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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by suepeeps

  1. My surgery was Sept 6. I have had no problems! Never even thrown up. I feel fantastic. I have 2 friends that had the same surgeon etc and they have had no problems either. Just follow drs orders and hopefully your experience will be as pleasant as mine
  2. suepeeps

    Vsg In Minneapolis Area?

    Nothing shows up tor me yet link???
  3. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I am down 86 pounds and feeling great. Loving the salad jars. It broke my stall but I'm stalled again. I ended up being gone for another week to help my niece with her sick kids. I didn't do my salads and probably didn't get in as much protein. Taking care of 4 kids (2 of them with fevers) does not leave a lot of time for planning! I don't know that I would have been able to do this before surgery!! So glad I could help her out. She is a teacher and already took maternity leave a couple of months ago. Did a bunch of shopping as I really needed spring/summer clothes that fit. I have been able to squeak by with what I had until now. I found it overwhelming with all the choices! I had a 30% off coupon at Kohls and got a ton of Kohls cash so I got to have another shopping spree. It feels great to have clothes that fit. Especially underwear and bras!! lol It's nice to look in the mirror and see someone almost normal looking! I still have about 50 I would like to lose but I sure feel great! I no longer look at my reflection in windows etc and think Who is that???? love it!
  4. suepeeps


    Has anyone heard from Sannah? Praying she is ok!!!
  5. suepeeps

    Who Are You?

    I don't know how I have missed this great thread! My name is Sue . I am 48 years old. I am married to my best friend for 28 years. We have 2 grown children. We have a golden retriever and a boxer that get me out walking. Love them !!!! I always thought I was heavy but now when I look back I was really quite average. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9 years ago. The weight started piling on quickly. I have not been able to exercise as much as I used to for almost 11 years. Medication has helped a lot . Losing 85 pounds has gotten me back out walking again. I am a glass bead maker and jewelry artist. I have the best job in the world!! We travel all over Minnesota doing art fairs and love it. My hubby is a computer guy but loves to do woodwork and wood turning. He is also very creative. I love my sleeve and how well it has worked for me. I highly recommend it !!
  6. I am 7 months out and down 86 pounds WOOHOO. What a great new life I have been given! I found I have been so focused on just Protein that I wasn't getting enough veggies. I am lazy. I admit it. I didn't want to chop up the veggies every day. I saw something on Pinterest (Such an addicting site) and tried it. It worked great!! I took canning jars and made salads for the week. I added chicken or shrimp, eggs, cheese, and lots of veggies. They were fresh every day! Loved it. I found an awesome new store. It only sells olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I tried their best sellers quite sure I wouldn't like it... Chipolte olive oil and Dark chocolate balsamic vinegar. OMG It is awesome on salads!! This broke my latest stall and put me in Onderland!! When I stall it is for a long time and then all of the sudden I will lose 5-7 pounds. crazy!! I stall often and I no longer worry about it. It will all come off eventually. I know my body is busy adjusting to my new eating styles.
  7. suepeeps

    How I broke my latest stall

    the 3 week stall happens to most people. Your body needs to adjust. Never fear it will pass I know it is hard to believe that but its true. I stall all the time. This last stall lasted for almost a month. I no longer get upset as I know this is how I lose. I will stall for quite a while and then lose a bunch. I don't mind it as long as I know I am still having the times when I lose. I know my body will lose weight with the amount of calories I consume in a day. Just think back to what we used to eat in a day and look where we are now!! Good luck!
  8. suepeeps

    How I broke my latest stall

    I always get my full protein in every day. I add a lot of protein to my salad. Chicken, egg and cheese. I check my protein intake after dinner and if I have not had enough protein I add a protein shake. I usually have enough protein but was hardly eating any veggies.
  9. suepeeps

    How I broke my latest stall

    Yep Lettuce goes on top so it does not get soggy. This is the order I put mine in.. dressing (next time I will just add it when I eat it) meat, egg, carrots, cucumber, broccoli, tomato, cheese, lettuce/spinach. Did not get at all soggy and tasted wonderful!! I also wondered about the egg but it was just fine! I sliced it before I put it in too.
  10. suepeeps

