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Everything posted by Groovinchikin

  1. Groovinchikin

    I'm not telling.

    Hi! I see you are a Maliapur patient too! He's an amazing surgeon, and Huntsville hospital staff is fantastic! I'm 23 and unmarried. So of course my parents and my brother know, along with my grandparents. Other than that I only told my best friend. My mom and her cousin had gastric bypass a few years ago, and the entire (gigantic) family was in an uproar over their decision and how fast/much they were/weren't losing. I don't want to be scrutinized like they were so I decided to keep it to myself. It's going great so far. Good luck with your surgery!
  2. Groovinchikin

    Hiccups after meals

    1.5 months out, and I get hiccups every single time I eat! Anyone know what causes them?
  3. Groovinchikin

    Flat Sodas

    I caved in and drank a Diet SunDrop flat yesterday. It was delicious...but I liked flat SunDrop before surgery, so I'm a bit weird. I didn't have a problem with it, but everyone is different.
  4. Feeling so good about myself right now. 2 pounds away from 70 pounds gone forever. I am so close!!

  5. Groovinchikin

    My very first NSVs!

    I've been super frustrated with the scale for the past 3 weeks because that number hasn't been moving. But I just looked in the mirror and realized for the first time in my life that I have a real, honest-to-god neck!! I HAVE A NECK! It's not just extra chins anymore I feel like a freaking swan...it's silly, but I am off the wall thrilled. Also, you can see that I have a collar bone! I've also gone down 3 pant sizes since December, and consequently can now fit into my University's circa 1900's theatre seats!! I can now support my department without bruising my butt! Bonus. Getting sleeved was the best decision I have ever made.
  6. Groovinchikin


    From the album: Progress

    I finally have a neck!!! 68 pounds down and counting!
  7. My surgeon told me that after bariatric surgery Ibuprofen is too harsh on the stomach to take. I get terrible cramps in the arches of my feet when I do cardio (running, elliptical), and before surgery Ibuprofen knocked it right out. Now I'm having a hard time keeping up with my exercise regimen because the tylenol I'm taking as a pain reliever doesn't even come close to touching the pain. Does anyone know of an alternative OTC painkiller that is gentle enough for a sleeved stomach, but effective in relieving muscle pain? My flat feet and I are DYING here!
  8. I'm not a nurse or Dr., but I took my Paxil before, the day of, and after my surgery with absolutely no complications. When you are on liquids your surgeon may tell you to crush your pill, but that's really the only change I was asked to make.
  9. I have Cigna and it took me 5 weeks to get my letter of approval. I had a high starting BMI without any co-morbidities, but they still approved me. Good luck with your surgery journey! I promise that it is worth all of the frustration
  10. Groovinchikin

    5 Confessions (Join In)

    1. I initially got this surgery to spite my Ex-boyfriend. I've since gotten in the right frame of mind about it, but man will it feel good to meet him at a party looking gorgeous. 2. I weigh at least 3 times a day. I'm pretty obsessed. 3. I want Pasta so bad I can't stand it...but of course I throw it up the instant I try it. 4. I am secretly thrilled that my best friend is putting on a tiny bit of married life weight. She understands me better, and now we are losing weight together. I know that makes me selfish. 5. I'm terrified that I will be homely looking when I've lost my weight. It's pure vanity...but I have nightmares. whew...that felt good.
  11. My first stall...I'm about to go crazy.

  12. Headed back to College to see everyone after losing 57 pounds. Excited :)

  13. Groovinchikin

    Really freaking out.

    Ask for Versed in liberal amounts and you will be fine. At least it worked well for me . I freaked out hardcore the morning of my surgery, and almost made a run for it at admittance. But the nurses talked me down and got some anti-anxiety drugs in my system, and the rest is history. It's definitely a drastic change, but it is worth it. Congrats on your insurance acceptance and Best of Luck!!
  14. Going in for an emergency Gallbladder removal surgery. 11 days after my VSG surgery. This sucks.

  15. Ok, so I was sleeved a week ago. YAYY! I am thrilled about beginning my journey, but I'm scared that I'm losing weight at a faster rate than I've heard of other people losing. I lost 23 pounds in 7 days and I am concerned that I may be doing something wrong? My starting weight is pretty high (370) and I thought that could have something to do with it? Do any of you more experienced sleevers know if this is normal?
  16. Groovinchikin

    Almost out of the 200's!

    CONGRATULATIONS!! As for me, I can't wait to get INTO the 200's
  17. My Dr. only has me on full liquids for 2 weeks. I am SOO ready for puree's! I'm not sure I could handle 5 weeks of liquid diet.
  18. Lost my first 50 pounds!!!!!!!! YAY!

  19. My insurance is going to cover everything! My surgery will be happening on December 19th! I've been in the process of getting insurance approval since last January, so I'm very excited for my VSG journey to begin! I've been interning in NYC for the past two months and I've got another 1 and a half to go before it's back to Alabama and Surgery Day! I honestly think I'm more excited for surgery than I am for Christmas Any other Dec. sleevers? LC
  20. Groovinchikin


    I love the Miss Piggy costume!
  21. I can see from your profile picture that you are already much more than pretty, you are BEAUTIFUL! Don't let the negative comments get to you. Just last night I told my Grandmother that I'm having the surgery in December...to which she responded, "Well, if you plan on getting married before I die, you're going to have to do something about that weight!" These are the catty comments that I've lived with all of my life, and I'm just now learning to not let them hurt me, but to turn them into fuel and motivation. Good luck NurseMeg! I'll be joining the VSG club exactly a month after you
  22. So after nearly 8 months of working my @$$ off, I got approval from Cigna!!! Thrilled is a little bit of an understatement. I go for my final weigh in and to get a date on Friday! Wish me luck!
  23. Hi everyone! Long time lurker, first time poster :ph34r: . So I have had all of my pre-testing and 6 month diet...etc. It has been absolute HELL jumping through all of the legal hoops. But it's finally done and the surgeon's office filed the paperwork on Friday. My question is how long is the wait usually with Cigna to be approved or denied? Also, will they call or snail mail it? One last question, I am 22 and I am worried that my age will have a negative affect on my insurance's willingness to cover me. I've been morbidly obese for almost my entire life, so it's really a health issue and not vanity that brought about my choice. Does anyone know if this will be a problem? Sorry about all of the questions, but I am so nervous it's ridiculous! Thanks! LC
  24. That's so exciting Alicia! I hope everything works!

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