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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by kelliv

  1. I weighed my self today,(weigh every wed.) it is my 2 week anniversary. I was pretty bummed as I only lost 1.3 kgs this week. Now I know it's better than a poke in the eye with a stick but considering it was a good week if I managed to eat 1/2 weetbix and 1/4 cup of Soup I was kinda hoping for a bit more.. I am having a musashi HP shake for brekki and an opti for afternoon tea to keep up my Protein. Now I am dreading next week in case I gain.( I read all your posts about the dreaded 3 week gain) What was everyone else's average weekly loss? Dal

    Don't stress too much on weekly losses, it all adds up. Your body is just adjusting to the new regime. i had stalls from week 3 onwards every couple of weeks, but the weight will keep coming off if you following your instructions and make good food choices along the way. Relax and enjoy the ride down.

  2. I know this is a bit of a personal question but do those of you who are now slim have issues with excess skin? I have read so many negative things about excess skin to the point that I really wasn't sure if I wanted to have the surgery. Having surgery was a very big issue for me as I have a lot of difficulty being roused afterwards so a cosmetic procedure isn't on the cards for me at all. I remember seeing Alison, who won the second series of biggest loser here in Aus, saying it was a lot easier to hide excess skin than a size 26 butt. Can't believe I passed the week after surgery mark yesterday. We are legends girls. Big pats on the back to everyone - specially those 20th 21st and 22nd siestas!

    Good question, luckily I don't have much, just the flabby arms and thighs, but I am happier with that than being overweight any day. If I needed to I would consider cosmetic surgery to help, but it's a a big decision and a far bugger op than the sleeve surgery, plus very expensive no not a decision to be taken lightly.

  3. My 2 year sleeversary is coming up soon on 14 August and I feel a little like I should be part of a different thread for 'old' sleevers but I really like this group and haven't felt the urge to look at other threads. Yes there are a lot of newbies on here, but I like the fact we are all Australian and iI think it's good for people at all stages in their journey to share with in another.

    Everything Lissa described in her update is exactly the same as I am feeling. I started at 107kg and it took 12 months to reach 71kg and that's where its stayed since. I haven't really been trying to lose more but I would dearly lover to be in the 60's. If I was more vigilant about the little daily treats I am sure I could lose those extra few kilos, but frankly I am not feeling pressure to do so. I am also in a job which requires almost daily entertaining and travel and am surrounded by food challenges at every turn. Thank goodness now I have this wonderful tool which restricts my I take. I am still getting used the new much smaller me. I think it takes a long time for your mind/self image to catch up with your body changes.

    I still get excited when I:

    I easily cross my legs

    Have a photo taken

    Fit into a seat on a plane or at the theatre with room to spare

    Don't have to worry that a chair will be strong enough or that I will be able to get out

    Buy a size small in clothes

    Have to get extra holes in my shoes straps as they are now too loose

    Have a side plate size meal and am comfortably full

    Enjoy favourite foods without feeling deprived

    And the list is endless........

    I am thankful every day that I did this and to my sleep specialist who recommend I do it.

    I am still building up my new wardrobe one piece at a time virtually from scratch. I don't have one thing left from my original wardrobe I could possibly wear. Even some things I have had taken in or bought in size small are now too big. Although I haven't list any more weight lately my body shape is still changing and it's back to my alterations lady this week.

    You all sound as though you are doing really well, regardless of what stage you are at and I do pop in here and catch up on your stories from time to time. If you are finding things difficult rest assured this will pass. If Lissa could get through her initial drastic traumas and come out the other side so positive then we can all do it.

  4. Hi Lissa, great to hear from you and you look amazing and have changed so much since I last saw you. Congratulations on your promotion and. I sure you will love living in Toowoomba. Don't forget, if you are visiting the. Gold Coast I would live to catch up with you again. Take care and good luck with your move.

  5. Has anyone heard from Lissa S and Kellie lately ? I miss reading their updates and Aussiegirl as well.

    Hello, sorry I haven't checked in for ages. Life has got in the way. We moved from Brisbane to the Gold Coast last November and I started a new job. I've been travelling interstate and to NZ regularly and entertaining almost daily. I am very pleased to report that I have not put on any weight and am still down 38kgs. I still want to lose another 3 kilos and know that if I cut out the treats such as alcohol and Desserts it would probably come off. I will focus on this at some point, but for now I am enjoying life and still loving shopping for new clothes. I hope everyone is doing well and would appreciate hearing how you are going if you are already at maintenance phase.

  6. I am in Ormeau too. I am coming up to my 1 year anniversary next month on the 15th (I think it was). Funny how I was hanging for day and now cant even remember lol. I have gone from 97kgs to 63 kgs and really didn't try very hard so hang in there and it will happen for you too. If you want to chat or catch up sometime email me - kathleen23@internode.on.net

    Hi, I am in Main Beach. Always up for a catch up with fellow sleevers. Coming up to my two year anniversary in August.

  7. Hi there, I am Australian as well. Live in QLD. Due on 15th in almanda private hospital in Gold Coast with dr Nolan. Tough time to go through preparing for surgery. I am going for sleeve, that was my choice. I didn't want to go for a band. Hope every thing is going fine with everybody. Great decision to take to change our life and gain ourselves back again. I know it will not be an easy trip, but Iam sure it worth it. Good luck for everybody. And hope we can keep n touch

    Good luck for your surgery. I am on the Gold Coast too. Had my surgery in Brisbane 2 years ago this August and have lost 38 and am having no trouble maintaining it at all. Best thing I ever did. I used to be on this thread all the time and found it invaluable. I have met up with several fellow Sleevers in Brisbane, Gold Coast & Sydney. Haven't checked in here for a while and great to hear the your stories.

