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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by goldenlife

  1. I will be banded Thursday and choose not to discuss with anyone the type of surgery I was having. Today caught me by surprise when a coworker popped the question "so what kind of surgery are you having"?

    My response "Oh I have choosen not to disclose"?

    Her response " I'm sorry but I wish you a speedy recovery"?

    Afterwards I had a thought about a close college friend who didnt disclose that she had several bouts with cancer. It came, it went and it came back. When she passed away we were shocked but the lesson is I dont want to be know as the girl who had lapband, I dont feel like hearing other peoples opinion and I dont wanna feel like a lapband lab rat.

    I told hubbie (of course) and I had to educate the kids (adults). Everyone is ok and I am focused and praying for success and success is what Im focused on. I would imagine that folks at work are gossiping trying to figure out what type of surgery Im having. I can only imagine what life will be like when I return but the bottomline is I have a right to medical privacy and I dont feel an obiligation to share outside of my identified support system.


  2. Just started day 3 preop and I am fine. The first night I cried in bed and balled up in the fetus position with a severe headache. Not that I have ever had to withdraw from drugs but I thought to myself that withdrawing from food was like withdrawing from drugs.

    day 2 rolled in and I did good all day. I drank a lot of broth poured off from progressive Soups and that took the egde off. Day 3 and headache gone due to clariton and I woke up well rested and not starving. I even have energy to go to gym for a good workout.

    One lesson I learned is its not a good idea to go on a eating spree prior to preop. I ate my butt off and my blood sugar levels went through the roof. I think that made the first preop diet day hell because my system was shocked.


  3. Made it through the first day preop and it wasnt that bad:

    Lived in the bathroom had to go every hour

    Instead of mindlessly eating i was self aware all day. I went outside for lunch and walked past my favorite food truck and thought about what life is gonna be like in 6+ weeks. I thought about how I can have the crab and lobster salad but it will probably be three meals.

    The trip home was interesting because my normal routine is to get home and have dinner and wine. Today I took a bath because I couldnt eat and it felt relaxing and good. I thought ok nice way to unwind. Its just 7:30 and i have a headache but all I can do is lay in bed because its safe. I will get though this and learn during this journey. food has had to much power and influence over me and my body is evidence of the damage.

    night nite!


  4. I will be banded in two weeks and of course clothing would be on the top of my list but I cant wait to be able to take new professional pictures. I've decided to do so at 25 and 50 pounds. JCPenney takes nice pictures. I'd start with a spa day and shop a few days before for cloths. In fact I like stuff I see in a store with a catalog called Layfeyette.

  5. Will be banded in two weeks and I am totally not looking foward to dining with my friends in the future. I havent told anyone except hubbie and adult kids. i dont plan to tell anyone else but I dont know how I will deal in dining situations and people wonder why I've only eaten a few bites. How do you deal?


  6. I honestly don't think I am going to make it. I am so hungry. I will kill someone for a cheeseburger right now.

    I really don't think my mind is in the right place. The only things I looked forward to were eating and sleeping; they were the only times I stopped thinking about how miserable I am.

    Funny I start pre op diet Thursday and teased about how much sleep I will get because I dont wanna deal with this. But reality tells me I have to so I will stay busy. hopefully I will have enough energy to hang out at gym.


  7. People who exercise and havent been banded have periods that hey know they will gain for example being sick or Christmas. Most people I know dont sweat it as they know there will be a period to make it up later. i have a poster in my office because I spend so much time trying to be perfect that I forget to take credit for the good. "Perfect is the enemy of good.o

  8. My name is Laura and I' m addicted to food! Today is day 3 of my 14 day pre op and I miss chewing food! I now think I understand what an addict feels like in detox! I'm in detox too from sugar' date=' carbonation and carb overload! I'm still on track and excited about surgery and a new way of life but boy....at least an addict doesn't have to see commercials every few minutes of their vice.[/quote']

    You know I start Pre Op diet Thursday and I have been hurgary as hell all day. Its psychological and yes it should be a twelve step process. i so depend on food to comfort to be there for me but I've gotta find healher ways to fill the void. With that said how do bansters cope without transferring addictions to other unhealthy habits.


  9. Thanks All for your replys. Carolina Girls thanks so much for the reality check, you went straight to the point no BSing around it. I needed that....... I have accomplished much getting to approval and while its gonna be tough I need to get outta of my way. No more negative from me.... And if I should slip I will remember you "Go Tarheels".


  10. Am scheduled for LB on the 25th of October and I am 35 BMI with a co morbility of diabetes. I hope to loss about 55 to 60 pounds. I am so afraid of lossing what I view as to much weight. In a typical (pre-LB) mode what you eat and burn equates to weight loss or maintanance. My question is has anyone reached goal and struggled to stay there and not loss beyond goal. seems like the band has a mind of its own. And yes I realize that appropriate fills are a key.

  11. I am in an awkward situation. One of my employees was banded 1 1/2 years ago. She initially lost 70# but has gained 40-50 back. This employee no longer works for me but her mother does. I really can't tell them that I was banded. It will cause a lot of problems. As you all can see. I am losing weight and unfortunately I've had to have another surgery for another problem. So of course they all think I have cancer or something. I have no idea how or what I will eventually tell them. I agree telling anyone can be an issue with answering all those questions.

    Tell them female problems and tell them not you comfortable talking about the V.

  12. i All

    I have been lurking around for about 6 weeks as I went throught the requirements for surgery. I have Federal BCBS and was approved today (it took 3 days). I have a BMI of 35 with a comorbility of diabetes. This has been a journey for me as I almost quit a couple of times but I am confident this is right for me. The psychological eval was wonderful as it detailed my strengths and weaknesses accurately. I havent told many folks but most have stated that I'm not that big and can exercise and diet and be successful. I love to exercise but often quit due to lack of results. Its gonna be nice to finally be able to lead a healthy life style without it always centering on the scale.

    I must admit that I am afraid a bit but I also put my faith where it should be and I wont worry. I will concentrate and making this work and continue to live well.


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