    How I broke my latest stall

    I only used the canning jar. They were very fresh each day. Loved it! The only problem i had was some of them had too much in them. With our small stomachs you don't need a lot in them! I can eat more now that I am 7 months out but still not a full big salad. My hubby usually ended up finishing mine or I would save it and eat it later. I now make smaller ones
  11. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I wasn't getting enough veggies. I am lazy. I admit it. I didn't want to chop up the veggies every day. I saw something on Pinterest (Such an addicting site) and tried it. It worked great!! I took canning jars and made salads for the week. I added chicken or shrimp, eggs, cheese, and lots of veggies. They were fresh every day! Loved it. I found an awesome new store. It only sells olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I tried their best sellers quite sure I wouldn't like it... Chipolte olive oil and Dark chocolate balsamic vinegar. OMG It is awesome on salads!! This broke my latest stall and put me in Onderland!! When I stall it is for a long time and then all of the sudden I will lose 5-7 pounds. crazy!!
  12. suepeeps

    Any September People

    It feels awesome!
  13. suepeeps


    Sannah, we have not heard from you in a while. Praying everything iis going well for you. I just spent a week taking care of my niece's 4kids as her daycare was on vacation. I had a blast but I now remember why we have kids when we are young!! Hope V is doing well
  14. suepeeps

    Any September People

    I hit onederland this week!!!!!!! So happy
  15. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Do you have a nutritionist you see? Maybe they could help you. So sorry you are going thru this. How about tomato soup? That was my fav after surgery.
  16. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    How frustrating! I hope something changes soon tor you. I stall a lot but then I will lose 5 pounds. I just try to stick with the program.
  17. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I have had a sweet tooth lately too. Not sure why. I seem to be stalled again but that is my normal. It is April but still SO cold in MN. Looking forward to being outside more soon Treating myself to a pedicure tomorrow!
  18. suepeeps

    I just farted.

    My sharts stopped when I got on solid food. I seriously thought they were with me for life! The best advice I got was...never trust a fart! Saved many pants lol
  19. suepeeps


    My process took about 11-12 months because of insurance. I thought that sounded like forever but am really glad it went the way it did. I am now 6 months out and down 80 pounds. I love my sleeve! It is the best thing I have ever done. I feel like a million bucks!! Good luck to you
  20. suepeeps

    I just farted.

    I didn't trust a fart until I was about 3-4 months out! lol Good thing I didn't too They were always sharts!
  21. suepeeps


    Praying that you get some relief soon from all of this!! I read your updates each day and think... this is the day things will get better!!! Good luck to you. V is absolutely adorable!!
  22. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    Luckily I was on vacation visiting a friend near Houston. It was beautiful!!! We walked every day there. I got home to Minnesota and got sick been in bed or just to the recliner for 4 days. Ugh so ready to be over this fever, cough, Achy etc...
  23. suepeeps

    Post Op September Sleevers, Roll Call

    I was stalled for about 6 weeks. It is hard not to get frustrated! Luckily I am back to losing again. I think it is just our body adjusting to this new lifestyle. Nothing was different when I started losing again. I wish it would warm up fast here so I can do more walking outside! We usually wont go if it is below 15 or so. I think we are past the worst part of winter.
  24. There are so many things I love about my new sleeve! I thought it might be nice for us to share them so people who are looking into surgery can see. 1. I ate all my fav things (just a spoonful) over the holidays and still lost weight! 2. I can go up the stairs without running out of breath. 3. Crossing my legs! 4. Portion control is So easy!!!! 5. I never feel deprived. 6. I can walk over 2 miles a day easily and I am only 4 months out. 7. I see my reflection in a window and don't wonder who it is! 8. Sex...OMG 9. I have tons of energy. No more couch potato for me! 10. People sometimes do not recognize me. 11. I was told I look like my graduation picture. (I'm 48) 12. Not afraid of the camera and I am only 1/2 way to goal. The list goes on and on but those are some I can think of off the top of my head. What are your favorite things?????
  25. Wow.it would be interesting to see what our stomachs look like now next to that! Thx for sharing

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