  8. Hi all, I'm new to the site. I'm scheduled for my sleeve on the 8th of April in Victoria with Ray McHenry. I'm on day 6 of my pre op diet and have slipped up with a piece of fish today :( I was at a party and felt like I had to eat something. Anyway straight back onto it now. Great reading everyone's experiences on here

    A bit of lean Protein won't hurt you at this time. Don't stress, it sounds like you are doing well. Good luck on your ride down. I am sure you will love your sleeve as much as most of us do on this thread.

  9. I got some great news, a spot has come up early so I'm now scheduled to be sleeved in 4 weeks...it's all starting to become a reality very quickly so time to get ready for the Optifast for a few weeks. One question I have is what's the go with drinking coffee during all of this? I've read a few different posts saying its off limits but I'm not sure if that's just the milk for some reason? Any ideas?

    I even had a shot of espresso in the vanilla or chocolate Optifast shakes and it was yummy

  10. I got some great news, a spot has come up early so I'm now scheduled to be sleeved in 4 weeks...it's all starting to become a reality very quickly so time to get ready for the Optifast for a few weeks. One question I have is what's the go with drinking coffee during all of this? I've read a few different posts saying its off limits but I'm not sure if that's just the milk for some reason? Any ideas?

    . I had coffee the whole way through with no problem and doc and dietician advised it's fine. Not sure why some posts so not to.

  11. Welcome to the newbees :) Everyone on here are great. I have 2 friends who had the bypass and it seems about the same except they can eat and drink without having to wait. Well I've been in my first ever stall for the last 3 weeks. But I have worked out I have been snacking a bit too much. So that has now stopped. Also last week I hurt my back big time at work so I'm now off work for another 2 weeks. So no exercising :( I've bern given the ok to walk in the pool so that's something at least. But on an exciting note I'm off to see an IVF doctor next Thursday to find out what will get me pregnant the fastest!!! We have only told my mum and dad as last year I was told I was too fat and I was devo and had to then tell people it was a no go. So I had to tell someone hehe. So it's "watch this space" lol

    good luck with the IVF, i am sure you have given yourself the best possible chance now and we will wait to hear happy news in the near future.

  12. Hi :-) Im in Gold Coast QLD. Surgery date is July 4th & ive just been approved for early release of superannuation. Alot of hoop jumping but definately worth it! If i can help by answering any questions im more than happy to help Amanda

    I am on the Gold Coast too. Coming up to 2 year anniversary in August since getting my sleeve and still loving it every day. Good luck for your surgery.

  13. Thanks Misty I will check out my blood sugar levels. It could be that as have a few head spins & dizzy feelings when I get up too quickly also. Thanks Karen

    Karen congrats on getting to goal. Have you had follow up blood tests? You could be deficient in Iron or other things. I am and have to take an iron tablet every day. Hope it settles down for you.

  14. I haven't started Vitamins yet, however I am feeling like I need to. I am worried about swallowing them in the early stages of post op. Does anyway here know what happened here, or do you not take the vitamins until things settle down.

    Hi Smashville, my dietician and the nurses said it was fine to swallow tablets as soon as you are on fluids following surgery. They give you pain killing tablets, so vitamins shouldn't be any different. Good luck

  15. Hi everyone I think I am starting to loose hair, did anyone find any products that were useful to slow or prevent this. My Dr said to take Zinc so I have started on that, but I don't have a lot of hair to begin with so would like to keep as much as possible.

    I think most of us have gone through that phase from arpund month 3, but nit sure anything really makes a difference. Rest assured it does grow back!!!

  16. Another aussie in qld. Presently have a band but after 2 1/2 yrs drama im booked in for revision surgery to a sleeve. Seeing dr victor liew at john Flynn private on gold coast I cant wait to finally be back in control of my life

    Good luck. I am sure you will love your new sleeve as much as we all do. I am on the Gold Coast. If you are local I am happy to catch up.

  17. Hi everyone, it is so fantastic to read so many success's happening. I started exercising 5 weeks ago and have only lost 1.3 kg ... such a struggle, and I am not eating badly.. yes i have had things i shouldnt but in general i am eating better than i ever have in my life, walking/running 6 days a week and feel like i should be loosing more. I am not going to quit cause i know it will all catch up to me but struggling mentally. Anyhow, altogether I have lost 24kg since i started my journey in Oct and know that without the sleeve i would have lost nothing and probably gained. Also, I have been lucky enough to have joined up with someone who had it done 1 week before me and together we have busted our arses working out. Thanks for listening guys and hopefully next update will be way more kg's off.

    It sounds like you are doing a great job. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will teach your goals. Please keep us posted on your progress.

  18. Great night - just the three of us but it was like meeting friends you haven't seen for ages! Thanks girls - good company and good sharing our experiences face to face!

    Yes Sue, it was fun to meet you an Karen. You both look great and I enjoyed our time together on The Glenmore roof. I look forward too seeing you again in future.

  19. you look wonderful Bec - I agree with Kelli - make sure you were it a lot as you will really notice dropping down the sizes now - I made the mistake of buying too many new clothes too soon and now I have nice stuff that is too big! I never thought that I would ever have that complaint! Well done Kelli - you must be at maintenance now - we can catch up on our experiences with that when we meet on the 10th!

    Hi Sue, yes I suppose I am at maintenance although I really would like to lose another 2-4kgs. See you and Aussiegirl on the 10th in Sydney

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