey my Aussie sleevers!<br><br> I have a question that you guys might be able to help me out with; I'm 6th day post op now and whenever I drink liquids inc Water i get this feeling... Kinda like it getting stuck around my tummy region, and after a few seconds of discomfort my tummy groans and it passes.<br><br> Should I be worried?<br><br> Cheers,

    Sounds totally normal to me. I too remember that feeling. I also got it when I started eating soft food and solid food - my surgeon explained that it takes a few minutes for your stomach to relax after you start to eat so the first few swallows will feel like it isn't going down . If you wait about 5-10 minutes you will find the next swallow easier - he told me that I was one of those people that could feel my stomach relax after a few minutes. It sounds like you might be the same but we are all different. You will find that the sensations will change every day as the swelling goes down in your stomach too. Any worries, contact your surgeon to make sure all is normal.

  15. Welcome and good luck! Still loving being thin but maybe not as healthy as I should be - those of you who know me know that exercise is not my thing!

    One new thing I have learned the hard way is to watch out for iyour tolerance to a drink or two - I haven't really had an issue as I have not been drinking a lot but over the last couple of months I have had a couple of episodes where I was drinking thinking I was doing ok and then suddenly bam - I was completely smashed - it hit me like a train and was so unexpected - anyway - not to be recommended as I was also very sick! Not a good look! Common sense would tell you that this could happen but I still got caught out - gee at 52 you think I would have learned by now!

    Misty - your job move sounds great - all the best!

    Kelli - when is your next visit to Sydney - will you have time to catch up?

  16. Welcome to the newbees :) Everyone on here are great. I have 2 friends who had the bypass and it seems about the same except they can eat and drink without having to wait. <br><br> Well I've been in my first ever stall for the last 3 weeks. But I have worked out I have been snacking a bit too much. So that has now stopped. Also last week I hurt my back big time at work so I'm now off work for another 2 weeks. So no exercising :( I've bern given the ok to walk in the pool so that's something at least. <br><br> But on an exciting note I'm off to see an IVF doctor next Thursday to find out what will get me pregnant the fastest!!! We have only told my mum and dad as last year I was told I was too fat and I was devo and had to then tell people it was a no go. So I had to tell someone hehe. So it's "watch this space" lol

    all the best for your next journey! Will this be your first? If you thought the weight loss was life changing, wait until that baby comes a long! Hope it all goes well for you!

  17. Hi all, I am a recent VGS on the 18.02.14 after being banded in 2008. My surgeon was initially reluctant to take my WLS to the next level however I put a good case to him about VGS being essential as a preventative healthcare tool to prevent diabetes, CVD, hypertension etcetera etcetera. Band was awful from day1, weight loss when having nothing more than Optifast shakes and as soon as I tried any solid food I either obstructed or was able to eat a whole family sized pizza. VGS is very very different! I have been on puree's for almost a week yet I don't have any sense of fullness. I'm unsure as to whether I should be strictly adhering to the recommended by NUT quantities at mealtimes or it's OK to eat more. I am down 9kg.

    Everyone is different but I would stick to the amount the NUT advised as you may not be recognising the 'full' feeling. It is a different feeling from pre op fullness. Believe me, if you eat even one teaspoon more than you need to you will know about it. I ended up eating more often - about every three hours, to keep my energy levels up. Now nearly 2 years out, I can eat a bit more so only eat my 3 meals a day with maybe one snack. I have been maintaining for the last year so I think I am eating the right amount. I have been really lucky and have reached my below goal weight with no real stalls. I am sitting at a BMI of 21-22 and maintaining at around 60kg. I am hopeful that I will be able to keep that up but I have menopause to go through yet!

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